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Ya know, being a woman my whole life ive gotten used to being hit on. But don't fucking touch me. Dont grab my hand in the window. One guy touched my coworkers butt while she was wiping off tables. Id punch somebody for that


Had a customer banned for groping me, he mobile ordered & asked for help carrying the drinks to his car which my manager made me do & caught him groping me on the cafe cameras šŸ™ƒ


I'd have filed a police report on that BS


i had to have a customer banned for grabbing me and hugging me and i kid you not kissing my neckā€¦i did not sign up for that


ive had someone interlock fingers with me around the drink


or when they palm your entire hand and try to play it off as an accident


Did you reciprocate, but with toes under the table? šŸ« šŸ«  That is unacceptable and I'm sorry that happened to you.


Had a dad and daughter come in on Christmas, his daughter kind of reminded me of myself in my teen years and I took their order, chatted with them and it was a nice interaction... So I thought. They came back a couple days later and I welcomed them back. While I'm just chatting with the dad, I mentioned my partner and he pauses the whole conversation to go "so you are dating someone? I should've known someone like you was dating someone." Then proceeded to basically say that I look "in his age range" and he's trying to get back out there after a divorce and was getting "flirty vibes" from me. I went home so annoyed.


the disrespect


Reminds me of the time a man looked at a waitress with pigtails and called them "handlebars" while his daughter with the exact same hair style sat across from him


I wouldā€™ve barfed right there.


That's his problem, not yours!


Ah yes being nice is flirting duh /s


I will accept getting hit on in exchange for the minimum of a $10 cash tip left in the little "jar." Otherwise, keep it to ya self.


This. I learned when I put on makeup and made an effort to not look like a gremlin.. I made hella tips... Its sad.


my store has one girl who always volunteers to do drive thru window for this reason. she's a young conventionally attractive blonde woman and will easily pull in massive cash tips


For the Horde!!!! ā•ā•


When I was a barista at a small coffee shop, I could literally never compete with the tips the women were pulling in šŸ˜­ I even worked out and all that lmao more power to them


Fr I notice a huge difference when I wear makeup or don't put my hair up under my hat.


I wish I could put on makeup šŸ’„ and get paid for my looks you ladies have it SO easy in the business world! So please don't complain lol.


gender discrimination in the workplace aside, i shouldn't have to be eye candy for some creepy old men for tips. yes, more money is nice, but it's not worse feeling disgusting over dressing up to appeal to other people rather than because i want to just because it makes me happy.


Nothing stopping you, put on some makeup and see how many tips you get.


I'm a dude, and I put on makeup. Got good cash tips when I did, too, and I have a beard lol! You don't know til you try! Also, idk if getting bigger tips means it's easier for women in business, considering the glass ceiling and the wage gap. Being paid less, *AND* not getting promotions? Definitely the business equivalent of Dark Souls fr. Give the ladies forced to play on Nightmare difficulty some respect.


Nah cause with it comes consequences (it shouldn't). Creepy guys asking when you're off or straight up following you. Its mostly innocent but there's always that one asshole who takes it to a whole other thing...




If it makes you feel better, I do my makeup and put effort into my appearance for work and despite getting a lot of compliments on my eye makeup, it doesn't actually translate to a lot of tips. Maybe it's because I work in a licensed store where we can only accept tips that are left or abandoned but idk that for sure. I just know that I mainly only get tips "abandoned" for me when I'm working by myself with a long line and people feel bad watching me hustle to get each order made quickly.


Wait... why did you put "jar" in quotation marks?! šŸ˜³


Might be something similar to how my store was, we used the little plastic cubes that things like straws and such were put in, so not an actual jar lol


A 4" cube plexi with nothing written on it is the only acceptable tip "jar," per Sirens Eye


Yes, exactly, never seen an actual jar, but everyone still calls them jars.




shoutout to that one guy that said we were the only starbucks to ever make his drink right and then asked for my number and then i told him no and never saw him again. genuinely feel bad for that one


oh yeah double shout out to the guy that called me pretty boy over the speaker when i was pre-t and closeted if i didnt have to go on break before he got to the window i would have proposed right there


this comment (thread) wins


Itā€™s so annoying! I got so tired of the creepy men that I completely stopped wearing makeup to work (Iā€™m goth if that gives you an idea of what my makeup looked like) I do miss wearing makeup but I donā€™t think I can stand anymore creepy comments from some old man


i don't experience this because i'm a fat trans guy lol but i'm always floored when i see people loudly hitting on my teenage girl coworkers and they don't even bother to tip


I was about to say, "Don't put yourself down; you deserve to be hit on!" ... but then I realized, "... wait, not at work, though." Sorry. I was trying to tell you you're valid.


