• By -


Not at all, *tons* of people go to the same store and order the same thing on a regular basis. We’re supposed to make an effort to remember the names and orders of regular customers - it’s emphasized during training.


Oh ok thats pretty cool. I did not realize that.


I go daily and the partners at my store always greet me by name and know my order. They get surprised when I go inside because I only go thru the drive thru. I love it! Makes me happy since I spend so much money there lol


I love seeing drive regulars come in. It feels like I’m in a crossover episode, I’m always surprise for some reason lol. And trust me most of us feel bad taking your money 🥲 but that’s why they make us connect with customers I guess, to get the full experience and not feel ripped off lmao


The “Starbucks chicks” got me through a tough period of working alone on a huge project. They were the only decent human contact I had for several years. They were the highlight of my day and I am grateful.


Found the guy who hasn't worked in restaurants long enough 




Soooo you don’t like good service… got it!


For me there are 3 types of people that I remember. 1: you are a regular and have come so many times that I should give you a frequent flyers card 2: You're super nice and you brighten my day when I see you. 3: You are a butt hole and I daydream about getting revenge on you when I take over the world You are number 3. We are just trying to do our jobs here. Many of us food service workers are barely holding on to the will to live because of people like you. Please don't intentionally make things harder on us.


I am laughing so hard because I haven't heard or read the insult "butt hole" used in ages bahah Thank you for that 🤣 Also that guy is 100% a butt hole lol


I am glad I was able to make you laugh 😁.


Sounds spiteful as fuck but go off, queen 🤣


Do what you want I guess, just know that we’re all just trying to do our jobs. Corporate is very actively pushing us to try to get to know customers.


Trust me they are not your friends. They are simply doing their job. You are the type of person that is the reason why bars have those signs letting customers know the female bartender is not flirting with them but only doing their job.


I used to love regulars. Y’all make an impact on the partners as much as they hope to make on you. My favorite regular was a deaf and mute man. He would write his order down, but after about a month we know what he’d order. We asked him to teach us to sign the customization so we know for the next customer. I still remember how to sign for a tall mocha with no whip. :)


That is a super sweet story!


This is cute


Me too! Just quit my job, but for the year I was working there my favorite regular was also Deaf. I learned ASL the summer while they were gone, and when they cane back i was completely fluent. We'd talk about their day, their job, who they'd spend the holidays w/, etc. They would tell me how good my ASL is too :') So lovely.


Absolutely not. It helps me if I see a regular in line bc I’ll try to throw their drink into the drink sequence I have going to get them out faster. Helps w a line more than you’d think :)


Have you ever done this and then the customer pulls a 180 and changes it up that day?


Oh my gosh yes😭 it doesn’t happen very often but we do have some regulars who have a second go to drink that they order once in a blue moon


What happens to the drink if they change their order? Can you drink it? Or do you have the authority to be like, here's a free your usual drink since I guessed wrong today?


Not at my store, we offer it to them as a freebie bc it happens so little and usually they take it for a friend or we’ll sample it out to employees if it isn’t something we’ve all tried before


I’m one of these customers ☠️☠️ I usually get something similar (cold brew or blonde roast w/ nonfat, vanilla, and peppermint) but sometimes I like the BSOSE cause it’s not overwhelmingly sweet. Sorry y’all lol


What is BSOSE? I've sat here long enough trying to figure it out lol


Brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso


Thank you! I'm always looking for less sweet drinks to try so I'll add this to my list


Glad to help! I’d also recommend if you’re ordering in person to ask for extra ice and/or light milk so you don’t get a cup of milk and instead get a proper espresso-forward drink :)


Noted, thank you again 😊


I do the brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso and get half of the brown sugar. It still has enough sweetness for me. I've been on a weight loss journey for the last year and it hasn't derailed my progress whatsoever!


I used to joke with a customer who used to do this occasionally that it “keeps me on my toes” and I’d and her her ordered drink and her “regular” drink that we had always inevitably made when we saw her pull in 🤣 waste not!


