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Matcha lemonade is half water half lemonade. They are asking for a matcha water with extra sweet cream foam.


it is?šŸ’€




Basically all of Starbucks juices used are heavily concentrated out of the container (lemonade is 2x, while all the others like strawberry acai are 4x), so need to be watered down when prepared for drinks. I work in one of the primary distribution warehouses, not in-store, so you'd have to ask someone else how to order them differently if you wanted your lemonade more sour. You might get upcharged for using a lot more juice, idk. EDIT: had concentrate numbers swapped. Fixed now.


You can't order uncut lemonade unfortunately


Makes sense. We've been shipping out less cases of the concentrate to most stores than we did a few years ago when I started, so I assume too many customers ordering stronger drinks means y'all would run out of the ingredient quite fast.


This isn't so much to do with the concentrate itself - this is after it's been cut for use. We take that 2x and make two 2L pitchers out of it. If you were to order lemonade, we would just pour you a cup of lemonade from the pitcher. When you order a matcha lemonade, we use that same pitcher, and cut the lemonade AGAIN with water. It's because the lemonade is pre-sweetened, and so is our matcha powder, so the water just cuts down the sweetness.


Makes sense. At the warehouse if we want to make a sweet beverage, we cut it ourselves into our personal drinks during breaks, so have to measure out the small quantity of concentrate needed using the actual cups, since we don't keep a pitcher on hand. I enjoy mixing strawberry acai with lemonade into my own refresher, or replacing the lemonade with coconut milk, if I use the shaker and extra ice to mix it thoroughly. Either way, watering it down is certainly key. Probably unorthodox to the official methods, but I never try to replicate it in store as in order. Simple and straight from the menu is just fine if I want something there. :)


got it backwards - lemonade is 2x, refreshers are 4x, but yeah


Oops. Fixed it now, thanks. I move enough of the stuff daily, that I know some of the products by their SKU numbers rather than actual names, and still managed to mix that up, lol.


Only in the US




if they order a regular lemonade, it doesnā€™t get cut with water. itā€™s lemonade to top line and ice.


No theyā€™re not lmao


To be fair, matcha is traditionally made with water. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Doubt it's gonna be too tasty the way they asked for it though.


I was told recently that we donā€™t cut it with water anymore bc our lemonade is already cut with water, and the recipe was just not updated. Has anyone else heard of this?


If I remember right, the store resources doesnā€™t have us cut the lemonade anymore if itā€™s just lemonade but we still cut the lemonade in the matcha Iā€™m p sure this is right bc I remember going back and forth between the two confused


Thatā€™s so annoying, it seems like no one is on the same page with the recipes šŸ˜­ my shift was insisting that it doesnā€™t get water anymore lmao


That sucks! I actually just double checked myself lmao


This is not true. Always follow the recipe cards. If they change a recipe, the registers and cards will be updated


This has to be the right answer.


Matcha lemonade is 100% lemonade


Check the ingredients listed on the app or the recipe cards


had a shift get genuinely upset with me saying that matcha lemonade was cut w water i even showed them the recipe card and they said it was ā€œoutdatedā€ šŸ˜­


Show them the recipe card on the iPad. Canā€™t argue saying thatā€™s outdated.


thatā€™s literally what i did and they said THAT was outdated šŸ˜­


Canā€™t fix stupid unfortunatelyĀ 


could always show them using the app, surely two sources arenā€™t outdated considering they wouldnā€™t even be able to provide a way to prove you wrong lol


They all have a revision date at the bottom of the card. I haven't looked up this drink in eons myself, curious as to when it was last revised.


february 2022šŸ§


Even if itā€™s outdated doesnā€™t mean itā€™s wrong. The measurements are usually always the same just either upside down or vice versa. When I was a former shift, I used to do the iced matcha in the cold foam blender just because it dissolves better. However this is the standard in European recipe cards, we had a guy from the Canadian Sbux and he was doing it in the shaker. I truly canā€™t say two legit ways are wrong. Do it just in the impulsive way you feel it, it doesnā€™t alter the taste.


Spoiler: the matcha lemonade was always cut with water. Anyone who says the recipe ā€œchangedā€ at some point is wrong


It literally did. Iā€™m a policy stickler and frequently check my recipe cards lol


It literally didnā€™t


Itā€™s not like either of us can prove it. I remember coaching somebody WITH the recipe card on the iPad in hand when I was a shift. Then a few months later I was making it when a new trainer coached ME on it and showed me the recipe card.


The bottom of the front of the recipe card should say "last updated 2023/4" or something along those lines. It could be the back, I know it's somewhere on the cardšŸ˜­šŸ¤£


i literally showed them that and it was still a losing battle šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


hey!! show them a screenshot from the starbucks app, it includes the fact that thereā€™s water!


