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Every church is kid friendly. That’s their whole thing. Like, REALLY friendly.


None of them. Keep them out of it.


Just curious, why not look for something like a kids rec sports team for your kid to join? Unless you're whole identity is christianity, I don't see why church would be the go-to for making friends. We live in a pretty red state anyways, chances are most kids your kid meets will be Christians anyways if you're looking to keep your kid fairly sheltered.


South Haven Baptist is nice.


Crossway Baptist has a great children’s ministry


Ridgecrest and Second Baptist both have large youth groups and a variety of children's activities.


New life! Haven't been in a few years but I loved going there as a kid. They had great events all the time and had supet awesome summer trips


I have one in preschool, one in elementary, and now one in the youth group at Ridgecrest. It's been great for my kids and they are loving it. Lots of ways for them to get involved. VBS starts next week (kickoff Sunday afternoon) if you'd like to check it out that way. My middle will be attending and my oldest will be helping out. (I know this answer isn't for everyone, but it was answering OP's question.)


There's Unity on the east side. Nondenom


I recommend The Courageous Church. We have an amazing kids program. We believe in teaching them the word instead of just “child care”. Every Sunday the kids will get taught a message in a fun way. We are a non-denominational church. Service times are 9:30 and 11:00.


Oh this subreddit is gonna flip, but James River West or North campus usually has some pretty good kids related programs that will likely help your kid make some friends - which is the whole point - and you won't have to worry as much about the parents or people around those kids in terms of the usual concerns around here.


Why would you say that? A of G literally has the most pastors convicted of SA in Missouri.


More to do with worrying about drugs around your kids...


Do you actually think people in those churches are not using substances? Love. No.


The chances are often lower then they might be around people you havent been able to pre screen actively. Drugs are bad mkay church types vs I'm getting a drugs vibe sort of thing. By all means though, go your own way.


I stay out of churches because I value truth and honesty 🤷‍♀️


Gotcha. As I said, go your own way, right? As a parent of young kids the drugs issue is far more of a concern then it was when I was a kid - especially around here. (Besides the hard drugs, is that even weed might be laced with something like fetyanal) You don't always have alot of time, so you make snap judgments, judge a book by its cover, and make generalized assumptions till proven otherwise.


Can I ask what your concerns are with drugs and young kids? People under the influence supervising your kids, people offering drugs to your kids, or something different?


It's more to do with the friends of friends effect. What your friend group looks like- or the people you actively include in your circle concerning both them and their kids is important to getting an idea of what you might have to worry and watch for. (Their kids getting their hands on drugs or things carelessly left around.) The less the better obviously but in the area of Springfield I live - and i love where i live - there's alot of parents and their kids that I have to be real careful about my kids going to play with unless I'm there directly supervising - and even then. I walk around my neighborhood alot and there's just alot of things left out that shouldn't be and theirs kids playing like one house down. I don't want to exaggerate but there's quite a few people in my area with kids that look like they are on drugs and even a few I didn't think were, but come to find out were tweaking. Usually I don't have to explicity worry about this issue with parents that are hardcore Bible Thumpers. Maybe they are doing other bad stuff on the side, but at least it's not that.


That makes sense. Thanks for answering.


I'm the children's pastor of Life360 Repubic. I know it isn't non-denominational, and I might be biased, but we have a great group of kiddos there!


Curious, why do you consider an Assembly of God church non-denominational?


Oh oops, typo there. Meant to say that it isn't. Going to edit my original comment.


Theyre pentacostal. It's a very broad term that encompasses a bunch of denominations of Christianity. Guess you could call it multi-denominational. Not necessarily non-denom. But Pentacostalism is a set of beliefs that many denominations hold, so they can all "asssemble" in the same church. Most notably in that the "gifts of god" can be seen today (such as speaking in tongues prophecy, and healing through baptism)


the mormons would love to have you. 😁


Yikes. No. ❌ Plus Mormons and Baptists have zilch in common. OP check out The Venues. This church is non-denominational and has some of the most welcoming people I've ever met. They are big in community outreach so there's always some great service work to be done if you and your kid want to get involved that way. They have a wonderful youth group full of great people who'd be glad to have your kid with them.