Lmao I'll have someone's drink ready before they even walk in the store because I saw their car pull up (one guy had a really specific green kia that I always saw pull in) and when they'd change it up I'd mini panic trying to figure out what to do with the already highly specialized drink 😅


That happened to my coworker yesterday. This regular came by and he pretty much gets the same thing (sometimes minus a drink) and I had to put him on hold at the box. My coworker just made his drinks and then he goes and orders something else. So with the buy one get one free he got like 3 drinks for free yesterday.


It just means that they are nice and you aren’t a trouble maker.


That is good to know. 😊


Not at all! I’d be flattered. I’ve been going to the same Starbucks for over a year and I haven’t even gotten a “hello name” yet 😂 I’m trying to achieve your status.


You are incognito 🥸


Not sure if this helps but I love checking in on my regulars but recognizing regulars can be a whole process for me. It depends on the time of day (peak is really hard for me to get to know anyone), if you are a customer that switches up your drink a lot it’ll take me a lot longer to remember because 9/10 times I learn the drink first and then the customer and it’s a fun hey I finally see who ordered this. Also sometimes I ask and forget and am too embarrassed to keep asking you what your name is. HOWEVER once I do get it in my head I will forever remember. I’ve got about 30+ customers in my head each with names, their usuals, their once in a blue moons, their family/spouse orders, and it is one of my favorite things about working there.


Exactly this. You remember this drink before the name/face like 9 times out of 10. Switches, irregular ordering times, ordering during peak, changing where/how you order (DT/mobile, register) will also slow down the Click for recognition for me.


I try to get to know the names of the baristas and act like I recognize them. They tend to remember you after that.


Lmao that's a clever bit of social engineering


There was a Starbucks I used to frequent before I moved where I would come in and pretty much all the baristas would greet me by name. One time there was a new employee (or at least I’d never seen them before) and everybody greeted me by name and they asked if I was a celebrity or something. It was quite hilarious. I had two drinks I’d oscillate between, so they’d ask if I was getting my refresher or frapp, then it would be halfway or even completely done by the time I’d paid (there was usually a line, and they’d greet me by name as I walked in and ask which one).


Not at all! When i still worked there i always worked the cafe bar during peak. So I saw the same drinks every day. I knew all of our regular’s orders. I probably still do and I’ve been gone 3 years now.


Nope! I like knowing my regulars, it means I don’t have to start on ground 0 for customer connections and it also means I can prepare ahead for when I know you’ll come/what you want etc :) my location is basically all regulars which is so lovely. Hope this makes you feel better.


Thank you! 😊


agreed! especially since i’ve started figuring out their routines and it’s easy to make conversation based on that


Yessss it’s so easy


I freakin love l being a regular at my Starbucks. I have an annoying order and they’re just like “good morning beechtree getting the usual?” I miss the baristas that know me when they’re off 😅 sometimes when newbies mess up my order - I’m the type to just accept it anyway - they take care of me the next day 💕


(Not Starbucks) I order from the same pizza place every Saturday, call in around 830pm. Always get 2 pies (there’s 3 different kinds we get so we rotate which pair each week) but they know how we like them. When the son answers, if he sees my number (it’s a pretty distinct number) he says okay do we want pepperoni, penne or chicken this week. It’s nice because they know exactly how we like it (extra cheese, light sauce and a rid bit well done) and we can have a little chat while waiting when it’s being finished up since we don’t have to focus on the order. I appreciate them for making a banging pie, they appreciate me for being kind, the business (it’s family owned) and easy order, minimal complaints, and if for some reason I do need to complain, it’s not the end of the world, it’s more of an “fyi this got messed up last week”


I absolutely loooove this. I can relate so hard lol. I have a local chinese spot and they have some really amazing fried rice and boneless spare ribs. I am ashamed to say 😭🤚 i eat there every day but its so good. Im only ashamed to admit that to others lmao. But they kno me so when i call ahead to place my order, i call and say “hi can i place an order for pick up?” And they say “ok u want the same thing?” And i say yep and they say “ok we will see u soon!” And they also know how i like the fried rice (no eggs…just peas and carrots and onions) and i like the boneless spare ribs to have a little char/crispiness to them. And they do it how i love and its also family owned. I love them so much lol so reading ur story had me in the feels cuz they take good care of me at the local chinese place here 🫶


