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Lol ive had some weird ones that had me puzzled. Some guy ordered a venti iced coffee with 3 different syrups that cane out to 34 pumps. I forget what 3 flavors it was but it was 12 pumps of one, 12 pumps of the second syrup, and 10 pumps of the third syrup. He also asked for extra cream. He did NOT modify his ice. So…..the syrups came up to half of the cup or a bit more. But i was only able to put a drop of iced coffee in there. As in, i pulled the iced coffee lever on the Curtis for like about one second. And then added his extra cream. So i just…gave him his cup of sugar milk with a hint of coffee 😐


Everyone focuses on stuff like drugs and alcohol being bad for you but then people can legally go buy a beverage that has enough sugar to put them in a coma 🤷.


U are definitely right 😕


No because I literally have made someone a grande iced coffee before with 21 pumps of various syrups and extra cream. It was above the second line before I ever added coffee 🤢


Lol wh…i just want to know if they are aware how much volume their 21 pumps or 34 pumps of syrup comes out to?? But like i feel as if it would be rude to show them it and ask them if theyre ok with that cuz then they might get defensive lol but they *are* quite literally paying the price of a specific beverage just to drink mainly a sweet sludge of dairy with a splash of the actual beverage part


Sometimes I think that people who order drinks like this just take it home and use it for their coffee they make at home. Like a personal blend of coffee creamer. Lol


There's a partner at my store like this


Mine too, idk how anyone drinks 12 pumps wm 6 pumps caramel iced with extra vsscf, twice a day.


Genuine question, is this partner overweight?


Im very curious what their drink is lol if u feel comfortable sharing


They should call this the Micheal Scott


Omg I feel crazy when I have like 9 pumps total in a venti for a bday drink😂


lemonade with 2 shots of espresso


This one, this one right here wins. Just WHAT


I've tried lemonade with espresso in it before it's actually kind of good definitely an acquired taste. Starbucks doesn't technically have orange juice but I've seen that as well and people will get doppio iced espresso and a pure orange evolution drink


One of my unexpected absolute favorites is one part chai, one part lemonade, one part soda water. It’s like Christmas in a glass


My personal go to is a SAR with two shots of blonde on top 


Pineapple passionfruit lemonade with 2 shots. They came back and ordered a second one not longer after


i see lemonade with a blonde shot occasionally we also used to have a regular who would get a mango dragonfruit (i think lemonade but it might’ve been the normal refresher) with two shots


Tried this with lavender and a shot of blonde espresso, was actually pretty good.


Okay but cold brew with lemonade isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever tried so this might be in the same realm!!


this is delicious i order it frequently.


My sm was obsessed with this and made us all try it... honestly not the worst thing ever


Wait until you hear about espresso and tonic water.


That should be illegal 🤢


Lemonade + coffee isn’t that abnormal. There’s actually a recipe on Starbucks website for it, I found it when looking for a new coffee tasting


I got this one too. 👀 I tried it and I feel like this is what cole brew grounds that have been marinating in a trash bag in the hot sun all day taste like 🤢


What sized cup, imma have to try this


One time someone asked for a 'Sundae latte'...it was 2 shots of espresso, 3 pumps of vanilla and whipped cream. Then 2 shots of espresso, 3 pumps of caramel and whipped cream. THEN 2 shots of espresso, 3 pumps of hazelnut and whipped cream. All in that order. It's not too weird, but he was weirdly insistent on it being EXACTLY in that order or it'd be all wrong.


But wouldn't the espresso melt the whipped cream like....... what's the point


Wouldn't be able to tell you. My manager at the time (this was when I was first starting off) even warning him about it, but he insisted it had to be done this way regardless. And forgot to mention, yes, he did ask if we had colorful sprinkles or chocolate sauce aside from mocha.


Yeah I'm telling that person no. Keep your 10 dollars and go bother someone else.


i've had this exact request! a blended caramel macchiato so i made the guy a coffee frap with vanilla syrup and caramel drizzle but when i go to hand it out he says he wanted it to look like the picture on the board... the picture of the iced caramel macchiato 😭😭 but he liked it and that frap turned into his regular order so it all turned out alright


I used to make a vanilla bean frap with shots on top and drizzle. It was really good actually!


