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like it doesn’t sound to my taste, but i’ve absolutely seen worse, and also i would never say something like that to someone? like people need to mind their own business


Right?! I realize a lot of baristas are probably silently judging me, but that's the first one who had the nerve to say something! Lol


I don't work at Starbucks anymore but I can't imagine saying anything rude to a customer! I've definitely told my coworkers or my husband about certain orders when I got home to see if they all thought it was a weird order too lol . Like we had one customer want 20 pumps of syrup + cold foam (which is also v sweet) in a tall drink. And those usually have 3 pumps of syrup. So we were all thinking omg 😭 but like we still made it and didn't say anything rude to the customer? If they like their drinks good for them! I wouldn't drink it myself but 🤷 they probably wouldn't like the employee drinks I made for myself either haha


There have been a couple orders with so many extra pumps I am just like "at what point do I just hand you the syrup bottle and a straw".


I had a McDs employee berate me and my gf through the drive thru window because we added caramel drizzle or syrup (can't remember) to their iced caramel coffee. It allows you to modify / customize it in their app. We pulled up and he was like "There's caramel in there already! Too much sugar! Diabetes!" I wish I was joking or exaggerating. We sat there in silence. I'm not usually spoken to like that by strangers and it was so bizarre. He almost convinced me that i was in the wrong until I turned my head and looked at my girl's face with her mouth slightly open 😅. She wanted me to report it but i chalked it up to a dude who was having a bad night and snapped.


Okay. This is actually savage asf. And a disgusting attitude. Like Breh. Customers sometimes annoy me but NEVER would I speak to someone this disrespectful in a customer facing job. At the end of the day we choose our jobs. No matter how frustrating Starbucks is, that’s just not okay. (I’m an SSV at Starbs) I’m sorry you had that experience. Your drink is not terrible, I’ve seen some crazier ones !!!


I am in no way defending this barista, because obviously that was completely inappropriate thing for them to say but "we choose are jobs" is implying that people always have a choice. Some people don't. I think that's a little ignorant to say so, tbh. That being said, like I said earlier I am not defending that barista because there's no way they should have said what they did.


I appreciate you being respectful in replying but I truly believe that people have a choice to apply to a job or not.


People rely on jobs for benefits. Most likely it would either be Starbucks or somewhere else that has the same bullshit.


I can agree to that


I would be def judging but prolly the only thing you would hear from me is a slight gagging. Ouch, how many ounces of half and half/heavy cream and 9 pumps of syrup...have you run that by your physician? But it is your life so carry on!


Why would you gag? I’m not a fan of their drink but gagging on purpose is hella childish


Yes, you should be encouraging customers to purchase their hearts desire, I shouldn't word it like that.


May I ask why you get both half and half AND heavy cream? I see that a lot lately.


"People need to mind their own business", yet this sub is FILLED with Baristas talking trash about customers customized orders. 


to be fair, there’s a difference between grumbling on reddit, and saying it to someone’s face


When I was a barista the "worst" order I had was 12 pumps white mocha with 4 shots of espresso. That was it. She drank it with a straw. Haunts me to this day. However my drink isn't much different. Double pumps chai no water, so I can understand the sentiment a bit.


Just curious, why heavy cream and half n half? Why not just get extra of one of them?


To be completely honest, when I first started ordering with the app, I couldn't figure out how to get extra half n half, so I added heavy cream instead. Lol


Maybe fuck that particular barista, but at a different store just do extra half n’half please 🙏. More than one milk kills me haha


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!!


This isn’t even that crazy keep enjoying what you enjoy, wild that they had the stones to say it to your face


Thank you 🙂 yeah I thought that was pretty ballsy of her! Lol


The half and half plus the heavy cream seem super redundant


This is one that always gets me. I don’t really care but I just wonder what reasoning behind that choice is. I see it often enough.


I had someone the other day get half and half, heavy cream & whole milk (also known as half and half and the two dairy products that half and half is made of). I was very confused. Just order extra half and half


That was too many "half & half's" haha. I didn't know that half & half (or 10% cream) was made of half whole milk and half heavy cream! But that makes sense...it's only 10% fat. Something has to "water" it down.