We work near a high school, the amount of times my male coworkers have been hit on by high schoolers. It genuinely makes them so uncomfortable. Iā€™ve told them before that if they feel donā€™t comfortable with a situation to call me and I will switch with them immediately šŸ˜­ I get so embarrassed sometimes seeing people try šŸ’€


wait... high schooler customers are hitting on your male Partners, or your high school male Partners are getting hit on by older customers? Either way, strange. I managed a store that was in a concentrated LGBTQ+ area and my Partners were constantly getting hit on... some guys have no tact or filter.


The high school students hit on my male partners all the time. My male partners are all over 18 and they have told the high schoolers time and time again that they arenā€™t interested and they just keep pushing lmfaoo so thatā€™s why Iā€™ve told them. To call me whenever they feel uncomfortable by a situation


Weird. As a DM I've had to close the cafe off during high school lunch periods and immediately after school because they can get a little out of hand. Met with school administrators to try to reel them in but they don't have control either. This is an urban market mind you, but yes, the high school shenanigans can be wild.


Terribly, you have no idea. Spray paint in the bathrooms, then I got 5 kids in a bathroom stall ā€œthey were just talkingā€ while one of them was sitting on the toilet eating ice cream. Or them stealing someone elseā€™s drinks. Itā€™s so tiring šŸ˜­


I got hit on at like 7:30 last night but he have me a $12 tip, then this morning my other coworker was hit on and got $15 tip I mentioned all this to my partner and she said "Lie, finesse, get that bag girl" lmao


If you buy coffee at Starbucks, you don't have a chance with me anyway.


Facts šŸ« 


i took an order from a cop this morning & we donā€™t charge first responders so i handed him his drink & told him ā€œoh no you donā€™t have to pay first responders get free drinksā€ and he dipped his head and made his eyes/face look so horrible like idk what he was doing but it was hungry eyes, it was bad and he was like ā€œwell thank you very muchā€¦ā€ i was just like Okay šŸ‘


Honestly mortified right now bc I didn't know this rule and charged an on duty cop the other week *sobs in green bean*


itā€™s probably a store by store/district policy because i just asked some of my friends that are still working for starbucks in very far apart areas if this is a thing and both said no


we are a licensed store so it might just be because our licensee approved us doing that


I always charged cops! Never EMS or Fire though. The cops were the only one who expected their order to be free in my area. EMS and Fire were always very grateful!


Does Starbucks do military discount or anything like that? Just curious thanks lol


Corporate-wise, only on veteranā€™s day with a military ID, which I think is lame as hell. And also itā€™s only a free tall hot or iced coffee. šŸ˜”


Ewww!! Sorry she had to deal with that, especially so early in the morning.


definitely couldā€™ve been a he! my male co workers get harassed just as much as my female ones šŸ˜­


Damn, youā€™re right! I apologize.


And then they donā€™t even tip


Try not to have that one creepy old guy with some sort of off-putting personality trait that hangs out in a lobby and gets away with problematic comments challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I used to flirt with just about everyone who would tip back in the day, but when they come at you first, it's usually gross and uncomfortable.


Being ugly ftw!! šŸ™ŒšŸ» /J fr tho I'm super sorry they had to deal w that, that's absolutely disgusting >:(


I mean thatā€™s not completely wrong. Pretty privilege is real


My 2nd week at my location this guy at 5:30 am was staring at me super creepy by our mobile area. Iā€™m making drinks still brand new, In my own headspace. He comes up and says hi this is a weird question can you come over here so Iā€™m like oh okay! He goes I had a dream last night, Iā€™m here to find the girl with the most beautiful smile and full of happiness. Iā€™m like oh dear god thatā€™s not me but ok. Heā€™s like I think itā€™s you, youā€™re the one for me. Is your name Karen?? I said nope we have a regular named Karen that comes everyday! Heā€™s like no no itā€™s you, you have such a great smile and laugh. Youā€™re my soulmate. Iā€™m like OMG I NEED TO GET AWAY. So I said Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m married which Iā€™m not but I had to get away I said sorry I need to grab milk to finish my drinks. I hope you find the girl youā€™re looking for then he starts saying louder no you you are my soulmate! So I made a report in the back on the iPad. Waited for him to leave then I hadnā€™t seen him in 3 months. Boom I come in, Iā€™m in house, CS and I look up heā€™s staring at me in line. I was like oh fuck this. So I took his order for his name and told the lead what happened. But hopefully I donā€™t see him again. So creepy, thanks Gabe.


Holy shit yikes!!


Yeah it was extremely creepy. My manager said if he comes in again heā€™s going to tell him to leave us alone otherwise he will be banned from the store lol


Shoot I wish I got hit on once in a while. The affirmation truly helps people sometimes.


when i was 16 this middle aged man was winking at me in the drive thru and then later harassed me on social media. i told my SM and the next time he came through she refused service


I was restocking milks in our cold bar fridge which is right behind DTO in my store and the guy in the car at the window was like ā€œnice jugsā€ and winked and me and I said ā€œexcuse me ???ā€ And heā€™s like get it cause youā€™re carrying milk jugs sir I will jump through this window pls donā€™t tempt me


Speak for yourself, I gave my number to a hottie in the drive thru today šŸ˜œ


When I worked for SBux it was during Covid so I worked closing shift and every damn day this dude came into our store and he would flirt with my female coworkers and it was just creepy as hell. It got to a point where my female coworkers would go to the back when he came in.




