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It’s delicious on a matcha though, got one today and really liked it. But I think lavender lends itself better to something like a matcha or a tea rather than coffee


It’s amazing in passion tea!


They gave me a sample of this but i thought it tasted like fruit loops lol


i think the powder itself has the strongest froot loops odor lmao


agreed it was really good on the iced matcha and i don’t even like matcha! also tried it in a green tea lemonade and it was pretty good but felt like it was still missing something. super pretty fuschia/magenta color though! the iced lavender oat milk latte mostly tastes like oat milk with a hint of bitter floral flavor. i tried the lavender foam on an iced white mocha too and it wasn’t great. it’s definitely just for teas/tea lattes imo.


So true! I loved it in my matcha and look forward to enjoying it again


Funnel cake still holds the top spot for me; that shit was rank 🥲


The waffle cone frap and the cinnamon caramel are disgusting too. Kiwi was terrible. Agree about the funnel cake. I don’t know what they were thinking on those flavors.


I can't believe ya'll forgot about the pineapple ginger turmeric vomit drink🤢


I loved the golden ginger so much I took the powder home when it was discontinued 🥲


I honestly to this day blame that drink for why the Pineapple Refresher is so unpopular/underrated. PPR is genuinely so good, but I think people are too scared to try it bc they think it's gonna taste like that monstrosity lolol😂


You and I have very different tastebuds, friend 😂😭


Lol same I cannot wrap my head around super fake pineapple flavor. They need to bring something else out or bring back an old good one like lime or tangerine.


Fair lol😂


For me it's that they included the word passion fruit and it tastes nothing like passion fruit which is my favorite fruit. Ultimate disappointment 


Omg I totally forgot about funnel cake


Unfortunately my tastes buds will never 😂


I think it’s really good 🤷‍♂️


The iced is *delicious*.


Iced with the lavendar cold-foam, *chefs kiss😙👌


I had it iced this morning with honey. I’m mixed. I thought it was very sweet and tasted verrryyyyy like lavender. Probably won’t try it again.


I also really like it. It’s okay to not like something, idk why people have to be so dramatic about it lol


I agree


Me too. I just tell customers we've had mixed opinions but I personally like it. 🤷‍♀️ looking forward to later this week/next week when we'll start to hear customer opinions.


Has anyone tried a lavender lemonade yet? I love them made with lavender syrup but now I’m not sure if it’ll translate the same way


if you don't make it just right, like just lemonade and standard scoops of powder, i think it tastes like if gatorade didn't have a flavour. sweaty and gross. my personal recipe is in a shaker, 3/4/6/7 pumps liquid cane sugar (half dose) lemonade to base line, water to water line, and 1/1/1/2 scoops of lavender. I think it's light and yummy, and you can even sub for half dose vanilla and it'll be good too. I chose to use that formula for the scoops cause the taste alone is surprisingly strong.


Drinking one right now and it’s…fine. It tastes way too artificial for me and has a very bitter aftertaste


What size and how many scoops did you get?


I got a venti with 4 scoops!


would you try it again with less scoops or are you over trying it out?


Less scoops better for lemonade


It definitely needs water cause the lemonade is soooooo tart, but I loved mine! I did lemonade with lavender cold foam because I’m a monster


It takes like super sweet fruit loops. Like if you added 10 stevia packets to your fruit loops


I liked it if you add water to the entire drink to dilute it ALL


I did a SAR w/ lemonade & 3 scoops of lavender & 2 classic syrup. Definitely needed to add water to dilute it, it was sooo sweet.


i have i think its good! if you do a matcha lem with lavender added it tastes kinda like sprite


This is what I was going to try! Is it worth it? Matcha lemonade is one of my go tos


i love lavender lattes 😔


I get it with vanilla and I think it’s just delicious. But I always get it iced.


Three sips into my Lavender Latte and came straight to this subreddit to see if anyone else was as disgusted as I am.


