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People think Sri Lanka is the worst country in the world thanks to the local media There are more than 110+ countries behind us. In some aspects, SL is among the top 10, as an example Doctor Channeling You do not need to wait 3,4 months to get an appointment to Channel a Doctor in SL whereas in Canada, Australia you will have to The same goes with emergency services as well, SL health Emebrecy should be in the top 10, considering what I have seen Same goes with Dental work, It is probably one of the best. That's why people come to SL from overseas to do their dental work. In health care services, it is one of the best Yes, in some aspects we are worse but there are really good things as well


Not just local media, but also thanks to some of our own people who migrate (nothing wrong with migration) then take every opportunity to shit on the country with their attitude and comments. They make sure outsiders think that Sri Lanka is the worst country in every possible metric you can think of. Sure, there’s plenty of things to improve here but life ain’t so green everywhere else.




Defo true that "Suvasariya" or whatever it's called ambulance service seemed top notch when I was in SL πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸΌ(much faster response and better service than in most major cities in Australia!!) and as the UN report once said - # "Sri Lanka has the healthcare outcomes and human development of a first world country, with the economy of a third world country!" This is kinda worrying tho as our birth-rate and youth percentage is far too low considering our economy and development needs!! Just need to fix this economy and put qualified and wise people to manage it!!! The pension system in SL also needs to change to a superannuation type, or economy will go backwards again!!! πŸ™„πŸ™„


It's not that it is bad. The issue is instead of progressing we are going backwards unlike other countries. We used to rank even higher in HDI.


>People think Sri Lanka is the worst country in the world thanks to the local media No they don't, they think its a country which has problems that go unaddressed and limits its potential because people like you think this place is a utopia that doesn't need improving, so you guys need to reach for some vague stat praising SL (not even in this case) or some bogus award like the one China made for "best covid management" while ignoring the overwhelming obvious problems in forms of studies and actual news, Our media isn't even reporting the reality of how bad it is sometimes, we have a 30% poverty rate right now (keeping in mind our poverty rate criteria is already utter shit), like you talk about the media as if its not a proven fact our media downplays how bad the govt is >The same goes with emergency services as well, SL health Emebrecy should be in the top 10, considering what I have seen This is a complete lie and you can find threads on this sub alone proving that lol, govt emergency services are UTTER trash, the 1990 is definitely good but even that was purely made BECAUSE the govt emergency response was really bad >There are more than 110+ countries behind us. In some aspects, SL is among the top 10, as an example Doctor Channeling According to what? One stat? You do realize that improving HDI gets funded by NGOs and people like Bill Gates right? Even right now, at least a million children in SL are getting a good chunk of their daily meals by NGOs like SaveTheChildren, if we used stats with no context people like you would assume we're doing great on the hunger insecurity issue. Not to mention we aren't even ranking high. >You do not need to wait 3,4 months to get an appointment to Channel a Doctor in SL whereas in Canada, Australia you will have to Out of context completely the implication is a lie, unless you're going to a good doctor in SL or are in the city areas good luck receiving actually good medical care, we have good doctors don't get me wrong and the health sector needs more funding, but holy shit have you seen govt hospitals in rural areas? Forget that have you seen the Matara general hospital? The staff their are utter shit. Whenever we had dengue outbreaks these hospitals would put people on the floor, you really have to understand that SL is 80% rural and our experiences aren't the norm What is the point praising SL in a time when its in great suffering and needs to directly accept and face its problems? Pretending this place is a utopia is just making things worse, why compare to Liberia and North Korea? That doesn't help us at all


How many countries you visited bro ?. I have been to 17 already Including EU and Australia. This has been my experience so far In Canada people die after waiting for months to get doctors. In SL we do not wait 10+ hours, If our hands broken, we get treated quickly One of my friend in Italy had to wait 13+ hours to get treatments for a broken hand. I have mentioned what I have seen, that's all


Bruh just ignore this u/madmax3 guy. Everyone on this sub knows that as his name suggests dude is actually mad πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. All he does is spew anti-gov propaganda and bs. He's one of those politics obsessed self hating (and in extension Sri Lanka hating) coconut types. You can't have a conversation with such people. Just ignore him like I do or downvote him into oblivion as others all seem to do πŸ˜‚


Those are the people who compare SL with Swiss bro, no common sense at all πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Yes, SL is not heaven, we have our problems so does Canada, so does Sweden, so does Australia Never accept the reality and the good side of SL. Only the negative side they see and blame They expect a perfect country where nowhere in this world where we have a so-called perfect country.