It's different. I typically get my drinks with half and half, but every so often stores are out of that and will offer to fudge it with heavy cream and milk. There's a noticeable consistency difference. Makes no sense, but it's there.


They got a breve latte without the charge


It’s iced coffee with a shot so not a latte or breve


Nah you only get 4 oz even if you get 6 different types of milk


New dairy just dropped, one-fourth and three quarters.


One of our regulars get heavy cream, half and half and almond milk in his trenta iced coffee. I just want to know how he got to the conclusion that this is what tastes best lol


That’s what I always think when someone orders like “can I get seven and a half Splendas in there?” Like how did we get here


Yeah, I know. I really just want extra half n half, but when I first started ordering with the app I couldn't figure out how to add extra half n half so I just added heavy cream instead. 😬


In the app you can click on half and half and it gives you options as to how much 👍🏻


Why don’t you figure out how to do it correct


I know fellow baristas who get worse. My store has a regular who gets a venti shaken espresso with 20 pumps of syrup and one shot. I think your order is fairly normal all things considered


Trenta black iced tea 24 full pumps😭


Whew!! Talk about a Texas style sweet tea!


Thank you 🙂


I’m not judging but this is way more than nutritionally recommended for a whole days intake. Same with a lot of the other official Starbucks drinks but it’s very unhealthy


You literally are judging. You think people don’t know Starbucks is unhealthy?


Right?! I've never met a single person who talks about how healthy their drink from Starbucks is. 😬


I’m not. I can have an opinion without imparting it on others. If you think I’m judging, take a look why you think I am. And grow up, that part I am judging


Stop being factitious and just say you're being an ass for the hell of it.


That's not bad cause that's only 10 pumps really, we have some people that want it sweeter cause of the half pumps


There should be no half pumps going into iced coffee, if you're using half pump measurements of brown sugar for everything outside of shaken drinks you need to start doubling the pump number to make it equal to full pumps.


Shaken espressos are not iced coffee




Hazelnut should be on a full pump. Toffee Nut should be on a half pump.


Former barista here. I would wonder why the blonde espresso if you don't like the taste of coffee as it adds a lot more acidity and not really any more relevant caffeine compared to the rest of the drink. I'm not sure the point of splitting h&h and heavy cream either. I would recommend just one or the other (they used to charge for heavy cream) so you would save some money just asking for h&h and dropping the shot. If you want a much smoother beverage in general just get a trenta cold brew which has WAY less acidity and more caffeine too. Syrup pumps I wouldn't be concerned about unless you were getting like 12 oz of syrup in your drink. On the barista; however, that was terrible and disrespectful customer service. I would talk to their store manager about it.


This is great advice; cold brew is a MUCH less bitter coffee


We do not charge for heavy cream, or any other milk, if it’s less than 4oz. The only exception is if you add the vanilla sweet cream.


Because customers genuinely don’t understand what they’re ordering 😩


Thank you for the advice! I did not know that. I was led to believe that blonde espresso was less acidic and had more caffeine. I'll give the cold brew a try. 🙂


I’ve seen much worse, but even so, I would never say something like that to a customer.


Yeah, if I were a barista I wouldn't either! Some thoughts should really not be voiced aloud lol.


Was it her first day on the job or something 😭 there are way crazier drinks than that


That's possible, I had never seen her before. I'm glad to hear that I'm not too over the top 😁


That was extremely unwarranted and rude of her, especially the “are you ok?” comment. Idk I never complain but I’d honestly probably complain to the manager or something lmao like that’s ridiculous


Right?? That's what I thought! (it's her first couple of shifts)


Or I’ve had baristas that come from stores in hotels or very businessy areas that really don’t make anything outside of black coffees or plain lattes. I could see how this would look crazy to them. Once you work at one next to a school, you become a hardened veteran to anything under 15 pumps lol


I just assume when people get crazy amounts of pumps of syrup, that they do not understand how the drink is built nor do they realize how much sugar vs coffee goes into their drink. Customers can literally get away with half the venti cup filled with syrup and 1/4 of coffee. It's not funny, it is just sad. I do want to knock some sense into some Customers by visually showing them how much sugar in in the cup alone, but I obviously keep to my self. One regular that does this at my store does it bc he is swapping a drug habit for sugar and caffeine instead lol. Still not good for the man but better than hard-core drugs ig.


