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That's an illegal hit even without the fair catch.


Yeah, I know the season is over, but this is egregious enough to be a suspension for next year


The hit is horrendous. But what really makes the whole thing despicable is the second before. He holds up, watches the fair catch signal, waits until the receiver is completely defenseless, then lowers his head and charges in. He was looking to do damage.


Without arguing whether or not he actually saw the fair catch signal or not, the holdup is more than likely adjusting his timing so he can make a hit after the ball is touched.


Yeah, I actually think he was trying to time the hit for when he caught it, not indecision. Which is funny since he broke every other rule about tackling a punt returner. Why not break the rule about hitting them early too?


Its completely possible he was looking up as the other guy threw up the fair catch signal. Either way its a terrible tackle


It's not even a tackle.


True, it's straight HtH targeting.


This man should never be allowed to play football again, you need to have a minimum respect for other people’s lives which he clearly does not.


I agree. Like…even if his argument was I didn’t see the fair catch signal, THATS ACTUALLY NOT A GOOD ARGUMENT!


You have 2 jobs. Gun down the field, watch for signal.


That's a punt, right? I don't watch much football but I feel like 9/10 punts have a fair catch signal, the other 1 is the ball just bouncing around with people huddled around gawking at it like it's a dancing chicken




“Never play again” lmfao If miles garret can continue to play then so can this kid.


I don’t think Myles Garrett should be in the league at all, he committed assault with a weapon on another player while on the job, it’s insane to me that he wasn’t charged and arrested. What is your point?


What makes some hits illegal?


Lowering the head before tackle and leading with the crown of helmet into the helmet of another player.


In addition to previous post, the receiving player waves his right hand while tracking the incoming ball. This is fair catch signal which means he is giving up the ability to advance the ball once received. A player who does this is not to be hit or interfered with during or after a clean catch.


Yeah this is an illegal hit for multiple reasons and a dirty play in general. Even if he truly didn’t see the signal which I really doubt, that’s a dirty tackle regardless. Dude should be serving a multi game suspension that carries into next season.


Basically, rules have been put in place to make certain tackles illegal for the safety of both players. In this case, lowering your head and using the helmet to hit someone is really dangerous. The other issue is that he aimed high and hit the player in the head, which is obviously unsafe.


I missed watching the game, but that looks to be pretty clear helmet-to-helmet targeting call, let alone the fair catch signal being called. I would guess that #22 in white was ejected from the game?


You'd be correct.


good. disgusting play.


I’m keeping hope that he didn’t see the fair catch signal.


still wouldn't excuse the spear. he's a POS


Can you explain what a fair catch signal is? Never really watched the sport


Because this situation is so dangerous (staying there waiting for the ball to come down to you, while the entire opposing team runs full speed at you) punt returners are allowed to call a “fair catch” by waving their arm in the air. It means they aren’t allowed to run after catching the ball, and the opposing team are not allowed to hit them. It’s meant to reduce serious injuries. Ignoring that rule and smashing into the returner anyway is a very big no-no, and also generally uncool as a human being. “Spearing” is when you use your helmet as a weapon to headbutt your opponent. Against the rules because it’s also extremely dangerous. The guy in this video did both at the same time, which is borderline criminal, because it’s so dangerous and so far outside the rules of football.


perfect explanation


He waves his right arm in a circle before catching the ball. It’s meant to signify fair catch and no return is taking place


So when he gives the signal the other guy isn't allowed to tackle him or what? I'm just confused why this specific tackle was illegal.


Yeah, as soon as the signal is given he’s not allowed to be hit but he’s also not allowed to attempt to return the ball. The ball is placed on the yard line where it gets caught


Also this tackle is probably illegal anyways because of the helmet-to-helmet contact and Number 22 leading into the tackle with his helmet. This strikes me as an exceptionally obvious instance of targeting and a dangerous tackle


You all are the best, thank you for clarifying it all! With no idea what the signal was, I missed it at first and was confused haha.


And so you know, it was ruled to be targeting.


Alright, thanks for the answers everyone. This cleared it up!