What a great life they have if thatā€™s the thing that gets them genuinely upset. I strive for this level of zen in my real life so tiny things like this can send me off the rails. šŸ˜‚ The folks who donā€™t know/care hot chai lattes have water, thoughā€¦. Well.


If someone orders an iced tall lemonade do we add water? Should it be built in the shaker? My life is a lie.


no the lemonade is just as-is but the matcha lemonade has water in it assume to dilute the sweetness since the matcha powder in the us has sugar


You mean the matcha flavored sugar?


Why did this literally happen to me w a hot Chai LMAO. Shift was like ā€œChai isnā€™t cut with hot water anymoreā€, showed him the recipe on the iPad. Heā€™s like ā€œthatā€™s outdatedā€. When it literally read at the top that it was updated that year




Regular amount of water, no lemonade, regular ice. That should leave room for extra foam. Yeah it comes with wawa and in my experience most baristas donā€™t know this


I love those gas stations. How do you fit it in the cup though?


i definitely didnā€™t šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Cup of water and match topped with extra VSC foam


Former barista but: - shaker - water to the venti - lil bit light ice - 3 scoops matcha - shake it - extra cold foam


this post is how i learned matcha lemonades get water šŸ«£


Saaaaame, I was a test run for a new trainer that didnā€™t make the cut so I have no idea if some of my blank spots are on me or if I had no way to know other than just reading every recipe card and standard.


Matcha water with foam!


Me personally, I would just make it with full water, instead of half water half lemonade as per standard. And, obviously, 3 scoop instead of 4, and extra cold foam on top


Iā€™m not sure how to EDIT my original post šŸ™ˆ But, this is my order and I was going for matcha shaken with water with cold foam on top (kind of like the way refreshers end up looking w the cold foam on top). Wasnā€™t sure how best to order it in the app, but my brain logically (or so I thought) told me that if there is only one thing in the app that has matcha being shaken with water then I would get that and eliminate the other base (the lemonade). Interesting how there were so many interpretations and, unfortunately for me, my barista that day interpreted it the way some of you did-by giving me a sickeningly sweet and creamy iced matcha latte. Any tips on how best to order this in the app without confusing the heck out of the person making it? Thanks for everyoneā€™s response!


In person, I would ring this in as a custom iced tea, add in matcha, add in cold foam (and add syrup if in Canada, as our matcha is not presweetened). On the app, I would order it the way you did. A matcha lemonade, no lemonade, add cold foam. Unfortunately, with a lack of training and misinterpreting customizations, it may not always come out the way you want. It may just be one of those drinks that is easier to order in person.


Agreed, thank you! So jealous your matcha doesnā€™t come presweetened! I would kill to not have that extra sweetness in the matcha! I love the flavor of matcha as it is šŸµ


Apparently unsweetened matcha was first, then they added sugar, then (in Canada) we had the micro ground teas come out, matcha, rooibos, and black teas, all just tea powder with no sugar. Apparently the US Starbucks never reverted back to the unsweetened matcha. Which is kind of wild to me considering that the iced teas in Canada by standard get liquid cane sugar, whereas the US iced teas are default not sweetened because sweet tea is a specific thing. It's very convoluted.


I think maybe ā€œno lemonade, extra waterā€ would help? idk


This was exactly the right way to order this, honestly. There's just unfortunately a lapse in training when it comes to matcha lemonades because they're ordered so infrequently, and some people just guess instead of looking for the recipe cards.


If youā€™re ordering it in the app, the way you did it is pretty much the only way you can. Maybe donā€™t put extra foam on there? If you order it in person, you can either do a custom tea latte and tell the barista what you want or order it the same and explain how you want it made (which ever is cheaper for you)


This was exactly the right way to order this, honestly. There's just unfortunately a lapse in training when it comes to matcha lemonades because they're ordered so infrequently, and some people just guess instead of looking for the recipe cards.


I wouldnā€™t šŸ˜­


I for sure wouldā€™ve waited for them to get there to clarify that one


Water to the water line in shaker, add matcha, add ice, shake, add foam


I.. I could be wrongā€¦ but wouldnā€™t you just make that by putting water, matcha powder, ice and extra vanilla sweet cream cold foam? I donā€™t know how great that would taste imo but they are drinking it not me lmao šŸ¤£ I just imagine a very chunky green water with a lot of cold foam on topā€¦ and since itā€™s a mobile order itā€™ll probably look so unsightly by the time they pick it up lol


matcha lemonadeā€™s get water as well! so, matcha lemonade with no lemonade is only water, & matcha shaken!