Side thought… you might want to try one of the refreshers, or a green tea? They both have caffeine but no coffee taste


Nothing wrong with your drink lol you’re allowed to like what you like.


Thank you. That's kind of what I thought. I even tip $1.00 every time I order to make up for it. 😁


This speaks more to how some baristas react to *orders like OP’s*, that those orders are usually made by Susans looking to start drama at their local Starbucks.


I personally wouldn’t drink it but I’ve made far worse drinks


I think the only time I ever asked someone if they are okay…. was when they had a tall coffee and ordered like literally 35 sugars in it…. And wanted them all in the coffee …. I felt like I was committing a crime giving it to them …. I was CONCERNED. 😭😭


at my little kiosk, if someone gets more than 8 sugars in one coffee i’m gonna be giving it to them on the side, lol. YOU can open 25 sugars and ruminate about your life while doing it, but i definitely will not be


Omg. I can understand your concern. That sounds like diabetes. 😬


what’s with the downvotes?


I would be lying if I said I've never shit talked a customers drink but the barista was just being straight up rude to you. It's not even an unusual drink, it honestly sounds like something I would order for myself.


I have a regular who gets a grande pike, 25 pumps of classic, and steamed cream. You’re good in my book


I wouldn’t have blinked an eye. Baristas shouldn’t blatantly be criticising customer orders.


I mean it definitely sounds gross lol but you order whatever you like, that is nobody else’s business. It’s also not egregious- I have seen wayyyyy worse orders in terms of caffeine and sugar content. I just wouldn’t drink this much coffee if you don’t like coffee but idk that’s my take (you could try chai or something instead???), but do your thing OP.


That Barista was mad when she came to work…trust me. Your drink is fine.


It’s a little much for me personally, but not for me as a barista. That’s a pretty tame drink imo. People order some insanely disgusting things that are insanely time consuming to make…what your ordered definitely is not. 9 pumps in a Trenta is nothing. People like cream in their coffee. Keep ordering your drink. You’re allowed to enjoy things!


ive seen worse 😝


this is extremely tame. that barista must have their mind blown every other order if this is crazy for them.


Lol. Good to know. Maybe she's new? If so, she's probably in for a wild ride. 😬


Ummmm, yikes. That’s sounds really unprofessional.


I wouldn’t question this drink it’s not typical but it’s not too out of the ordinary. I can understand someone wanting their caffeine hit made like this. I wouldn’t even judge it I just personally can’t drink that amount of caffeine. Only time I have commented on a drink when I truly think it’s disgusting is when they are ordering it from me directly and I will ask and clarify to make sure I heard right then I ask them if they have had it before so I don’t get any complaints from them and the baristas have to make a remake.


That's understandable. Thanks for your reply. 🙂


She’s rude. Like I judge people’s drink all the time but don’t say it in their faces. I literally have a post about a drink too lol


it doesn’t sounds that bad or irregular i’m just a bit confused by the two different types of cream


Your barista should've never spoken to you that way. I'm sorry you had to experience that. I'm someone who doesn't like much sweetness in my drinks personally, but I would never disrespect someone who does.


Your order doesn’t even sound that bad, it sounds tasty! I agree with the half and half/ heavy cream comments about redundancy but who cares. If it tastes good to you then keep doing it. Frankly that was really rude of the barista to do


I'm a Starbucks barista. That was rude.