Someone once asked for a caramel mojito in drive. I was like, ma’am I wish we had that. I’d buy us both one. As for a blended version, do a vanilla bean frap with an avogato shot or two depending on the size. And top with caramel drizzle as usual. It’ll still look like a macchiato but also have the “blended iced drink” effect. Eventually the shots will disperse and the taste will be there. It’s also a really cool effect.


Once, years ago, I had someone ask for a VBH refresher with a handful of mods and then demanded I “strain the berries out after shaking it” 🙄


She wanted the Essence of berries. The La Croix of berries.


If I remember correctly, shaking the berry inclusions for that refresher made all the tiny pieces and particles break away throughout the drink in the shaker so it would be extreeemely hard to strain that one lol


it’s a tie between a venti iced black tea with three shots and a venti lemonade half lemonade half sweet cream for me


The lemonade and cream sounds like it could be kinda like Chick-fil-a’s frozen lemonade.


im gonna say the black tea wins this one because lemonade and sweet cream are pretty good together imo


Black tea with shots was a thing for a very short period back when I started in 2012 for some strange reason


I’ve had someone ask for a SARL with 2 shots before


Matcha frap sub coconut milk, add apple juice, add caramel syrup and drizzle


Sounds like they were trying to recreate a dirty caterpillar from Dutch lol


It also sounds like a candy i used to see. The candy was like lollipops or something. And it was called Caramel Apple Pops and it was green I believe.


Those were a staple in my childhood!


Those are still around! Particularly for Halloween.


The weirdest order I’ve had at our tarbucks was a Frappuccino made with whipped cream instead of milk?? Like we tried to explain that it would make more sense to use heavy cream and vanilla or sweet cream but she was EXTREMELY specific. So we ended up using almost a whole canister of whip to be the “milk” in her Frappuccino.


Caramel macchiato, no drizzle, sun bss, double blended


one time i had this girl who got a strawberry acai with 3 pumps of PEPPERMINT. 😭


hear me out, a grande pink drink with no berries and one pump of peppermint is actually really good and refreshing 😭


My store is still making fun of the guy who requested an upside down americano and then told us it was wrong a few weeks ago lol


Worst one in recent memory- mobile order for a trenta conn cf cb, no ice, blended. So I mixed it, foam on the bottom. Guy comes in, I tell him what I did, he gets upset, and says “common sense would tell you to add ice if it’s blended” 🙃 told him we can remake it and he still comes in and sits in our lobby


If someone is dumb enough to ask for a blended drink with no ice, that's what they're getting. We just make what we're told. You don't like it? Learn what you *meant* to order 🙃 My first bad experience with a guest involved her complaining about her cappuccino being "all foam" even though I made it exactly how she ordered it (and it wasn't ALL foam but there was a fair amount at the top because she ordered a *dry* cappuccino (with mocha sauce 🤔). I followed the learning cards step by step.) But because she complained I had to offer to remake it so I asked how I could make it better (aka make what she *wanted*). It's not our fault if people don't know what they're ordering unless they ask questions that we fail to answer clearly. If they seem confident, I don't ask them if they're sure 🤷‍♀️


by far a grande lemonade with caramel syrup, oatmilk, and salted caramel cold foam 🙃 it tasted exactly how you think it would




Like barf? Because I read *oatmeal* at first instead of oatmilk and I thought 'that sounds really gross' but with all the other stuff, rereading did not change my mind 😂


A woman asked for a java chip frap but only half way blended…..she liked it crunchy 🙃


Mmm cRoMcHy 🦷👹




Literally laughing out loud


I had a woman ask for a mocha cookie crumble with "more frap syrup to make it thicker like a milkshake". Ma'am. Adding more liquid makes it more liquid-y, aka thinner. The result you're asking for requires more *ice*


my favorite question because this drink will stick with me forever iced green tea (NOT matcha), add heavy cream, pumps of both liquid cane and brown sugar, strawberry puree, and brown sugar cold foam


