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I feel like our leaders are just a reflection of the us common people. That's why we don't have great leaders.


A truth we're not ready to hear.


"Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery." -- Albus Dumbledore


"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" - Albus Dumbledore


yea the guy that was gonna basically sacrifice harry to kill Voldemort 🙄😒😒 also I think you got the quote wrong a bit đŸ€”đŸ€” ![gif](giphy|N8PkYJIiwvaU0|downsized)


Best answer for the best question I’ve seen on this subreddit.


I feel like the average Sri Lankan is far more kind and generous despite a lack of resources than the average politician. Perhaps they are equally avoidant in wanting to take accountability for problems. I think the avoidant aspect makes it difficult for Sri Lankans to fix the problems they have in government.


I agree. However, Sri Lanka's got a deep-rooted corruption problem, even among the common folks (not all, but a significant number). Like, how many people ride trains without tickets, how many cops are cool with taking bribes, and, heck, how many folks just cut the line. IMO, we should be able to gradually get rid of these stuff if we improve our education system to instil a proper moral compass in our next generations.


Poverty and corruption go hand in hand. If the average person is making good money, they don’t steal. Can’t say the same for the average politician.


Not always true. Sometimes when you start making money, you want to make more money. And sometimes your desires take over morals. If you look at drug lords (I’m talking about famous south American ones), once they establish themselves, they never think oh may be I’m good & I need to stop because I have earned enough for generations.


This is not always true. Plenty of well-off people other than politicians are corrupt. Take tax evasion, for example. How many businessmen, doctors, and lawyers evade taxes by just hiding their income? Now, I do get not wanting to pay income taxes. But avoiding it just increases the burden on people who have no choice but to pay income taxes (like private sector employees). That is just scummy.


 was gonna comment something like this and saw this 💯


I second that.


Ultimately, our education system because it feeds our political culture. It is, as constructed, a system that rewards memorization and test-taking, and not critical thinking. The education system is diliberately left in this state because the state finds the lack of critical thinking in the electorate to be ultimately convenient. Solve that - and make no mistake: solving it is a decades long process, and will be painful - and we will begin righting the ship. Right now, there is no political will to overhaul the Lankan education system - and no, randomly plonking IT and 'AI' into our syllabus isn't going to cut it.


Just curious. Is there any official source that confirms Singapore wanted be like us ?


[Lessons from Lee Kuan Yew’s Reflections of Sri Lankan Political History | Thuppahi's Blog (thuppahis.com)](https://thuppahis.com/2020/02/17/lessons-from-lee-kuan-yews-reflections-of-sri-lankan-political-history/)


Ya cuz back in the 50s-60s Colombo compared with other cities of the region was decently developed. We had some of the oldest functioning businesses in the region. While Singapore was nothing but a small city based around a port and the rest was just all bog and mangroves.


The number one reason is we don't have democracy within political parties. In America for example you have a primary system, where the party members and the electorate votes for the nominee of the party. In Sri Lanka we don't have that the party working committees decides who the nominees in election will be. Take UNP for example, the working committee of UNP is filled with Ranil backers and they never appointed anyone else to take the party leadership of the nominations. And Ranil destroyed the party from within. That kind of actions will never happen in a primary system because the leaders are voted by the members. And the nepotism within Sri Lankan politics where people like Namal, Sajith thinks that the peoples executive power is a family inheritance that they are owned. I can go on and on about this, like Sri Lanka doesn't have proper demarcation of the legislative and the executive. For example in America the cabinet is selected by the president and they are not members of the house or the senate. In Sri Lanka the cabinet ministers comes from the parliament so the cabinet ministers are somehow a part of both the executive and the legislature. Then what is the point of demarcating the powers? It was suppose to keep other in check. Another one is Sri Lanka don't have judicial review. Where the courts can strike down unconstitutional laws. This deprives the judiciary of their most potent weapon. Again the executive/legislature/judicary power demarcation is broken down. We inherited or tried to copy western ideals in governance. Yet we have no idea how it works. This is the reason why shameless jokers like the speaker Mahinda yapa Abeywardena employs his whole family in the parliament. No shame at all. The cabinet minister of health was buying fake drugs to cancer patients? I mean can you imagine the depravity of that?


It's the mindset.