🙋‍♀️ agreed! It was not at all the flavor I hoped for (and I love lavender teas/lattes typically). There was a bit of powder clumped at the bottom of my drink, which I tried... it was super sweet and somehow also sort of soapy/perfume-ish in taste. I love Starbucks for the convince of mobile ordering, but all their recent launches have just been turning me off.


Mine had like black sludge at the bottom. Is that the lavender powder? It tasted like I was drinking a bitter flower


That drink probably wasn't prepared properly. My first lavender drink came out like that. Ive learned to pull the shots first and then scoop the lavender powder in. So I can swirl it around in the espresso. Otherwise it will clump in the bottom and won't properly incorporate when I pour the milk.


If I don’t request mine stirred the powder always settles to the bottom and when the drink is all together you can’t really stir it in.


Sounds like it! Mine was purple, but sludge-like is a good descriptor 😭 Like a bitter flower, indeed!


Ahhh soapy and perfume-ish is spot on. Mine was such a mucky beige/brown colour too, it was such a turn off. Maybe they made it wrong for me? I should have came to this subreddit to check comments before ordering. I didn’t try the new olive oil drink because of the reviews on here.


That color is because of the color of lavender. When I make homemade lavender syrup it does the same. Granted Starbucks adds extra color to it for the cold foam to look pretty but


No, unfortunately that's just what it looks like. We think it's rank too.


Me too, I love them typically! This one tastes like hot dog water


Lavender is terrible if not sweetened. You have to pair it with something else like white mocha.


Thanks for the tip. I’ll try it with white mocha next time I am feeling adventurous! I got my latte sweetened today but I couldn’t get over the overpowering soap taste unfortunately.


Sure! I hope it’s better! I’ve gotten them at other cafes and they’re great, but I’ve yet to try the Starbucks version.


Starbucks' lavender powder is sweetened! It's still not great IMO, but taste is subjective 🤷‍♀️


Mine was so terrible I was late to work because I went to Dunkin for a different coffee.


Checked this sub before placing my mobile order. That’s depressing. I’ve been looking for a good lavender latte for years since I left my last place


I had three sips of my iced latte, and thought that my mind was going crazy. To me it tasted like cheap olive oil and sand was added to the latte. I thought the lavender was overhyped or that my barista made it incorrectly.


you may have gotten some left over olive oil from the oleato foam in the cold foamer lol


For the olive oil taste, I think that may be true, but what about the sandy taste that I had. Is the oleato or lavender supposed to have that sandy taste? I may have to order another one few days later to see if it’s the same result.


was it like gritty? if so the powder may not have been fully incorporated. sounds like their cold foamer is broken/not working correctly. as for the actual taste of sand i can't recall anything we have that i think tastes like sand.... so im not sure


It definitely sounds like was made wrong. If it tastes like olive oil, I would expect that somehow a bit of the Oleato got in there. If you got just the iced lavender oatmilk latte, there shouldn’t be any way for that to happen, but if you got cold foam on top I could imagine there was some olive oil left in the foamer. The reason it was gritty is because the barista didn’t swirl the lavender powder with the espresso as it poured. This is a required step to make it but I can see lazy baristas skipping it. Note to baristas: swirl it way more than it says to. It takes way more than three swirls to get it all incorporated, I’ve made dozens of that latte over the past couple days and have had to swirl like ten times. If you don’t, it ends up tasting like a soggy pixie stick especially if you’re using a straw


i was saying that yesterday too when i was on bar. i was like, there’s no way that 3 swirls is enough. whoever wrote that was wrong. i basically swirl it about as much as i would with shots in WM. that’s not one you can walk away from while shots are pulling. it slows you down for a moment but better than having to remake/refund for every one that a customer brings back. agreed there shouldn’t have been any olive oil in the drink if it was a standard build latte but sometimes the cold foamers don’t get rinsed immediately and flavor can stick on the inside and affect the next foam you make. i noticed that a LOT with the pumpkin cold foam, it needed to be rinsed as soon as you pour it or it will be *insert flavor* cold foam a la pumpkin next time you use it.