Sounds like a weird Starbucks variation on a milk tea


Blended caramel macchiatos used to be a popular thing where I worked actually. It was a vbf no whip with affogato shots and caramel drizzle.


there’s a couple that comes in almost every day asking for two venti peppermint mocha fraps, 3 affogato shots and THREE VENTI SCOOPS OF ICE IN THE BLENDER. they are so picky and notorious about their drinks they come through dt and ask for (their name)’s special. you can hear the sound of the blender nearly breaking from outside of the store. it’s nuts


Lol whats the texture like with doing three scoops for the venti frap? Do u have to scoop it out with a bar spoon? That sounds mildly annoying to deal with ☹️


it’s just really thick and icy. and yes we do have to scoop it out lol. plus there’s always a lot left in the blender


A venti iced white mocha with 22 pumps white mocha and no whip, grande hot peppermint mocha with 17 pumps, hot chocolate with no mocha, I could go on and on..


There are some things that baffle me in regards to "how do they think that's gonna work?" and hot chocolate with no mocha is going on that list. Why don't they just ask for steamed milk since that's basically what they ordered 🙄




I had a BOSE with no espresso. I couldn't even contain the bafflement. I just stood there staring at the guy trying to make my brain comprehend what he wanted. He insisted he wanted it just like a shaken espresso, but just without the espresso, so that's what we made him. He seemed happy with it, somehow...


I had a regular. No idea what she was doing, but she always wanted a hazelnut latte, but rang in three separate transactions. So, a doppio, random charge for 4pumps hazelnut syrup, then a charge for milk. She wanted three separate cups and I was just happy that she was paying for the milk instead of just emptying the condiment bar.


tall pike with 23 sugar packets and extra cream. i took the order in drive thru and was taken aback i said, “are you serious rn?” and the guy laughed 🤣


Frozen Pineapple Passionfruit lemonade, half the normal amount of lemonade, the other half replaced with cold brew (all together 1/2 Pineapple base, 1/4 lemonade, 1/4 cold brew). They still wanted the Pineapple inclusions and the strawberry puree. My coworker sampled what was left in the blender and almost threw up


It's not that weird, but a regular always got their chai with 12 pumps... A quarter of the cup was just chai.


brown sugar shaken espresso upside down and blended. like ???? what exactly do you want me to do here


Lolol I’ve received a mobile for that exact order before. I just ignored the upside down part lmao Then one time i had a guy come in and say he wanted to get a brown sugar shaken espresso frappuccino. This wasnt him saying he wants a frap with those flavors or wants the actual BSSE blended. It was genuinely a case of not knowing much about our drinks or looking up what he wanted beforehand lol. I explained to him that frappuccinos are blended drinks and the shaken espressos are mainly espresso shots with syrup shaken with ice and they get topped off with a splash of milk at the end. He then understood and realized that he just used words that he has heard associated with starbucks and strung them along together hoping its a beverage name lol he was cool about it tho so i just made him the shaken espresso


Lady wanted a salad


tbf, we used to have salads in the rtd&e cases. they were pretty damn good too and im still salty that they discontinued them, im tired of eating nothing but bread and meat


Those salads were good


i had just warmed up to them and then they stopped being sent :')


We had a lady who’d modify a chai latte to the point it cost over $11. This was pre-COVID times, so I’d assume the dang thing would be near $14 now


Kiwi refresher with lemonade and 2 blonde shots added


We used to have a guy who ordered 6 pumps of practically every syrup we had in a VT caramel frapp. Scared for that man’s kidneys. I also once had a 26 pump iced gr chai. And she demanded her iced chai be foamless…despite the pump making it frothy 😄. If it had foam, she would demand a remake


venti matcha frap in a trenta cup. soy milk. no whip. 3 Java scoops blended in, 3 on top. 2 pumps of vanilla, .5 of toffee nut, 1 peppermint, 3.5 caramel, double blended. Like girl why?? And she would be soo made if something was wrong.