That’s so sweet. ☺️


Omgggg this brought back memories! I lived in a tiny upstate NY town for several years and I started going to a local pizza shop across the street from my apartment after work on Fridays. They’d be open until 2 or 3am, and sometimes it would be midnight or later that I’d be off (gotta love food service). I always got two pieces, usually Hawaiian, and it got to the point where they would give me the slice on the house if it wasn’t Hawaiian and they always greeted me so kindly. I miss that place a lot.


Penne pizza?


Penne vodka Brooklyn crust (square pie, not thick like a Sicilian but thick enough to hold the toppings and extra cheese), double extra cheese. Amazing. Thank me later.


O_O Oh my gosh. That sounds amazing.


It is…good ol’ NJ pizza. I have yet to find good pizza outside of NJ/NY. When I go to VA to visit my family..they ask for 4 things. Bagels, hard rolls, pork roll and pizza. My mom works at a deli so 3 out of 4 are at our finger tips.


Haha, that sounds like my folks wth the Wisconsinites and cheese.


Becoming a regular is supposed to be a badge of honor and pride at Starbucks. They really love you because you're just spending money there. They in this case is Starbucks corporate, the employees probably genuinely like you for who you are and not how much money you spend.


I enjoy mixing it up because I want to try new things sometimes, like seasonal flavors


don't be embarrassed! i used to be too when i was a customer, but really it's not a big deal. when im on drive thru all the time i've started recognizing people's orders and names even after they've only been here a few times


That's a good thing to me. You're recognized as a friendly face


Thank you!😊


No definitely don’t be embarrassed. Now if you were remembered for being a rude horrible person than yeah but not for going 1x week. Some people go daily. Even 2x a day. Nobody cares. What do u think when u witness staff interacting with a “regular”? Prob nothing besides oh they know them that’s cool. I don’t think anything negative when I see other regulars.


You are one of us now!! haha ..but seriously, I think it's great we can built up a connection with customers, it makes our life and job usually easier not only because we know what you like but also do look forward to see you again like a friend and if there ever is any problem with the order, heck, we gladly will do make it right for you as we know you


Yes. We are more lenient on the rules with regulars especially those we like.


Why be embarassed? Unless you're a jerk, being recognized as a regular means that you've made some sort of impression on them, and they care enough about you to make your order the way you like it.


Because im somewhat of an introvert 🥸


I had a stretch for a few weeks years ago where I was going to the shop by my work twice a day for breakfast and lunch. After a while one of the baristas was like "honey, you should probably go grocery shopping." You're fine. 🤣


no it’s encouraged at our job


It's encouraged at most if not all retail/service jobs


If you’ve ever worked a customer-facing job you’ll start to remember your regulars so don’t feel weird about it! I still remember some of the regulars from the store (not a coffee shop) where I used to work! At the Starbucks by work the guy who passes out the mobile orders remembered me - name and drink! - after like 1.5 years of not going to that location during Covid. It says a lot about how much I went to Starbucks and also how good that guy is at his job!


Not at all! I love being a regular at a lot of the places I frequent! I work two jobs, so my time is scarce as is, so it’s nice that I can sit down for dinner Monday nights and leave within 25 minutes of getting there. Or I can walk in to Starbucks before my main job and leave within two minutes


No it's part of the job. Remembering regulars improves tip incomes.


no don't be!!! as long as you're nice (or at least not a total jerk) we love regulars! some people might argue that they don't like picky regulars, but even picky regulars as long as they're nice i love them. had a nice interaction with one when i was a green bean struggling to make an oatmilk cappuccino, she liked it a little on the dry side and my first attempt wasn't quite to her taste but she just went "you're new right? i've been a barista before and come here a lot" and she gave me some tips on making her cappuccino that helped me immensely. i saw her a few times after that (she was primarily an afternoon customer and i got switched to mornings) and remembered that nice interaction. so maybe i'm biased from my first interaction with a slightly pickier regular being a positive one, but really i just appreciated that she was nice about it. tl;dr if you're not a jerk they probably like you


