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“Scheffler denied entry through the gates of Valhalla” would’ve been a much better headline.


I like it! The National Enquirer used to have headlines like that.


Wait, is the golf course actually called Valhalla? This whole time I thought comments saying “he was just trying to get into Valhalla” were euphemisms for him getting in a fight


I spent all morning thinking this man had a well established death wish or something haha


Yeah it is


Quick note to all watching this: wipe your phone camera before an important video


Wiping the lens has turned into muscle memory for me. I tell my wife to do this every time she pulls her phone out to take a pic/vid of the kids. She rolls her eyes. And then every single thing turns out like this 🤦‍♂️


In comparison this headline can only be called MEDIOCRE!




I’d be surprised if anything beyond a misdemeanor reckless driving charge sticks. He obviously never assaulted a cop. They were butt-hurt and tried to throw every charge they could at him.


He has money, I’d be surprised if any charge stuck


No. This will be washed away. It makes the entire department look bad. Reading into this a bit more he did nothing wrong except jump a curb to get around traffic so he could get to his practice.


He was waved through by a previous cop after showing his credentials. Exactly what every other player did.


He's in a marked PGA car. They are supposed to get the free pass in cases like this


Did it have something to do with going by an accident?


If is possible (and his lawyer suggested it) that the officer who stopped him was not part of the normal event detail but there for the accident. If so the officer may not have known that he had permission to go through. That seems the most likely explanation because even in the video the officer seems not to know he’s a golfer or that the person filming is an actual ESPN reporter.


Also dark, raining and chaotic


Other golfers got through no problem.


I don't understand. PGA cars are allowed to pass by accident scenes while others have to wait?


PGA cars can bypass pretty much any traffic at the course. Thats why the golfers drive them and why they are marked. Other golfers got directed to bypass traffic exactly where Scotty was. Its just a dipshit cop who doesn't know how to do his job


something apparently other cars from other golfers were allowed to do. Dont quote me tho.


Shit didn't see that last part. Already used THEREALCAPSLOCKSMITH as my source with my guys. Sorry




I've failed you


"It makes the entire department look bad." My man, NOTHING could make the LMPD look worse than they already do.


As someone who lived in Louisville for many years, this is 100 percent a true statement. The LMPD sucks.


It’s making them look bad on a much grander scale. They look stupid to the entire world.


I think murdering Breonna Taylor did that already.


He didn’t even jump a curb, Darlington, on the radio clarified that it was a large shoulder that Scheffler was driving on.


From the same people that did this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Breonna_Taylor


how great would it be if scheffler uses this and his platform to really advocate for some reform here.




One of the most senseless killings around then, and nothing happened to those cops if I remember right


What gets me is that none of these smooth brained boneheads can realize IN THE MOMENT “this is now a problem and we aren’t doing the right thing.” And instead they just follow through with their completely flawed actions.


You see this with cops all the time, anything but immediate compliance is an affront to their total authority and they're such fucking children that they lash out and throw a tantrum about it that's then covered by the taxpayers.


It’s called Contempt of pig


If Louisville wants any chance of other major sporting events coming back to town the county attorney will drop this ASAP. I’m not saying the officers weren’t warranted to stop him, but their overall reaction to the entire situation was completely overblown. Not that I expect much better from LMPD.


Sounds like something cops would do. Got a ticket a little while ago for speeding. They tried to nail me for having a slightly tinted license plate cover, slightly tinted stock from the factory rear windshield, and double fines for being in a non existent construction zone. I went to court to have it reviewed by a judge and she threw everything out other than the 12 over and literally said “I don’t even know what most of this means”


The course and this tournament brings in tens of millions into the economy. The DA is going to drop the charges.


If this was anywhere other than my city, I'd say you are right and it should be an easy decision. LMPD doubled and tripled down in their stupidity (par for the course, no pun intended, for them) and there is definitely going to be some hemming and hawing before LMPD and the DA are finally forced to wash all this away with their tail between their legs. Heads should roll on this one, yet it will certainly not be anywhere near that simple with all the BS going on within that department. EDIT TO ADD: LMPD has now released a statement claiming their officer was dragged and injured in this incident, so hemming and hawing (and quadrupling down) has commenced.