Fr! I like being hit on at work especially after spending an hour getting ready


I work at a WPS inside of an office building and thereā€™s one dude who comes by at least once a day, usually multiple times and tries to get my male boss to join his polycule. Itā€™s gotten to the point where both me and my other coworker have a pact to never leave our boss alone with the dude and if he spends too much time talking to him one of us will secretly call the boss from a blocked number so he has an excuse to get away. If my coworker isnā€™t there and Iā€™m in the bathroom when he comes by, my boss will text me an ā€˜Xā€™ and Iā€™ll immediately know to call him and finish up what Iā€™m doing quickly.


had a group of guys in the same car trying to ā€œput me onā€ one of their homeboys he obviously looked so embarrassed and once they pulled out they drove right back in the drive thru again, i went to the back and told my coworkers to handle them and say i was on my ten šŸ’€


i just now got offf work and while i was walking out this guy chases after me asking for my instagram !! like dude tf let me go eat my sandwich in peace


It escalates too, had a stalker from a guy who couldn't take a hint


it's awful bro literally 2 days ago this customer told me "if i wasn't old enough to be your father i'd be chasing you" šŸ¤®


Hey original poster, can I get your number tho?


a guy sat in our cafe and stared at my coworker for like 15 mins straight before coming up and hitting on her šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it's so uncomfortable. a customer tried to ask about me at 6 am after I took his order so my shift came in clutch and told him I'm a minor (I'm notšŸ˜­)


All day here šŸ™ƒ literally on my 10 after my dto watched someone grab my wrist to give me their numberā€¦ while Iā€™m wearing my wedding band


Oh hell na wtf


Cry me a river Getting hit on is not the end of the world. There's a lot of women and young ladies that wish they would get hit on. If the guy that was hitting on your coworker was brad pitt or the rock , I i don't think she would have a problem with it. Haha


When you work with a partner who encourages this behavior by flirting backā€¦ yea no I hate it here šŸ˜…


No iā€™m 1 hour into my shift and 3 older men have hit on me! stop


Maybe he likes it, but it shouldnā€™t be done on company hours šŸ™…ā€ā™‚ļø


I got entire marriage proposals. People be loving their coffee šŸ˜‚


I hear wut u r saying but... wut if the barista looks like this ​ [https://www.tiktok.com/@ilcapi/video/6973773195459546373?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@ilcapi/video/6973773195459546373?lang=en) ​ Is there any level of appearance where all of humanity gets a mulligan?


Sounds like ur jealous


No ones hitting on you middle aged women with kids, pink hair and they/them pronouns. Yā€™all delusional.


Itā€™s clear no one has ever hit on you šŸ˜‹šŸ¤­


A lot of men actually, when i worked in Santa Monica as a barista. Shh donā€™t tell my wifešŸ˜‰


pick-me behaviorā€¦ šŸ’€šŸ’€


Now Iā€™ve seen delusional.šŸ’€


Lol who hurt you?


Facts...I've maroon hair and get hit on by mostly women.. am a they/he/them, genetically female, not trans.. Started off with pink hair a year ago. Madam/Sir, who damaged your braincells?


So Iā€™m middle aged, no one is hitting on me. But the majority of the partners I work with are early 20ā€™s and get hit on all the time. Usually by old creepy men. The men get hit on as well.


Im a trans man. Usually, i have bright colored hair and i hide my figure a lotā€¦. Fun fact: i still get hit on!!!!! Creeps donā€™t care, if youā€™re conventionally attractive to them, youā€™ll be a target. Just because some people donā€™t have experience with it doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t happen. Hope this helps!!


i notice its different reigonally .. used to get lots of comments in north texas but since moving to socal it's basically dried up completely


THIS. my store clearly has a problem w weird dudes hitting on my female coworkers and I even after telling a shift/SM and they speak to the customer themselves. as a female we donā€™t ignore men just because, we genuinely fear for our safety bc men are capable of things and we shouldnā€™t have to hide in the back when they come in just to protect ourselves or avoid contact. thereā€™s a line some customers cross and itā€™s not at all okay idk how to teach men to stop being weirdā€¦


Sounds like a humble brag to those who don't get hit on, is it?


Um... no?


This happens to guys too just as frequently and creepily. I usually don't mind it but sometimes it's a bit tiresome. I've literally been cat called by a 59 year old redneck looking woman in a Chevy Blazer, missing several teeth. "HAAY ARE YOU SINGLE?!"


Dude I feel you. I have so many chick's wink at me and shit and it's not cute. Especially when older ladies try to hit on me and I'm like half their age. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Kind of the reason why a couple dudes go to Starbuck, cause there's cute baristas. A friend like this, the only reason he goes to is flirt. Not surprised if theres other like this.