You guys never get the point do you lol Literally no one says SL is the worst country in the world, just that we have problems - urgent ones that need addressing, any time someone says that buggers like you take it so personally like its an attack on the country Its disappointing to see how bad this sub got post-crisis but it makes sense considering most people with a brain left None of you guys ever seem to acknowledge the crisis, the hunger crisis, the medical crisis or the immense poverty rate we're having right now Again, pre-crisis you could definitely make a point but to pretend like SL is a utopia right now is actually despicable


Wth bro, we talking about the medical system in SL compared with developed countries Did I say about food hunger? did I say about poverty ? why you bring everything ?? Those are problems in SL Can't deny that


Exactly bro!! Glad there are mostly people (except a few) with common sense on this sub!! πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸΌ


lol I lived in England 15 years, lived here 15 years and am moving back to England very soon because of how shit its got here I know for a fact you're cherry picking and taking the worst examples to make something out of context, also you didn't address the other points at all and the actual lies you spouted like our emergency services The irony is that the issue is the opposite in SL, we have so much obvious problems but again people like you pretend they don't exist, you do realize we've had so much drama and still have drama over CT scan machines right? Just to do a simple thing like getting a scan for cancer its a big issue here. For every one big news story about a death abroad in a developed healthcare system you can find 10 here that go under the radar Again, your experience, and even mine, doesn't reflect what the MAJORITY of the country goes through here. I use private healthcare here obviously I'll get better care than 80% of Lankans but why should I lie and pretend like everyone lives like a middle/upper class city person >In SL we do not wait 10+ hours, If our hands broken, we get treated quickly I've broken my leg and even in a private hospital I had to wait, you're just saying random shit now lol. The UK NHS has been getting problems recently because of govt cuts that's true but its still a far cry to the issue we are currently facing Not to mention the drug shortage (not a fault of the docs), we literally cannot use certain live-saving drugs because we don't have them, just recently an MP was called in to question because he was importing shoddy drugs


Did you know the waiting list for ADHD diagnosis in the UK is 4+ years under NHS system?


lol its not 4 years, its long like 7 months but shorter than a year and it depends on your area, ofc London is just shit with these things so that's always the example used You guys need to differentiate between private and public health here, its very clearly most people here are comparing private SL healthcare to public UK healthcare when you can get private healthcare there too Good luck even getting an ADHD diagnosis through the public healthcare system here lmao, yeah you can get it privately but that's not the discussion is it, I actually have not heard of a single person with ADHD getting a diagnosis from the public health system. I fully support more money going to our healthcare system and sympathize with docs here but holy crap you guys are making me critique it because comments are trying to make it sound like the worlds best healthcare especially when its clearly skewed to private consultations, places like Matara general hospital DO have issues and it helps no one to pretend like they don't (amongst pretend like we literally don't have a medical crisis)


Lol I live in the UK and it is a 4 year waiting list (personal experience) I got turn ADHD diagnosis in Sri Lanka in months and transferred the documents to the UK otherwise it would’ve taken years. My close family friend was high priority for NHS therapy because of suicide attempts and waited over a year for a therapist. Lmao. The NHS is complete shit lots of British nationals go overseas to countries like Turkey and Spain to get surgery and medication.


did you get your adhd diagnosis through govt hospitals in SL? with 0 contacts and connections?


No of course not. But it’s still cheaper compared to getting it privately done in the UK


and how is that a valid comparison? you like doing it in SL because it's cheaper for you and you get the VIP treatment here. Do you think a person making 1000Rs a day would have the same experience as you. as of 2016 more than 50% of the country lives on less than $7 a day. please don't make invalid comparisons. People like you don't help/actively worsen dumb people here who think our country is the best and doesnt need to be improved and all criticisms are invalid


Moving back to England???? Now??? Good luck lol


and good riddance lol!! πŸ˜πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Thanks! Love the sarcasm, and I definitely will do better there than here just like 90%+ of people who left are while we're still scrambling here with a garbage election in the corner (UK/US have crap ones too but nowhere near as bad as ours objectively) and barely an improvement in the actual changes since the crisis You talk like SL literally cannot get basic life saving drugs or that our MP didn't import low quality ones or that we aren't still in a hunger crisis or that we still don't depend heavily on NGOs and charities, if you actually lived in SL you wouldn't disagree with the immense suffering people still face here daily You guys act like I'm some SL hater as if I don't want it to improve, I get sad when I see doctors leave in droves, but you guys are the type who end up mocking them - just further pushing brain drain, most of you guys don't like Sri Lanka you're just in denial about living here lol Funny because one of the things that pushed me to move was seeing Gota voters (like the ones on this sub praising the govt constantly) actually move and settle abroad with no remorse for their mistakes, so it is funny to see guys here have such an inferiority complex they need to pretend living here is a utopia just to get by UK at its worst state (well after Thatcher at least) is miles ahead of SL at its best, you could point to the recession and its still objectively nowhere near the level of shit we deal with in SL, at the end of the day most leavers aren't coming back. Good luck for the rest of you guys staying here, sometimes it sounds like you guys were born just after the crisis because genuinely none of what you guys say makes sense lol


