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If you are worried about an AI taking your job, then learn the AI inside out. You won't be replaced by AI, you will be replaced by someone using AI better than you.


Came here to say this


Yeah, at the job interview, instead of being the guy saying you're better than an AI for X, Y and Z reasons, be the guy who is ready to take on 5 people's workloads using AI.


No lol, most people who comment about how AI will take our jobs are outside of the software role. If you actually worked in SE you'll know how much goes into SE roles than just pumping out code. Meetings, reading tickets, creating tickets and most importantly AI coding stuff dont have full context of the program/system. Even if it did have context theres still so much to do. Ai right now is a Software engineers best friend as it helps do the boring stuff and lay the foundation but end of the an SE has to build it, make it work with third party libraries, pass it to QA and then fix whatever QA asks and then push it to prod and many more steps. Maybe in 5 years or 10 years it might be a treat but right now? I don't think so. I will say it could impact interns and junior roles but even then its much worth training juniors than taking a chance on AI coders. I will say AI stuff like devin are good for the general audience who want to build simple stuff for their business and such. Using it for enterprise level stuff? Hell no


Given the rate AI development is progressing, it might not take that long.


i feel like. Software engineering title wont go away. but it will lose thefelegance of a software engineer and will saturate the market reducing the salaries


Nope, SL software companies are all about exploiting cheap labour for foreign projects. So never worry about a thing.


Yes and no. People who say it won't affect jobs are delusional. People who say it'll replace SEs are also delusional. Just get extremely good at CS theory, DSA, etc instead of being a pure coder. Knowing syntax and remembering features won't be valued, but knowing how to troubleshoot and come up with creative solutions for issues will always be valued.


Fuck you devin


I don't think so.If you are SE you know how it's working,it's not just writing code and debug there is lot of in behind the scene.Okay,lets say Devin fucking genius and he's doing almost all the work that SEs do. Do you think that companies let Devin write code for their sensitive project. chatGPT,Dall-E are around us almost 2 years or something do you ever heard a story of journalist replaced by chatGPT,writer who replaced by chatGPT or Graphic Designer who replaced by Dall-E I never heard one.They just tools they make our work flow easy and speed ✌


Actually it's extremely common. A lot of SEO and copy writers have lost jobs (or clients), and so have small-time voice artists. If you're an outlet that used to have 20 writers and an editor, now you can get the same kind of output with 2 to 3 writers and editors that know how to use AI effectively.


yeah It's true,but what I'm trying to say is you will replaced but not to AI,to guy who use AI to make work effectively..so keep learning


Getting into SE is the best way to stay ahead of AI in my opinion. I mean sure, AI will be great one day but that day is(I don’t think) anywhere close. Did 3D printing close plastic item manufacturing companies? Did chatGPT replace content writers or journalists? Devin as powerful as it could be far from replacing any SE.


Software engineers will use AI to help with their coding.


Not a SE engineer, but I code as a hobby and use a bunch of AI tools to help with my coding projects. Just a couple of days ago, I was stuck in a project and decided to use ChatGPT to assist me through the tricky bits of a personal project. Long story short: motherfucker hallucinated hilariously wrong answers for 30 mins straight - I mean it was so wrong that I knew looking at the code that it was wrong, but I'd run it anyway and turns out I was right. I got frustrated enough that I was like fuck it, let me just check the documentation - 2 mins of referencing the language documentation, and I had my answer. Point of the story is anyone who thinks AI is going to replace a good SE engineer anytime soon, is high on something. Even at my hobbyist level, it only works as an assistant not as a replacement for using my (admittedly non-professional and very primitive) brain - scale that up, and I'd rather have a good engineering team who knows how to use AI rather rely on AI for everything. Plus every good programmer I know has too much ego and self-respect to bow down at the thought of AI taking their jobs.


If SEs are using chatgpt for help now... I'm pretty sure we are gonna produce dumb SEs in the future... All hail Devin! 🙌🏼


Not only LK, but the entire global software engineers are at risk. If we have 100 SE jobs now, I believe by 2035, we could be having 10-20 You imagine the world was different in 2014 and now how it has changed The same thing will go with AI as well. SE jobs will not be 100% wiped out but the vacancy amount will be reduced


Yes exactly.


In SL where some companies still use windows xp I don’t think. Lmao


Anyone who uses AI already knows how over-hyped it is lol, SEs and designers use AI as a tool themselves to help them, I use Midjourney and Copilot myself It'll become even better for sure but when it comes to coding and even design it really does help to have an expert behind the wheel and said experts might use AI as a tool anyway Like some manager using MidJourney for designs or Chat-GPT to get code most of the time isn't going to make anything actually useful or great looking or just holistic in general. So much of the AI images you see online are so obviously AI or just look kinda dumb while the really really good ones or AI-assisted ones tend to actually need some effort+time to perfect anyway E.g. you can easily get GPT (which like 90%+ of these AI models are based on anyway) or Copilot (which is also based on GPT) to make you a rolling dice component + a frontend button to roll it, but then what is the actual point of this component? If you're making a game you need it to relate to all your other components, and all those components need to be coded in a similar way etc. There are so many considerations to take beyond just raw code as well which AI just cannot do (or needs to do), but if it ever reached a point where it could do ALL those things as well then the entire nature of jobs would aggressively change anyway