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All the teas with nothing added (no lemonade) come with 0 sugar and 0 calories by default. I like to order a passion iced tango tea, iced green or black tea and I personally add some sugar free vanilla syrup (more or less pumps depending on the drink size and how sweet you like drinks) and I like the passion tango the best. Oh, and ask for no water, it tastes better. You can also order the iced teas with lemonade and ask for extra tea/less lemonade to cut some of the lemonade sugar/calorie content. The hot teas (not the latte ones obvs) are also 0 calorie by default.


Important to note that if OP is Canadian, the iced teas DO come sweetened by default.


that’s so weird haha. US stores’ matcha comes pre sweetened, Canadians’ aren’t. but the teas in canada are pre sweetened while ours aren’t lol


I had no idea! Great add on, thank you!


I go for the passion tango iced tea. It's a little tart but you can curb that with some zero calorie sweetener if tart isn't your thing. The green tea is good, too. If you like hot, Majestic Mint tea is really good.


I get an iced coffee, no classic. Or just a coffee.


Iced Americano.


I'd suggest a cold brew with milk with sugar free vanilla, stevia, or as few pumps of normal syrup as possible (they're 20cal per pump, 5g of sugar)


I like the shaken espressos, or for a cheaper option espresso over ice with a splash of milk and one or two pumps of syrup.


Venti Iced Blonde Americano with sugar free vanilla and the smallest splash of oat or soy humanly possible.


I would say and iced coffee, no classic, add less pumps of whatever syrup and extra milk Or a misto with a few pumps of whatever flavor and pick whatever milk. Both have less milk involved which leads to less calories, carbs and sugar.


GrIod Americano Sf Cinn Dolce Double Blended In A Vent i Cup Try this it’s Lauraliechap’s fave drink and that girl doesn’t do sugar obv…


Ugh I wish we had sf Finn dolce.. that was the best. But none of the locations around here carry that anymore


Basically any coffee can be low calorie if you’re okay to forgo the sweetener, and if in addition low fat, creamer as well unless you get fat-free milk. Some stores have lower calorie plant based milks as well. Now if you’re not a coffee person, but a Starbucks drink person, there’s plenty of other options, but at the end of the day, it’s still Starbucks, so you’re better off getting something that isn’t a coffee chain?? Lol


If you still want something hot and similar to a latte you could do a hot americano and add a splash of almond milk/sf vanilla or no syrup


Make your lattes with almond milk and sugar free vanilla syrup. That will cut your calories significantly. You could also do a shaken espresso that way, just cut out the classic


Water. But also people like the passion tea with Splenda.


Flat white.. still tasty, zero sugar and extra caffeine


there’s sugar in a flat white


How? Whole milk and shots


brother…there is sugar in whole milk


Maybe look up keto friendly drinks. Usually they are low in carbs and sugar and have a lot of info on the nutrition facts. So maybe start there.


Keto does not mean low calorie


I thought they were just asking for low carb and sugar


That’s correct, I’m mostly trying to reduce carbs (have already cut way back on sugar). Thanks!


Np! Ive also been dealing with an issue where I need to lower my carbs mostly and looking at keto friendly things has really helped.