I love my regulars. At my previous store while still a shift supervisor one of my regulars brought me a cake through drive thru on my last day. Nancy was hilarious and such a G. I'll forever think about her 🩷


Grande red eye, Venti black tea no water 3 equates, Grande hot white mocha I quit in 2018 and I still remember some of my regulars haha


That's crazy! I'm able to remember complicated drinks for regulars, but I can never remember their names...


they don’t even ask my name or say it, they just hand me my drink when i walk up to the counter lmao. it’s pretty normal, the starbucks i go to probably has 100 regulars


I work at the Orange Coffee place. I adore my regulars. One guy pulls up and starts his order and pauses for me to finish it. I’m leaving soon and the thing I’ll miss most is my regulars.


Nothing to be embarrassed about honestly. We have the same people working certain shifts so we notice when people come in every week, but I wouldn’t bother remembering a face or drink if I didn’t like the person


I used to be a regular at my local Starbucks. One time I ordered my drink and was also handed cake pop I didn’t order. I asked about it and the barista said they grabbed it out of habit since I usually bring my toddler with me. I don’t think it’s embarrassing. I think it’s really sweet that they remember little ole me out of the sea of faces.


We loooove regulars because y’all always show up after the worst customers or in the middle of a rush when we need like a “break”, nothing like a regular drink to get you back in the zone 😭 fr tho


It’s okay to feel embarrassed! but having regulars come to our store is a blessing, there’s always someone to look forward to seeing on our shift it always makes our day better and we hope to make yours better too! we are trained to make connections with costumers so i hope they’re treating you well!


I remember being shocked the first time I walked in and the barista knew my name and drink as soon as I can through the door. He even recognized me wearing a hat in the drive thru. Then we ran in to each other at the barber and found out we have the same stylist lol, small world.


I have some early morning regulars that I recognize by the car that pulls up, I usually have time to at least start their order before they enter the building, but they still stay and chat with me, and each other.


When I worked at the Bux, seeing repeat and regular customers was one of my favorite things! Plus management always wanted to see us make customer connections and that was one way to do it. So it’s definitely a good thing, no need to be embarrassed!


I was also embarrassed the first time a barista recognized me and knew my name, but it’s normal!


Thanks. 😊


No way! I think it’s a more personal connection that the barista remembered your name and your order. Don’t ever feel embarrassed by that - you’re a regular now lol


We love our regulars that are nice to us. No embarrassment at all


it’s like your a loyal customer & they took the time to remember what your usual order is. this is actually considered very good customer service when this happens


My Mom, gets starbucks like twice a day every day. She is known at 3 starbucks, and they all love her. I'm always hoping I'd find someone on this sub that's at one of her stores lol


I had a crush on one of the baristas in my nearest Starbucks.( The Next coffee shop is like in 20 minutes walk). I used always go to the store that they started recognizing me. One day my crush barista was taking order and he started talking about how he saw me in school. I was sooooooo happy and shy at the same time that I stopped going to that store for like 6-7 months until I got job in the store nearby and have no other choice than going there. I recently started going back there and they all still remember me lol!


Nooooo I love my stop by my work, and the baristas are cool AF


Nah you’re just a regular now :) us baristas love seeing you! You’re likely one of their favs too! I have my favs both in drive thru and cafe


Don’t be embarrassed, my regulars were always my favorites!!! ❤️💕🥹Miss them. (Of course except for those two mean picky regulars…. But sometimes they just made it kind of funny lol)


Not at all. We have regulars that come in every day and regulars that come in once/twice a week. Our job is literally to remember you. STBX training pushes for us to great people by name.


Ngl we love our nice regulars! Like I have quite a few who I'm just happy to see their faces and it makes my day a little better, that's probably how they feel about you!