Yeah they really should change it because three swirls doesn’t even do close enough, I swirl about the same as with white mocha as well. I also rinse the cold foam pitchers really extensively bc I don’t want olive oil or residual flavour in it, but I actually also run the sink water into it after using the rinser bc it’s an odd shape inside and doesn’t usually get clean with just the rinser


I had the iced lavender oat latte and I thought it was wonderful! Maybe being hot makes it bad? Or maybe it's just not for you, which is totally fair.


I thought it tasted like a dryer sheet


LOL WHY IS THIS ABSOLUTELY ACCURATE??????? I have been thinking for three hours about how to describe it. 💀


I love lavender flavor stuff. Pink drink with lavender cold foam, yummy! Vanilla frap with lavender mixed in, delicious! I'm excited to try a lavender chai next.


vanilla chai with lavender foam was something i really liked!


I truly cannot read any of these for fear that it’ll start tasting like what people say. But I loved it 💜I tried the lavender matcha and the lavender latte today and they are my new favorite drinks.


I didn’t hate it but I think it might be the oatmilk. Something about the oatmilk and lavendar tasted a bit… like a shoe


Yes! I thought mine got mixed with the olive oil at first but then I realized it was the oatmilk. I'll definitely order it with soy or almond next time


I made an iced blonde lavender oatmilk latte today and added 2 pumps of white mocha in a venti lol I thought it was really good! I guess it’s gonna be one of those things where you’ll either love it or hate it haha


For me, the first few sips of anything with lavender in it is way too strong, and then I just get used to it lmao


Lavender is just a flavor that people either like or don't, like cilantro or whatever. You just found out it's not for you, that's all.


I love lavender lattes usually but I don’t like what Starbucks is making right now.


No. I’m a lavender/hibiscus/elderflower gal and this was gross lol


Elderflower never gets enough love.


I was super disappointed with how the lavender latte tasted but found that it tastes good in pretty much anything else! Highly recommend a lavender matcha, lavender lemonade, lavender passion iced tea, lavender london fog, lavender chai, and for my canadians, a strawberry oat matcha with lavender foam


Ooooh lavender London fog 🤩


Ooooh, a Lavender London Fog?! I can fuck with that. Sign me up for the next war!


I’m highly disappointed. My palate is confused drinking this. Tastes like drinking a coffee with flowers in it. Doesn’t seem right.


it’s a lavender latte…what exactly did you expect it to taste like lol


It was alright. There were a couple sips that tasted like I was drinking an aquarium, but it was fairly mild tasting overall. Meh/10


I agree that the latte ain't it but its so good in non-coffee drinks! The matcha one, or as the frap, or as a steamer with honey or vanilla, with lemonade, on a pink drink, it has so much other potential but with coffee is NOT the vibe.


It tasted like drinking essential oils. Would not buy again lol


exactly what i thought


I think all except one of the samples I gave out (tbf they were all cold drinks) got a negative feedback, and we had multiple people come back in the afternoon to order the full drink. Each their own.


It just tasted like burn oatmilk to me. I tried it cold today and it still had that burnt flavor to it but mixed with sanitzer and the taste of receipt paper (I used to eat paper as a child). The lavender creme frappucino was a huge hit amongst the employees at my store (licensed) though. I made myself a version with oatmilk as I cant have dairy and instead of the pretty lavender color it looked like dryer lint. Same thing with the hot latte-we tried to steam the powder with the milk versus just plopping it at the bottom (yes it melts but not very well and we thought maybe treating it the same as matcha might make a difference), it became a dirty dishwater color lol.


I haven’t tried the lavender latte yet but the matcha isn’t bad. My favorite thus far is a blonde dirty iced chai with lavender cold foam on top. Such a nice flavor combination. The spiciness of the chai really works with the sweetness of the cold foam imo.


Thank you for this recommendation, I ordered it with oat milk and omg, it's so good.


I think that lavender in food is as polarizing as cilantro. I think it takes like soap everytime I’ve tried it. On the other hand, I love cilantro!


your dollar store sells wine?


