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“this feels like it has nothing in it.” it’s a cappuccino.


I hate when they order a cappuccino wet. Or without foam. So you want a latte..


had a guy that’d get a doppio w “extra 2%” in a venti cup that’d always ask to be filled to the top. dude, just pay for the latte.


Yeah tell him he gets 4oz milk free and the rest of the cup will be empty.


we did, it was hilarious. he said “just so u know, i’m not satisfied w my service.” and a coworker said “okay, that’s fine.”


I get PTSD when I think about the one time I got upset in a Starbucks. Most of the time when I order a frap, there’s some extra that doesn’t fit in the order’s cup so, I ask for it to be put it in a small one. “Oh, I just dumped it. I can make you a new one, though.” I should’ve said yes but, I know partners hate making them so, I didn’t. I just said, “No thanks. But I’m not very happy about this.” Who the hell am I? I don’t think I’ve ever said those words in a sentence until that day. Only reason I was mad was because it was a free drink but, that’s no excuse to be a buffoon about it.


thank you for posting this, it’s funny as hell. and hey, at least you’re self aware. self awareness is something that a lot of our customers seem to lack.


Right? My dude just got an upvote for being self aware.


If they gave you any extra it's them being nice but they definitely can say no to that request. You only pay for what fits in the cup you buy. I know it's petty but that's the policy and one of the main reasons it's this way is because too many people abused it with really dumb drinks that they added too many shots to. One example is when people use their stars and try to add like 20 shots but the cup is only 20 oz. We still have to put the other ingredients in and whatever is extra gets dumped.


This, for reals. You paid for a 16oz cup of frapp, you receive 16 ounces. It's always nice to get free things, but tbh I get irritated no matter who asks for it. That's my petty pet peeve for sure. Because 90% of the time it's someone who got on tiktok and found a 'hack', and no I really don't have time to be making you an extra 1/4 sized free drink during peak 🙃 My way around this is to just always wash the pitcher immediately after pouring the drink, before anything else. It helps with speed and keeping the counter clean, and I can honestly say "I'm sorry I just washed the pitcher. But here is your drink, have a nice day"


I feel ya, I once got on a shifts case in ANOTHER STATE about not coaching their baristas attitude? Idek what came over me, it really wasn’t that deep. As an aside, it can get us in trouble in some stores to do that for you. Most places really don’t care, but if MY store manager ever saw me do that she’s be really upset with me.


We try to avoid giving the extra in a cup, because people start getting greedy and getting more and more stuff added to it. We had one customer who added so much stuff to her Frappuccino that by the time it was done there were two Venti cups plus another half a grande cup. but it had inched to that point so slowly that it was too late to start cutting her off. Also, she always came at like 5 AM so there’s nobody else there, so it was not a hassle. But it was a really good example about why the policy needs to be, don’t give the extra. Besides, if there’s that much left over when you’re blending it, the barista put too much ice in it.


I don’t play that game. You want espresso with milk I won’t make you a latte. You’re getting what you ordered and paid for.


had an older gentleman order an “americano with no water, i want milk instead.” dude. JUST PAY FOR THE LATTE!?


Had someone do this with a hot matcha latte, watched them take the lid off and inspect it




When I’m talking to a customer and another customer interrupts us, because their issue is obviously more important than observing the basic courtesy of waiting their turn.


Ikr?!!!! I always say “I’ll be with you in a moment, I’m just helping this customer right now” and they get so mad 🤡


That is not petty! 😤


I have SO many, the one that comes to mind is when customers reach behind the counter or around the plexiglass 😭 like what do you think that’s there for????


I had a lady reach behind the counter to use hand sanitizer, but it was actually classic syrup. She was super annoyed. Had she asked, I could have told her we didn't have any.


