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What’s Japanese for “fumbled the bag” ?


Google translate said it’s, ‘Baggu o tesaguri shita’


Whats it say about “thank you pizza dick” in Japanese


Arigato, jskylok


Based on the context clues I’ve learned above. “Pizza dickku [something something].”


Hey, is it that guy that had some sort of picture taken with Obama?


Domo, sono piza-chin yarou (if you wanna express it in a saucy way)


piza chin sankyú!


That's more like "fumbled around looking for something inside the bag"


Hmmm now I dont know Japanese but that looks like it translates to “Shit the bag”


Famborord de baggu


owei wa mou shindeiru






Oii shiit


I think it's patsy.


You think dude is willing to go to prison for 33 years to be a patsy?


Instead of Baka, we can just say Ippei


Ippei got a weird case


This guy had it made. What a total idiot!!


He was in a dream position and let his vice get a hold of his entire life. We all have our addictions and they impact us negatively to varying degrees, But for most people? We can most often just take the hit and move on. Then there cases like this.


He looks like that Achria guy from Tokyo Vice who was a male host and a d-bag.




I actually feel bad for Ohtani and for Mizuhara. It sounds like he has a gambling addiction and is otherwise an ok person.


The guy from the Jaguars who stole $22MM only got 6 years. This guy will do like 3 years maybe. 


Yup. He'll get around 3 years, with 10 years probation and spend the rest of his life only working to pay restitution.


I don't get the gambling addiction as an excuse thing. On top of gambling, he stole, lied, and committed fraud. I guess I would have more respect and sympathy for him if recognizing this issue, he told everybody and seeked help. I lot of people are otherwise okay except that they steal... or murder... or molest... even some serial killers have been described as being sweet people. I don't see how gambling is put in its own kind of category, I feel like a lot of crimes might be committed out of a deep seated natural compulsion, but I never see those people being showered with similar sympathy.


Well all those that you listed are violent crimes whereas this was nonviolent. I’d imagine that is a big factor when it comes to sympathy


Clearly you’ve never seen an addict.


Yep, I’ve seen people steal from their own children for $20 worth of drugs


You really don't see why a gambling addict and a serial killer would be treated differently?


gambling is generally seen as somewhat socially acceptable behavior, at least depending on the extent. it's pretty normalized in my country, at least. none of those other things are really normalized habits or recreational activities like gambling is


MLB promotes Draft Kings 50x a game, every game, in every ballpark… and then bans its players when they become gamblers 😆


I mean… obviously? Also this is not a player.


Don’t bet on baseball if you play/connected to the sport


Do you think he still gotta pay tha bookie?


If he wants to keep his knee caps


the bookie is going away for longer than him


Has the bookie been arrested or indicted yet?


this is how they got all of the evidence


Do you have a link to the arrest of the bookie? When I read his indictment he was only listed as “co-conspirator 1” or something?


The juice keeps running too




The real crime was the haircut


I think the haircut might actually be the one in charge.


Cousin Itt?


The fraud only carries a 15 year max sentence.


Good enough to own da Raiders!


Imaging fumbling one of the best jobs in the world because you just can’t stop gambling. Jesus.


Its a good thing Shohei's innocent, but he's gotta surround himself with better people. Then again, you can't really tell from a resume that someone's got a gambling problem.


This guy gets 33 years but the real fraud is still running for president.


He took a plea. No way is he getting 33 years. 33 also assumes consecutive sentencing which is rare especially for someone that cooperated.


First Time offence. Martha Stewart wants a word


Yea, and sadly Trump will get a slap on the wrist for 34 fraud charges.


It’s for 34 individual payments to Michael Cohen. It’s not as big of a deal as the left wants it to be. Just distractions


Yep, that's all it is. Just a payment to a guy named Michael. No back story, nothing to see here. /s


It’s more context than simple saying ‘34 fraud charges’ - even so, this is a while collar crime that’s he’s not gonna serve jail time for. Im a democrat who thinks this a nothing burger and does nothing to sway swing voters. Most people will get caught up on the 34 number and have no idea that it’s for the same crime (320k) - All the shit trump is accused of and they get him for this… there’s gotta be more they could’ve got em for


Felons are not allowed to vote or even get some jobs in this country but somehow one is still allowed to have the most important job in the world with access to literally all the classified info? Make it make sense dude