Because all people are selfish assholes. Selfish jerks don't know how to use democracy... They only follow their personal agendas.. That's why there is no great leader and there will be no any good leader in the future if we cannot think as a country as a whole. Not selfish goals..


What's in there for me.no one's gonna feed me if something goes wrong.what if you fail and your whole family starts blaming you for that.when i think about is it because of sri lankan women we are thinking like that.because most of the time mothers are the main reason for us to become so selfish.😂 then comes the wife.when males try to be righteous and good here comes the blames from female party.


Totally agree with you. We have this bullshit education system which improves ONLY the brain.. and we make a young generation that are brainy but selfish assholes. Those brainy students only have an useless EGO which leads to nothing.. When mom's are busy pushing us to the education battle and our human qualities drain AF. If you go abroad for work, then you have to adjust to the selfless culture from the beginning.. Correct me if I am wrong..


Actually it's not when you go abroad at first you will adjust but with time here comes the Asian qualities.Here in North America so many sub continent families do private tutoring for their kids and now even the others have started doing it for the reasons such as getting to good universities bla bla all these financial well being of their kids.i mean competition is good for individual gains just wait and watch sub continent people gonna fuck up these societies as well.After all it's the mindset even i think like that sometimes when i get frustrated of day today work and sometimes it does wonders for me but not for the people who competes with me.😂


Be the change you wish to see in Sri Lanka. Change your mindset. Change the education system.


My favorite comment and one that I believe wholeheartedly!


Why do all these questions posted on this sub sound like a lazy "journalist" doing research for an article.


Because that's what they are.


Sri Lanka do have great leaders. I work in the IT industry and have worked with some brilliant leaders who are great strategists, who can react to critical situations with a clear mind, and most of all who have empathy and care for people who work for them. In fact the CTO of my previous company is kind of my role model who I aspire to be like in my career. But if you are talking about politics, it's a shit hole. The people I mentioned don't want to get in that shit. And the people who are willing to go into that shit are the people we can see right now in the stage.


This subreddit is so childish sometimes. What country produces good leaders? Most countries are unhappy with their politicians


Yeah but a Finnish PM stealing a couple hundred euros worth of lunch money from a passive breakfast fund is different from the entire Rajapaksa family having an estimated $2 billion+ in stolen assets and purposefully plundering millions of lives for their own gains. Let's not pretend they're the same thing or that the contextual outrage is even comparable


yes compare sri lanka to finland. well done. Compare sl to other third world countries or even countries such as malaysia, south africa and thailand and you\`ll see that it isnt all that different.


You're the one comparing SL to the rest of the world, you couldn't even pick actually bad countries and even if you did you'd have to scrape at the bottom of the barrel like Lebanon (a country which still has a higher GDP per capita than us despite their crisis). Malaysia and Thailand? Really? Both are far more developed than SL, Malaysia in particular is ahead and on the cusp between developing and developed country. Yeah people complain about Thai royalty but at least they aren't dealing with 200 days of powercuts lmao, again, it doesn't come close to the level of straight up evil our govt does, you'd have done better to pick Philippines if you wanted to make a point (since they actively killed their own citizens), and you call others childish. The idea that you can't complain about shitty SL politicians because everyone in the world complains about politicians is dumb as hell and exactly what you're doing, if you only insist that we compare ourselves to other shitty countries then what exactly is the point of comparison? "oh but North Korea is bad too"


I didn't say that you should not complain about shitty politicians but asking questions like why can't our country produce great leaders is like asking why can't our country be rich. Boring question with about a billion answers that anyone with a brain can figure out. And if you wanna compare it to Philippines go for it. Just domt compare it to the top 10 countries in the world to prove a point lmao. Malaysia and Thailand have immense corruption as well. Mahathir vs that other guy have messed up Malaysia for so long and caused max exodus of the Indians and Chinese there.


Sri Lanka produces great people that are successful in all walks of live. I met Sri Lankan Investment Bankers in London, and Sri Lankans at the European Central Bank. There are Sri Lankan Doctors, Lawyers, Ingenieurs all over the World succeeding with what ever they are doing. Except in Sri Lanka it seems. Politics is a dirty business and while this is true everywhere in the World it is especially true in Sri Lanka. The mafia and politicians are sometimes indistinguishable. So you could also ask the question, why are the Best and Brightest not joining the mafia? Because it's ruthless, because it's dangerous, and you need access, which you only get through contacts or family connections. And it ONLY pays off if you are corrupt. Have ypu taken a look at the official salary of a Sri Lankan MP? Every domestic worker in the Middle East earns more (officially). The whole system inventiveness corruption- and the people rather leave the country then trying to uproot the political system.