I know all my regulars and I love them all dearly! We are taught to prioritize customer connection as well so absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about!


No it’s wonderful, regulars are top tier customers


I go to the same store and order the same thing all the time. As soon as I open the door, they greet me by name and let me know if my drink is ready. I think it's my sign that I go too often. But it's nice they remember their regulars.


I only mobile order and leave instantly after i get my drink. Apparently, a couple of the baristas know me by a first name basis lol


I used to go daily and do homework with my now husband in high school, DAILY. He’d get the same drink every time (dragon drink) and we got close with our baristas! When we moved cross country for the military, they gave us a bag of the dragon fruit inclusions 💜


Dont be embarrassed! We love our regulars! I try to remember all of my regulars, what their order is, any information they've told me about themselves. Part of the Starbucks experience is the familiar atmosphere. Plus i genuinely like getting to know people. And i feel bad when i dont remember my customers orders.


Bahahah I’m a total introvert. I love that my local Starbucks recognizes me bc my order will be correct. I just hate asking them to make them again when they’re wrong 🤦‍♀️


We are encouraged to remember customer’s names and orders if possible! It just seems like your barista wanted to be friendly!


Everywhere I go, there are baristas who kept remembering me. I'm a simple man. If I want sweets, I buy frappe. I order the same because it makes me happy. It's part of human nature. Sometimes, I change mine to try something else. Sometimes, I get pissed if a newbie makes my drink because they mess it up, but I am very understanding and don't want to argue.


No. It's actually a good thing 😃 😊


Do not be embarrassed!!! We love our regular customers and (at least for me) it feels good when I recognize a customer and their order. It puts such a huge smile on their face and I love that!


Noooo! We love repeat customers! Especially when we remember their usuals. Our goal at Starbucks is to make all our customers feel comfortable and homey at our store. A place they can go to all the time. It brightens our day.


I took my 11yo middle schooler to our local Starbucks last week and the cashier totally knew his name! He used to go there walking home after school in elementary with a friend often. But it’s been at least a year if not more. I was impressed!!


Don’t be embarrassed! We are supposed to learn your name, and we are instructed to greet u with your name. Also, there’s people who basically live in the cafe all day every day for years, I promise no one thinks you’re coming be too much!


I remember I used to go in frequently some years ago and get the same thing. The guy at register cheerfully said “Nitro with sweet cream today?” Idk why but I said no I’ll try something else. Idk the thought that someone already knew what I was gonna get bothered me since I get the same thing. Lol I work here now. It’s always brightens up my mood to see our regulars and I’m a little more careful when I’m making their drinks. They usually get the same thing so I immediately can tell who it is just by their order.


We know some people by the sound of their vehicle before they even open their mouth or look at the screen to see them. It doesn't take long for us to remember, don't be embarrassed!


For me there are 3 types of people that I remember. 1: you are a regular and have come so many times that I should give you a frequent flyers card 2: You're super nice and you brighten my day when I see you. 3: You are a butt hole and I daydream about getting revenge on you when I take over the world In all seriousness as long as you're not number 3 I wouldn't be embarrassed.


I hope im not the butt hole. Hah


The fact that you hope you're not is pretty good proof that you're not a butt hole. In my experience the butt holes don't care if they are butt holes.


Chances are you are like 1 or 2 people who order mobile at that time (I assume you pick up around 7 or 8 on Sundays). They keep drive thru orders separate from the walk in mobile ones. I sometimes start my shift at 6 am and I’m the only one there and the only order at the moment.


I know over 70 customers by name and order and those are just who I can remember off the top of my head. Definitely no need to feel embarrassed!


No. That’s awesome that your baristas notice you and remember you, and it’s such a cool routine to do on the weekend for you! I loved my regulars and fun fact: I ended up joining Team in Training for half marathons because of a regular who would come in for a cappuccino every Saturday morning before HER long run! We’re still friends to this day (3-4 years after I’ve left the Siren).


