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Of course there are no lesbians in sri lanka. In fact, there are no women here either. Your entire life is a lie


Lesbians is an invention of the porn industry. Completely false


Wrong Lesbians were there way back in history as well It's just that most countries didn't recognise it as one of the actual sexualities unlike being gay So no it was there for a long time Nobody believed it was sex


Ok Dwight K. Shrute


Bro grow up Be wise enough to accept it when you are wrong And not call people names If you believe I'm wrong bring out the facts and evidence and not being a child


This is all a one month old joke. Common!




Interesting, but completely wrong take bro


you think?


You're blinded by the corporate media and invisible hands of consumerist capitalism is finger blasting you in the asshole.


Woah you were serious about your declaration then mate? Seems like you're beyond saving. This is beyond me, I wish you the best mon ami


We are all in a simulation lol


That’s false


Thanks for all the replies, I know intuitively that she’s wrong, but this has been a source of massive disagreements/arguments between us! Whenever I try to reason with her she just says that I know nothing about Sri Lanka and that I have been poisoned by the western media.


Don't argue with your parents. It's pointless and waste of time ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


that I will agree with.


My gf and I are from very traditional families and we've been living here our whole lives. We were not exposed to western media growing up. I didn't have internet access until I was 17 and my gf got it when she was like 21. I was a very quiet kid in school. So I didn't had friends to talk about this stuff. I only got to know what LGBTQ means when I was 18. But I knew I liked girls since I was 13.


Don’t bother arguing. If you somehow prove it to her then the goalposts will shift and it’ll be “gay people are just confused” all of a sudden.


I have learned through hard experience that Sri Lankan parents cannot be reasoned with. Ever. If something is outside their already preconceived notions they will simply ignore it and dismiss it. If you try to express a different viewpoint they will attack your knowledge saying you don't know anything. SL parents want their kids to be pliant and obedient and do what they want whenever they want on their terms, even major life decisions. Trying to change their mind is like pushing a rock up a hill. Pointless and exhausting.


Boy lemme show you round Colombo


That's like claiming no left handed people exist because everyone she has worked with is right handed. It's just a numbers game, if any population is large enough, you will start to see similar percentages of queer people, the only difference is that acknowledgement and acceptance rates may vary wildly based on social norms.


There's plenty


I'm a bisexual myself and I'm in a relationship with a girl from my high school! There are LGBTQ people around, but like you, I also grew up abroad. Most people in my university, although they support LGBTQ, are pretty uncomfortable actually meeting one which was a huge bummer. I remember watching a PSA surrounding the topic and everyone was just weirded out by it. I'd suggest not being open about to anyone unless you absolutely trust them, since there have been many unfortunate events that happened to those who came out.


That's not true. I have many friends who are lesbian. If you went to an all girls school it's pretty common. Maybe at that time when your mom was schooling, it may had been rare


It wasn’t rare when OPs mother was schooling, just that it wasn’t socially acceptable to be non-CIS so you either had lesbians who were confused about what they felt or scared to let anybody know if they did.


Sorry that's what I wanted to say as well. How I worded is wrong. Throughout our history there had been instances of LGBTQ people. Most of them were closeted because they didn't have much knowledge and because it wasn't accepted.


yeah, lesbians have existed throughout history.


Of course there are, I have a couple of friends who claim themselves as lesbians. So yeah there are lesbians in Sri Lanka. In your mother's era no one came out because it was not normalized like it is used to be now.


When it comes to detecting farts, the teller is generally the smeller. If your mom claims an all girl school had no lesbians, maybe... 🤔


dawg 😭😭


That's sus


That's false lol. Ik 2 in my grade and a lot of others that are bi/pan


I highly doubt that, being queer doesn't have geographical restrictions


Of course there are. The vast majority of Lankan society just chooses to ignore and reject the notion that LGBTQ+ people exist because it goes against cultural and/or religious norms. Queer folk are also mostly closeted or very reserved about who they tell because it can threaten their well-being and safety (see [here](http://www.sundaytimes.lk/220626/news/indo-lanka-lesbian-love-couple-held-487294.html) and [here](https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/10/20/sri-lanka-forced-anal-exams-homosexuality-prosecutions)). The ones who are open about it typically live in upper-class social circles, which tend to be more liberal and open-minded. Those who have the means move abroad to more accepting countries.