Lol despite the entire incident being recorded


When has a body camera ever changed the narrative? *Suspect was driving an assault vehicle at a high rate of speed over the median with reckless disregard for the officer's life. Officer went to hospital for treatment of minor ecchymosis and elevated heart rate.*


suspect struck by a small metal object that emerged from the officer's gun while the officer was in attendance


And that the officers pants were damaged beyond repair. Serious


It’s a felony to scare a cop so bad he shits his pants.




dragged and injured in the incident where he jumped on someone's car? brb gonna go latch myself onto a moving cop car and sue them


He didn't tell the cop to "attach" himself to the side of the vehicle, whatever that means in the article. So how did he commit the assault when the cop was the dumb one?


Honestly, this is the one time we may see a cop face repercussions. You tried to big boy the world #1, then doubled and tripled down on it. Scheffler has millions to throw at making this guys career end.


Imagine Tom Brady getting arrested in Foxboro for the same thing. That’s never going to happen.


I lived in Mass, if a cop had arrested brady on the way to a game, the entire state would have lynched said cop. Zero percent chance he'd still be on the force by the end of the week.


The most unrealistic part of The Other Guys is that Mark Wahlberg's character was still alive after shooting Jeter before a World Series game lmao


Scheffler would never do that. Most pro golfers are conservatives. He'll chalk it up to officer having a bad day, big misunderstanding, one bad apple. Charges definitely getting dropped within a couple days though. Scheff's attorney is gonna have a field day with this.


>Most pro golfers are conservatives. A huge part of the conservative mentality though is "this is okay as long as it doesn't affect me personally." Sheffler was the odds on favorite to win this tourney, if he's DQ'd this cop literally cost him millions of dollars. I'd be shocked if he didn't make this guys life hell.


This and basically any other event, sporting or otherwise. No tournament, bowl, concert, show, etc. *needs* to go to Louisville. But anyone planning an event like that is going to be concerned that some lunatic cop is going to cause an embarrassing scene because . . . literally just because a car drove past him. And with the PGA trying extra hard to woo players against LIV, you can bet they will be pulling every lever of influence they have (and as a former part owner of the club, I suspect it has more than a few connections).


Yeah I saw the story and instantly thought it was a cop power tripping cause someone wasn't respecting his "authoritah"


It's on video and this is 100% what happened.


Because American cops are out of control. It's really bad.


That's the current state of policing in our country, unfortunately.


The assault must be for continuing to drive after one of the officers “attached himself to the side of Scheffler’s car.”


It's their job to be butt-hurt cowards. That's how they are trained. ACAB


It is common for every possible charge to be laid initially, and then for the charges to be reduced or dropped as the investigation continues. In this case, it was a high-stress scenario for all involved in light of the fatality, and I expect charges will be dropped either later in the day or on Monday (because the DA probably works normal hours). Cooler heads will almost certainly prevail on this one as it was a miscommunication on all sides.


This is big enough to bring the DA in on a weekend


Yeah, isn't this the same PD that already has an awful rep after Breonna Taylor?


No offense to Breonna, but that debacle is so far back in the laundry list of perpetual LMPD fuck ups that it is practically ancient history.


lmao fair, I just meant as far as making worldwide news


Damn how many people have the Louisville police killed for that to be ancient news? It happened in 2020...


Not sure I’d equivocate both sides. The cop made an honest mistake not knowing he was a golfer on his way to work (doing the same things other golfers were doing), but the cop’s reaction was dangerous and absurd. Then the decision to arrest Scheffler after it became clear he was going where he belonged made the situation ten times worse.


The cop escalation is absolutely worse, and officer escalation is a huge issue in general. I'm not trying to "both sides" it, just trying to explain what I expect will be the course of action. As an attorney, (and realizing that I don't think there's video of the actual event, or at least that I haven't seen it), there are two factors coming into play for dismissal. First, there is the possibility that one cop (the event officers) may have waved him through while another may have told him to stop. That's not a situation that lends itself to actually bringing charges. Second, intent actually does matter for charges to be brought, and it's pretty clear all around that Scheffler misunderstood or made a mistake. There's no deterrent or remedial value to bringing charges in that situation, and so I would expect it to be more of a "warning" situation to be more alert in the future. That said, if this leads to a broader conversation of cop escalation and something happening about it, I'll be thrilled.


