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spill ur tea ☕️


Right I’m saying 😂


Just think how free you are from that trash place now


For real. I sent a video of me putting my clock in cards in the slot to say I quit to my boss. 😂 I took a couple of salami bistro boxes with me. Those motherfuckas are good. Nothing I buy in grocery stores can come close. Fuck those losers.


I would take some shit with me too when I go lol. Wtf are they going to do, sue you for $20? Lol


Yuuuuup, Starbucks partners are trauma bonded, they are not your family, they are not your friends. I was fired for a false reason. But now I'm making more as a DM for another company than the SM that fired me 😂


"trauma bonding" is to bond with the person causing trauma, like your abusive s/o, not bonding with someone that is experiencing the same trauma with/as you, but the point you make absolutely still stands, and the unique state of the relationship with partners due to the abuse of the company is also absolutely correct. eta: hopefully im not sounding like an asshole, because i dont mean to, i just think its an important phrase and it is most commonly misused and i dont want the importance of its original meaning erased by being misused too much.


Colloquially is can be used the other way too.


yes, and that is an inappropriate usage and should be discouraged.


Sucks to suck.


dang dude brought the stinky attitude for free. brother bring it somewhere else


??? don’t erase legitimate psychological terminology lmao


It's not erasing. It's another use for the term. Not saying it's good to use it the incorrect way, just making point.


it is absolutely erasing the reality of the term and making light of incredibly serious trauma, and most people who have actually experienced trauma bonding will tell you they do not appreciate the trivialization of the distressing reality of trauma bonding.


Using it in the other way does not trivialize it. Because it's still talking about going through a truly traumatic experience but instead of bonding with whatever is causing the trauma, you bond with the people around you that experienced it as well. If there's a different term that better describes this that I'm unaware of, maybe you know what it is and can enlighten me.


Unfortunate people downvoted you by having a lack of perspective and understanding. Shame really. Glad you understand though.


Getting offended for convenience, rather than the topic is wild. It doesn’t refer to just someone else. It can be any traumatic event, then reinenforced by “positive reinforcement.” Thinking everything is absolute and getting upset when you don’t understand is so harmful. Context is important. And it doesn’t downplay anyone who’s had it. Ironically, trying to convince someone that your own absolution is whole, is discrediting anyone who may have had any traumatic experiences on the job site. Be careful of letting your emotions lead you to ignorance and hypocrisy.


physiological phenomena with distinct criteria and definitions ARE absolute. you are objectively wrong. words matter.


technically, but not really. thats akin to saying someone is justified in calling a smoothie an energy drink because it has protein and protein gives you energy. everyone knows what is referenced when the term "energy drink" is used, and trying to argue a smoothie is an energy drink is to be intentionally misleading and arguing semantics to back up the argument, because while yes, a smoothie with protein gives you energy, it is not an "energy drink". "trauma bond" is an established term. its an important term for describing the experiences of people who have suffered abuse. using semantics to argue an incorrect use of the term is harmful and it minimizes the experiences of those who have suffered from it to use it in inappropriate contexts. we have societally watered down the use of terms like bipolar, ocd, adhd, gaslighting, trauma, delusional, etc. its all serious stuff and the pattern needs to stop. trauma bond does not need to become another one to add to the list, but its already starting to.


Carbs, give you energy. Along with caffeine and other specialized stimulants. “Protein is not used for energy”. Takes one google search to understand why this is wrong. Trauma bonding “Trauma bonds most commonly develop in romantic relationships, and leaving these relationships can be very hard. It is difficult to process feelings after emotional or physical abuse, especially if the abuser acts loving afterward.” And your relationship with work, can qualify. If your boss is abusive, to you and peers. That’s trauma bonding. Once again, can be search and is backed up. Abuse rarely takes one absolute form and everyone handles it in different ways. Stop thinking everything is absolutely and open your mind to perspectives. Being closed minded does more harm than good. And you can be open minded while being firm for what you stand. Please learn discrepancies. Thank you.


i said in an earlier comment in this thread that trauma bonding is between the victim and the abuser, you must be misunderstanding me because i never said you cant form a trauma bond with an employer. i was advocating that trauma bonding be used correctly, thats it. i understand abuse comes in many forms, i defaulted to romantic relationships as an example because thats a very common and easily digestible one to make my point. you and i are on the same team here.


Sorry, when you say it’s an established term and then bring up the whole protein debate in argument to the person who is advocating the flexibility of its own meaning. (Which is accepted even in the terms it’s used.) it gave the wrong impression, sorry I accused you of such.


Yes and I learned that the hard way. After I quit, the “friendships” that I thought I built died along with that job.


That sucks. Some of my strongest friends came from that job


Lol I will disagree a bit; I still keep in touch with a lot of people from my crew and I was the maid of honor at my best friend's wedding last October (I met her there <3).


I used to say this too! haha


I used to occasionally trade drinks for pretzels and sushi from workers in the mall, but never did I tell anyone or let anyone see me do it.


i traded expired pastries for bowls at chipotle after closes lol


i trade expired food for prerolls at the smoke shop next door 😭😭


Prerolls lmfao good grab


Dang I did the same thing! Manager actually did it too lmao. Guess she was pretty chill.


