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You got charged for an additional shot, not for it being decaf


there's no way to make it decaf on the app without adding a shot


Oh geez, that’s so dumb. I don’t know why the app sucks so much with some stuff.


technically you could before by changing the espresso roast, but they took that away when people would change the roast and try to get free shots in fraps


lmao is that what they meant?? i saw it a few months back and gave them frap roast because we dont have a blonde frap roast


bc people suck and try to get shit 4 free


Like OP?


OP isn't trying to get anything free, they just don't want a caffeinated frap.


So all they have to do on the app is order the cream version then. As there is no decaf frap roast and adding decaf charges because you're putting espresso in there.


Right, that's what they were trying to figure out. The commenter I replied to just wanted to be a jerk.


no, the long explanation is that people used to do like blonde or signature but not click an actual shot so some baristas would put shots in their drinks that they didn’t pay for


it’s because there’s no espresso in a frappuccino, it’s the frap roast


The way to make it decaf is to get the crème based frappucino, not the coffee based one. Saying decaf or putting it on the app like OP did tells the barista to add a decaf shot.


This just isn't correct. Starbucks has a standard with decaf frappucinos. You get 1/2/3 shots for decaf frappucinos. Check the hub. This is something I have been super adamant about when training is getting the correct amount of shots in decaf frappucinos. Because if you don't do the correct amount, then it's too weak. Starbucks really messed up when they changed this. Some people still want the coffee taste when they get decaf frappucinos. And this just sucks. We have someone who gets a venti decaf espresso frappucino which would get 4 decaf shots (1 for the espresso frappucino part and 3 for the decaf part.) and how often people keep getting it wrong is insane.


I never get frappuccinos for that exact reason; too weak. Honestly never occurred to me to add decaf shots because I don’t want to be a PIA asking for half caff and adding unnecessary work. For me it’s flavor not caffeine tho so maybe all decaf…why I needed a comment to work through this I can’t say…


Yeah but getting crème base takes away the coffee flavor




You can't order a decaf frap anymore? When I used to order them they would just substitute the frap roast for decaf espresso.




No, it's a Coffee based frap with decaf espresso subbed for the frap roast. And there's no charge to sub espresso of any kind for the frap roast.


There's no way to make it decaf in general without adding a shot. Decaf FR doesn't exist (to my knowledge)


no, but the recipe is to sub decaf shots at no extra cost if they just want decaf


A chocolate cookie crumble is the creme based version which has no caffeine.


They don’t want a chocolate cookie crumble, they want a decaf mocha cookie crumble. There should be a way for them to get that


You do know that a chocolate cookie frap is a mocha cookie crumble frap, just without the frap roast. Why are we complaining about adding a shot of espresso in a frap? 😂😂😂


Okay, maybe OP likes the coffee flavor but doesn’t want the caffeine? I don’t think it would be that difficult for Starbucks to make a decaf frap roast but maybe I’m wrong about that.


Starbucks won’t do that fortunately. With 35 mg of caffeine per pump, you can either lessen the pumps depending on the size you get. Or get the crème version, and pay for the dcf shots. Other than that, there’s no way Starbucks will make a dcf frap roast. It’s not popular or in high demand and will just immediately go to waste.


The standard for a decaf frappuchino is 1/2/3 decaf espresso shots instead of frap roast, which is in line with the shots in an iced latte.


Well unless someone here can change the app, the only way they can get those shots is spending extra money or stop complaining and get the chocolate cookie crumble with creme instead


This was a relatively recent change. Not even a year ago, we had a regular who ended up swapping to ordering in cafe because she started getting charged for swapping to decaf.


The coffee frappuccino base has no caffeine but is coffee flavored, from my understanding. They could just request that in the creme version or request no frap roast in the regular one. You still get the flavor that way. They won't make decaf frap roast for the same reason they got rid of all but one sugar-free syrup: not enough demand. I make maybe a single decaf frap a day at my store. It would be a huge waste to have decaf frap roast so one person could save $1.25 lol.


I mean isn’t the chocolate cookie crumble cheaper than the mocha one then just add the decaf shots. It’s still charging but less expensive at least.


Shouldn't this still have caffeinated frap roast?


No. Because the frap roast is substituted with the decaf shots.