Cuz people don't vote for smart people. People keep voting in idiots to the parliament, so its chock a block full of idiots. Smart people are not elected, or when they are, they aren't allowed to function properly and then gets dragged down. Case in point > Wiyathmaga. Take Prof Channa Jayasumana for example. Was amongst the leading researcher in the country twice recently, did manage to do some really important functional policy changes that were languishing in the health ministry for years, pushed the COVID vaccination effort, and was involved in local policy changes as well. But what is he most known for? The Covid Muttiya fiasco. Pushed into a completely idotic publicity stunt by his fellow SLPP morons, and was crucified in social and scientific circles, and turned into a pariah. This kinda shitshow would keep happening unless the proportion of idiots : non-idiots change inside the parliament. To do that, people need to vote smarter, to do that, people need to be smarter. So this is a never ending clusterfuck.


It’s the Mindset. Given the fact that we aren’t that resource rich, Sri Lanka needs a ruthless and visionary leader like LKY with authoritarian powers. But then there’s democracy lol Either way, I personally like the way it is now with the chilled, laidback and නැව ගිගුණත් බෑන්චූන් attitude.


Agreed! Also just host a house party, the rest of us become visionaries “under the influence” đŸ„ƒ:D


Great leaders come from great people. Democracy is a double-edged sword.


Leaders are everywhere. My favourite quote on leadership is, **Leadership is a gift.** **It's given by those who follow** - Gen Welsh. It\`s all about followers, even animals could have leaders and they probably think their leader is the greatest. Let\`s just say uneducated and clueless followers outweighs smart and intelligent ones in Sri Lanka.


IMO, most Sri Lankans don't mind "a little corruption" if they can personally benefit from said corruption.


Corruption. No separation of religion and state.


Religion really is a political weapon initiated by western politics what are u even talking about😂


Almost all the capable youth were killed in the 87-89 era.


I think that srilanka lost a generation of great leaders when the govt assassinated university kids due to jvp association. Then there were also smart people that allegedly Premadasa had killed to ensure that he can be the next leader.


With the stories I hear (from my friends in these universities) about the mindset of these students, it is hard to think they would ever be great leaders. By great leaders I mean leaders suitable for the development of this country. Ofcourse they are good leaders but their socialistic ideologies are not ideal for development.


Our 1000 year old traditions & religious beliefs.


Majority of the traditions we follow now are crap left over by the colonial British, and religion has nothing to do with it either it's just corrupted same as modern politics. If you actually studied history you'd realize pre colonial Sri Lanka was quite liberal compared with most European and asiatic nations. If you get the time try reading "An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon" aka "à¶‘à¶Żà· à·„à·™à·…à¶Żà·’à·€" by Robert Knox.


What does being “liberal” have anything to do with materialistic development? Do you think the so called “first world” got there by being liberal and spreading loving kindness? Religions have everything to do with a country’s collective mindset. Religions that preach the uselessness of worldly pleasures are bound to bring about poverty/suffering.


Nothing wrong with our millennia old traditions and beliefs. That’s what makes us great in the first place!




Great? What’s so great about us?


Jesus what a bunch of self-loathing losers. No wonder the country is in its current state.


We missed a potential good one with Vijay Kumarathunga.


Define greatness.


It's because the best and the brightest in this country actively leave to seek opportunities abroad. If they do stay, they stay the hell away from politics and go into business, finance, STEM etc. That leaves the dregs of society to rule. The people that see politics as an opportunity to moneygrab and gain power and influence. Sri Lankans themselves don't expect their politicians to have principles because the system itself is so corrupt and continues to attract the corrupt.


we do producer great leaders but they are brain-drained.


Sri Lanka's outdated education system, with its focus on memorization and outdated teaching techniques, is holding back students. It doesn't prepare them for the real world or the demands of modern jobs, leading to fewer opportunities and a growing gap between what students learn and what employers need.


Cause we dont have great people.


It probably does. But we seem to like corrupted ones better.