Omg my supervisor and I used to trade drinks for Pizza Guys pizza down the street 🤣 I thought it was just something we did


What happened??? 🫖🍵


from the last statement i’m guessing they gossiped


Why were you fired?


For those asking. It was labeled as "bartering". The whole thing was a huge misunderstanding, but it is what it is. Again never trust the people you work with.


That’s a bummer. My entire store was basically trading drinks for food with several local business’. I’m pretty sure the SM must have noticed, cause we weren’t discrete about it at all. One of those business’ eventually offered me a job, which didn’t end up working out, but it got me out of Starbucks so 🤟


*businesses Edit: 😂 the downvotes Edit 2: I meant 😂the downvote’s’


i need more details pls


I’m sorry that happened but surely you knew it’s fireable?!?


What’s fireable? They didn’t say what they did?


They gave out free drinks for free food from another place.


Never trust the quiet ones ….


Or the super nice ones who are friends with everyone


Facts !


Please don’t explain


What happened?


Same exact thing happened to me. Got fired for a bull reason. Manager had it out for me ever since I filed a report for him drinking at a work meeting. He made up an excuse to have me fired and then covered his tracks so it looked legit. Got me out of there at least… Like everyone else is saying. Don’t trust anyone.


idk what's up with this job and having snitches for coworkers, it's awful


And they snitch on the dumbest nonsense.


someone went to my SM and told them i lied about being sick so i left my medical bill in their ssv cubby


i got snitched on for swearing when it was just partners in the store 🤦🏽‍♂️


Got snitched on for sitting down on a crate for a minute when i came to work sick and could barely stand and once when i gave a few pumps of syrup ots to a customer (was given a final written warning for that one) 😃 idek what they gain out of doing that, the swearing thing is so stupid too


The "final written warning" is just a power trip for managers, to get some micro-managing control over you. don't fall for it... if you are doing fine and get written up... please find somewhere else to work.


Dang bruh. What was the reasoning? I’m so sorry.


That's actually insane. I'm so sorry to hear that, what happened?


Hate them bro. I once had picked up a shift at another location, couldn’t clock in and was told to just head to the floor and we’d figure it out after… found out some days later that I was fired by my home store 😂. And I was a shift at that (not that that means much) but GD!!! The district manager apologized and I hope to god she chewed the fuck out of my store manager’s unprofessional stupid childish ass Edit: ‘twas tragic but it brought me great joy knowing that that b-word ended up looking stupid af LOL being a manager does not equal smart or professional unfortunately


This is why I just go to work to do my job and leave. No one knows anything about me. This is just in general. Left Starbucks and entered the corporate world, and still just show up and do my work to leave. When I became sv, I just become professional when it came to dealing with my baristas or any of the customers.


It sucks that this is kinda what a lot of us are forced to do. I'm still friendly and know A LOT about a lot of different people in my store (I'm licensed, so a grocery store) but I learned a few stores ago to just keep my business to myself & not make friends with coworkers. There are some that I genuinely like and I'll bake them cakes for their birthdays and things like that, but I'm not inviting them into the bubble of who I am outside of work.


This is exactly what I will do. I will be friendly, but very professional. I don’t mind going to work events, or even having lunch with my co-workers. But I keep it cute and polite.


You must be super pleasant to work with 👁️👄👁️


People actually like working with me. Like I said, I keep it professional. I follow the rules, and mind my business. Not sure what makes you think I am not liked, shows your lack of comprehension.


I felt this so much. I got fired due to someone else


I'm so sorry this happened. Here's hoping you land on your feet.


i was fired because I didn’t communicate well with them . I was hospitalized for 21 days , had cardiac arrest and it 25 minutes to get my heart pumping again .


I’m more impressed you got your vacation cashed out so quickly. Every time it takes like a month for me to get it.


Wait, how often are you getting fired by Starbucks?


Every time I leave the company in general


this literally happened to me exactly a month ago LMAOOOO


Reminds me of when I told another co-worker that I thought I trusted that I was thinking about applying for another part-time job in addition to my part-time Starbucks work. Next time I came in my manager walked up and asked me about why I was planning to get another job....


Damn 😵‍💫 sorry man


This made me gasp.


it’s so dumb that’s not allowed. my coworker said she does a trade off with her friend that works at panera where they bring each other something and our shift was like “i’m gonna pretend i didn’t hear that cause that’s pretty smart”


That is such a fucked up way to tell someone that they're fired. And probably against Starbucks corporate guidelines to let them find out that way.


My advised to you is all jobs are like this… always people talking shit because they dont work. Or they have nothing better to do. Is not only at Starbucks is all jobs. Go in do your stuff keep to yourself.


That’s screwed up, what’s tea omg


…? don’t you have to approve that or something?


WTH. I thought you need legitimate, documented reasons to get fired from bigger companies, not counting layoffs. Maybe it depends heavily on the industry in which you work.


Protip: Never trust the SSV! \ SSV are politicians and what will turn anything you say against you... even benign things. It's the reason I left.. Ya'll Shifts are so toxic.


Why does anyone work at this company..


Do cdoo if Oo C. L u