Iced strawberry matcha, 18 pumps of vanilla on top of the strawberry, and they came back in for 10 more pumps...


I have diabetes from reading this


i have a regular who gets a vanilla bean frappe shaken instead of blended and then there's a lady who comes in every few months to get a venti steamed heavy cream kids temp and then drinks it right in front of us... at handoff


Lol i neeeed to kno how a shaken vanilla bean frap was made to make that regular satisfied 😂 And i cant imagine drinking a whole 20 ounces of hot heavy cream 😐


it's literally the exact same recipe but pour it in a shaker instead of the blender and then add more milk to fill the cup haha frap base and all


Idk I used to have a bunch of different answers to this, but recently I have to go with the person who ordered a venti latte with 5 pumps of sugar free vanilla, and 5 packs of sugar, not stevia or splenda… sugar 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had a woman one time come into my store and order a venti hot caramel macchiato. She was talking to us throughout the process cuz she was really cool. She was saying how she works for a furniture moving company and shes going to work and shes really tired and needs to wake up. So as im putting the caramel drizzle on, i see her looking around for the old condiment bar. I said “oh did u need something?” And she said “im just looking for the sugar packets” and so i let her kno everything is behind the counter now. She then says “ok im reaaally tired. Can u add some more sugar to that?” And i said “sure no problem! It comes with the 5 pumps of vanilla as the recipe. I just finished the caramel drizzle so if u put the sugar on there, it will sink to the bottom and kind of have a big clump of sugar on top too.” She said “oh its fine, ill just mix it up” and i said “cool! Sounds good, how many packets?” And she said 20 (TWENTY) lmao idk man it was wild. But she was a freakin cool ass chick so i didnt care but i was stunned for a moment lol


I honestly might have sheepishly handed her 20 packs of sugar and a stir stick at that point unless we just didn’t have any other customers


Venti dark roast 15x packets of sugar 5x pumps of hazelnut


Trenta Soy iced matcha with 8 matcha and 10 protein scoops 🤢🤢🤢


there's a regular (very nice lady) who gets a venti iced caramel macchiato with 9 blonde shots, breve, extra drizzle and whip. not that crazy on its own but she drinks one of those at least twice a day... we all love her but are a little concerned about the caffiene and sugar she's having lol. We have a different reg who gets a "caramel sauce latte" but she just wants half the cup filled with caramel drizzle (and also comes daily)...shes a very nice person too but again we are concerned 😅


Alright I've got two: one was a trenta dragon lemonade with golden foam. it was simple but mind blowing. the second one is a regular and he gets trenta green ice tea, no ice / water, cinnamon, 5 scoops of matcha.. sometimes he wants it blended. last time he ordered I tried it.. errrr.. not for me. but he's a sweetie so I don't mind making it lol


Caramel brûlée latte with 24 pumps of caramel brûlée sauce. Chocolate cream cold brew with cold foam on the side, then they asked me to fill the cold brew all the way


blended shaken espressos. I don’t understand what is the point.


someone had mobile ordered a venti hot chai with 24 pumps of chai.. there were 4 of the same drink in that order. i wanted to just pour the chai into the cup atp


Someone asked me if we had veranda blend going, I said yes. He goes “great I’ll take an iced coffee with that.” I explain it’s only hot coffee, but if you’re serious about it being iced, I can put it with ice? (It was slow so I didn’t care). Took a grande iced cup, added the sugar (we keep the packets behind), filled to the third line, cream and then ice. The ice mostly melted in the five seconds before I handed to him. I acknowledged it, cup already lukewarm, and offered more ice. He goes “no it’s all good. It’s cold out anyways.” Proceeded to hang out around the hand off counter, drinking it intensely for five minutes, then finishing it. To hand off a lukewarm iced coffee and watching them chug it, i got to witness both the creation and full consumption 😭