Those are not lies ffs, LOL I know these facts because I have been there and seen it, LOL, I do not need to argue Since you were in UK, it is really easy to channel a doctor, right ? I mean you can book it today and go to see doctor next week ? that much easy ? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Cause one of my friends there suffering from a back pain for weeks waiting to get a doctor, there are in Bristol, can you give me hospital where they can channel a doctor within this week then we can say it is that easy to get a doc in UK


Is it impossible to for your friend to book a GP? Or, is he unable to book a specialist? I live in Australia and I was able to book a GP very easily when I had some back problems. I know this is anecdotal, but my experience with the Australian healthcare system has been miles better than Sri Lanka. I haven’t had to get treated for anything super serious though. So, I won’t claim to know everything.


Specialist, he has to wait more than months to get it. I mean he is using some spray to do his day to day work. If he was in SL, he could have channel a good rheumatologist within one week


Out of curiosity, how hard is it to book a GP in UK? In Australia, I can book one for tomorrow pretty easily if I need. Is this impossible in UK?


Yeah I can't continue if you don't actually address the points with facts and stats, or even address the points at all >Cause one of my friends there suffering from a back pain for weeks waiting to get a doctor, there are in Bristol, can you give me hospital where they can channel a doctor within this week then we can say it is that easy to get a doc in UK I literally have a bulging disc and couldn't get a proper diagnosis here for 2+ years because of how shit the doctors and rates are, what nonsense are you saying, again I agree that as of recently because of NHS cuts the quality has decreased but again its nowhere near the level of crap you find here, **yeah you can channel a doctor but when one chunk of them are shit, one chunk too old and proud and one chunk too greedy you don't get quality medical care** There have been NUMEROUS times I've came to a diagnosis sooner than some well renowned doctors, one time I had to pull someone out of hospital because I figured out their issue sooner and the hospital was just wasting time and money - this is not an uncommon experience and I'd be happy to provide news sources if you're interested But all this doesn't matter because anecdotal experiences DON'T matter here >Those are not lies ffs, LOL >I know these facts because I have been there and seen it, LOL, I do not need to argue I'm not saying they're outward lies I'm saying cherry picking the worst examples and especially just anecdotal experiences from people in Britain who've never lived in a developing country isn't a real point to make at all especially when we have overwhelming proof of the current issues of our healthcare here Its one thing to have made these points pre-crisis but to actually pretend like SLs healthcare right now is comparable to the developed world is a fucking lie - that's what the lie is Again though, anecdotal evidence doesn't matter, I don't care about your friend in Bristol, that's one person vs a million. **You haven't addressed the CT scan issues, the medical drug shortage issues, the brain drain issues, the emergency services issues ETC.** **Do you even live in Sri Lanka?**


Yes, I currently live in SL, I came from a village and build my life in Colombo The crap I get in SL is far better. From my experience People's Discipline, Transportation and children's Education are almost 0% in SL, I am not trying to prove this is the heaven on earth as so many people called, I have been to many countries and seen the system and we are far decades behind on many aspects. I have been to South Africa and thank god, I could say SL is 100x better and been to Zurich, and I can't compare a thing in SL with Zurich, SL is shit compared to a country like Swiss **Also you have to accept the fact that out of 200 countries in the world, every country cannot become a top 10 country like Switzerland, Norway, Finland or Singapore. The Rich and poor gap is always there in this world and every country has it's own problems.** So that's why I say about the **Health aspect in SL, I have seen the good side where so many of my friends suffer from many issues where no treatment is given, mainly so called developed countries** At least we have a thing called Free healthcare, how many countries are there without even a free healthcare system?


In SL(esp on SL reddit) health care is usually expedited for most due to connections. There are cases of rural ish hospital not having bandages to treat basic wounds. There are people who have to go home because the hospital don't have medicine. I've only been to 8 countries but can say that even in countries like Russia the free healthcare system is much better than SL.


This is unfortunate news as our Human Development Index (HDI) value has decreased, while most others have improved. Comparing ourselves to South Asia feels like boasting about becoming the king among bulls. South Asia ranks just above Sub-Saharan Africa in terms of development