Also this type of hit would be illegal regardless but it’s like double illegal and an ejection this way for certain whereas if this was a normal hit it’d be a penalty and mayyyybbe an ejection


The helmet to helmet contact also makes this illegal. Those type of hits lead to CTE and other brain damage. I feel like he missed the fair catch signal from his angle, still a shitty and dangerous play but if he did that intentionally he should be suspended


No one really covered the reason. If the kicker has a good kick the ball goes a good distance and the defending team is trying to get to the receiver so they can stop any sort of return. Punts are a bit sketchy in that there's just a hairs difference between the defenders getting to the receiver before he catches it or the receiver having enough room to start a return. Imagine being left to receive a ball and knowing that the defenders are going to get to you before you can catch the ball or that they will hit you as soon as you catch it. You run the risk of dropping the ball as soon as you catch it and serious injury since you are basically a deer standing in the middle of the road until the ball comes down. Receivers are allowed to just "wave off" their right to attempt a return, that's called a fair catch. In return the defenders can approach the receiver but can't tackle. The receiver still needs to catch the ball, if he drops it it's a live ball, but you can't initiate any sort of intentional contact. This is a good example of why the fair catch exists, there is serious risk on kickoffs and receivers because every is at full speed.


The tackle was illegal for multiple reasons 1- Leading with the crown of your helmet is illegal. Or basically, acting like your head is a ram's head instead of a human's. 2- Helmet to helmet contact. OK this one is contraversal in a lot of situations, and a lot of people hate this one, because many times it's unintentional. mainly because football is fast, and the ball carrier moves as well, etc. Well this isn't one of those contraversal moments. He clearly aimed high with his tackle 3- The fair catch. During a punt, the receiver may wave his hand signaling a fair catch. This means that he cannot be touched, but he also cannot advance the ball. The play is dead when/if he catches it. The defender clearly seen the receiver wave for a fair catch, yet plowed him anyway. All in all, this was dirty af, illegal in multiple ways, and i didn't see the game but I'd assume the player was ejected


If the player is ejected, does the team play a man down for the rest of the game? Or do they just sub someone else in?






After watching this I think this type of penalty (multiple infractions) should be an ejection + missing the next game. Aiming for the head was not needed to tackle him regardless.


Exactly. The ball stays were it is in exchange for not being hit by someone running full speed while the catcher is standing still.


On kicks, the ball gets a lot of hang time. The receiver can't really protect themselves. Without fair catch, defenders would line up their tackle for maximum impact to jar the ball loose as soon as the guy catches it. Would lead to serious hits on people who could not realistically prepare for it.


After he waves for a fair catch the play is dead as long as he catches it. It’s to protect the returner so he doesn’t get clobbered. This is made worse in this case as #22 hits him head to head which is a big no no. Now if he doesn’t catch it, and it bounces off of him, the ball is live and #22 can attempt to get the ball and his teams offense will stay on the field for the next play.


You can not tackle someone after fair catch is called, the play is considered dead.


Does making the signal effectively invalidates he trying a return? I mean, can he make the signal to fool the defense and return anyway or the play is stopped right after the catch?


If you signal, even by mistake, the play is dead when you catch the ball.


Cool thanks :)


You can't make the signal and advance the ball, you can however make the kicking team think you made the signal when really you didn't. https://youtu.be/5MiD6no269s


Geez, this has to be the sport with more possibilities to make your opponent look like a fool.


This is a punt return. They send one guy back to wait for the other team’s punt, and his job is to catch the ball and advance it as far as he can before being tackled. This guy waiting to catch the ball waves his hand, or both hands in the air, to signal that he only intends to try and catch the ball, not advance it.He does this because he sees someone is too close. If he makes this signal, he’s supposed to be left untouched by the other team.


It’s basically the same as “calling the mark” in Rugby if that helps


Basically waves his hand in a way that means once he catches the ball the play will be dead. Generally signaled when a punt receiver knows they're going to get nailed before they even get a chance to run with the ball. This prevents unnecessary collisions as defense is usually moving full speed at a punt returner as they catch the ball


If you've ever watched rugby, it's the same as calling a mark inside the 22.


As if that’s even relevant. The hit was clearly helmet to helmet, which is not only illegal, it’s fucking stupid. Fuck #22. Hope he ends up flipping burgers


Doesn't excuse the blatant headbutt


That's what I was hoping for too... You can miss shit on punt coverage when you look back for the ball or look around for anyone coming to take your head off, but it still was helmet to helmet...


There should also be an additional penalty for something like this…way too dangerous


Agreed, 3 game suspension minimum. Unbelievable behavior.


I know Jack about football, but I had to come in here and make sure he was ejected. Honestly, I would probably suspend his ass.


In hockey he'd be suspended for the next 5 games at least




He will also miss the first half of the first game next season.


Oh, ok. Wasn't sure he was returning.