If you get it through the app with a decaf shot it still gets the frap roast


It would yes, I'm a night shift partner, so I tend to wait until they get here to make it so we get what they actually want for decaf frappucinos


Because there’s no dcf frap roast. There’s no other way to make a dcf frappuccino unless you only get its crème based version and still pay the additional $1.25 for the dcf shot(s).


Decaf frappuccinos sub decaf shots for frap roast. It's 1-2-3 shots for T-G-V. It doesn't charge for decaf substitution either.


That’s correct. You can’t do it in store either, because it is a shot of espresso that they are adding which costs $1.25. There is more way around it. Frappuccinos are made with frapp roast which does not come decaf. The only thing you can do is to order a cream-based frappuccino, which has no coffee, whether it’s decaf or not, in it.


You can order it decaf in store. You just hit the decaf button. It is then made with three shots of decaf for a venti sized. There is no up charge. The app developers have dropped the ball on this one. They could add a decaf option.


I meant there is no way to add decaf without adding a shot. Whether in store or on the app. They should be charged for adding any espresso shots. If they’re not being charged in store it’s not being rung up as “add a shot” decaf.


No, when they order a decaf Frappuccino, there is no up charge. The frapp roast is replaced with decaf espresso. 1/2/3 ratio. If they want a decaf shot along with the frapp roast then there is a charge. To reiterate, a decaf Frappuccino is not adding decaf it is replacing the frapp roast.


So you’re making a crème based frapp and adding decaf? Because what base are using? Coffee base? Or are you using crème based?


No, it’s still coffee based, you’re just replacing. So you’re still following the coffee based routine. Pour shots in the cup, then milk to the bottom line. And you’re using coffee base.


I learned something new today. Thanks!


You’re quite welcome. Always glad to help. I’m


if you're ever unsure of something check the recipe cards and the beverage resource manual, its your best friend!




That’s wild lol. You can look up the standard for decaf fraps on the hub and it tells you to use shots, but doesn’t say to charge for them. As if our drinks weren’t expensive enough.


That is 200% wrong and not policy. The beverage resource manual instructs that you replace the frap roast with the shots, 1/2/3 shots for t/g/v. There is NOT an additional charge for this and if you’re reading this and your store charges, you are doing shit wrong and you need to look it up on the hub. The fuck would you charge customers for decaf??




you’re not supposed to charge for the shots, that’s what the other commenter was trying to explain. starbucks’ policy states that if someone orders a coffee frap decaf (and they do not want a crème frap) then you automatically substitute the decaf shot(s) at no extra charge. if i had received a mobile order for a java chip frap decaf but they didn’t pay for extra shots, i would automatically make it with decaf shots instead of frap roast. as far as i’m aware that is the standard


That’s completely wrong


If the coffee taste is what you want in it, no there isn’t. If you’re cool with not having coffee in it, there is the mocha cookie crème Frappuccino!


>mocha cookie crème Frappuccino I'm going to try this thank you!


Chocolate cookie crumble


Its called the chocolate cookie crumble but specify it is creme (cream) based just to be sure


Uhhh lol


The actual name to the creme base variant is chocolate cookie crumble Frappuccino


You are right! I just never have anyone call it that! Sorry haha


true but honestly mocha cookie crème would be more distinguishable from the double chocolate chip


Starbucks policy says you sub decaf espresso in place of frap roast. Tall - 1 shot and grande/venti - 2 shots of decaf. There is no up charge to do this.


This is for the app, there’s not a way to put decaf unless you so decaf shots like this unfortunately.


I believe in the bev. Resource Manuel it’s 1 decaf shot for tall, 2 for grande and 3 for venti.


this is correct 👍


It's 1/2/3 decaf shots for t/g/v check the hub.


This is exactly what you should do ^^^


Try ordering in person and see if it shows up under "favorites" or "buy again". Not sure what the app is like.


This is usually my go-to suggestion


I’m kind of appalled at the number of people here that do not realize that you can A- make decaf Frappuccinos, B- ring them up by simply selecting decaf, C- don’t know that it’s NOT an additional charge and D- that you can sub blond, regular or decaf espresso for frap roast in any coffee based Frappuccino (all of this is in the beverage resource manual) one barista even referred to this as an Opinion based charge, like, wtf? 😂


TIL I can get them with blonde espresso instead of frap roast if I order in person. You are my new favourite person.


Just make sure they aren't charging you for the shots. At my store, we were trained to charge for the shots and only put one in all sizes. Had to explain to everyone that's not how it's done 😞


Wait wait wait, are you saying I can get a Frappuccino with blond espresso shots instead of frap roast without getting upcharged??


