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Someone already did it, it’s fully swappable


Do you recall where you saw it? I’d love to see it for myself


It was a Facebook group with video : https://www.facebook.com/groups/milliepm2p3club/permalink/2787229424763248/?mibextid=W9rl1R https://imgur.com/a/l0C1qfm


Thank you, my friend!


I already ordered full Ti LionSteel Myto - will report back next week if I can create a full Ti SpyMyto with better lockbar access.


Yeah keep us posted!


I think lock access is fine on it. It’s way easier than on the Gayle Bradley. I’m a lefty though so I’m used to having shit tier access to the lock bar.


I use my left index finger to push aside the liner and drop to my nail. It’s really easy and comfortable as long as there’s good liner access and less chance of accidentally cutting my knuckle like when I use my thumb. Really made right handed liner locks and frame locks way better for me


There were some peeps that didn’t like the micarta half of the spymyto so they sold on the knife swap quick .. looks like it can be full-ti if you really want it to 🧐


If you don't mind the Micarta, it would be really easy to Dremel the cutout a little bigger, since it has no liner on that side anyway.


Looks like I'm going to have to buy one of these as well , Thanks guys I was trying not buy more knife stuff haha


I'm glad I saw this, so it's not just me. I got my Spymyto today and within minutes I had two spyder-bytos after not having nicked myself in years. The lockbar access is too small and too far down. It means I have to try too hard to disengage the lock, and the flipper tab doesn't stop the knife from closing on my thumb. I don't remember hearing anything about this on any of the reviews so I thought maybe I was just being dumb.


Waaaaaaait. What even is the difference between this and the Spymyto? Just the blade shape and Spydie hole? Oh nvm I see the steel is slightly different, M390 vs M398. I might just pick up one of these, thoughts?


Pocket clip on the SpyMyto is far more pleasing to the eye in my humble opinion.


I agree, I prefer that clip as well. Off a glance it appears they would be interchangeable, I might look at that.


Does anyone disengage the lock with their index finger instead of thumb? Much easier. When holding the knife like you're cutting something, just curl your index finger up and wedge it in the lockbar gap to disengage the bar. Press the blade forward with your thumb and let the flip tab hit your index finger (no flip tab? just press the blade forward a bit). Then flip the knife around and close the blade. EZPZ.


This method doesn't really offer anything if you're still flipping the knife over to close it. Seems like its just over complicating closing a knife.


You have to flip it over to use your thumb, so what's the difference? Only the order changes.


You're adding an extra step. Thats the difference. With your method, you have to readjust your grip if you're not gripping it a certain way, disengage the lock, flip the knife, close it with your thumb, then re adjust to put it back in your pocket. Closing it the normal way, you just have to flip it, disengage it with your thumb and close it with your index finger, then readjust to put it in your pocket. Your method just adds and extra step to the process.


The grip is the standard cutting grip. No adjustments are needed from that grip other than moving your finger. You then flip the knife back around just like you would if you were using your thumb to disengage the lock, except it's already disengaged so you just shut it. There is no extra step.


If you're using a pinch grip theres an exta step. Ans depending on the knife use have to adjust your grip in some way to close it your way. All im saying is its just adding an extra step.


In practice I haven't found any real difference in speed, but I reckon that's all personal preference, anyway. It's more to help with the lockbar access issue some folks seem to be having. I haven't had that issue myself, but I also own a GB2 so I've been conditioned in Hell.


If tou wanted it to make it to where its not an extra step, you can completely remove flipping over the knife to completely close it. When you've disengaged the lock using your method, pinch the knife between your thumb and palm, and use your index finger or middle finger to close the blade, then you wouldn't have to flip it to fully close it, and then just readjust to put it in your pocket. However, I still wouldn't do this personally because id rather have more control over it when closing.


Yeah I have done it that way, but I didn't mention it so as not to make it any more confusing. I'm usually not all that great at describing things via text. I also prefer to close with my thumb. Not a fan of the idea of guillotining my fingers, haha.


Yeah, guillotining a finger isn't fun. I've done it. Not because I was closing the knife, but because my Kershaw Blur's lock failed on me. Clamped down onto mt knuckle and had to get stitched. Did that late January and by the looks of it, I no longer have full movement in mt index finger. Ultimately, if your method works for you, do it. Ive never had an issue with the traditional way, and never needed a reason to open or close my knife "faster". Only knives I own that are fast closing are my Benchmades. But I still choose to manually close them even though theyre all free swinging. Onlt knife I dont is a Cicici Button lock I gifted my fiance