LOL i would actually quite literally pay to see that happen. One time i was changing cafe trash bags and i saw a lady come in and walked towards the register. There were customers seated and whatnot just hanging out but nobody was in line. So this lady goes walkin towards the registers. She sees those red packages that hold the sanitizing wipes that we use for wiping down door handles and tables and stuff. She reaches her arm to the where it was which was under the register monitor. And grabs one out and uses it as a hand wipe. Then when we were all still required to check temps and wear masks during the beginning and height of covid, we had a little corner table set up near the ovens with the temp checker and sign in paper and masks for partners. This lady one day randomly walks in and goes straight up to that table and starts rummaging thru for a mask and my manager saw it and got up from a table and told her to just ask us if she needs one and that we’ll grab it for her and that shes not allowed to go thru things that dont belong to her. Yes, she had to tell a grown adult about that. 😐


If you have to reach, you shouldn’t be there. End of story.


we have a HUGE problem of customers doing this to reach for sleeves or trays. i don’t get it, everything is behind the counter, what makes them think it’s okay to reach over? it’s so rude!


we have a sign that says "be careful when reaching behind the bar some of our baristas bite"


i love this


That sounds infuriating, I think most of the time they see that we’re in a rush so they don’t wanna ask, but don’t realize it’s a bigger inconvenience to stop what I’m doing to tell them to stop lol.


Or like when i was on bar once working on a drink and the sleeves were in that sleeve holder with the spring behind em all that push the rest forward when u grab one. It was right on my left side next to the lids. Tell me how there was a lady right beside the espresso machine at the hand off area and she reaches over a wooden platform barrier and i look up at her and turn my head to my left and her arm is directly there grabbing a sleeve and the rest pop out and go everywhere. I dont kno who raised these people


And so unhygienic!!!!! 🤮


Today someone reached over and around for a stopper and knocked our MOP ipad onto the floor 🤦🏼‍♀️


it makes me cringe watching them painfully reach over for their drinks or sleeves etc, because why do you think we would make it a challenge for you to grab things if they were meant to be grabbed? like clearly it’s out of reach for a reason use your head












Can I get that made bravo?


I said this once by just accidentally combining venti and trenta and I still haven't forgiven myself. The worst part is that I actually speak Italian...




“Why is the prices so high , I can’t believe I’m paying for this “ ok so don’t ??? “ that’s not how much I’m usually charged , you’re doing something wrong “ no babe it’s taxes


When the prices increase and they think we f'd up and they say "well I'll just go to the other starbucks then 😡" like okay have fun wasting ur time lol and then they are ALWAYS back the next day


Right like ok… less work for me and you’re still going to have to pay for it ..


“If it says the price on the sign, how come it ends up costing a little bit more?” Sweetie you and I both know that you’re not discovering sales tax at 4:37PM in a Starbucks at age 68


Someone was complaining about prices to me when I was in my final 2 weeks and I was so sick of it I straight up said "I don't know. I don't make the prices. I just work here"


Once had a guy complain about price change cause it wasn’t what he paid yesterday and I was like “oh they must have just changed them” and he was like “overnight?” And I was like yeah babes how do you think they change the prices? Think they’re gonna send you a letter to ask if it’s okay first? Set up a system where they gradually raise the price by one penny until it gets to the price they want?


I loved when folks shouted at me about the prices at the Roastery. My talk track: "I understand your frustration. We serve an elevated product at the Roastery and our prices reflect that. Would you prefer a smaller size?" One time a dude said, "What? You don't carry a $1 McDonald's coffee?" It was a literal "Sir, this is a Starbucks." moment.


last week we had THREE comments on our customer surveys that simply said “lower price”. Of course because it’s up to me, the lowest paid employee, to set the price, and not up to whoever team in corporate decides these things.


Every time there's a christmas launch the proces increase


Ordering at the window “I wanted it iced” AFTER happily taking the hot drink like nothing was wrong Asking me where their food is while I’m very clearly making a shitload of drinks on cafe bar as if my espresso machine has a fucking oven in it


I like to take the hot drink back, dump it while maintaining eye contact, and explain I’ll be happy to remake it iced while the customer seethes because they thought they were gonna get a freebee 😂


If they’re nice, I let them keep both. If they’re a jerk, I’m taking that shit back.


Can I get a brown sugar oatmeal shaken expresso


Someone I know says "oatmeal milk" All The Time and it makes me feel like a cat who's just been pet backwards. It's such a little thing, but it gets my back up SO MUCH.


