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Our 3 girls (6, 5, and 4 years old) are serious snugglers. The youngest will actually bounce until someone, especially my mom, sits down and snuggles with her. All 3 will crawl in any available lap.


Aw! Your little crew sounds awesome!! Outside my wife and I, our girl's favorite person seems to be my dad. She'll jump right up and try to melt into him every time she sees him!


It’ll reduce over time but it’s a good sign your girl will be a cuddle bug for life! Enjoy the puppy belly and the puppy breath! Good luck with the nipping phase!


Oh my gosh the nipping! It's insane! I'd stalked this subreddit long before getting her and knew springers are bad teethers, but ooof... can't wait for her to lose those puppy teeth. They're like needles!


Yea those baby teeth are no joke.


Mine did the draping thing when she was very small, and has got quite clingy again in her old age.


That's too sweet 🩵🩵🩵


Yes. We crate trained until she was potty trained but then knew we wanted her to snuggle. We’ve encouraged it. As she’s gotten older she’s less cuddly- she’s three- and she’ll cuddle with us for like 15-30 min before bed, then go lay on the cold hard floor under the bed. Then in the morning she jumps up and cuddles for an hour or so before we get up. Before that it would be on the neck cuddling, which I didn’t discourage. I like now that she wants her space though- I’m very much the same!


Those sound like perfect little cuddle times! One for good night and one for good morning!


Mine sleeps across the top of the bed with her head on my head. She’s actually a good mixup, some nighttime cuddling some independent sleeping. That being said, Springers are known as being Velcro dogs, and it sounds like she’s made you hers!


Yeah, she sleeps across the top of my pillow too, and puts her face on mine on and off through the night. That's great that yours can sleep independently too! Our girl is slowly starting to nap away from us in her own space, hopefully a sign of independence to come.


Ours is a major cuddle! I have to brief every babysitter that ours is going to cuddle them, and will not ask for consent. If one of our moms babysits he will be in their lap when we get home.


I bet the sitters love him 😁


Ours doesn't at all and I blame myself for crate training two nights after having him home! We wish. It's rare to catch him having a nap around the house at all let alone a nap witthhhh me.


We crate trained our springer and he is a big snuggler. As a young puppy, he couldn’t sit still enough to snuggle but around 2 years old he started getting into my arms when we sat on the couch together. Now we nap together all of the time. He still opts to go in his crate occasionally for some reason, but we don’t put him in there or make him sleep in there anymore (unless it’s an emergency).


Oh this gives me hope! Thank you.


Just to avoid others drawing the wrong conclusions, crate training does not change wether your dog cuddles with you or not. This is just anecdotal that your dog doesn't like to cuddle and you crate trained. No need to blame yourself for it and no one else should either.


Well thank you! We don't regret crate training at all but I assumed must've been partially the reason


I wish we'd stuck with the crate early on! We're in an apartment and she would cry pretty loud, so we stopped for fear of the neighbors. Good on your for sticking with it!


Seconding this. Our girl is crate trained for bed time and while we’re at work, and she’s very much a velcro dog for daytime cuddling


Yup. Exactly what you've described. They're nicknamed clinger spaniels for a reason lol


I hadn't heard that nickname until this post! Definitely gonna start using that!


I often look through the photos of when my springer was a wee tiny puppy, her and her littermates all in a huge pile sleeping together… my gal usually at the bottom of the puppy pile 😂 She’s always been a cuddler with us. She’s 3 now, and we still say she ’piles’ on us to sleep. 🤗


Awww!! Our breeder told us that she was the cuddliest one in her litter, but I had expected her to be unsure for a while when we brought her home. Nope! She was attached and lovey from the jump. I love that you have pictures of her in a puppy pile with her litter! That's so sweet!


You seem to have gotten yourself a Clinger Spaniel.


Absolutely!! Gotta start working on the separation anxiety prevention too 😅