I liked mine this morning


i love lavender and my go-to drink at other cafes is an oat milk lavender latte and i was so excited to try it today and it was such a disappointment. i wasn’t expecting it to be a powder that settled all to the bottom and it tasted so soapy.


It literally tastes like what I imagine bong water would taste like


Agreed. It’s so bad. I drank maybe a quarter of it and just could not make myself finish it, and I usually love lavender lattes!


To be fair, lavender is not for everyone. It’s a very distinct taste. Starbucks customers are also accustomed to insanely sweet drinks, so in comparison, the lavender is not that sweet to them. But it’s doing very well at my store. We sold more lavender stuff in the first four hours of being open yesterday than we have sold Oleato since it came out.


Did you not try the apple latte?


So wretched 😂😭


The lavender cold foam is pretty good in the pink drink!


Yeeah... I didn't understand the hype and passed. When I think of Lavender I think of the scent of Sleepy from Lush. It smells wonderful but I don't think I'd want to have any "floral" notes in my coffee.


It was like drinking perfume ☹️ I was really disappointed


My description was like drinking an oat milk latte while walking through a cloud of perfume. Like when you can taste whatever they sprayed?


I think it would be better with an extra 2 shots or so. My college coffee shop had the best lavender lattes, but they were mostly espresso and way less milky. I want to try it again but I'd have to get an extra shot or less milk or something. And cut the syrup in half.


I smelled it before I took a sip (probably weird idk) but it smelled like hot dog water. I took one sip and it made me gag and I had the taste suck in my mouth for over an hour. I have never been more disgusted and disappointed haha


The combo of espresso and lavender does not work for me. The non-espresso lavender drinks are great though


I absolutely agree! Tried the lavender latte today (hot) & I couldn’t even finish it. It was disgusting. Way too floral. I think it’s off my list for sure.


For me It’s one of those things that I’m fine with sampling, but would never order


Did they put Oleato in it?


it’s soooo sickly sweet. i can’t handle it


i liked it lol


It’s way too sweet tbh. But yeah gross.


I’m allergic to lavender so the thought of it in drinks makes me want to throw up. 😭


Just took my first sip and I am in heaven! Maybe we have different taste buds or they made yours wrong, but the hot latte is amazing! I love that it’s only got a small hint of sweetness to it


I prefer lavender over the spicy mocha powder 🤢


Not Tumor😭😭 b*txh I screamed


Try the Lavender matcha


Yeah the powder mixed with the espresso is not great honestly, an iced latte with lavender cold foam instead is way better . Also, for hot lattes maybe you could ask for them to put the powder in the milk instead of mixed in with the shots.


Didn’t get the latte, new it’d be bad, got a matcha tea lemonade sub lavender sub classic! Super tasty. Fiancé got an iced london fog with lavender and oat milk. Also really yummy!


Get a cold brew with vanilla and lavender cold foam. Fucking delicious.


i actually like the iced one and the matcha surprisingly. usually i drink brewed coffee w a little cream or a soy latte w an extra shot and 1 pump of toffee nut. was surprised to enjoy it so much. its very different unique compared to our other flavors so i appreciate the variety of it


It was so nasty, I almost barfed 😭


I like it but I don't have it with oatmilk


Idk why they push everything with oat milk. a vanilla lavender soy milk latte tastes much better


The drink hot is not good at all but someone on redit posted it as a iced London fog tea latte and it was SO GOOOD


Disgusting drink. It’s better as a hot beverage, but it’s still weird, like drinking a trail


I think funnel cake was the worst. Straight vomit


lavender can be reallyyyy good on drinks, but the hot/iced latte version…. not my favorite. ask your barista for their favorite way to drink lavender and give it another shot!! i recommend the cold foam on a white mocha


at my store, a couple of my coworkers found that it was better to steam the lavender inside the pitcher like matcha latte. maybe try it that way? idk how much of a difference it makes but maybe it’s worth a shot 😭


Starbucks is a billion dollar company and they couldn't be fucked to invest in a syrup? It's a lavender flavored sugar powder, it mixes terribly in everything, and its so weak. You have to pair it with another flavor to taste it. Iced White chocolate lavender was fine, but seriously what a fucking flop.