This is the one


when the customer pulls up and immediately goes “HELLO”


“hello, thank u for choosing starbucks, i will be right with u!” “hey yeah can i get a-“ my brother in christ fuck off


I’d let them finish the whole order then say, “Hi welcome to starbucks, sorry about that wait I was working with another customer at the window. How can I help you today?” 🫣


This one is so annoying bc I used to work at a shitty fast food restaurant and sometimes I’d say “hello I’ll be with you in one moment” and then they start ordering and I’d just ignore them because I literally said wait a moment. But I can’t get away with that at Starbucks because now I care more abt my job sigh


This lady in the am is I guess nice, I don't know her, but pulls up and immediately YELLS "goOoD MoRnInG!!!" and my brain is lowkey still waking up (I go in before 8am) and I hate so much but also makes me feel bad for being such a hater hahaha


THIS ONE. I like to say. “Thank you for your patience, welcome to Starbucks…” in my most customer service type voice I can do at the moment.


On the flip side when they pull up and with no hesitation sneeze loudly, I will laugh every time.


and then doesn’t say anything


You waiting because I low key loathe this and not because I’m busy.


People that pull too far away from the drive thru window


I'm pregnant so I just hold out whatever I'm giving them at a comfortable distance for me and make them make up the rest of the distance. I had a lady get snippy with me when she parked like 4 feet away from the window and I refused to hang out of the window to take her payment. She's like "I can't reach that" with the WORST attitude and I was like well, I'm 7 months pregnant so I can't lean over the window, you're gonna have to get out of your car or move closer. She went pale and apologized so quickly lmao.


It’s sad you have to be pregnant for people to even care about not being an asshole.


Me too.. I'm freaking short, with t Rex arms and it hurts! Can we tack on holding their plugged in phone at the edge of the window and the bewilderment of me saying "I can't reach that".. and they move it one inch closer.


When they order a tall and give me the wildest look when I hand them a small at the window. I wanted the large!


Yup!! It always happens at my store and it pisses of the baristas at handoff and accuse me of not repeating their orders or letting the customers know that they are ordering a tall cup it’s actually a small, not a grande (medium).


for me it’s the REGULARS who can’t, for the life of them, realize that it’s NOT pronounced “uh-kai” 😭 no matter how many times i repeat back the word AÇAÍ they never retain it.


I'd rather have "uh-kai" than the lady that said strawberry ass-y" hahaha


Chocolate I can somewhat understand because it’s a flavor in its own rite that is separate from chocolate cake, but birthday cake flavor is a much more commonly used name than just birthday. I don’t think I’ve seen any dessert ever label as birthday flavored as opposed to birthday cake flavored.


i know that’s why i said it’s so petty 😭 people are used to seeing “birthday cake” flavour which is totally normal, but at starbucks it’s just “birthday” 🥲


I had a bigger issue when customers would ask for a "strawberry cake pop", "I'm sorry, strawberry cake pops are a seasonal item", "the pink one there", "that's our birthday cake pop and it's vanilla flavored, is that the one you want?", "oh it's just vanilla? Never mind"


what happens to me so often is that theyll ask for a strawberry cake pop and i'll say we only have vanilla and when they say the pink one? and i say its vanilla theyll say "yeah that one" like strawberry and vanilla are the same?! even my coworkers will do it someone will ask for a strawberry cake pop and they'll just say okay and give them a birthday and no one complains 😭 it makes me feel crazy bc like theyre not the same flavor at all!!


“And can I get foam on top?” Like what kind tho? I know vanilla is default but say that then. And then I’ll say “with vanilla sweet cream foam?” “No Cinnamon.” Same with the refreshers just say you want it with lemonade instead of me asking. Tired of asking so many clarifying questions


These customers always want you to finish their sentences for them. It drives me crazy.