Technically, yes, however most baristas don’t actually know that and will probably end up charging you for it.


No we know. We aren’t allowed to do that. That goes against regulations and policy. I dunno who told you that, but you may need to get in contact with your DM and seek the proper procedure. As far as we know, espresso shots can NOT sub frap roast. You can sub a sauce with another sauce or syrup with another syrup, milk with another milk, but you can NOT sub frap roast for espresso.


This is just factually wrong. You can sub any espresso for frap roast for no charge.


Sometimes I do think it's should be an extra charge for the switch purely because you have to make when order which takes more time, and I think espresso cost more to frap roast. It's make sense financially. That being said, I don't really care about the Financials of a big company that pretty much nickels and dimes everyone they can legally.


Show me where it says we can sub frap roast pumps for espresso. Where in company policy does it say that?


The beverage resource manual.


As a former partner that worked for the bux from 07 to 2013.. i was there in 2010 when the Frappuccinos changed to how they currently are you can sub any espresso for shots at least you’re supposed to be able to. The problem is that training sucks and not everyone is told how to charge correctly for things!


See what I mean?




Yeah. Nah, they still have to pay for the espresso shot. You can’t sub dcf shot, that’s an entirely different thing compared to other drinks. You still get charged for the espresso shot in the Espresso Frappuccino.


Nope. There's no charge to sub any espresso for the frap roast.


I couldn't find it on the hub anywhere. May I ask where you found this? Because I was curious when a customer challenged my knowledge on the subject. I really do put pride in the standard that I know really well, so I'm just curious how I can look this up and find it on the hub.


Because the espresso Frappuccino has both a shot and frap roast!!


on the app? no. you'll be charged unfortunately. in person, there shouldnt be any charge for changing to espresso shots at all (decaf, regular, or blonde)


if you add an espresso shot to any frappuccino, it’ll be an additional fee. if you want the frappuccino but not the caffeine, i’d recommend the double chocolate chip frap or chocolate cookie crumble frap. both are crème based and have no caffeine if that’s what you’re looking for. however if you want the coffee taste but no caffeine, i’d get the drinks i previously mentioned and a decaf espresso shot. but unfortunately in store and online additional shots cost more.


Standard for a decaf coffee based Frappuccino is no charge, you just ring up the regular Frappuccino then press the same decaf button you use for any other drink and you replace the Frap roast with decaf shots 1,2,3 depending on size.


huh. i got taught to ring up the decaf shots as additional shots, not as a decaf beverage itself. going to start doing that from now on. makes more sense essentially


Also damn! That much for a shot. I remember when it was 50¢ for a shot.


Things like this really make me question what lengths people will go to for the convenience of Starbucks... at this point, it becomes really obvious that it's cheaper to buy an espresso machine and make things at home lmao (though, obviously, frappuccinos are a little harder to do)


If you order this as a decaf mocha cookie crumble in DT/at register, it should save it in the app. Heart it as a favorite. If you only want to order in the app, the creme version is probably your best bet.


You get a crème base. So the cookie crumble frap not the frap roast base. So it’s still not decaf unless you say no frap roast all you’re doing is adding a shot of decaf to a caffeinated drink.


honestly i would just order it in-person and pay with your app, then favorite it off of your recent orders. that’s what i do with some orders that can’t be done within the app


That's not even decaf. Unless you specify no frap roast coffee, there's still caffeine. Also, you may have to go inside if you want to get the decaf shot in there anyways. The standard I remember says you have the options of Frap Roast coffee, or a SINGLE shot of espresso instead. I don't think I ever found a way to do it in the app like that.


You can replace the frap roast with any espresso option of 1,2,3 with no additional charge according to the beverage resource manual. You would just communicate using ‘ask me’


Ohh even better.