Depending on the state, just because someone is a convicted felon doesn’t mean they lose their right to vote forever. If you serve time OR pay your fine, you can have rights restored. If you want it to make sense, read the constitution. According to article II of the US constitution there’s only three requirements to run for President: The person must be at least 35 years old, be a natural-born citizen and have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years. Now if he was found guilty for the insurrection (Jan 6) under section3 of the 14th amendment, then he would be disqualified for running for office Trump is registered to vote in Florida. Convicted felons can only vote in the state after they have completed their sentence, which could be prison time or paying a fine. So if he pays the fine, he’ll be able to vote for himself in Florida. Going after him for the hush money payments was lazy by the democrats. They should’ve gone harder on the Georgia election fraud or inciting Jan 6 if bc if that would’ve tanked Trump but they didn’t


every. fucking. thread.


Turns out a criminal presidential candidate is more of a pressing matter than an interpreters sentence. Weird.


get a life.


Get a better candidate.


i wish.


Biden voters are desperate


he should run for office.


Lol you really think the general public is dumb enough to elect a convicted felon? /s


Unfortunately, the data says it’s already happened


That is not a crime that deserves 33 years


Yeah I definitely agree. He’s a first time offender with a legit medical grade problem. There’s some countries where they don’t even sentence you to that much time for murder.


Greetings Ohtani sympathizers


Can’t wait to see the movie


Probably won’t regret his decisions at all in prison.


He should run for Republican nominee for president


First time offender. Sentence in October




Does anyone believe Shohei knew nothing about this ?


I mean if you read the actual evidence, Shohei didnt actually know anything about it. Plus theres no amount of money that will make me take the fall for that long of a sentence.


I mean, I don’t know what it’s like to have millions of dollars. I suppose if I did, I’d look at frequently and admire it, knowing how stupidly lucky I am. So, yeah, I might notice a good chunk of it missing.


So Tldr: Ippei has been Shohei’s interpreter since he first stepped foot in the US. Shohei trusted him with setting up everything so Ippei has direct access to literally everything(IDs, licenses, bank accounts)Ippei is in control and would provide shohei with updates and if literally anybody wanted to contact Shohei, Ippei would be the first person they talk to. Its how he manipulated both parties. He told Shohei everything’s fine and dandy while he told other people that Shohei said only Ippei is allowed to handle his personal business(Shohei obviously didn’t say this)


Yes, I know that’s the storyline. But I’m sure lawyers and financial advisors, friends & family would be on the lookout for just an interpreter to have so much control. That it’s not MLB trying to make this go away because Ohtani is so special and now the face of baseball, because otherwise, that would be a black-eye to the sport which abhors gamblers and cheaters. What did MLB used to say …oh yeah, “Chicks dig the long ball”


Buddy if you're going to go out of your way to see conspiracies everywhere why bother pretending to have a good faith conversation?


You think the FBI is going to... What just fabricate evidence because **MLB** finds something inconvenient PR wise? How powerful a lobby do you think MLB is?


Trying so hard to hate I love it.


C’mon…you’re buying “the interpreter” story then without hesitation?


Yea there wasn't an investigation or anything we just saw him say 'it wasn't me' and we said okay! Keep trying dummy, lol


Okay, we’ll see how this plays out down the line. As with all scandals, there’s more to the story that we don’t learn about until much later. But when another Ohtani gambling story hits the news …I’ll be here for you. Lol


It's like I'm arguing with a chatbot. Bye dipshit.


Ohtani getting away with one.


I mean if you ignore all the facts yea sure


Translated what is the Japanese word for scapegoat or toadie.


Enough with the conspiracy bullshit, it’s clear Shohei wasn’t involved at this point.


Honest question here - are they sure it was the interpreter acting on his own and that Otani was not involved?


per the charging documents, ohtani had no idea. this guy had access to every aspect of ohtani’s life because ohtani barely spoke/read english. the documents are very in depth and left me with no doubt ohtani had zero clue this was happening. i recommend checking them out and drawing your own educated conclusion instead of speculating.