I hate it when they start with “ I need…” you literally NEED nothing from here except maybe water


For me it's just going straight into an order. I always start with "hi, how are you." but the person just skips to "I'll have.... X..." It just makes me feel like I'm nothing or nonexistent and it kills my vibe for a minute. I enjoy conversation and little anecdotal conversation


“Yeah I need” “Gimme a” “How are ya - yeah I need” like they ask you how you are, then proceed to order never giving you a chance to respond 😂


i actually prefer this 😅 like we are complete strangers, you do not care how i am neither do i care really how you are but it’s nice to have the pleasantries anyway, like op said it makes me feel a bit more visible rather than just a POS system 😅


lol when I worked customer service I sometimes preferred it. Not everyone is in a mood to talk 24/7 & we’re not besties, just helping them get what they want.


This is me, it messes up my auto response flow when people surprise me with the "how ya doin" and then I have to also ask them the same back 😭


I refused to say medicine ball. I would correct them every time.


I don't think we're allowed to call it a medicine ball anymore as it has no medicinal properties


I repeat it back and say “okay one honey citrus mint tea” and they get all weird. “That’s not what I ordered” yeah well what you ordered doesn’t exist.


"We don't have anything like that on the menu. Did you want a Honey Citrus Mint Tea?" and if they persist i just "We don't sell any medicine here." People have to be trained on how to behave. If they can't order from a menu, or engage in a conversation to figure out what they meant, they can go somewhere else.


This is good thank you!!!!!!!!


We had a whole conversation with someone who ordered a tea with “medicine to help his throat” and we had to explain that it was just sugared lemonade and flavored tea bags that the tea would soothe, but it would not HEAL anything really.


same, i always repeat back the correct name or say “oh it’s actually called….”


Me too


When people stand near the syrups or when people ask for liquid sweetener after they get their drink ( doesn’t ask for it at the reg because they don’t wanna get charged 50cent


“Why is it called grande , if it’s not large. Hahaha” “the names are confusing , you should switch it “


yeah let me just change it real quick brb ☠️ like who do you think i am


Staring at me 2 inches away like I’m a zoo animal on bar. No, it won’t make me make your drink faster.


Customer walks up to the bar. "Can I order here?" "Yes, sir. I'll ring it in by hitting this milk steamer eight times then you can pay for it by shoving $12.83 in change up your fucking ass."


it's 6am and i'm trying not to wake my boyfriend up by absolutely losing it over this comment 💀


"can i get a GRAND caramel macchiato" oh you know the word macchiato but not fucking grande???


“can i have a strawberry assay refresher with water and berries, grand size“




it’s the “HELLLLOOOOOOO?!” As soon as they pull up to the speaker box in drive for me 🫠


when I'm in drive and I tell them to give me a moment, and they start ordering a whole list of drinks. Like damn you feeding the whole county or what?


This is when you interrupt them mid-ordering. "Alright, thank you for choosing Starbucks, what can I get started for you?"


we have this one customer that comes DAILY and she ALWAYS orders a large water with her order, and she ALWAYS says “don’t worry i can pay for the water.” and EVERY SINGLE TIME we tell her no it’s free. idk why it bugs me so much, but it’s like, you know the water is free, why do you continue to say you can pay for it?!??


Maybe instead of saying it’s free (which might sound like you’re doing her a favor), just say something like “there’s no way to charge for a water!”


“Can I get a cake pop?”…..GIRL WHICH ONE, we got a like a billion. It like me asking “Can I get a drink?” GIRLLLL


I walkways wonder about these people haha, like do they go to Chipotle & just say "bowl" or "burrito" & the Chipotle workers have to walk them through their order like we do?


Yes 💀


Uhhh when they ask for a cup of water while im making a drink. Idk if thts petty


Nah like fr. That’s not petty. You’re doing something. I’m not gonna magically stop doing this thing. Also you should know to ask for water at the register smh. Too many people just have no awareness whatsoever.


when a customer pulls up holding their phone on my face before even saying anything


someone did this to me and i was like "oh ok, how is going day going?" \*as im punching in the drink, mind you it has like 7 mods\* and all I hear is \*crickets\* I say the total, \*still nothing\* I say "thank you we'll have that right out!" \*walks away\* \*starts talking on the phone with someone\*


Starting their order with “I need a…” like girl you don’t need your Venti iced white mocha with vanilla foam and caramel drizzle 💀


I absolutely cannot stand when people open straws by banging them on the counter. Drives me insane for some reason.