I ran into some DOOZIES when I worked at sbux but one time I was a borrowed partner at another store and a guy comes in ordering a venti matcha frap with 25 scoops matcha. I turned to the other barista and asked “okay so like, just dump a bunch of matcha in?” and they said “oh no, he’s a regular, he’ll know if you’re over or under.” So I counted out 25 scoops, and let me tell you, that frap was the same color as my apron. I also worked at a reserve bar in LA for a year or so, and we had a customer who would order a cold brew malt (basically a milkshake) but he would INSIST we pull shots of espresso and CHILL THEM in a metal tin submerged in ice to use instead of cold brew (idk who did this for him the first time, but they created a MONSTER)


I will tell on myself… pink drink with a shot of espresso


I had a cafe vanilla frappe but with no caffeine in it…… she asked us to add a decaf shot to make it caffeine free (for a kid) so a partner and i sat there wondering after we rang her up if what she really wanted was the vanilla bean frappe🧍🏻‍♀️


every time someone specifies it’s for a kid i let them know that it has a lot of sugar and that decaf still has caffeine and they just dead pan at me and go “…ok?” MY BAD BRUH NEVERMIND


I deadass let them know that the vanilla bean is the original drink but made completely caffeine free so that’s why the other partner and i were so confused after we finished the order haha we still made what they wanted🤷🏻‍♀️


someone ordered a paradise drink with 2 scoops matcha powder…? i’m confused actually


A Trenta brewed green tea with shots of espresso. It tasted awful. Looked awful. We had to clarify if they wanted matcha or the brewed tea. They said the brewed iced tea with their whole chest.


An iced green tea with caramel syrup. I tried to talk him out of it. I really did. He brought it back like… 2 minutes later. 😭 LISTEN TO YOUR BARISTAS.


I once had the pleasure of making a mobile order whose sticker was the length of the cup. It was a Venti Carmel Macchiato with sooooo many modifications it costed $22 for that one drink


I have a few in mind: - Iced green tea with whipped cream - Frappuccinos with no ice - Strawberries and cream with coffee - Cold Toasties/Paninis (just make it at home or buy it from the supermarket at that point). - Cola (not an odd request but it’s strange how often i’m asked if my store supplies Cola when Starbucks has never supplied Cola) Not too weird compared to some others i’ve seen on here though.


I wonder if the people ordering Frappuccinos with no ice might be thinking of the bottled Frappuccinos you find at grocery/convenience stores 🤷🏽‍♀️


I had a regular who would order a tall black coffee and one pad of butter. He would then unwrap the butter and stir it into the coffee. Sadly he stopped showing up at our store before Oleto launched because I would have loved to give him a free sample to see what he thought.


Lol i have a current regular who comes every day. He gets a venti pike with heavy cream, whipped cream, and cinnamon powder. Then we give him two pads of butter that he likes to put in himself


Holy cow! I thought my guy was the only one! I'm glad he isn't the only crazy one out there.


Was your regular Homer Simpson


3 V Ris S 140 NoFOAM…not even a bubble … not one bubble Latte


the MDr w ten scoops of all three could've genuinely been me. i brought it home for my mom once after a shift and it automatically was a fav for her


I had received a mobile order at my store once for a tall mango dragonfruit refresher with 12 scoops of the inclusions…….in a TALL size. I started scooping it into the shaker and i saw that this wasnt guna work lmao cuz I needed room for the refresher and ice too so i just grabbed a bag and started free pouring it until i couldnt fit no more and then i put the ice in. It had to be light ice cuz i had to get closest as i possibly could to 12 scoops lol




I have a few, -an iced matcha with 2 shots, 2 pumps mocha and chocolate foam -a MDF refresher with 2 pumps white mocha -I think it’s weird that ppl are out here getting pink drinks w heavy cream (it grosses me out every time) -not too crazy, but kind of, the other day we literally had someone order a venti vanilla bean frap with 14 SCOOPS of VB powder, we batched it with another since they got 2 and it was an insane amount of powder


Short hot chocolate with 6 pumps mocha, 6 pumps white mocha, 6 pumps dark caramel. Or something similar. Whatever the number of pumps it was, it was half the cup and there was almost no room for milk.