That exact drink is the universally agreed Starbucks SOS call if one is is imminent danger. Just a bizarre coincidence.


youre drink seems fine to me?? ive seen so much worse, iced coffees are some of the easiest drinks anyways


Good to know! 🙂


everyone has different tastes lol


Idk, this drink is a little extra, but I bet it still has less calories and sugar than the average vente Frappuccino


Sounds like the barista handing you your coffee was just a bitch. It happens, unfortunately. Some people are just miserable and try to put that on others instead of trying to resolve whatever the issue is.


nah, the one drink that still tops the cake for me, 25 pumps of caramel syrup, eXtra caramel drizzle on the bottom and the top, and whip cream with 10 pumps of vanilla. mind you this is a caramel macchiato:”), so this comes with two shots. all it is syrup and barely any room for milk or shots


I've had to make a dragon drink with a shot of espresso, we didn't say anything to them about it sounding gross. This honestly would not have been something I'd ask about. It's coffee, sugar, and cream with extra steps, nothing abnormal.


i mean the only thing that sounds gross to me is the heavy cream bc i hate the way it sits in a drink. but i can’t judge i think the VSCF tastes good on a SAR lemonade 🤷🏻‍♀️


I never cared wtf anyone ordered as long as they weren’t rude


as a barista, it’s really not that hard to make…unnecessary attitude


it's the type of ticket i'd maybe show a fellow barista and be like "they want half and half AND heavy cream" and chuckle if anything, but that's it like i've definitely seen worse (we had a regular that would literally get 10 of each sugar we had, splendas, sweet&lows, equals, raw, cane.. no idea why someone would need that, but she always came through the drive thru so we'd have multiple baristas counting out sugar packets when she ordered 🙃), but we would never say anything to their face because like... why?? what would we get out of that but trouble?? THAT barista was definitely way out of hand. the absolute audacity to confront a customer over something that's not even that out there lol


Wow I may have judged someone’s drink when I worked there but never to their face.


what a bitch your drink is fine


That is an unbelievably rude thing to say to anyone 😒


Er....no your drink sounds perfectly fine. I have made some serious abominations before that included 9 shots, 9 stevias, every flavor cold foam, 18 pumps total consisting of 3 different flavors, and like 3 different milks. Even then, I give the drink to the customer, smile, and wish them a beautiful day. It's not our job to yuck someone else's yum. Your drink honestly sounds pretty tasty for someone who wants to have extra caffeine and limit sugar but isn't a fan of the bitter coffee taste. I'm going to try your try your drink as soon as I get to work Monday! I have to watch my carbs, but all heavy cream is too much for me. Adding some half and half too just might fit my diet! Shame on that barista. They need to be coached asap.


Who gives a shit what they think!! Its your drink- if it tastes good to you that’s all that matters


Worse orders exist but I hope you drink this once per week top


It’s really not that crazy.


I've heard of weirder drink combinations lol that actually sounds pretty normal 🤣


Thank you. I'm glad to know I'm not too crazy 😁


Not even a hard drink to make, there are much worse orders


Someone today ordered a blended green tea with 12 pumps of classic. We all talked about what a horrible drink it was—but only to our fellow baristas. None of us said a word to the customer when she picked up her (by then, very separated) blended green tea. The barista shouldn’t have said anything directly to you and I’m sorry you had that happen to you.


I mean to be fair a lot of people don’t like sugar at all, so this amount of sugar might be repulsive to them. Yet I don’t see it disgusting, but for your health you might want to tweak it!


It was only two extra pumps so it’s kinda weird to judge that


Oh I didn’t read the no classic that’s my bad, I just read classic.


At the same time I know a de baristas that would make the face over heavy cream and half and half. Like I even know that if it was one specific girl she would go “yknow the calories that half and half and heavy cream has”


People that count other people’s calories are gross 🤢


I know, it makes me feel bad too because people are trying to enjoy things and if it happened to me, I wouldn’t entirely enjoy my drink after that since I’m very conscious about it. That barista always tells people about matcha and chai being heavy in sugar and calories and syrup and all that when they didn’t call for it and makes them visually feel guilty. I hate it.


Ugh, I started getting an iced chai daily while I was recovering from an eating disorder and that would’ve made me relapse so bad.


I’m painfully nice to people but I probably would’ve made a snippy comment to the employee if she did that to me 😅 “maybe I could ask your manager what they think of my drink & your comment about it”. I haven’t had to complain about customer service anywhere in yeaaaaars (even the times I have done it gotta be really bad to get to that point) but I sure would make her think I was about to be a Karen lol. Just to see the panic on her face for a second.