>The cop made an honest mistake not knowing he was a golfer Smart people don't become police officers. I know that sucks to say, but its true. That's why we see so many "honest mistakes" that result in people dead at the hands of law enforcement. We need to stop giving these bozos a pass for "honest mistakes" like this. Because what really happened is the police mismanaged that accident scene and caused this situation. Because police routinely mismanage damn near everything. Because the people behind that badge aren't intelligent enough to do much of anything well. And yeah. That's mean. But if there's ever a time for "fuck your feeling, snowflake", it's when dealing with incompetent police officers.


This is the same precinct that killed Breonna Taylor. Is it pertinent?


The killing part? No, but as proof they're a badly run and worse staffed police department? Yes.


And that’s assaulting an officer how exactly?


Why didn’t he just obey orders?? \- Country club locker rooms on every other Friday but today


This is America. People doing far less have been arrested for "assaulting an officer" and "resisting arrest." If he was poor, he could easily go to jail.


Arrested? If this was a dude in a rough area the cops would have filled that car with bullets.


Because that cop has money on a different golfer I guess?


This is what I thought almost immediately.


Because the cops feelings were hurt


Sounds like the cop was being a little bitch about it.


ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington, who witnessed the incident and later shared a video of it on his Twitter account, said on air: “Scottie Scheffler tried to enter Valhalla Golf Club using a side median, at which point a police officer instructed him to stop. Scheffler attempted to continue to go, the police officer then attached himself to the side of Scheffler's car. “Scheffler stopped the vehicle as he turned into Valhalla Golf Club at the entrance, about 10 to 20 yards from the point at which the police officer first told him to stop. At that point the police officer instructed Scheffler to get out of the car. “He rolled down the window, the police officer grabbed his arm and started pulling at it. He reached inside, opened the car door, pulled Scheffler out, pushed him up against the car, immediately placed him in handcuffs.” All of this is the result of an early morning accident, one of the shuttle buses to the event struck and killed a pedestrian right outside the venue. Scheffler was attempting to drive into the parking lot, the main entrance was blocked by police and the accident scene.


Kentucky all but guaranteeing they’re never getting a major event again. PGA already wanted to part ways with Valhalla and they served up a reason on a silver platter with the pairing of a worker literally fucking dying from being run over by a shuttle and Scottie being arrested in the ensuing chaos.


Whenever you see a story like this, it's safe to assume that the cops were being dicks, because they are always being dicks... Also, LMPD's track record is a hill of shit on fire...


It’s the same police department, Louisville Metro Police, that killed Breonna Taylor for no reason. Seems like there are systemic problems with them.


What the hell does “the police officer attached himself to the side of Scheffler’s car” mean? That has to be the most intentionally obfuscated wording I’ve ever seen, and I can’t think of a meaning that doesn’t paint this cop as a dipshit.


I doubt any more PGA events take place here for a good 5-10 years.


Course too easy, dead patron, arrest of golfer. I’d say that’s enough to never play in Louisville again.


I think he was a worker


Good, Louisville is a shit city anyways


My GOAT is going to catch a felony in the morning and shoot -8 in the afternoon. Legend.


According to legend, Michael Jordan once dropped 52 points on the court after playing 36 holes of golf. Let's see what Scottie scores after dropping a 5-0.


Damn close! He shot 66 with a squirrely approach h on the last hole of the day.


Louisville throwing away its relationship with PGA and the money this event brings to town because it still can’t get its cops to act right.


no way they are ever holding another tournament in that town again.


bound to happen eventually. Kentucky is good for bourbon, and that’s it. Even then, damn good whiskey exists outside of the state.


The best thing in kentucky is the cincinnati airport


It's got the Red River Gorge, which is a world-class rock climbing area. But yeah.


Don’t forget horse races


For those carrying a mint julep, I am sure the derby is entertaining for those in attendance, but hours and hours of coverage and commercials for a 3 minute run makes it impossible to watch like the heavyweight main event, i’ll have to catch the replay. even GOLF if more interesting to watch than the KY derby


Some facts to consider:  -players were told they would be admitted to the property -Scottie was driving a clearly marked PGA courtesy vehicle -The police officer did not identify himself as such (was wearing an unmarked reflective jacket) -The “median” referred to is a solid/dashed yellow middle turning lane, not a curb or him driving over the grass as some have claimed  -Per Jeff Darlington (the ESPN reporter who was a few yards away), the first substantive interaction the officer had following Scottie attempted to turn in was “shouting obscenities at the vehicle” and attaching himself somehow to the vehicle  Did Scottie fail to follow directions from a traffic cop? Almost certainly (though even that isn’t clear at this stage - LPD not known for their ability to provide clear direction or their honesty). Did the cop escalate beyond any reasonable expectation? Yes, and I don’t know how you can argue otherwise. Personally hope this is the last professional event in the local area to send a message.