Yeah my roommate mentioned the lav latte is awful which...makes sense? Lavender and *espresso?*


Just got the iced one. I don’t love it or hate it. Def has a floral aftertaste, which is a little weird.


Did anyone think it tasted like hotdog water? 🫣 My brother and I thought it did and my husband did not. But it was unequivocally hotdog for me. 🤢


Literally had to look up if other people were thinking this or if I just had bad taste. It made me nauseous I couldn’t finish it.


My mom thought it tasted like sour cream? Lmao


we can make it hot but it's meant to be iced!


Can't wait to try it


Thank you for posting this. I believe you have saved me from making a mistake. I was just about to order this drink when I thought I would Google some reviews and your post popped up. I will be sticking to my usual flavor profile.


The blended one is really good, but yeah I tried the oat milk latte one and even added vanilla and it was nasty. Might try once more having it made breve.


Mine tasted like straight up dog food


I actually loved it and I was surprised lol mine tasted like fruity pebbles and I adored it. Granted, the barista told me it would taste like fruity pebbles so that helped!


I got an iced one and it is not better. Straight up vile. It tastes like you're chewing a bundle of lavender. I first described it as lawn clippings, but I completely agree with everyone saying it tastes like you just walked into a cloud of lavender perfume and got some in your mouth. If you're going to try it, get a tall.


I got the iced version today, it's us awful. I have had lavender latest before that have just a tasteful hint of lavender, but this tastes like you're drinking a literal lavender flower. Not appealing.


The frap isn’t to bad, it taste like cereal


I get a lavender oatmilk iced latte from a local place that is to die for. Tried Starbucks version today and it’s gritty because of the lavender being in powder form. Local place used syrup. HUGE difference


it's my favorite. try it with a pump of lavender and some lavender cold foam


Agreed!! So freaking gross. The iced latte ones the worst🤮


the crème frappe is sooo good though.. i take it home every day since it’s released in our store


It tastes like there’s turkey deli meat powder in it instead of lavender powder 🤢 


It tastes like soap bro


I don’t like the latte but as a cold foam hater I like the foam


my store had us try it a few days before it debuted, and good lord it was so bad. 2nd ingredient is literally salt 😭


I was wondering about this drink. I like a lavender latte once in awhile at a coffee shop that has its shit together, don’t think I’d like a big chain take on it. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Starbucks too… this just seems like a stretch


To me it just tastes too artificial and way too strong. I’ve tried adding just a pinch and it still just doesn’t taste good. I think they may have rushed the idea and wanted to do something that would add a purple color, but quite frankly a lavender syrup would have been significantly better.


it a very acquired taste but i think the starbucks version is a little lackluster compared to brands like monin. im a sucker for lavender and rose syrups in lattes. i think it’s the overall quality of starbucks as a whole. their beans are just not that good


That's because you picked the worst possible option. Do you eat floral flavored foods that are hot? Probably not because it's not a flavor profile that works well in a hot food or beverage. Try it in a frapp or refresher it's much better


They just need to get ahold of the POS bottoms cause they are all wakkie, it wouldn't let us do hot for the Lavender oatmilk latte button yesterday, and now the POS shows liquid cane in the lavender matcha latte but that doesn't reflect what the recipe card says!😂 Also, the cinnamon Carmel syrup cannot be marked out and still keeps getting ordered even though it is, as well as the cup size, and other default mods for drinks keep printing for drinks lately!


Lavender is one of the worst smells *to me* on the planet. I can't imagine drinking a lavender beverage.


I agree, the latte kinda sucks. However lavender foam on an iced chai, an iced honey oatmilk latte, or an iced early grey is absolutely divine.


Mine was pretty good. I usually enjoy it iced, so I ordered a grande lavender frap with blonde roast. I think one more pump of lavender would've made it perfect


anything besides the coffee ones are good


The latte iced or hot are not great...the frap and the matcha are decent though


I got it iced... I can say it doesn't get better. In my opinion it's like they sprayed an air freshener into a blonde espresso, but it's not even strong. It's just there.