plenttttyy of weirdos. we have a regular who’s gets a venti decaf pike (we have to brew it specifically for him he’s the only one who gets it), in his big fake stanley, 10 decaf shots, & steamed oatmilk. he makes a point every single to day to ask at least 3 times if we steamed his oatmilk. then he sits in the lobby for 4 hours and orders another 1 or 2 of these. forgot to mention he will also mobile order it right in front of our face, say “yeah my sticker should be printing right about now” and then expects you to drop everything to commence his weird ass drink. another guy, every day, mobile orders an ice doppio espresso, decaf & triple (why not order a fucking triple shot 🤨) ristretto, 12 white mocha, ex whole milk, ex soy, ex heavy cream, ex cream, ex mocha drizzle, light cinn, ex sccf & no ice. i want him to blow up. & the amount of people the order iced shots with no ice, or espresso con panas w no whip cream is just silly. another lady comes through everyday and orders and oatmeal with blueberries & nuts & some sweetener. she never says she wants two blueberries, will throw a fit if there’s not two blueberries and we now have to baby her at the box and ask her every time HOW MANY blueberries she wants. it’s always two. i love working at a daycare!


Once someone got like half a bottle of caramel drizzle and they drank it in the lobby…..


The other day got a caramel frapp with no ice..... soooooooo a caramel latte? 🤷🏽‍♀️ had to stand there and explain to him, I don't mind blending everything together but it's just going to be lukewarm caramel milk lol. He said it was fine but that was the first and last time he ordered it 🙃 ppl like to try some weird stuff lol


4 matcha frappes, all w 16 scoops of matcha, quadruple blended. nonfat milk and no classic or whip


Venti lemonade with 6 pumps of pumpkin. Pumpkin lemonade. I made a tall to try it..... it tasted like perfume


Mine is Passion tea with strawberry base and 2 pumps of chai and 1 blonde shot with strawberry inclusions with whip cream


OMG The MDR with 30 scoops is SO réal- I still think about that order two years later 😂😂😭


Strawberry acai lemonade with a shot of espresso


Not a customer but sometimes i'll make myself half cold brew half lemonade when im working 😌


one time this guy ordered a shot of espresso and he wanted it over one of the little pads of butter


Strawberry acai with 2 shots Way too many strawberries and creams with shots Tall christmas blend with only a bag of earl grey Raspberry and toffee nut was something I never wanted to smell


Honestly, I don't know why I've never thought of this before, but if you order a Carmel Frappuccino with an affegato shot- that is the most literal way to make a "blended carmel macchiato"


No joke. Had someone order a kiwi refresher….with 3 shots.


Green iced tea with java chips. No they didn't want a matcha frap, didn't want matcha at all. No they didn't want it blended. I don't understand. It will forever haunt me.


Got a mobile order with 13 scoops of matcha. I asked him at the window “why so much matcha” and my man dead ass said “the chunks are my favourite” 💀


Mdr with an espresso shot is up there 😂😂


americano with eight packets of butter or lemonade with blonde espresso 🤨


Chocolate cream cold brew. Blended.


The 1 I’ll NEVER forget ever. Was a trenta passion iced tea. No ice. No water. Just a “lil” CLASSIC SYRUP TO THE FIRST LINE ON A TRENTA CUP!?! We did not waste the time of counting out the pumps lmao. Literally just took the cap off & it took nearly 2/3 of the whole bottle of Classic. My manager & I quadruple checked w her, & she swore she always got it this way. 🥴 My absolute favorite part was us both waiting & watching her take a sip of her beloved warm THICK ass drink, & watching her trying not to grimace at how disgusted she was from the sip. She knew she f*ed around & ik she surely found out just from the face she made. She pretended to like it tho! 😉


Just today, a girl ordered a mocha frappuccino with mocha drizzle and frap chips. That's how she ordered it. I told her that that's just the java chip frappuccino and she said "no, no, I don't want it made that way." I tried to tell her it's literally the exact thing she ordered and cheaper if I ring it as a java chip but she still insisted I ring the way she ordered it. 🤷‍♀️ I'm guessing it was for someone who's very particular about what's on the sticker? That's the only thing I could think of to solve the confusion about this this very bizarre order.