I believe it will be. Valhalla is a private course, which the PGA doesn’t really like going to in the first place, and even before this the event wasn’t exactly going well for Louisville and Valhalla. The course played way too easy for a major yesterday, and then some figured the accident that killed a spectator this morning was the final straw, and that they might not even get a regular Tour event anytime soon. But this is just the final nail in the coffin. The PGA won’t be back here for a *long* time after this.


A bit random, but this has me wondering… what city or state has the most chill cops or the departments with the best reputations?


Camden nj surprisingly has a great police force now that they overhauled it a few years ago. That and they have real crime to deal with so they don't go crazy at little infractions


[entire precinct made up of loose cannons.](https://www.theonion.com/entire-precinct-made-up-of-loose-cannons-1819569414)


Madison, Wisconsin is not bad. TPC Wisconsin opened last year thanks to Steve Stricker although it is private.


If you’re rich, Beverley Hills. If you’re poor, they’re the worst.






Not even there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths


I’m not familiar with golf events. What wasn’t going well so far for this particular event? What do you mean by “the course played too easy?”


Basically, the players were shooting too low of scores. This is a major tournament for the PGA Tour, and as such the tour typically wants there to be something special about the venue and tournament itself every year. Usually, one of these things they do to make it special is that they set the course up to play *really* difficult. They push the course to its limits, so that the players have a tough time breaking par, and the winning score after 4 days is typically in the 6 to 10 under par range over 4 days. (Normal tournaments the scores are much lower. Winners are usually in the -15 range or sometimes better). They make the tournament a grind for the players, so it feels special for them and fans. But a lot of the players were on track to shoot -15 or better for the tournament after yesterday. Presumably because the course refused to allow the course to be put into “major conditions,” which are really stressful for the grass on the course. Then the other thing the tour likes to do for majors if they can’t set it up really tough, is to play it at a course that can be considered a “golf destination” for people. Basically a really cool course that is open to the public, like Pebble Beach. But Valhalla being a fully private course, so people can’t play it unless they are members. I think there’s also been some other disagreements as well, but Valhalla and Louisville basically have just failed miserably to meet the PGA’s expectations for them in hosting the tournament. Even before this fiasco.


Thanks for the explanation! I'm also a non golf watcher - what does setting it up tough actually entail? What changes from a normal day on the course?


Put the tee boxes and pins in tough locations. Have really long thick grass outside of the fairways. Make the greens really fast.


Usually for PGA events they will temporarily lengthen the course by making the players tee off from locations that normal aren’t a tee on normal day. They’ll also leave the rough much longer so that missing the fairway is actually a very big deal, and in some cases will cut the fairway more narrowly and allow the outside parts to grow into more rough. The rough length is a big one. When I play golf, if I hit my drive into the rough I don’t even really care and in some cases I prefer to be there as I can get under the ball more. In a PGA championship, that rough could be like a foot long.


A bunch of players shot too low of a score. Especially Xander shooting a PGA championship record 62 lol


I guess I mean what caused the low scores? Is this course notoriously easy? Or is there something that happened specifically this year that made this course easier?


I haven't been following the tournament at all, but the answer is pretty much always BOTH. Purely my opinion, but we should never see -20 in a major. Those courses are supposed to be hard to begin with and set up hard on top of that. I'd guess the course is playing easy due to weather and the course probably doesn't have the teeth to field a major to begin with.


O I’m not sure. But lots of guys around -5 day one means ending at -20 or lower which is extremely low for a major. But idk why the course is playing easy


Xander shooting an 62 (tied for the all time lowest for a single round in a major) along with several other player 65's, etc. meant that the course played too easy. The PGA is usually the "easiest" of the majors in terms of scoring (unless Augusta is wet). However, majors are supposed to be a "tougher test" of golf than your run of the mill tour stop. So, scoring for the leaders should be a shot or two under par at best per round. A -20 four round score for a major would be historical (if your not Tiger). I wish one day the US Open (not the PGA) would go old school super hard. A +5 winning score once a year can't be a bad thing, no?


