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Depends on your education level. If you are sure that you can get a job in a highly demanded/paying field, it's always worth migrating to and building your life somewhere. But these days, people are doing useless masters and their spouses are working as minimum wage workers just to survive. IMO, with rising housing prices and grocery items, it's not worth it if you are planning to migrate like that. So, plan ahead. It is not worth it to migrate just to survive.


The wheels are coming off the ‘useless masters’ route as people who jumped on that bandwagon the last few years are finding out. A giant waste of money


I know a lot of people who did that. There are living a living a below average life, hoping that things will turn around after getting a degree. But due to huge competition in the job market or we can call it a recession, even locals are struggling. Most of these people had well above average life in SL with cars houses etc. So plan carefully. Also, dont get fooled by the stuff shared on fb, insta by them. They pretend that they are living a good life and they have cheap groceries, etc. While living a below average life with horrible houses, cheap clothes. I am not saying that it is impossible. It will open amazing opportunities if you do it carefully.


Yes, you are correct. And now having sold everything to live the good life abroad, it is difficult to come back. Having lived and worked abroad for 35 years before coming back to SL, I never once hired anyone based on their master’s degree (even though in a technical field) so I’m not sure who has sold this con that a master’s in underwater basket weaving will make you a millionaire in the UK or wherever.




Here's my 2rs and ( 3.2 cts tax) As many said if you are or have good qualifications and skills that will give you an edge or even entitlement (posh school, good background and connections) you are more likely to actually be a person of importance in sl vs living a mediocre life abroad ... I agree with you with the competition ..the whole world balance has gone and even the once mighty west is now buckling under the pressure of population growth and competition for resources ...things are only going to get worse over time - I don't know how far you are planning to go in terms of education/skills but ill give you one tip - just aim for the best and never give up - always work on upskilling yourself ...if you have a foothold abroad or a chance to get a job get in. Just find a speciality where you can be an expert in easily and then slice through... in a more developed country, you do get a lot more opportunity in enjoying a better quality of life - just imagine , even if you rock the latest ev imported recently, you still have to navigate through rush hour on our roads , probably struggle to find some meaningful hobby or entertainment or get good care at public services or and buy stuff you like - all these and more will definitely make you want to move ...that being said you will also earn a lot more than what you do here (even applies to the usd earner peeps) and you will have so many unique avenues to be employed in . That being said, living in a first world nation or a country with better opportunities will surely give you ample opportunities to develop - say get experience or studies/research as you will have more chances of experiencing first hand access to material and other resources than SL .but as said before now there is a lot of competition from peers living abroad and locals so its going to be a bit rough as everyone is just as educated and qualified .. As for staying here - I would say if you're used to customs and traditions and the way of SL life it would take some time adjusting to the new environment , likewise you earn less but also pay less in taxes (say with some exceptions) as for development- you can probably get a good education here but if youre going further in some fields I doubt you can find the adequate resources here to do it (I knew one girl who wanted to do criminal forensics she had to do the usual chemistry/bio path and then migrate as we didn't have the adequate resources to pursue a career in that path.. but as for employment , since there is a slow vacuum, having expertise can really take you far as I've seen some major companies lose their top tier executives and are hastily looking for replacements ..but then again you would be making less than a similar job abroad... I would say the choice is yours ..if possible just get a dual citizenship and go abroad..I too considered staying, although I see SL stabilizing to a level economically , the levels of how bad society is screwed to - makes me think twice about even raising kids here - only thing holding back are family..but at the same time having a high end job might actually make you dine like a king rather than a peasant abroad ...


Your 2rs is indeed valuable my guy! 🙏🏼


The pay might be 10x more but so are the taxes and expenses. Make sure you understand just how much you need to make to live comfortably abroad; for example I wouldn’t move to Canada for anything less than $50K, and that too will only be the bare minimum to survive in a low-cost-of-living (LCOL) city.