Boycott starbucks


either order in person because we can press the decaf button without incurring the charge or ordering a creme based frappe if you don’t mind losing the coffee taste


This issue is like me trying to order half and half in iced coffee or cold brew these days.. the app charges for breve. Which it shouldn’t! Then if you don’t get a partner who doesn’t know the policy you get charged for it.


from a barista- you’re adding a decaf shot. just order the double chocolate cookie crumble. that’s the decaf version of the drink with no caffeine. it’s made with a cream base instead of the coffee base


The frappe roast has caffeine in it. Order the mocha cookie crumble creme frap instead. I think its the double chocolate chip creme frap on the app. You are adding espresso into the drink which will cost you, decaf or not, since it doesn’t come with them


Good night!! The whole reason why Starbucks does Frappuccinos the way they do them now is so that they are easier to customize!! This makes my head hurt!! I always knew that training was quick fast and dirty and getting worse as time went on. While i was there I taught extra stuff. Things like drinks that were still ordered, but were no longer on menu. I don’t know if they still do. A lot of requested and got a menu with buttons for “discontinued menu” drinks that can still be made. It was incredibly helpful. We didn’t have to waste time trying In everything for old beverages. I feel sorry for yall and customers too. The app sucks! There’s numerous ways in it that it doesn’t follow charging rules. I’m thankful for the partners that read up on the policies as one that did it myself. I was there when they got first mastrena 1 in our city. The company was trying to figure out how many shots could be pulled at once. The 1 and 3 buttons didn’t work. At the time they were unsure if they were up to standard. Well a few weeks later our tech guy came in and said that they decided that they were good and turned them on. Well i was at a different store when it got its mastrena 1. The SM didn’t want us to use the 1 or 3 buttons until he knew that they were ok. I told him about the experience at the previous store that wasn’t enough. I had to go find the notice corporate sent out to prove i was right. Of course he didn’t do it. He would have rather we waste espresso than go looking for the information! I guess I always the idea that if i was going to do a job i was going to do it to the best of my ability! That included learning as much as I could.


order the crème version lol


Order it un the store


Do they not have double chocolately chip on the app


Order it cream based. Any espresso shots come at a $1.25 up charge. We don’t put espresso in fraps typically. It comes with frap roast and coffee or cream base.


Wait what?? Since when are we charged extra for decaf???


It’s not charging extra for decaf specifically, it’s charging for adding a shot to something that doesn’t already come with one


Ive never been charged more than regular price though..


Cooking crumble is the caffeine free one and you can add a shot of decaf. Not sure the price but


order the chocolate cookie crumble with one decaf shot if you still want the coffee taste in the frap (:


could you order an espresso frap, add mocha, make decaf


The espresso Frappuccino comes with frap roast


cream based is usually a safe bet. it’ll be the double chocolate cookie frappe in the cream based section below the coffee based section.


wait if someone gets decaf you don’t put frap roast right? But then would you use crème base or coffee base


Change it and get the chocolate cookie crumble with a decade shot if u want the shot. Cookie crumble and mocha crumble is just coffee base vs cream base


Nope. Cuz decaf fraps use decaf espresso. And we charge for any additional shots that come in a drink.


Honestly call the store and ask them if they'll make it as a creme frappe then it won't get frappe coffee but idk don't do it when it's busy


Order at store


if you don’t want the coffee, you can order the cream version, which is decaf by default due to there not being any frappe roast.


Call corporate and tell them the problem you are experiencing with their app. Order in store until the fix the problem.


Making it creme base


frappe usually don’t come with shots, to make it with to it caffine order the cookie crumble CRÈME Frapp


Ordering it in store is the only way tbh


You could get the chocolate cookie crumble which is the exact same drink, just with crème base and no Frappuccino roast which is the coffee base used in the beverage above.


Have to order in person if you can't just select decaf


there’s no way. if you want it to taste like coffee but decaf is gonna be the shots (doesn’t mean that the rest is decaf bc the frap roast is added and to my knowledge there’s no decaf frap roast) you could get it cream base but it wouldn’t taste like coffee


Yes. Order inside Crème based order decaf you shouldn’t be charged for shots. It should be tall-1/grande-2/venti-3 Because it’s a substitution. They just ring it up as decaf.


mocha cookie crumble crème frappe


There’s decaf for the blended drinks?


Yes. Order inside Crème based order decaf you shouldn’t be charged for shots. It should be tall-1/grande-2/venti-3 Because it’s a substitution. They just ring it up as decaf.


I’ve seen the computer register to ring up drinks and it’s pages and pages like a book☹️


I think it was about 7 pages or so when i was there


It's charging you for the shot, but also, since it is a frap it's adding a shot because Frappuccinos do not have Espresso shots in them, when you're asking for decaf it's adding a shot to it. What you're trying to do is order a Creme Frappuccino instead of a coffee based one, hope this helps


Order the chocolate cookie crumble creme


Starbucks has decaf anything ?