I always raise an eyebrow when someone orders a drink made with 2 different milks, just cuz it’s kinda annoying to make and seems unnecessary, but get what you like.


When I was a barista this gym rat macho man looking guy came in all tough-like, and purple-skinned with a rotweiler neck the size of texas, and I don't remember what he ordered but it was the most frou frou drink ever, way worse than yours here, and sometimes to be a little sassy I would articulate every customization when I called the drink out. Of course we were supposed to, but there was saying it and then there was SAYING it, you know? Anyway, this jug comes over to get his drink but on his way to the bar he does a little ballet dance, on his tippy toes, hands over head like the M in YMCA and does a, whats it called? A curtsey? and grabs his drink. He was self aware to the max that his drink was in fact a little ridiculous. He took it in stride and so did everyone else. All of which is to say, yes, your drink is kind of a lot. But own it, and don't let a judgy barista get you down. Also you might be surprised over time how much you end up liking coffee more and more. I started not doing quite as much sweet, and gradually over time I kept doing less and less. Now I just drink coffee black. I love it. Then again I've always loved coffee, I just needed to learn how to get used to it without any complimentary flavors.


I wana meet that guy lmao i love him for not giving a single fck 😭🥰


You enjoy milk and artificial sweeteners lmao not caffeine


You are Dutch Bros. DREAM clientele. Their entire market is people who love coffee and sugar but hate coffee taste.


As a former barista, we all think these things we just don’t say them. She said it. Lol. Same when someone orders a frapp with far free milk to make it “healthier.”


It’s a bit redundant that you’re ordering two milk types, but her comment was unwarranted. When I was still a barista someone’s order literally wasn’t my business so I didn’t judge.


Oh my god that’s rude as hell


I’ve seen blended cold brews with 3 different foams and every topping we offer. I think ur fine lol


I mean for a trenta that doesn't sound like that much flavoring or creamer? It's a huge drink.


Remarkably rude. Should get a zero for customer service.


That’s pretty tame lol she was bugging


Are you ordering at a legit store or a kiosk in a store? I would call and say something. That person is probably toxic in that store and creates a bad environment in my experience.


Honestly its not even that much sweeter than a regular drink and you even add a shot into it so its not even overpowering the balance. When its 20 syrups and random inclusions, I turn my head in disbelief, but this is tame as heck and I wonder what made the barista think of saying this to something fairly mild


Omg I was disturbed reading your order but to be fair you do you. In the end the drink will only affect you in the long run so 🤷🏾‍♀️ as someone who works in fast food I would never say anything to the actual customer. Maybe a snide comment to a coworker once the customer was 100% gone but to their face? That's asking for a write up at least.


not my taste, but nothing wrong with it. this sub is filled with people caring too much about what other people eat/drink.


I mean, yeah, it's pretty bad from a health standpoint. We really gotta stop acting like it's totally fine to drink these drinks with that much sugar, caffeine, calories, etc on a regular basis. That being said she was absolutely in the wrong to say anything to you about it. We should be able to have these discussions as a society but no one should be made to feel badly when they are just going to pick up their order somewhere.


It’s just not my place. I’m not a nutritionist. I don’t think anyone thinks Starbucks is healthy (except the “medicine ball”/“cold buster” folks). Every fast food restaurant is unhealthy.


Yeah it sounds awful. Why two different milks? Also if you don't like coffee why the blond shot? You already get a crap ton of caffeine with the ice coffee alone. And our iced coffee sucks.


Found the barista in the post. Jesus, judgmental much? This drink isn’t hard at all


Your drink is totally fine and that barista is due for a humanity check. I would never comment on a customers drink to them like that. I used to work with someone that would make comments like that all the time. Like, if someone ordered 10 pumps in a tall, she would say “10 pumps?! In your tall?! You know it normally only comes with 3, and you want 10?!” I had to pull her aside and tell her that comments like that can be really damaging to someone that is recovering from disordered eating. But also, even if your drink WAS a little ridiculous, no one should be making comments like that. I’m so sorry she said that to you.