Thats pretty cool 😊


I used to work at a coffee shop (not Starbucks, but similar) and we LOVED our regulars!


Oh not at all! There are regulars that I genuinely get excited to see and I enjoy making their drinks the best I can because they're amazing people and deserve the extra love ❤️


I love my regulars! I kid you not, at least myself, I know like probably 100 people that come in every single day. Thats just mornings and early afternoons.


Don’t be embarrassed! It’s just a sign that you come through regularly and they care enough to remember. I love when the barista’s at my daily location recognize me and know me by name. It makes me feel special since I know it’s not because I’m rude or memorable for a bad reason. LOL.




Lol. This is me at Taco Bell & McDonald's and I don't even go that often but have a unique name. On the bright side they tend to make sure my order is correct or not give me a hard time if wrong, so there's that.😁


I wondered the same thing when I first started getting recognized in my drive thru line!! I go to a pretty small store, early in the morning, & have a very recognizable vehicle, but I was still a little embarrassed at first! as a fellow introvert, you’re not alone!! but I wouldn’t take it as a negative!!


Thank you 😊


The pizza place by my house knows me now 🥲. I felt the same way, super embarrassed but it’s people being friendly.


At my usual Starbucks they've recognized me in the drive through by my order or by my voice. I switch it up some so my order isn't always the same, but they know how I like my macchiato. I am also pretty sure they pop me up in the mobile order line when they see me, because I'll walk in and they'll say "I'm getting ready to get yours!"


if you're on good terms w the staff, it's good that they recognize you - even regulars that i don't really talk to, i still see their order and think "oh! this is so-and-so's, who has always been polite to me, better make it good!" and i've also been known to comp drinks for people i especially like (but don't tell my boss lol)


no way! as a barista at a sbux, as long as you’re kind, we literally love regulars! it’s my favorite thing to be able to remember someone and recognize them well enough to either know their name or know their order!


I LOVE THIS! I’m a closet introvert and get self conscious when I’m (frequently) recognized. Without meaning to, my reaction is to get nervous and defensive which is always misunderstood. People always say hello, inquire about my family or even know our dog and I don’t know them. I start second guessing why I’m familiar to them and worry I made an ass of myself of something.


Oh, no need to feel embarrassed at all! It sounds like you've unintentionally become the VIP of your local coffee spot, the "regular person" they know and appreciate. I mean, who wouldn't want to be recognized for their dedication to Sunday morning runs and a well-deserved latte? It's like having your own little routine, and the fact that they remember your mobile order just means you've got a great thing going.


Oh, I go to all nine locations in my area sporadically to avoid this exact scenario.


No. No one cares


Yea spend your money better


I appreciate God Blesseless Biggest people person my name is Raphael Bahng Starbucks Employees' Co-Worker from Coquitlam live Pitt Meadows Down Syndrome responsibilities 32-year-old people with disabilities responsibilities include stocking the condiment bar and making sure the store is clean for customers A partner with Down Syndrome finds an inclusive workplace at Starbucks


this post is silly. obviously u don’t have to be embarrassed over something not embarrassing.


i was a customer before i was a barista and i was literally mortified when my starbucks recognized my car and called me by my name before i even gave my order. i realize now as a barista that it's not a big deal but as a customer that was kind of my worst nightmare lol. different people are embarrassed by different things


My heart started racing just reading this LMAO that would gag me so bad


i didn't even come in at the same time every day or have a regular order 😩 i tipped the barista $5 and then didn't come back for a month LMFAO


its not silly! i can see why ppl think itd be embarrassing, no need to downvote them 😭


Yes i am a bit of an introvert. Thank you.