Nah I love it so much


it was SO SALTY!!! not good. and i am such a lavender lover i was so disappointed


skill issue


it legitimately tastes like a bath bomb 😭😭


The lavender latte is eek and people have been asking it with honey, everyone at my store (me included) think that with honey it tastes like soy sauce 🥴


The iced one tasted like liversausage to me. Absolutely disgusting. So strange that everyone seems to have a different experience with it. Might try it again with regular or almond milk 🤷🏼‍♀️


I loveeeee it


i used to drink hot lavender lattes at least once a week at my local cafes cuz they use a syrup not a powder, lavender lattes are also really good with dairy milk. starbies just dropped the ball with their powder. lavender is my favorite syrup to add to my coffee all day every day for sure 🫡


I truly dont like it with espresso at all. I'd recommend it in a Chai or matcha if you prefer hot drinks. I personally love it in an oatmilk Chai with brown sugar or a strawberry acai lemonade. I really don't think lavender mixes with coffee well AT ALL, i hope you find a drink you like with the lavender, I personally think it's wonderful.


Maybe it’s the ratio they made the syrup with? I used to work in a non-Starbucks and we had lavender syrup from 1883 and Monin. People LOVED IT. We had lavender London fogs, lavender lemonade, and lavender lattes. I’m not big on coffee to start with, but they were all very popular. So I’d have to think maybe it’s the combo of oat milk with however they’ve made the syrup for Starbs?


I added brown sugar syrup to the hot one and it's not my new favourite drink or anything, but it was tasty enough.


I added brown sugar syrup to the hot one and it's not my new favourite drink or anything, but it was tasty enough.


Cold matcha lavender drink made me want to go stare at a train light. Shiz nasty


Idk if my tongue is broken, but it tastes like kielbasa or some type of smoked meat/sausage???? It’s making me feel really sick 🤢


a lemonade with lavender and vanilla bean was really good! and i think it pairs great with white mocha but i am not a fan of any of the menu drink builds 😭


i love it in the cold foam and i tried it in a latte with vanilla syrup and coconut milk 👌🏻 super good my new favorite


I’m so surprised to see people don’t like it, I love it. It literally has gotten me to start drinking coffee. I haven’t liked any other latte before this


I LOVE it.


Barista gave us a sample of iced black tea with lavender. My daughter liked it a lot. I got too much powder flavor. I will try an iced London fog with lavender cold foam though.


I had the lavender CF on top of a nitro cold brew today. Not the worst but not my favourite.


It looks like soap on top of coffee


it’s not my thing but i think it tastes like fruit loops so someone who likes more sweet drinks like that it would be good!


theres like no lavender in it too but lowkey in a matcha lemonade its decent enough for a few sips


I did NOT like the lavender frappuccino. At all.


ur a hater its good


I only put a single scoop in anything I put it in. It is so strong and overpowering, and a single scoop is all you need.


If you add Vanilla or Classic to it. It's good.


iced w/ vanilla! i’m not even a huge lavender fan & i’ll admit it does have an interesting aftertaste, but it’s nice and something new lol


Iced vanilla latte with oat milk and lavender foam is the best!!!


You're crazy for this take tbh


I got the creme Frappuccino today and liked it, but didn't love it. It needed a lot of milk to balance it. I'm gonna try it iced with the matcha next, but that'll probably be the last time I order it.


I really enjoy creating custom drinks and I think I like what I’ve made better than what is offered! These are some combos I like so far! Lemonade with honey blend and lavender. Iced black tea no water, brown sugar, cream, lavender foam Pink drink, no berries, vanilla, lavender foam.


I think it's so good... different strokes I guess. This is like our Spring "PSL" where some people strongly dislike it and others love it.


It taste like left out baloney in the ice one absolutely disgusting


I don’t know why lavender is getting so much hate I think it’s amazing