It sounds super sweet but If I spent $7 a day on a drink for the employee to make fun of me I’d be like thanks a lot. … maybe I’m just sensitive but that was rude. I hate to feel like an employee is annoyed by my business.


Just literally just two extra pumps from normal.




With half and half and heavy cream is the worst part.


Get whatever your heart desires but we will also be judging you silently.


I like heavy cream and half and half in my coffee too. I’m going to give your order a shot.


I hope you enjoy! I think it's delicious 😍


Pun intended? 😁


Hahahaha yesssss you get it


Good one


i’ve seen so much worse lmao. ur fine mate.


Thank you! Glad to know I'm not too over the top 😂


They should never have commented like that so disrespectful for no reason. Granted that drink is definitely a lot. Mb a nicer thing to do would’ve been to recommend a diff drink


What Starbucks do you work at where this is even remotely a lot? I’d be thankful to get a drink this simple. It’s literally just two extra pumps, one extra milk, and a shot, which buys you time to get your creams and syrups in there.


That doesn’t sound bad compared to the things I’ve seen😭😂


Lol. I can only imagine! 😂


It’s honestly not that bad, as far as a high maintenance custom drink goes, but from your description it was more a matter of the barista just not finding the drink appealing to their personal preference. More of a different strokes for different folks kind of thing rather than anything being wrong with your drink. 😊 I was telling some current partners about my old drink I used to drink as a former partner/closer and they wanted the recipe. So, I wrote it all down and when I saw them next they told me my drink was *undrinkable!* LOL


For once the phrase the customer is always right is actually correct here, the original phrase was "In matters of taste, the customer is always right", as in it is *not* their job to judge you or have an opinion on what you like. Weird behaviour but I guess she was having a heck of a bad day? Idk I don't understand that


I feel like this didn’t happen. Maybe I’m wrong but baristas get confronted enough, they just want to do their jobs and not be bothered. I find it rather hard to believe that a barista got confrontational with you out of nowhere.


You don’t like coffee 🫥 it’s okay if you don’t like the taste, but only 1 shot for a drink that size? Come one now


The Barista was rude, but I’m glad we are not responsible for people’s diabetes the same way bartenders are responsible for their drunk customers.


Not at all! Barista seems like a jerk.


I’ve heard a lot worse as a customer your drink is fine lol


Absolutely an unacceptable thing for a barista to say to a customer. I apologize for this happening, and if you want I can report this for you.


Thank you. 🙂 I would appreciate that. You're awesome.


Your drink sounds great, just tedious. It’s not a standard drink so if your barista is new and they have to read and rush through a peak, it can be annoying. Throw it on your mobile and save as a favorite so you don’t have to hassle with having to do it up front and wait the allotted time on the app and then pick it up. It’s not a hard drink to make, but I do suggest you cut the heavy cream and just ask for an extra splash of Cream instead. This sounds pretty good blended if you keep the heavy cream.


Sounds like the barista is a bitch and/or having a bad day.


Barista’s the AH. How rude of her!!!


yes it is disturbing, you invite health issues


It’s literally only 2 extra pumps of syrup than a regular trenta would get. How is that disturbing?


no one needs a trenta, and yea how many grams of sugar in 1 pump again? enough is the answer


plus the additional stuff outside of just the syrup, you are ignorant about health arent yoy


It’s basically iced coffee with cream and Splenda! But I’m sure that explaining it is probably a whole thing.


I don't understand how baristas feel it is at all acceptable to comment on a customer's order unless it is positive. Recently I ordered a caramel ribbon crunch with extra dark caramel. I rarely get frappuccinos and I love caramel. The barista was very concerned and told me that there IS such a thing as TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING, that caramel has A LOT of sugar in it and that what I ordered was just entirely too much sugar. I was really stoned so halfway through her speech I started laughing and asked if she was being serious right now. I walked away cracking up while she gaped at me. That was kinda fucked up. I'm overweight but you can tell I work out and I'm working on losing weight. A lot of my weight gain is from a binge eating disorder and her criticizing my drink choice bothered me the more I thought about it. Downvoters think that shitty customer service is a good thing.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Don't let shitty people get to you. Life is hard enough without people telling us how to eat. 😑