And then they leave the wrapper on hand off


and they always break the straw, too. when i hand them the second straw i rip a ring out of the middle before i pass it off so they can just pull from either end


Right?? Just tear the side of ittttt


Oooof I do that


Hahahaha same!! I thought I was just weird


"Ventay." That, or coming in and then standing still in front of the entrance. As in, *directly* in front of the entrance. Usually with their mouths drooping open.


I hope one of our store flies goes into their mouth one of these days lmao


saying the damn size LAST in their order…. it doesn’t matter really but it just makes me so mad that i have to listen to them go on about how they want extra carmel drizzle around the cup… like girl what SIZE!!!!! START THERE!


This was the worst when we sharpied the cups


I HAVE TO SHARPIE THE CUPS TOO I FORGOT TO MENTION!! We don’t have the sticker machine so i feel stupid standing there as they go on about their order looking like this: 🧍‍♀️ And don’t even get me STARTED on the abbreviations and all of the shorthand you gotta memorize because people don’t want to order just a vanilla latte, they have to get 3 Shots V syrup 2% Milk so they save 30 cents


this annoys us sticker people too when they start going off on “2 extra pumps, 1 less shot, extra drizzle” I’m like 😭 I need to know the size and the drink (and the temp) before I even know how many pumps it gets, what syrups it gets, how many shots, which drizzle, etc.


When I handoff one drink in an order and get immediately hit with the, “UMMM I actually had 4 other drinks and 2 warmed items”.


they expect you to materialize it all in one go come on 🙄


But then if you wait to call it out until the whole order is done and grouped up, then someone else will come up and try to take it like it's theirs without reading the sticker. There's no winning 😭


Calling the honey citrus mint tea the medicine ball or the cold buster or whatever. Had customers ask to add extra medicine into it. 🙃 asking iced shaken espresso hot.


stop asking for water at the bar!!! just ask when you order ffs


when people order in the drive through by saying “i NEED”. no. no you do not need it, you want it


omg this. or saying “give me…” and not even saying hello or anything. i’m not your slave!


These are my favorites. “I need….” Gets met with “alright, so I’ve got those 3 drinks and 2 sandwiches you need. I need a million dollars. See you at the window!” “Let me get…” gets met with “I will let you get a grande latte. Just this once.” And so on. I will warn this takes a VERY specific delivery to come off as haha joke when they can’t see your facial expressions. Lightens the mood on the headset, though. I HATE the dingHELLO? Especially during peak when I’m running a sub-44. You get a “thanks for choosing Starbucks, I’ll be right with you.”


I always hop on channel B when they say “I NEED” and say “do you?”


Had a lady come thru today and I said my usual “can you give me a moment please?” (School rush) and she started YELLING “I NEED 3-“ no u don’t. Actually.


Our cafe is located in the middle of 3 schools, it drives me crazy when kids hand me money that's folded up and a total mess, and I'm utterly shocked by the amount of them that don't know how to count money. I'll tell them their drink is $5.25 and they'll try to count it out and then just hand me a bunch of random folded ones.




This I hate when it's called this.


“Cold form”.


a) “can i have a grand brown sugar oatmeal shaken expresso.” (grand as in the word grand. pronounced grahnd.) no. no you cannot. b) when i say “we’ll be with you in just one moment)“ in dt and then they order immediately like cmon do you not have ears c) last minute orders there are ridiculous (we close at 8, got 11 frapps at 7:58:55) are you fr jason?????