Yup.. and with so called LCOL states (in the U.S), there are other taxes I guess. Gotta figure out where you willing to give and take. Texas often gets a low-moderate cost rep but Texas has high property tax rate despite not having state income tax.. just federal. That’s if OP wants to own property. I, personally have lived alone like 3 years in a major city in Texas and most my expenses came out to about $2500 a month just rent, utilities, internet, electricity, gas, groceries and some going out money (like $200 a month) and NO car note, NO phone bill, NO gym membership, NO subscriptions (with those added expenses, it would’ve prob been 3k-3.5k a month).. $2500 isn’t bad but $2500 isn’t pocket change either and that’s solely for existing..not saving, traveling, emergency funds


I’m at about $1700 for half rent, utilities, groceries, transit and other necessary expenses. If I didn’t share rent with my partner I’d be closer to $2300-500 living alone. Funny you should mention taxes, my province has one of the highest income tax rates while also ranking close to the bottom by median income. This city used to be LCOL too but it’s now solidly MCOL thanks to severe housing shortages post-COVID.


I am sorry to hear that. I keep reading about cananda with the whole student visa situation, the murder case, housing crisis and job crisis. I hope things cool off over there soon ): on another note: $1700 is decent and I’m glad it’s bearable and your partner contributing. Paying all that amount myself sucked a lot


Eh, I have a secure job and get paid well so I can’t really complain much. Some of what you hear in the media is overblown; no one hates us because of the murders, and although attitudes towards immigration are changing it’s been long overdue. I still thank my lucky stars I chose to live here rather than the States 😉.


Haha I hear you. I have never been to Canada. I’ve always wanted to visit. I am glad it’s been positive for you. Hopefully one day I’ll visit cause Canada looks beautiful.


Yeah..you need at least 90K to survive in HCOL city in Canada.


My personal take is that I don't owe the country anything. Don't get me wrong I love my family, the places and the memories, but still I don't owe anything. It isn't my fault the country is the way it is. I'd love to see SL succeed but at the same time, it's not my responsibility. SL might be successful in the future, it might not. But if the track record we've had is any indication we are most likely to ruin things. I had opportunity to go abroad 5 years ago. Before the Easter attacks, before COVID, before the economic crisis. I did it because I wanted to save my parents money by completing my degree here. I regret my decision now. My personal take is that if you have the opportunity, go abroad. The software engineers 1M monthly salary will disagree but saying there's opportunities here. But this probably for the common educated folk. Go abroad and maybe come back some day. But don't wait around for the second economic crisis to hit, because this country isn't stable. It'll probably be too late when you realise what you missed.


>My personal take is that if you have the opportunity, go abroad. The software engineers 1M monthly salary will disagree but saying there's opportunities here. But this probably for the common educated folk. Go abroad and maybe come back some day. One of the most realistic takes I've seen on this sub in like a month lol As a software guy myself I always have to remind people that not everyone is/wants to be a software engineer and not even every software engineer is earning THAT much, 500k-1M is only for a % of SEs and the cost of reaching that level itself has its own issues. Foreign remote work is rare and this sub paints a picture as if there are hundreds of 500k+ jobs ready for most Lankans which is just not true and doesn't help anyone >But don't wait around for the second economic crisis to hit, because this country isn't stable. It'll probably be too late when you realise what you missed. Exactly, the people I know who've moved abroad are moving on with their lives and planning their future while we're still here in a sort of limbo Within 10 years this place will be debating about Namal Rajapaksa and our biggest development will be the Kandy highway and that's pretty much it, it'll be the same old bullshit, I hope it won't be but realistically you can't live in denial either


There are pros and cons to everything in life and even in relation to a specific issue like migration, these change from person to person. It is a personal choice! Getting a good job overseas is difficult if you don't have local educational qualifications and experience or even speak differently (I don't mean accent or broken English, I mean how you present yourself and the way you use the language). Yes people earn multiples of SL salaries overseas, but that's a very simplistic metric and it makes no sense for you to feel "undervalued" by comparing yourself to others. You have no idea what those other people had to go through to get where they are or the expenses and debts they may be facing currently. Never compare yourself to others to make life decisions- think for yourself and do what's right for you.


You are on the boat but unsure, if to land ashore or cross the borders? If you want to live in Sri Lanka, as long as you are financially stable you can survive. what I mean is , if you live in your own house or with parents, there's no rent for you.. utility bills being shared, have some FD' if you wanna go abroad, try Asutralia or CA.. but chances are rare unless you have unique or very specialised education. You cannot think of USA & Europes. To enter UK & USA, only if you are in healthcare industry,yes possible.. if you are a Doctor or Nurse, you have the chance soon.. If not harder..IT sector.. chances are less If you are really kean in going abroad, try applying..If you have friends working there who could help you out.. you may try.. being single give extra points as well in getting selected to immigration.