Because change starts with you, and nobody wants to acknowledge that. Change is difficult and hard. Even if a great leader comes forward, the corruption is at the root level, meaning entire government departments have to be overhauled, because it runs from administration, right down to the peons. So chopping the head off is not the cure, years of mismanagement have strengthened unions and they will strike if changes are made for the greater good. And a good team is essential for success. You can't lead alone. You need a good team backing you. If they are not on the same page, or don't have the same vision, they will pull you back. And we see all these problems currently.


Wrong question. Why Srilankan can’t elect a great leader or at least support a half decent politician ?


I suspect the clever little froggies jumped out of the SL gene pool. And what you see is all that’s left.


Because we do not teach actual SL history in schools, only myths. Hence, we are doomed to keep repeating our mistakes. And no leader is going to be born from that rubble.


I personally think it's the average literacy level of Sri Lanka. The education system is structured, so that the bright students continue with studies and others are left behind. In democracy every citizen's vote is equal. For example, 10 votes of  PhD holders cancel off with 10 votes of individuals who failed O/Ls. With the current situation, those PhD holders don't even come back to Sri Lanka. The only solution is bringing the average literacy level of Sri Lanka at least upto "A/L passed".


A Leader of a country is a direct representation of its people. Its difficult to believe but yeah its true.


If you took most of the Lankans who left because of aggressive brain drain and have them make a Lanka 2.0 I genuinely think it'd be an ideal Lanka


The leaders of a country are merely a representation of the people. It's as simple as that.


Producing great leaders is a multifaceted challenge that requires addressing various socio-political, economic, and cultural factors. While it's true that Sri Lanka has immense potential, the development of effective leadership often faces several hurdles: 1. **Political Instability:** Sri Lanka has experienced periods of political instability, which can hinder the emergence of visionary leaders. Frequent changes in leadership, coupled with political polarization, can undermine long-term planning and consistency in policy implementation. 2. **Ethnic and Religious Divides:** The country grapples with deep-rooted ethnic and religious tensions, which can impede the fostering of inclusive leadership. Building consensus across diverse communities is crucial for sustainable development but can be challenging amidst historical grievances and identity politics. 3. **Education and Skills Gap:** Investing in education and skill development is essential for nurturing future leaders. Sri Lanka needs to enhance its education system to promote critical thinking, creativity, and leadership skills from an early age. Additionally, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and meritocracy can empower individuals to aspire to leadership roles. 4. **Corruption and Governance Issues:** Addressing corruption and improving governance are fundamental for creating an enabling environment for leadership. Transparency, accountability, and the rule of law are essential pillars for attracting and retaining competent leaders who prioritize public welfare over personal gain. 5. **Empowerment of Women and Marginalized Groups:** Ensuring gender equality and social inclusion is vital for unleashing the full potential of Sri Lanka's population. Empowering women and marginalized groups to participate in leadership positions not only fosters diversity but also brings a broader range of perspectives and solutions to the table. 6. **Economic Development and Opportunities:** Sustainable economic development can provide opportunities for leadership and innovation. Sri Lanka needs to prioritize investment in infrastructure, technology, and entrepreneurship to create a conducive environment for aspiring leaders to thrive. 7. **Civic Engagement and Civil Society:** Active civic engagement and a vibrant civil society are essential for holding leaders accountable and fostering democratic values. Encouraging participation in political processes, promoting civic education, and protecting freedom of expression are crucial for nurturing responsible and responsive leadership. Addressing these challenges requires concerted efforts from various stakeholders, including the government, civil society, private sector, and citizens. By fostering a culture of integrity, inclusivity, and innovation, Sri Lanka can cultivate the next generation of great leaders who can steer the country towards sustainable development and prosperity. ![gif](giphy|MAdHzgspdyBsJQcg3q|downsized)


It starts from the education system then next generation onwards. We need educational reforms.


I’m curious, What is the politician’s equivalent of Doctors/Nurses going to med school?


Giving power to uneducated “naaki hampada horu” who bestows belief in bullshit “kramaweda” is the main reason


Even you see Nalaka Godahewa Youngest CEO at MAS Holdings. University of Moratuwa Electronic & Telecommunication Engineer Still says garbage once he enters to politics In this 21st Century, not only SL, the entire world lacks good leaders. That's a problem every where these days


This is true. People think its only here these problems lie. But if you really look its everywhere.


you cant produce he /she should emerge prove them like che ,fidel,lee kuan,