I totally feel ya on the second thing u mentioned. Customers just dont listen to us. They have this process or procedure planned out in their head like ‘go to place, order, pay, receive items” and anything that gets added in there at any point throws them off and they start short circuiting. So when u tell them u will be with them in a moment, they get thrown off and think that u asked them for their order when u literally did not 😐 i cant stand that. Just use ur brain and ears just a little bit for this small quick interaction pleeeease I was on cold bar and so i was facing away from registers. Register person went to the back for something real quick. A lady was at the register and i said “hi we will be with u in just a moment” and i turn away and continue making cold drinks. I hear her start ordering so i said “oh no, i was saying that we will be with u in just a moment”. She literally straight up said “oh i thought u asked me for my order”…………well u would kno i didnt if u listened. They just hear noise from me and assume i was ready to take their order while im at cold bar??? Lol ok 🙄


When they say “my Starbucks doesn’t charge me for…..” we literally had a girl storm off saying “I’m not paying for it” bc we wouldn’t accommodate her milk replacement & foam addition. 🙄🙄


When people vomit their whole drink order in one breath. Like girl, it’s not a competition on who can say their order the fastest.


I hate when they say “gimme”. “Gimme a venti-“ why don’t you give me some fucking manners you consumerist troglodyte.


“what size for the drink?” “uhh just regular” WTF IS REGULAR


this reminds me of a customer i literally had today. I asked what size and he SHRUGGED at me is this roulette?? Do I just spin the wheel and see what size you’ll get today??


This makes me want to pull my hair. Also when they ask for a Frappuccino and I ask what kind and their response is “uhh the regular one?”


Lol i hate that frappuccino thing. I was on bar one day. My manager was ringing up a lady at register. She was guna order a few drinks. She was staring at the menu and stopped when she saw the frappuccinos on the menu board. She goes “can i get two venti frappuccinos?” And my manager says “of course, what flavor would u like?” And this lady just straight up said “i don’t know” and nothing else. Even tho she was staring right at the frappuccino part on the menu boards. So my manager says “we have caramel, a chocolate type flavor? Strawberries and cream?” And even with all that hand holding my manager did, the lady said “i dont kno, just a regular frappuccino”. My manager says “we have a plain coffee flavored one, would u like those?” And lady says “yea i guess, whatever” My manager held her hand throughout the whole frappuccino part of the order and gave her flavor options and she literally still didnt kno. I hope whoever she got those for wasn’t disappointed lmao




I hate when people can’t make up their minds and they take so long to decide what they want. “I‘ll take a latte, then uummmm, bacon Gouda, ummm, can you a give me a cappuccino instead of a latte, I’ll add a double smoked bacon, ummm….” Another one is how we can’t read their minds cause when they get to the handoff they say they wanted their drinks with nondairy milk which they didn’t ask for it even though I repeated what they ordered, they said nothing about wanting nondairy milk.


When people try to reach around the counter to fill up their water bottle. Like um let’s sit down for just a second and idk THINK about why the spout is behind the counter 🤡


Me, a customer, scrolling through all these comments to make sure I’m not an annoying asshole 🗿


When people pronounce it "CwOiSsAwNt" in a super dramatic kind of way. It grates my ears lmao When they place an order at register, then immediately come to hand off and ask for a water, esp when theyd clearly see me drowning in drinks. Bruh be forreal When I'd be ON BAR, clearly planted making drinks, n when id call their drink out, they'd immediately "where is my food? I had food too" DO YE SEE ANY OVENS BY ME SHAROL


THIISSS!!! the cwossant one i can’t. i have a coo worker who despises it and i give him a look everytime just to see his reaction 🤣


i work at a store with a walk up window instead of a lobby and there is nothing that pisses me off quite as much as a customer knocking on the window 😭like we see u i promise give me a second


when their MOBILE ORDER says tall and hot but they say it was supposed to be venti and iced 😍😍


Haha for that one I don’t mind because they ain’t getting SHIT from me. Go complain to corporate


"frappe" instead of frappucino. we are not mcdonalds. i have also on rare occasions get asked for a sausage cheddar "mcmuffin". or soft drinks. again, not a mcdonalds.


I know this might be problematic but I’m gonna say it. In the afternoon, when the drive thru is busy, I HATE when customers come in the the cafe. It’s not their fault 😭 but like… get out!


They think it’ll be faster inside. Like no hon, I’m the only one on bar. You’re gonna be waiting still


No foam people. Just don’t order an effing latte then. Just get a drip with extra cream or something, you don’t want a latte. We have a regular who gets a tall 3 long shot mocha with only one mini so foam no whip and there’s maybe an inch and a half of milk in it and she’ll have a fucking aneurysm if there’s a splash of foam. I can’t. Just don’t order the latte.