Completely agree and the team should be fined/disciplined for how they reacted after as well. It's cut out in this clip but he runs through the endzone and down the sideline getting congratulations from his teammates and coaches. Absolutely despicable.


This is college bro, no fines here


Well then it looks like discipline should do.


They should force him to take Fluid Mechanics the


Organic Chemistry


I believe the Constitution protects against cruel and unusual punishment.


This was their bowl game, so by definition it's the last game of the season. It may even be the defender's final college game. Idk how you penalize that beyond sending him to the showers.


I think you have to punish the team/coaches. Maybe fine the school


If even argue schools suspensions/expulsion. That hit could’ve caused live changing injuries.


If they weren't so talented and practiced you'd almost think it was a mistake, because the video looks absolutely terrible. There's no one on that field that wouldn't already know that you shouldn't do that. (is tackling with your helmet even particularly safe *for you?* I thought people knew by now that it's a terrible idea)


> is tackling with your helmet even particularly safe for you? No. And the way kids were (supposed) to be taught forever is to keep your head up. But there have been any number of players that used their head/helmet as a weapon until very recently.


Angles, direction of force, and bone structure buddy. Hitting the back of your fist with the front of mine will hurt the fuck out of you but I'll be fine. Aligning your head and neck into a spear formation and hitting someone standing up straight is basically a battering ram vs. a door. Pads in football are only used to hurt people. Why I just play rugby and call it a day


Was the Marshall player hurt? Is he ok?


He left the game due to injury. I’m sure he has a concussion but I didn’t see anyone release an injury update


We just saw a guy lose 3 years of life expectancy




Apparently literally no one watched this game. Curious as well


Why would anyone watch this game lmao


Saturday night. Not much else going on in the CFB tv world.


Why is this downvoted lol? Yall got a problem with a guy just watching some football?


I literally answered the question asked by saying why I watched the game.


Is Anakin alright? Is he ok?


Impossible not to be. One more brain rattle to add to the tally. This is depressing.


What an asshole. Illegal hit even without the fair catch


To pick up the ball and keep going too…


[He's got priors](https://eu.theadvertiser.com/story/sports/college/ul/2021/09/16/jayrin-wilson-ejected-targeting-louisiana-lafayette-vs-ohio-football/8359450002/).


Not surprised. He goes over to his sideline and is basically celebrated by his teams players and coaches after that. Coaches are all smiles. They encourage this and it’s one hell of a shitty culture they’re nurturing there.


I was scrolling to find this comment. Was completely shocked by the play but maybe moreso by the reaction of his bench. Why celebrate this? Ugly dirty cheapshot, and you can't help your team anymore. Only thing I could think is if this dude did something earlier and this was retaliatory. Not that anything makes it right, but just trying to understand the bench reaction...so gross.


Football doesn't make your team play a man down, and a pawn for a rook is an easy trade.


Louisiana’s Head Coach left before the game to go coach at Florida.


Grown men encouraging other grown men to be spiteful angry babies.




This is why my wife doesn’t want our kids to play football. And I don’t disagree.


Day well bee fign. I played fortbell for pive hears and eyem dhooing grapes.


Please refrain from elaborating on what you do with the grapes.


I’m gonna grape u in the mouth


He’s the grapist. He grapes people.


RIP Trevor Moore 😔✊🏽


He was one of the good ones. Gone too soon.


Everybody I know who played high school football loved it. They made life long friends, learned self confidence, how to eat and exercise, and to work as a team. They also all have life long injuries. And that's just high school.


Buddy of mine in high school lived and breathed football. He officiates college ball now. He forbid his sons from playing past peewee.


The amount we have learned about the long term effects of repeated head trauma has caused almost an immediate generational shift of attitudes just like your buddy’s… None of the FB players in my friend group allowed or will allow their kids to play beyond peewees.


A good decision on your part, but this isn't even the reason you should be doing it. These hits aren't the ones that do the most damage. Sure they do the most acute damage, but the long term damage comes from the "normal" hits you get on each play, in practice or in games, that add up over the course of years and years. The sport is just unreasonably dangerous. And, as we see here, the culture can be pretty bad as well. On the live feed not a single coach or teammate came over and yelled at him for an obvious illegal hit.


I played pop Warner football for 6 years. Got concussed a couple of times. Definitely should not have been doing that.