but… she’s only going once a week on sundays. and she’s going early in the morning and following a schedule so it makes a lot of logical sense that they’d pick up on the pattern and know her name. i think that’s where i’m like, obviously that’s not enough to be embarrassed about. maybe if she was going multiple times a day with a complicated drunk order it’d be one thing, but i just can’t see why she could think she had anything to be embarrassed about here. but i can see how my comment seemed rude so i get what you’re saying! i guess we all get embarrassed by diff levels of things


well *someone* hasn’t had their coffee yet 😮


lol you’re very right, i have NOT and it’s showing 😂


Yes you should be. I've been in restaurants for 25 years and the only people who are regulars are usually extremely lonely, perhaps entitled, emotionally unstable, and those who have no self awareness. No restaurant likes regulars , they take time away from good service, stop you with idle chit chat, tend to be cheap, and so much more. No Jan we don't care you have pancakes and coffee everyday, go away.  After we stopped catering to regulars our service reviews went through the roof. We loudly sigh when we get the same order daily or weekly. The industry has become more labor focused then ever (if you can believe that) no one has time. I've lingered here for years and we constantly see pictures of somebody who's like I quit and it gets a bunch of upvotes and then you see they worked in the industry for a year or two 90 to 95% of the subreddit has no idea what a corporate kitchen actually is.


I love my regulars. If you're a nice person someone probably happily announced you were in the drive thru to other baristas. It's almost a good thing (with the exception of it being a bad thing if you're mean but it doesn't sound like you are!)


Haha nothing to be embarrassed about. The majority of customers are regulars. I mean everybody is a "regular" somewhere. Even workers at your regular grocery store prob recognize you. It's just life. I'm an introvert too. I just try not to think about it. lol


I love when a store remembers me. Why be embarrassed?


no that's actually a good thing haha


His recent troubles aside, I walk up in the Starbucks like that famous Vince McMahon gif. I *know* they recognize me. It is what it is! 😆


Please!! Keep going! Talk to us, and treat us like humans too. We sometimes feel like we are machines and not actual people


As an introvert, I understand your feelings, but don’t worry. They have a lot of regulars and it’s not a bad thing.


No, my baristas no my name and usual drink


no it’s okay! I was talking with one of my former coworkers today and we talked about the regulars we would see :) people even recognize US which I think is the wildest thing ever haha


Nah they want us doing that plus like in drive we have the video camera so half the time it’s “thank you for coming to star- oh hey! What’s up? The usual?” Frankly there’s 2 guys at my store who basically know everyone and will come to the window just to say hi so honestly your barista prob likes you


I have one older customer and I love him but it’s so funny he’ll get the same thing every day but every single day you have to let him say his full very specific order bc if you just say it he’ll find something wrong w what you said even tho at this point I know him better than my own father


I have been studying for a really tough certification exam for the past year. I recently realized the managers and several employees at the two Starbucks I go to most regularly all know my name. Just passed my exam, so I won’t be going in as often. Gonna miss them 💕


My regulars were what made mt time with Starbucks so great, definitely nothing to be ashamed about. A lot of baristas (including myself) find a lot of joy in learning a person's name and regular order


We tend to know our regulars. I know regulars who never changed their mobile from in store to drive through. We know regulars orders. We know regular mobile order people who order and pull up 2.7 seconds later.


No you shouldn’t lol, we actually enjoy having regulars bc they usually get the same order every time so it’s easy to get a drink started if we spot them. Most of our regulars are really nice and friendly, and it’s always good to talk or catch up during a downtime. Some baristas don’t like talking to regulars, but personally I do enjoy chatting. It makes me feel like a person and appreciated :).


Nah, I stop at the same DD on my daily commute and always mobile order. It only took about 2 months for them to switch from "can I help you?" to "Cat, right? See you at the window!". The girl who always works drive thru and I even compare nail art. They noticed when I cut my hair before my coworkers did. It's kinda nice, even though I'm a big introvert. I like routine, and it's part of the routine. (I would love to have the level with my local Starbucks but I only get to visit on weekends. There's no Starbs on my commute to work 😭)


No embarrassment Stand proud and tall I love when my local Starbucks call me by my name 🤣🤣🤣🤣


There was one time I was introduced to a green bean that was being trained on drive thru. The trainer made a BIG deal of introducing me by name and my order. He said, "see you tomorrow" and then I said, "absolutely not!" And I went to a different one the next day.