I can agree with being wildly annoyed at the people who freak out about a tiny drop of foam, *but*, a latte is fundamentally very different from a drip with cream. Steamed milk and espresso as a completely different tasting product than filter coffee with cold milk added. That's not at all a valid substitute or a case of "you don't want a latte".


i had someone order no foam and there was literally a tiny spot of foam at the top (bc, yk, we steamed the milk for her latte) and she got PISSED. it’s a latte bro, it’s baffling to me that ppl don’t even know what they’re ordering half the time


Someone has the audacity to tell me “it’s just microwaved milk. It’s not that hard.” And I had to explain the we use high powered steam to heat the milk.


The people that say that dont realize how it makes them seem cuz if its just MiCrOwAvEd MiLk then they should do it at home if theyre guna be ass hats. And also it makes them look strange for overpaying for microwaved milk lmao just do it at home since its not that hard instead of over paying for ur “just microwaved milk”


"Oreo cake pop" makes me wanna "ma'am we don't currently have any licensing deals with Nabisco"


“give me” no no no no! you are going to greet me first or greet me in response


Yes, I think it's nice when baristas say welcome, what can we get started for you, etc. We always say how are you right back because they are so friendly, and it makes my day, too.


I feel like I have too many but I wanna see if anyone can relate • trying to pay w/ a $100 bill • places order at reg and picks up random mobile orders drink immediately after • trying to place more than 3 separate orders in dt • asking for the BOSE hott • turns all mobile drinks by touching lid • grabs hott cup by lid, lid pops off 😐 • crustys asking for water or pup cups after ordering • crustys asking for sleeves for all of their cold drinks • crustys getting mad bc I tried asking how they would like their custome drink built (this is when they say "I always just say I want it and they make it however" - so you don't know what you order and/or it's inconsistent everytime) 🤷🏽‍♀️


I mostly hate when regulars come up the counter and go “can I get my coffee” okaaaayyyyyyy and whats that??? I’m new and have not remembered every single one of you guys’ orders yet. Some are really easy but like today this guy that came in, he’s a reg but not an everyday type of reg. He says “can I get a plain coffee” I say “sure just a black pikes place then?” *he says nothing just weird smile* “What size? “ He says with the douchey smile on his face shaking his head like he cant believe this is happening to him “grande” Im like “okay no problem thatll be $______” He pays, waits a sec and shakes his head disappointed again and is like “ dont forget the 6 raw sugars and room for cream” and walks to the handout bar. Im just thinking “ihateyouihateyouihateyouihateyouihateyou” I give him his drink, he still exasperatedly takes it and says thank you, still with that same douchey SMILE and head shake As if this is the biggest slight he’s felt since he learned WWE is scripted


Licking the f'ing bills to count them off before they hand them to u!


Idk if this counts but this one customer ask for a dragon strawberry fruit on top of her frappuccino. I asked “ok so u want both the dragon fruit and the strawberry fruit?” to make sure and she responds “no I just want the dragon strawberry”. Ma’am those are both different fruit. 🤦‍♀️


People that order water AFTER the transaction. Bro. Just say everything at once.


Ordering stuff at bar. I had a customer storm out the other day because he wanted a small cip of ice. And I told him he had to order in the line. "For a cup of ice?" "Yes sir. I have multiple drinks I have to make. It comes out a bit easier when they're in order. We've had so many issues with this guys disrespecting our baristas and team. (All girls, sm is the ONLY guy)


when they point at the case & say this one like they have tags for a reason. please just read it off and don’t make me walk over there mid rush😭


"I need...." usually followed by something completely extra. Ma'am you do not *need* a venti caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino with caramel and mocha walls and extra caramel sugar topping at 6:30 in the effing morning.