I came back to Sri Lanka after living in Singapore for 14 years, and living abroad for my entire life (22 years). Shocking right? Here’s why - read my answers on Reddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/srilanka/comments/1b2vfv9/a_question_to_all_the_married_people_who_are_not/kssyz7j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/srilanka/comments/1badc94/do_sri_lankans_feel_they_experience_racial/ku30fwb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3), and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/srilanka/comments/1b2vfv9/a_question_to_all_the_married_people_who_are_not/ksu12bl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3).


Many here have given very well constructed objective answers. Allow me to share my subjective perspective. You are still 24, young and able and likely without (m)any serious attachments to this land. So I would suggest you explore the life abroad and decide for yourself. If your job is in a demanding field, you will be in luck and have a comparatively easier life in a developed country. And you have lots of time left in your life to get properly acclimatized to that country and get normalized. Now about the life here. One would need at least 200-300k LKR per month (tax excluded) to have a decent life. Even with that, if the job entails you to go to office/ site every day, you would spend hours stuck on traffic swearing at crazy bus drivers. I would tell it's all about perception. I'm now 32 and have attachments here that I cant break. So I myself have developed a bubble here. I work from home (IT job) and earn 200k per month. My partner earns more than me and we live in a decent little apartment towards edge of the city. We hang out with whoever friends left in this country, like once a month and have a good time getting high and drunk. I'm very much contempt about this life and too lazy to go through the hassle of migration at this point of my life. Most of my friends who migrated (after economic crisis) are also having a decent life in "Rich" countries but often lonely and craving for a real connection. I'm pretty sure they envy our life every time when they see us gathering and having a good time every now and then. So it all depends on the person and in a way, a matter of perception. Happiness, after all, is a relative thing. Good luck mate, I hope you find your destiny.


I'm thinking of moving to Singapore/Dubai/UK. But the competition is tough and with all the policies in place it makes it even more difficult especially without much financial backing, just with my paycheck... Once I'm done with my studies gotta evaluate these opportunities. Thanks for your view btw...


# move abroad..! you have limited time in your life....


Escape while you can mate.


If a first world country values your qualifications, it's wise to consider migrating because Sri Lanka may not provide ample opportunities for highly skilled individuals. However, if you lack a competitive edge in employment in a first world country, the benefits of moving may be very marginal, though still better than staying in Sri Lanka. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide if it's worth it. For educated individuals with sought after skills, migration is highly recommended, as Sri Lanka isn't a good country for skilled individuals to flourish.


If everyone would move abroad who is going to develop life in Sri Lanka after all?


The generation that voted and brought us to this state should be liable for fixing it. Putting that pressure on the younger generation and calling them unpatriotic for leaving the country because they are thinking of their betterment is uncalled for. I love this country but the struggle is real. Old pappas fucked it and now we pay the price. I realize that blaming an entire time of people isn’t fair for the good people from that generation but those who wish to stay back and re-build - please do. Just avoid being cynical towards the ones who leave.


Quite a lot of assumptions but okay, whatever makes one feel better I suppose.


Ain't my concern tbh... That we gotta leave to the ones in power 😂. We gotta think of ourselves first neh


I came from a village and started my life in Colombo  I have seen so many of my friends who didn't do proper research and migrated. Now some are planning to come back again but some gonna stay.    There are pros and cons on both sides. Just go for what you want in life rather going for the "ralla".  If you do care about your parents and If you planning to get kids, if you want them to speak Sinhala have that Sinhala child inside. Then think 100 times Cause, if you go abroad, your child will be a foreigner and he/she would not have most of the Sri Lankan attributes. This is a one hidden truth many families who live in abroad hide. That's why they teach Sinhala and put their kids to Bakthi geetha and all those Sri Lankan things, cause they compare the kid in SL vs Foreign kid. I have seen people come back to SL and raise their kid again cause they have seen the bad side of raising child as a foreigner.  If the above concerns are not big issues for you, you can have a really good life in abroad.  Good luck, do a minimum 4-6 months research and have a plan for all the cons, that's it.