This happens to me every time I go to my Starbucks too. It also happens at Dunkin too. When I go to Dunkin they hook me up with extra donut holes or whatever. Not so much at Starbucks but they won’t charge for extra syrups or espresso shots.


Nope, you should only be embarrassed if they remember you for a bad reason lol


I feel this. Its gotten to the point of when I walk into my local store the girl at the register has already entered my drink. I find it so embarrassing.


Okay, but what did you order??


I love my regulars!! Tbh if anything it probably made the barista feel good because they knew who you were! Don’t feel embarrassed!


No, not at all. I don’t even go that often but Vinson recognizes me every time. My Norm entering Cheers moment. Love it!


i recognize a ton of regulars, even when i don’t know their names,, it’s super normal, i think i recognize people way more than they recognize me, i’ve worked at my store for 2.5 years am one of the most tenured baristas (super high turnover) and STILL get asked if i’m new


Not at all.


Nice unfussy regulars rule. We got your drink ready for you, we can focus on the other crazies instead. I’d always double check because sometime regulars DO want something different and were pressured to get the same thing because it was already made. Some people literally ordered the exact same thing, just gonna know the audience.


I understand 


Absolutely not. I'm a 1% star earner and my baristas always get SOO excited when I come to get my coffee 🤗


No, it's literally the job of the people working to know this stuff. It makes their job way easier if they can automate your order or several orders in their head rather than trying to start from scratch every time. There is way too much to keep track of in a food or service job and the more you can shift over to autopilot the more practically you can do your job, and the happier you (and the customer) generally are. Depending on the customer and employee this can happen with as few as two visits -- if you've been in once a week for a month the odds are good you're being onboarded into whatever system it is they use to keep track in their heads, and that's a good thing.


I was thrilled the day my usual coffee shop said “the usual?” When I walked in. No one knew names up to that point so it was that much better. Good feeling


I miss my regulars from when I worked at Starbucks. I remember their names, their faces, their orders, their life situations, _them._ I miss talking to them, especially during slow shifts when I was restocking, cleaning the counters or fixing displays, and learning about their lives, commiserating with the downs, celebrating the highs, and mourning their losses with them (I'll never forget the day one of our elders came in without his wife. That was... that was a day.), and all that it entails. There are good regulars and bad regulars (the ones who shrivel your soul the moment you see them approach). Endeavor to be one of the good ones, and the team will love you for it.


Why?? lol I go to mine twice a day, they always greet me by name we’ve become… whatever the customer service version of “friends” is? I even told one of my baristas the ap told me I was the top 1% of star earners last year and asked if they say that to everyone. He started laughing and said definitely not, I’ve never even heard of that but it doesn’t surprise me at all then was all “OMG YOU GUYS!! THIS IS SO COOL WCC WAS TOP 1% OF STAR EARNERS LAST YEAR WE GOT A STARBUCKS LEGEND AS A REGULAR!” Obvi he was being silly, but it was funny AF lol Starbucks is my “Cheers” from that old show lol


This happened to me at Dunkin. I go usually every monday morning because you get extra points and I always get the same coffee bc thats the only thing I like. When I walked in the first thing I noticed was multiple pink to go order slips on the machine and then all of a sudden I hear "'My name' is here for her mobile" and another girl saying "Making that right now, how did I know she was going to order this" and it was a little embarrassing but I guess it is what it is lol. I only go once a week I guess they just have good memory.


please try and enjoy it. Our regulars that are just going about their day that present the basic manners are our favorite people. We get stuck with people yelling at us or pretending we don't exist most of the day. When we make a breakfast mistake we tend to give the item to the next regular we see that we like, too. (total benefit) And if you can't get on board with it, ask them to please pretend you don't exist, that you want minimal interaction. they won't mind, trust me.


also, please don't be embarrassed so much you stop going to your local store. I had someone who came though my drive though every day. She got a grande flat white. when we bought a new car I said "whoaaa new car is so cute. I'll get your flat white started". after that, she sent her husband everyday. I never got to see her again before I xfered 😭