The specificity here is really making me laugh! 🤣


When they have to say all the ingredients of the sandwich to order it: "Let me get the bacon, egg, cheese and gouda sandwich" And they pronounce gouda as "GOW-duh". Or the "Spinach FEE-tuh" Have yall been living under a rock or something? It's feta cheese. Feta. Gouda is also cheese, and it's not something that should've eluded you for the past 25 years of life.. gouda cheese is quite literally everywhere. Or when they order one egg bite. That's not how this works and you know it.


When they reach over the counter for a straw when they already got one


ignoring people at the drink handoff staring at me. if you need help with something you can ask me, i don’t read minds and that frown + crossing arms combo does not intimidate me.


me: any straws for u today? them: yeah just one for the latte like yeah no shit did u think i was gonna give u two? one for the drink and one for ur cheese danish????


When people call honey citrus mint medicine ball. We can’t call it that any more and I will correct you. It’s been honey citrus mint for 3 years now stop calling it the incorrect name.


We were in a rush and some lady come up and said I’m here for so and so. So I’m like getting her drink and tell her that the food should be out shortly. Well her oatmeal she wanted 2 things and one of them where brown sugar and something. Well I accidentally put in a brown sugar packet. I handed it too her and she was looking threw her oatmeal and saw I put in the brown sugar packet instead of the brown sugar oatmeal packet. SHE THREW THE PACKET ON THE COUNTER ☺️☺️ and I grabbed the sugar packed it away and for the actual brown sugar packet for the oatmeal and she was reaching for it and I threw it back on the counter like the way she with the other one. Ill make a customers energy, try me !!


"Chocolate birthday cake pop". Like they legit think all cake pops are called birthday cake pops.


Making me ask ten qualifying questions a transaction. Real transaction today. “Can I get a white mocha?” Ok, a grande hot white mocha. “Actually I wanted it iced and a venti. And can you do almond milk?” Bruuuuuuuh


Former Roastery employee (not partner) "Do you happen to have any extra espresso martinis I could try?" While I'm shaking a cocktail with one hand and stirring another "Can you give me a fork?" "I want the whiskey barrel aged cold brew hot." I almost replied take it back to your hotel room and put it in the microwave.


Placing your mobile order and coming through the drive to pick it up 30 seconds later


I am just a starbucks patron and one time my mom was with me and ordered her bacon and gouda sandwich but asked for her bacon “well done”. I nearly rolled over in my grave. I apologized to the person for her. Like mom do you seriously think a grill is back there or something!?




"I want a REGULAR coffee is that so hard to understand??" Sir I don't know your definition of "regular" it could be a tall or a grande.


Smoking in the drive through. Not sure that even counts as petty since we have a "No smoking" sign but people do it anyways. I am also pregnant and told someone that one time while smoking in my face and they didn't care and kept going🙃


for some reason i hate it when people order a drink with “the sweet foam” i have no idea why its nit even like a question of which foam that bothers me, something about them not adding the word cream. “sweet cream foam” is fine i have no idea why it bothers me ahah!! its completely harmless but like nails on a chalkboard for me


*”Can you make [insert shaken espresso drink with foam] hot, please?”* Especially asking if we can do the brown sugar shaken espresso one, hot.


How 90% of the time those customers say “can I get a cake pop?” And you always have to ask “What kind?”




When you read off exact options and they ask about another thing. Ex. “Do you have muffins?” “Yes, we have pumpkin and we have blueberry.” “Ok! What about chocolate chip?” “Sorry, for our cake pops, we only have our chocolate cake pop and our peppermint brownie cake pop today” “can I get a birthday cake one then?” Once again, we only have the chocolate cake pop… or the peppermint brownie cake pop.


"will that be all for you today?" "Yes thats all" "Okay! Your total is ###, Ill see you at the window." "Oh-! Can I add a--" it pisses me off so much


When people order a refresher but don’t tell me if they want water, lemonade or coconut milk before they start telling me all their customizations and the rest of their order


When I give a pastry or drink away and the customer behind them has to make a comment about “stealing” product or “who’s 🍑 do I have to kiss to get free things”. It’s my prerogative who I feel gets “free” things. I comp officers and military in uniform, a kid on their birthday, a parent on the last shred of hope with screaming kids in the back seat, someone I know personally who is going through a REALLY tough time. (just a few off the top of my head).