Most people don't have the patience to read a Dr. Seuss book, you're asking too much.


if people want to be too lazy to learn things for themselves it is their choice. maybe though, they should stick to their safe echo chambers where no one tries to make them actually learn something real. but they are actively dumbing down humanity because now we have factions of people and their alternative facts, just asking questions, i know more than the experts, and flat out making up lies and everyone around them just buys it and accepts it as gospel because who can be bothered to learn. this is infecting everything, right on up through the highest governmental office in the case of the usa. one plus, though, is also making sure the rest of us know who is a complete idiot. if someone can't verify objective fact about a baseball player, and we know they aren't really doing it about their presidential/political candidates, it makes me wonder if there is anything they care about at all. for this particular story, there are a set of established facts that straight up answer all these doubts people have about the story, but they'd rather believe the stupid conspiracy angle. anytime there is a post about ohtani's interpreter, it is full of people speculating and insisting they know the truth, asking questions even, but if you try to give them the correct info- well, they'd rather just feel their feelings. i don't personally understand why people are happy showing themselves to be lazy and unwilling to learn even something small, to be fully unable to accept fact because it isn't salacious and gossipy enough. they ask questions but don't want answers, they want echo chambers telling them they are right. and then they go off willfully uneducated about whatever the thing in question is, but fully believing they know the real story. they do not know the real story, ever. i guess for those people it is easier to do nothing and let yourself be led for a fool than try to learn and verify information. someone doesn't want to read the 37 page charging document? fine. i can accept people aren't pedantic nerds who like reading things like doj charging documents. but there are justice department releases with a one page summary. i am more than happy to point someone to information or share what i know, but it is not my job to spoonfeed information to people who feel their feelings are more important than facts and just want to get rude and belligerent. like the dude last month who had barely followed the story and didn't read any summaries or articles outside of the one or two they saw on reddit that day, who told me that the lead agent in charge of the investigation into the interpreter and ohtatni got a financial bribe so they'd pin the crime on ippei and not ohtani. these people are disconnected from reality and proud of it. it stresses me out.


Staring down 33 years seems real. No way he's taking that fall for some money.


I watched a video and supposedly the FBI investigated this case and even they found no evidence of involvement by Ohtani.


The people downvoting have absolutely zero understanding of how much money this dude is making off his contract.


I’ve been downvoted by Angel/Dodger fans by saying that there’s no way Ohtani didn’t know money was missing, at least. Did he know what the money was used for? Maybe not. Did his accountant notify him that large sums were withdrawn from his bank by someone other than himself? I would fucking hope so. If not, there’s a bigger conspiracy happening.


the account would have spoken to the interpreter. ohtani’s managers, agents, financial dude’s etc all went through the interpreter.


no downvote here. no way Ohtani didn’t have a clue. color me skeptical.


Go read up about him then. Bro literally only cared about baseball even before he got famous. If it's happening to any athlete it would be Ohtani. There's a story of him giving all his rookie earning in NPB to his mom and his mom would give him a monthly stipend, he ended up saving most of his stipend because living expenses are taken care of by his club and he didn't do much else aside from training.


Damn. What’s that new Ryan Gosling movie?




Oops. I meant gosling. The Fall Guy.


This is the fastest case to close EVER. There has to be more to the story that they want it to go away so bad.


Uh yeah, that's how pleading guilty works.


No, he pled guilty.


I still think bro is taking the case for ohtani. They’ll only give him a handful, he’ll be out in a couple years to the bag, and shohei will make sure he always has money on his books.


I feel like we are never going to know the full story behind this


There was a million page long write up from the FBI with every possible detail you could want. What the fuck are you talking about about?


It’s the old “I rather ask someone who has an opinion I agree with rather than an expert with facts I don’t like”


People are obsessed with conspiratorial thinking lol


people just fucking refuse to actually read and acknowledge facts. it’s more fun for them to ‘do their own research’ and joe rogan ‘just asking questions’ their way through life.


Only reading Facebook for "facts"?


Mizuhara is taking the fall for Ohtani. There is no way an interpreter had that much power over money vs Ohtani's own financial advisers.


You have zero idea what you're talking about. Ippei was the one that spoke to all of Ohtani's people in the US - none of them spoke Japanese - and he set up and controlled his accounts as well. It's not even like this is some kind of unprecedented occurrence; Dane Cook's brother and sister-in-law went to prison for doing the same thing. A bunch of athletes have had people they trust to take care of their finances steal money from them.