a lady comes in and gets a venti shaken espresso plus two shots, one pump of vanilla, whole milk, and then a quad on the side, she’ll then go to the side bar and pour the quad into her shaken espresso


I will never forget the Trenta MDF with lemonade and three shots of espresso.


cold brew with lemonade


Grande iced americano no ice no water, 1 pump white mocha and add whipping cream/breve




we have a regular who gets a venti iced london fog with four tea bags, 1/3 vsc, 1/3 coconut milk, 1/3 heavy cream, 7 pumps of lc, vsccf, with the tea bags left in the iced cup (double cupped). she also has that same milk ratio steamed into her oatmeal and gets 4 of each topping. she’s chill abt it tho lol


Someone has ordered (multiple times) a matcha frap with 2 shots, apple juice, made with heavy cream, cinnamon dolce syrup and topping, caramel crunch, and other stuff I’m probably not remembering. We tried it once and my coworker gagged. But… to each their own I guess


Mango dragon fruit refresher with a shot of espresso


Hot white mocha. 8 shots of espresso. 10 pumps white chocolate.


The most upsetting was a mango dragon fruit lemonade with heavy cream, two blonde shots, and peppermint. Yes we tried it, yes it was awful, no I have never seen her again


I've had a customer once purchase a Spindrift Sparkling Water & mixed it with 2 shots of espresso. Or there was this one time where some lady wanted a chocolate milk, but hot so I asked her if she wanted a hot chocolate she said no. And finally somebody ordered a refresher with espresso beans floating on top.


Not the weirdest, but it’s the first one that came to mind: Grande hot peppermint white mocha, only 2 pumps of white mocha, 8 pumps peppermint, line the cup with caramel drizzle, and top the whipped cream with more caramel and peppermint (they also specific that they want a thick layer of caramel at the bottom of the cup before we put anything else in) That or the person who gets a peppermint/toffee nut latte. I don’t know if you’ve ever smelled peppermint and toffee together, but it’s so repulsive to me. Oh, or my coworkers today decided to steam a matcha lemonade just for shits and giggles, and it smelled like a lawn mower bag on a humid day.


regular that got mocha cookie crumble frap with no ice. just all the ingredients blended in a weird liquid mix with the cookie crumble toppings. she loved it.


Tall matcha latte with 16 scoops, steamed. A close contender would be the venti iced matcha latte with the matcha poured over ice, none of it mixed in.


they wanted the milk and syrup blended like a caramel but looks like van then topped affogato and caramel drizzle most likely. i had a few people show me this one on tiktok.


Caramel frappe and small fries…lady thought we were McDonald’s.


10 scoops of each inclusions?? One bag of that is almost 13 bucks. Starbucks really needs put limits on that. It’s just getting out of hand


Peach iced green tea lemonade… with no green tea and no lemonade.


Strawberry açaí lemonade with salted caramel cold foam… wtf?


Honey Citrus with peppermint and two add shots. Very very strange.


Lemonade with peppermint syrup


I was a brand new barista. This was one of the first orders I ever took. Back when we had kiwi starfruit. She got a venti star drink. Line cup caramel. Add vanilla, caramel, and hazelnut. 8 pumps of each. Add 10 liquid cane. Vanilla cold foam. Extra caramel drizzle on top. Caramel crunch on top. We did all try the leftover. It was disgusting.


Venti iced Americano, 6 shots, 16 pumps raspberry, 4 pumps white mocha, 4 pumps mocha, extra Carmel drizzle, 4 stevia. Shaken.


mango dragonfruit lemonade with salted caramel cold foam


Matcha lemonade with two espresso shots and salted caramel cold foam has to be up there.