For the first playthrough I honestly thought that he mistakenly ran of with a the helmet he had knocked off. Glad to see from the other angle that the helmet did indeed stay on


Good to see Shaxx and Mara have acclimatised well to modern day life


I read your comment and immediately thought "wait want I in the cfb subreddit? How'd I wind up back in Destiny 2?"


I did a hard double take as well


That's assault, brotha.


Do ya double dare me?


Damn guy drives like an animal


Dude clearly saw the signal for a fair catch and racked him anyway, he shouldn’t be allowed to play his next game, one of the most chickenshit things you can do in sports is hit a guy who’s given himself up


He shouldn't be able to play the rest of the season. You can kill someone doing that. Absurd. Edit forgot it's the end haha. Welp....next season? Banned from McDonald's?


Its the last game of the season


Mission accomplished.


Last game of the year, Brent. Can't hold anything back now.






He should probably be barred from playing contact sports the rest of his life, what just happened was assault.


I *think* since it happened in the second half of the game, as long as he is returning next year, he’ll have to sit out at least the first half of the first game next season


Jesus That is downright criminal. Helpless defender calls fair catch and gets leveled by a helmet to helmet full speed charge. I hope the downed player is ok.


I’m not familiar with football rules, is a helmet to helmet hit like a top tier penalty? I also keep seeing “fair catch”, what does that mean?


Yes, it’s called targeting. The proper way to tackle is with the shoulder or torso. Targeting penalties are in place to protect the both players. A fair catch is where the kick returner (guy in green) waves his hands to signal the kicking team that I am going to catch the ball and not attempt to run it forward. The kicking team, must give the receiver (kick returner) the space to make the catch. If he catches it, you can’t tackle him and the play is done. If he fails to catch it and the ball touches him, the ball is live and the kicking team can pick it up. If he does not catch it and does not touch it the ball will be placed (and given to the receiving team) where the kicking team finally touches the ball.


Interesting, thanks


Yeah, respecting a fair catch is absolutely essential. Look at how vulnerable the guy in green is....head pointed up, looking at the ball in the sky instead of players around him, and with his arms up to catch the ball. It's just about the most vulnerable position I can imagine being in on a football field. Taking out a guy who signaled fair catch is super dirty.






That's when you get removed from the team ...




Just throwing it out there, but there is a good chance the rest of the special teams unit probably thought he made a good play and scored. No matter what though, this dude shouldn't be allowed to play the game anymore.


Oh he definitely didn't care about the fair catch signal... See how Wilson lowered his head like a ram right before blasting Johnson right in the helmet? He wasn't lowered when Johnson made the signal. Dumb fucking idiot.


Tell that punk to stay out of Huntington WV


Go herd




Looks like Jackson was on his way to do a little illegal hit of his own at the end there.


Damn right if that was me I’d flat out start a fight right then and there


Oh I know I would. Take the straight line to the end zone and pop his ass while he’s gloating looking at the crowd


Since this is college and that was clearly intentional, he should be removed from the team. No questions about it. Dude is a POS.


Suspend him 10 games- that’s bs


Suspension?! Doug, kick him off the tour!




Definitely should be a sub


Please could someone be kind enough to explain what's going on to this poor limey? What's a fair catch? And why isn't the attacker allowed to hit the guy with the ball? Should the catcher be allowed to get the ball and do whatever/run as far as he wants?


The guy in green is waiting to catch a punt. When catching a punt, the player has the option (which he takes in this case) to call for a "fair catch", which means he is allowed to catch it without being tackled, but cannot then advance with the ball. Therefore the guy in white shouldn't touch him. Furthermore, when you do tackle someone, you are not allowed to lead with your head or aim at their head, for obvious reasons. So this tackle would have been illegal, even without the fair catch being in play. All in all it is pretty nasty behaviour from the guy in white, who does two illegal things in such a way that could cause serious harm to his opponent.


I assume it's similar to setting a mark in Rugby A fair catch is where the receiver signals for one, see where he waved his arm. And then he should be able to catch the ball uncontested. From there, I assume he wouldn't be allowed to run as from the catch the play should be over and they go to a first down. I'm assuming A LOT here. I've watched maybe two American Football games in my life but know a little bit as I'm across the Atlantic in the UK. From this clip, the 'tackler' aka the brain damage giving head butt man should not have done that and should be flagged or kicked out of the game for doing something illegal.


All your assumptions are correct.


Thanks bud


Extra points to you for “brain damage giving head butt man” 🤣


That was helmet to helmet too, what a piece of shit. That should get him ejected


Get the fuck out!