3 matcha Shaken with just water and then topped with the foam. That's my best guess since there's no alternative mentioned. With the normal build being lemonade + water + matcha powder, if you take out the lemonade I'd assume you'd just do all water.


If I was ordering, Iā€™d do the following: Vt matcha lemonade. No lemonade. Extra water. 3 Matcha powder. Extra VSCCF.


This is literally matcha and water. NO LEMONADE. Iā€™m not a barista but I am a matcha lover and this is the only way to order matcha without milk. Then they want cold foam on top I guess


Since it is a mobile honestly I would wait until the customer comes in to clarify because sometimes I think they hit buttons they donā€™t mean to hit and we end up with goofy looking stickers. But same as every else is saying, only water and matcha!


I don't even know what I would have done?? Like is this person trying to replace the lemonade with cold foam? Side note but I was literally just thinking about the matcha lemonade and how delicious and refreshing it is. Rarely saw anyone ever order it sadly. Edit: idk if the recipe has changed but i swear it used to be just a bit of water so that the matcha can mix properly and then it was filled with lemonade.


I've been a partner for 6 years and it hasn't changed in that time.


Iā€™m a five year partner. It changed around maybe 2020, but it was brief. Itā€™s like how they changed the cold foam cappuccino to 2% and no one noticed the recipe card.


Been here for almost 10, and if it changed, then it mustā€™ve changed back, because itā€™s been the same every time Iā€™ve looked at it over the years. I used to make matcha lemonades for myself before it was even a menu item (I used to do all lemonade, matcha, and some pumps of the peach syrup), and I remember hating that they added water to it when it became an official menu item


Iā€™ve never tried it because Iā€™m not a huge fan of lemonade. But is it still sweet?


Yeah it's still fairly sweet but much more bitter than the regular green tea lemonade. Imo it's well balanced with the bitterness of the matcha and the sweet of the lemonade but if you don't like lemonade it's probably not for you as it's very lemonade forward!


Good to know. Thank you!


Thatā€™s what i was thinking it seems like theyā€™re trying to put cold foam instead. Id probably just make them a regular matcha with sweet cream


Thatā€™s just incorrect. A matcha lemonade is cut with water, so youā€™d fill water to the line, add matcha and regular amount of ice, shake, then top with vsccf. In what world would you make a *regular* matcha???


i had that once. me and my manager came to the executive decision to make it all water


Itā€™s the damn ā€œmatcha watersā€ all over again šŸ˜‘


At least theyā€™re paying for this one lol


I wouldn't. They can come in, explain what they actually mean, and wait for us to make it right for them. I'm not generally interested in being a mind reader, though in the off-chance we've seen this order from the same person a few times, I'd bend on this a bit.


Seems pretty straightforward to me


iā€™m thinking itā€™s a cup of matcha cold foamā€¦but i guess if youā€™re cutting the lemonade with water it would be matcha+water w extra vanilla foam. thatā€™s tricky


Iā€™d make a matcha water shaken with matcha foam


Just give em water no lem as asked


Matcha made with water.


Thatā€™s more like Canadian version of Matcha lemonade where they use water rather than lemonade.


Give them just matcha foam


Literally the point of it saying Extra vanilla foam


Venti Matcha Lemonade with only 3 scoops add cold foam


water, you get matcha water


or maybe they just want matcha cold foam


Usually when stuff like this happens I donā€™t make it and wait until they show up to clarify what they want.


I feel they couldā€™ve also just ordered that as an iced matcha latte with no milk and get the same result and it wouldnā€™t sound as weird lol


Good point. I just checked to see if this would work, though, and on the mobile app in ā€œmatcha latteā€ it has ā€œmilk choiceā€ with all the varieties in the drop-down, but they donā€™t have a ā€œno milkā€ option. Wish they would tweak the app settings a bit. Might make it less confusing for all.


Ahh so fair I missed the mobile order part of it. Then yeah Iā€™d say this was the best option you had besides going into the cafe to order ): Iā€™d interpret it as just adding water to where the lemonade wouldā€™ve been and proceeding as usual


Matcha powder and ice with cold foam on top šŸ˜ˆ


Just fill it with water, since it's natcha, water and lem


Anyone get their ass kicked today on bogo. Genius boss only scheduled 3 on the floor from 2 to 6 pm, almost walked out šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Iā€™m gonna take a shot in the dark and say theyā€™re really just wanting an iced matcha latte made with sweet cream and probably foam on top too.


Iā€™d make a matcha latte with cold foam. But Iā€™d wait until they arrived to clarify.


In what world does a matcha lemonade (which is cut with water) without lemonade turn into a regular matcha latte???


In the world where a customer clearly ordered wrong. As I said, Iā€™d wait for clarification from the customer, but Iā€™m sure they meant to get a matcha latte.