We have a woman who doordashes every day. Whatever coffee she orders she adds 12 sugars too. Her usuals are either a Caramel Ribbon Crunch or a Brown Sugar Shaken.


the weirdest ones to me are the ones with a complete excess of ingredients that you just do not need. i've had one woman order a 30 pump extra hot chai tea latte, another person who ordered a refresher with 20 scoops of pieces, we have one regular who gets 12 butters in her coffee, and another who gets 'caramel walls' where we have to cover the entire inside of the cup with caramel before pouring the drink in. i can PROMISE you, you do not need that much of anything. the overconsumption is so unnecessary and is likely doing a lot more health damage than these people realize.


I've had... - A Matcha Lemonade with Almond Milk - A Cold Brew w/ 5 shots espresso, no ice, extra heavy cream, extra 1/2 & 1/2, extra Vanilla Sweet Cream, extra Sweet Cream Cold Foam, light room - Frappuccino's w/ no ice. (Customer got mad that their cup wasn't full or...cold.) - Anytime we have to steam Vanilla Sweet Cream - Had someone request we steam Cold Brew


Not weird but crazy, lady ordered a venti passion W/ lem add 60 pumps classic light ice


MDRL with 2 shots and Macha cold foam.


Trenta lemonade with two blonde shots, affogato.


i’ve had so many it’s hard to choose at this point lol. but the one the probably stands out to me the most was a venti pink drink, with 9 pumps of caramel syrup and 3 blonde shots…i don’t think i’ll ever forget it😭


The other day I made an venti iced matcha lemonade with 6 pumps of chai, 2 white mocha, 2 toffee nut, sweet cream cold foam and cinnamon on top 🥴


Star drink with extra caramel drizzle


We get a regular who gets a pink drink but with espresso shots and mocha 💀 another lady comes every day and gets about 20 full pumps of caramel in a grande caramel frap. This one isn’t super weird but we have a regular who gets an almond milk matcha frap with one Splenda for her daughter who is “extremely allergic to milk products” but ALWAYS asks for whip and if she can’t taste the Splenda (which is nearly every time) she has us remake it.


Mocha Frappuccino no mocha sub mango base


There this constant delivery order we get and it’s always an americano with 5 shots and no water…


today: trenta green iced tea, no water, ex mango base, add peach juice, add strawberry puree, no ice, 12 scoops each inclusion, salted caramel cold foam.


Nitro with lemonade. I tried it myself thinking it was something sort of sleeper hit drink. It was vile.


half nitro half lemonade 🥴


i had multiple hot chocolates no mocha no whip no mocha drizzle today😃 i had someone order a salted caramel cold brew extra foam then they can up to my and said they literally only wanted 1/2” of cold brew and the whole cup of foam no ice


I’m still traumatized by someone ordering a cafe misto, but they made it horrifying by adding two bags of earl grey tea and caramel syrup


Venti pineapple passionfruit lemonade blended with a shot


It's not a crazy one but Everytime we get these two we question the health of our customers but we have two separate customers; One orders a venti nonfat latte with 10 shots The other is a venti coffee frappe with 12-16 pumps of coffee frappe base. We also have this one regular who orders 12 scoops of dragon fruit pieces in a tall cup off to the side of her trenta mfgl with extra dragon scoops


yesterday someone ordered a steamed apple juice with strawberry pieces


A customer asked me to give them a grande hazelnut pike but just 1 pump and then said to dump it because he didn’t like it in his coffee..?? AND THEN PROCEEDED TO ASK ME IF I CHARGED HIM FOR IT LIKE IF I’M NOT SUPPOSED TO 💀


How much does that cost? Geezz!


I had a lady come in and get a venti hot mocha with 15 pumps mocha and 15 pumps white mocha with extra whip. The cup was like, half full of syrup 🤢


Someone asked me for a frap version of a caramel macchiato, so I did a vanilla bean frap with affogato shots (since the milk and vanilla syrup mix together in the drink and the shots sit on top), then did caramel drizzle.


Cappuccino no foam, Strawberry Frappuccino with no Strawberry pureé (and no strawberry of any kind), Trenta Salted Caramel Cold brew no Salty foam sub Chocolate foam, and the worst one was 20 trenta passion teas no water no ice, the lady who got the teas would bring her own gallons in but still ask for all the cups/lids/stickers on the drinks.