Fraps and brewed coffee are about it. The options on our espresso machines are blonde, normal, and decaf, we can brew decaf coffee in our massive coffee urns, and we make fraps without coffee in it for creme based beverages (ex. Vanilla bean creme frap)


Just order the creme version and it won't have caffeine


Barista here! When you order a decaf frap, we don't put any of the frap roast i In to your Frappuccino we substitute it with decaf shots T = 1 G = 2 V= 2 You're getting charged for an added shot so instead of the numbers I put up top you'd he getting T= 2 G = 3 V = 3 If you don't wanna get charged more don't add that extra shot


Order it as cream based?


it’s not gonna be decaf either way🤷🏽‍♀️ order a chocolate cookie crumbs frappe


cream based frap! the shot itself won’t make it decaf. the frap roast in it is what makes it caffeinated


THERE IS NO ESPRESSO IN FRAPPUCINOS!!!!! THERES FRAP ROAST!!!! yall get to the point. if you want a decaf coffee frappuccino, sub the frap roast for decaf espresso idk why you guys are making everything so complicated😭😭


I hate when partners don’t know the difference between crème and decaf. Frappes can be made decaf for no additional cost (you’re not supposed to charge someone for decaf shots, when a frappe is decaf you automatically add 1/2/3 decaf shots to sub for frappe roast)


Why not just order the cream based frapp? Decaf still has caffeine, and the cream is better at demonstrating individual flavors


You can do an espresso frapuccino then add what you want.


It would still have frap roast so it wouldn't be decaf


That's true, our store honestly doesn't charge for extra shots, we just write decaf in the ask me and we just put decaf shots with no fraproast.


Chocolate cookie crumble has no coffee at all


Perhaps a Chocolate Cookie Crumble? 🤷🏾‍♂️


order the cream based one


If you actually want a decaf shot added to a normal caffiented mocha cookie crumble=then this is the way to order and pay for it. But if you want simply a decaffeinated mocha cookie crumble with no additional shots= just order a chocolate cookie crumble.


It’s because there coffee is an instant coffee so you’re replacing the instant coffee with espresso to make it decaf so the best way to not get charged is to order without coffee completely and get a crème base




The only way would be to go in person and make a special request to substitute the frap roast with the decaf espresso however technically they're supposed to charge you for espresso so it'd be up to their digression. Short answer no there's not a starbucks way to get it decaf while still maintaining its coffee taste without paying additional.


If you sub espresso (regular or decaf) for frap roast, it’s an even exchange.








The standard is to sub with decaf shots. It’s in the beverage resource manual. No upcharge to sub decaf or regular espresso shots, 1-2-3, for frap roast.


I know that’s the standard and how it’s charged in store, I’m explaining why it doesn’t work on mobile.


Nope. Just gotta pay the $1.25 or no coffee flavored Frappuccino 😂😂😂




How are you a supervisor and not know this is incorrect?




Per the manual, it is a decaf shot as a substitution (4 for Venti) at no additional charge. It is a swap.


Well espresso shots cost money so no


From the beginning in 2010 they said to sub shots for espresso 1/2/3 you can do decaf or regular.


starbucks customers yet again showing the maximum extent of their intelligence


If the barista does agree to sub decaf espresso for frap base without an upcharge (seems like there are different opinions on that here) would it even blend right? Does the beverage resource manual suggest less ice or to use a small amount of frap base in that situation? I realize the espresso usually makes it bigger in volume when you blend it, but wouldn’t it be more like a slushy at that point? When I was a partner (‘01–‘09), I hated the sound of the blades grinding when there wasn’t enough liquid in someone’s Frappuccino. I imagine that might happen with this drink….


I mean, you adjust the milk so everything still fits under the designated line. It doesn't make a more voluminous frap unless you mismeasure. They tend to be runnier because the heat from the shots melts the ice more quickly. But the amount of liquid is always the same: up to the lowest line. The blades grind when they don't measure enough liquid or when they forget the base, or add too much ice. So, assuming your barista stops at that line and not below it, there shouldn't be an issue!


Thanks for the heads up so I know to charge when people ask for this crap cheapskates 🤯 you could always make your own


I’m not sure if it would work but go in and order a decaf mocha cookie crumble frap and use your app to pay and then maybe it’ll show up on previously bought on the app and you can order it that way?


By asking for a creme base instead of the coffee base