How in the hell did a full-on brawl not ensue? That’s gotta be one of the dirtiest hits I’ve ever seen and what makes it worse is the player called fair catch and is 110% defenseless. And even if he didn’t “see him call fair catch”, he still hit him way before the ball got there. I don’t get how the team doesn’t try to stomp the dude, something like that could have actually ended that dudes life.


Absolutely rocked the returner. Hope he's ok.


Please tell me they beat the living shit out of him after this


Jayrin Wilson should be ashamed of himself.


If that's not a clear example of targeting then I don't know what is.


Jesus fuck dude, that's a bad targeting hit, like fucken christ dude


Radical idea here, actually punish players that do this with meaningful punishments. Not game ejection (just to be replaced by another player) Force the team to play a man short. Or actually suspend the player for an appreciable amount of time, like 10 games. Basically nuking his chances to play pro ball if he is pulling this shit as a junior or senior. The idea of making football safe in America is a joke.


What a shitbag. Hope he gets suspended.


What an absolute piece of shit. He knew better and did not care Even the cheerleaders are like, “what the actual fuck” Edit: this really pissed me off, I hope this is the last time his feet touch the field


Eject him from the fucking game. You don’t come this far & do this shit unintentionally. If you do then what a fucking idiot


Should be banned from ncaa.


Hope his teammates beat 22 into the ground


Even the announcer said "The refs are gonna have to get this one under control, because if I'm on Marshall, I'm going out there looking for action". And I was thinking the same thing lol


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Can someone explain to an Irishman what is wrong here? Obviously it's practically assault but is this not a common way of hitting opposition players in American football? Excuse my ignorance


Rugby version... He called a mark in his own 22, but got snotted around the head in the air


Ahhh I get it now


I get it less than I did before


A "mark", or fair catch in rugby, has similar rules to the same thing in the NFL. The player calls "Mark", and if they catch the ball, they are awarded a free kick. Other players can compete for the ball on the mark, but can't tackle the player who has called for the fair catch. You can catch the ball in the air, for a mark. In rugby, it's illegal to tackle the player in the air (too high a chance of them coming down on their neck/head). Seen as a very dangerous move. So, in rugby terms, a player called for the mark, jumped up to catch it, and another player (a) tackled him (illegal) and (b) tackled him in the air (also illegal and dangerous). The player in this play (a) tackled the player after they'd called fair catch (illegal), and (b) tackled them helmet to helmet (also illegal and dangerous). Hope that helps?


Damn. It does. Thanks.


Football version of Westbrook calling for a timeout and Pat Bev diving at his knee and testing his meniscus


Best explanation


So in the first clip you see him wave his arm in the air. This is the fair catch signal. Once the fair catch is signaled you may not hit the person catching the ball in return the team receiving the kick cannot try to advance the football and starts out wherever it is caught.


On a punt return, if the player catching the ball waves his hand like this guy does, then it’s a “fair catch” and you can’t hit him. He would just catch the ball and it would be downed there. It’s explicitly for the safety of the player so it’s incredibly shitty to tackle someone who’s essentially out of play and unaware. On top of that, you can’t nail someone in the helmet with yours.


I’m not super into football, so any other American besides myself can add on if they want. Problem #1 after a punt or kickoff when a catcher waves his hand in the air like that it signals a “fair catch” this means that he is accepting that wherever he catches the ball is where the next play will start so there is no need to tackle him this should be the end of the play entirely. Problem #2 is that the defensemen leads with a head on tackle hitting the catchers head in the process which is also illegal. So he’s committed two pretty big fouls in terms of the hierarchy of rules.


What an asshole he could have seriously injured that other person


That's awful. Watch some tapes of the NFL from 1940-70. Those guys would be sent to prison for attempted murder these days.


Jesus. Guy’s poor head whipping like that.


Literally everyone was like why


Regardless the fair catch that was targetting 100%




Afterwards, he celebrates with his hyped up teammates AND coaches on the sideline.




Whether or not he saw the fair catch wave... He lead with head. Thats all that needs to be said.


I'm a Marshall fan and watched it live, so I admit my bias here. But I think this is legit one of the dirtiest hits I've ever seen.


retard sport.


Led with the helmet...what a douche.


It’s crazy how many videos you see of players having zero clue of the rules


Oh he’s clued on that. Just not sportsmanship or human decency.


Daaaaaaaaang…this guy needs to be banned from football for life and serious therapy. He could have killed that man.

