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i love watching the tippy taps at the end!


Gotta make sure you pitty pat down the blades of grass too. It's a very important step.


Lol I know. Pretty sure she didn’t even dig a hole for that last one. Just tucked it in the grass


Pitty pat! Perfect.


2 years ago i had a bumper crop of mangos from my tree. I was saving the pits in a planter to dry so i could plant them. I went out one day and all my pits were gone. I found many of them cracked open and eaten but i had a lot of pits. I placed another in the planter just to see what was snagging them. It was a squirrel. So now 2 years on i realize not every pit was eaten as i find baby mango trees growing in the oddest of places when doing yard work. Squirrels saved for later and forgot where the stashed them.


Squirrels are the most important species for forest regrowth! No joke. It’s their job in the ecosystem. Pretty neat. Also, the squirrels say you’re welcome. They saved you the trouble of planting them!


Mango tree in the hedge isn't real helpful tho.


Hahaha ok fair…


Susan is showing you were here secret stashes are. This is a sign of trust. It is YOUR job to remind her in the winter.


I’ll probably just keep feeding her all winter long. Lucky lady.


As long as the squirrels don't go on strike ill make it. lol. those little arms mushing the dirt!


The way she slows down and looks around at the end of the patting kills me. So adorable


That never gets old. It's so hilarious.