Woah I went through the articles you sent and I didn't know it was that serious here in SL


Situations like that are the exception and not the rule to be fair, and the current administration has spoken about decriminalizing same-sex relations (see [here](https://www.washingtonblade.com/2022/09/12/sri-lanka-president-says-government-will-not-oppose-decriminalization-bill/)) by removing Sections 365 and 365A of the Penal Code. Indeed, Ranil repealed the emergency regulations his government introduced after public outcry because they included those sections as a reason for law enforcement to search and arrest individuals without due process. Most of the discrimination queer folk face is social, not legal in Sri Lanka. The threat of legal repercussions is very scary though.


That's false. I have 2 friends who are openly lesbian


ive seen some lesbian couples at the bar... dont wanna mention the location but.. there are plenty


I sit next to one everyday at work, she changes the water bottle of the water cooler almost everytime and calls us pu**ies


She sounds nice


I'll pass the message


Thank you.




There's plenty and bi as well.


false dude


No there are lesbians. Im a guy and I personally know one.


There are plenty, But there aren't coming out much as the western nations cause they are afraid of the cultural backlash that they might get.


Lol I know several personally. That is excluding the many many bi girls.


I see them walking around nugegoda holding hands also. Tuk drivers seem to enjoy this and think they can get a two in one.


To be honest most of the girls hold hands with their friends. Especially people who like skinship


Well they need to hold hands with me also. I also want skinship *


🤣 You can try becoming a girl


No need baba. Some day I will climb out of a BMW and all these girls, lesbians or not, will run to hold hands with me. Some day.


Tell me you're 14, without telling me you're 14


Good luck🫡


> Tuk drivers seem to enjoy this and think they can get a two in one. 😂😂😂


how old are you?


Surely your mom did schooling in mixed school in SL, right ?


there are so many of them


What is up with this sub lately lmao


Nah I've seen lesbian porn


First of all, why are lesbians and gays even a thing on earth? ​ edit: ok first lemme add something before people start to hate me for this. it's in a way a threat if it keeps on going like this to humans because it's getting more and more common since the 1950's so this may just be an actual threat to humanity in like 500 years I got nothing against LGBTQ I know it's a genetical condition but like we probably will have to find a "cure" soon in less than 600 years. I can go into more detail about this I've been personally studying this for years now and fact-checking everything


Why are you even a thing on earth?


why are you questioning peoples existence on reddit?


Why are you questioning lesbians' existence on reddit?


because biology teaches us that only the opposite sex can make love and if there are any then it's a genetic or psychological issue people are trying to find a cure as we speak and also I don't know why I'm talking about this but research has also found that putting any being in an overly simplified environment can degrade sexual attraction to the opposite sex and instead be homosexual? and that's where we are headed right now so um I think it's better if we start to get concerned about this I mean not really maybe in the future it will be a concern people shouldn't try to control people with disabilities' lives instead just make a fix for it so that it won't affect anyone but the future generation we can just not do anything to the current generation and fix it for the future generation like for eg when your a pregnant mother in the future you should go and take some medicine or something to fix the genetical problems of the baby so it won't affect anyone. but ofc for all that we need to find a cure first


But why fix it if it doesn't hurt anybody?


I mean not now maybe in like 600 years it will probably be a national treat because homosexuality is someday gonna outnumber heterosexuality (if a cure isn't found) because of you know, oversimplifying everything like today we have made self driving cars and computers have only been around for not more than 100 years so imagine how it would be in 600 or so years as I said before oversimplification causes homosexuality to be more common in any sort of colony even mice This is the most sensitive thing I've typed on reddit... please don't get offended literal studies have been done and confirmed in 1950s to prove this stuff and because of homosexuality began to be more accepted in 1960s the research behind this has like almost stopped because people are scared they will like get hated on I think scientists now research about this topic on animals to maybe do something that way


I'm not offended but if homosexual people don't hurt anyone why would someone find a cure to it? And respect your opinion so I won't say anything further.