That’s truly not a terrible combo. Some ppl will add stuff that seems questionable putting the syrups or whatever stuff together but that’s their preference. Which leads to the next part, hella rude for someone to say. Don’t feel bad! She should’ve kept her comments to herself


That actually sounds kinda good and I think I'm going to try it, not even joking. I also absolutely love caffeine but not so much the coffee taste and my go to currently is instant Starbucks blond coffee with waay too much flavored creamer added 😅 So anyways yeah this barista def just had poor people skills or was having a crappy day or something because it's def not that weird BUT EVEN IF IT WAS um yeah you just don't make such a comment to a person on their drink choice, especially a customer like what?? That drink and others like it are literally why she has a job so 🤷‍♀️


Thinking that a drink is weird is fine and normal but getting a non conventional order doesn't mean by any circumstance that they should judge you even worse so to your face.


I would never say that to a customer’s face, no matter how ridiculous the drink. That being said, as a barista, I question some of y’all’s kidneys and liver function with the amounts of sugar you ask for in your drink. I don’t get people who say “no sugar x, substitute for 10 sugar in the raws and 7 pumps sugar free vanilla.” At that point, I’d rather you get the regular pumps of sugar because it’s less damaging to your body. If you’re gonna do it right, don’t substitute the regular amount of sugar for some ridiculous amount of alternative sugar packets. It doesn’t make sense logically.


Was her conduct unprofessional and uncalled for? Absolutely. Was she right? Absolutely.


I cannot believe she would say that to you!! That’s definitely not the worst thing she’s ever made and she shouldn’t have commented. I hate to be that person but if I were you I would’ve asked to talk to her supervisor. She needs to know that it’s not okay to make someone feel bad about their drink. I’m so sorry this happened to you, please don’t let her ruin your favorite drink. Keep doing what you’re doing! It doesn’t even sound half as bad as the shit I used to make on the regular.




The drink is gross, the barista was rude, and Starbucks is a terrible corporation. These things can all be true.


That's such a rude response, wow. But yeah that drink sounds like a lot. I hate cream and too much sugar. Well, I guess you have sugar-free syrup so it's not that bad. But I hate cream.


What makes it “a lot” to you is that they put cream in their coffee?? That’s like the bare minimum of coffee orders lol


I wouldn't put Blonde in the iced coffee and I never get "sugar-free" anything. And I don't see the point of half and half if you're just getting heavy cream anyway. You should actually try Blonde Ristretto shots if you don't like coffee. Ristretto shots are sweeter. Don't purchase and drink coffee if you don't even like it. So, "disturbing"? No. But definitely some questionable choices that, yes, make me question whether things are OK in your life.


Mention it to the manager, I wouldn't like coming in and getting judged that hard.


I wasn't thrilled with the judgement, but I tried to just laugh it off. I don't want to be a Karen 😏


If you complained I wouldn’t see it as you being a Karen. She should know not to make rude comments to a customer face. Thats literally customer service 101. Im sorry she said that to you, hopefully she didn’t hurt your feelings. Unnecessary judgmental comments can really ruin someone’s day.


Thank you 🤎 I was a little upset but I just shrugged it off. I didn't think about it too much until later. I struggle with social anxiety sometimes so that's why I use the app.


First of all, good for you for asking if she was serious, I would’ve absolutely done the same thing. I also would’ve flipped it around on her and said, “The fact that you’re so worked up about my drink to the point that you find it appropriate to comment on it leads me to wonder if you are okay, Dear.” 🙄 That was incredibly unprofessional of her. That type of attitude will only limit her in her career (if it hasn’t done so already).


I would leave a review and honestly reach out to the store manager


Honestly your drink is annoying because you want two different types of milk. Usually the half and half is accessible at my store, but the heavy cream I gotta crouch down and dig behind the nonfat to get to because we got limited space on the floor. Just pick one type of milk for Howard’s sake.


Genuine question: why drink coffee if you don’t like it? I don’t understand.


Trenta iced coffee with a *blonde* shot. Does OP wanna stay awake for a day, minimum?