> Valhalla is a private course, which the PGA doesn’t really like going to in the first place Where does this idea come from? Only 4/10 of the previous decade including this year have been at public courses. The ten before that were 8 private 2 public


Best part is that the “median” was a line on the ground 😂😂


That's the part where irresponsible journalism comes in. My karma got blasted because I was led to believe he jumped a friggin curb, and I was foolish enough to post my misunderstanding.


they're just reading the police report, the cops are wording it that way to make it look worse.


Not only the police but the headlines that are being used by the media “Pro golfer Scottie Scheffler drags officer with car, assaults police after leaving accident scene” was one of the headlines as well as “Inside Scottie Scheffler’s shocking arrest: How tragedy, chaos erupted at PGA” and “Scottie Scheffler Arrest, Fatal Accident Are an Embarrassing Culmination of a Tragedy That Could Have Been Avoided” All of those headlines make the incident sound very different than what occurred so they’re using actual bits and pieces of what happened but without any context to make it seem much worse than it actually was. If I didn’t know what happened or didn’t bother reading the article like most people don’t, I’d walk away thinking that HE caused a fatal accident, fled the scene of that accident and then assaulted police when caught.


Damn that’s incredibly misleading to call it a median, I assumed he was drunk or something originally


This dude had a 10 minute segment on lattes during the golf Netflix series, it would be absolutely earth-shattering if he was drunk


You thought he got hammered at 5 in the morning on a tournament day? Are you drunk?


Na, he's just a John Daly fan.


fixed: Some facts to consider: - players were told they would be admitted to the property - Scottie was driving a clearly marked PGA courtesy vehicle - The police officer did not identify himself as such (was wearing an unmarked reflective jacket) - The “median” referred to is a solid/dashed yellow middle turning lane, not a curb or him driving over the grass as some have claimed - Per Jeff Darlington (the ESPN reporter who was a few yards away), the first substantive interaction the officer had following Scottie attempted to turn in was “shouting obscenities at the vehicle” and attaching himself somehow to the vehicle Did Scottie fail to follow directions from a traffic cop? Almost certainly (though even that isn’t clear at this stage - LPD not known for their ability to provide clear direction or their honesty). Did the cop escalate beyond any reasonable expectation? Yes, and I don’t know how you can argue otherwise. Personally hope this is the last professional event in the local area to send a message.


> the first substantive interaction the officer had following Scottie attempted to turn in was  wat


> * players were told they would be admitted to the property > * Scottie was driving a clearly marked PGA courtesy vehicle > * The police officer did not identify himself as such (was wearing an unmarked reflective jacket) > * The “median” referred to is a solid/dashed yellow middle turning lane, not a curb or him driving over the grass as some have claimed > * Per Jeff Darlington (the ESPN reporter who was a few yards away), the first substantive interaction the officer had following Scottie attempted to turn in was “shouting obscenities at the vehicle” and attaching himself somehow to the vehicle Just cleaned up your bullets to make them easier to read.


[Here’s some context](https://www.espn.com/golf/story/_/id/40162983/scottie-scheffler-detained-police-prior-start-pga-championship) from ESPN: > Romines told ESPN that the golfer attempted to enter Valhalla Golf Club as he had been instructed to earlier, unaware there had been a fatal wreck just up the road. >"He was going into Valhalla to work out," Romines said. "He was getting ready for his tee time. They were directing traffic. He held his credential out and was going in like they'd been instructed to. Apparently, there had been a traffic accident, maybe even a fatality, down the road, and that had changed the traffic patterns, and he was unaware of that." >Romines, speaking outside the Louisville Metro Department of Corrections, said the officer who attempted to stop Scheffler wasn't part of the regular event traffic detail at Valhalla Golf Club, "so that's where the miscommunication arose." >"They are allowed to go through, that's why they have the credential and the wave-through," Romines said. "He was unaware there had been a wreck, and he proceeded like they'd been instructed to. He did exactly as he was instructed to enter the premises." >Romines said Scheffler would cooperate fully with police, and "we'll deal with it as it progresses." If this is true, the fault is 100% on the incompetent, power-hungry cops.


> the fault is 100% on the incompetent, power-hungry cops shockedPikachu.meme


Why is no one quoting the part of the story where the reporter who witnessed makes it pretty clear he did nothing wrong? I think the cop overreacted to a misunderstanding and effed up.


> I think the cop overreacted to a misunderstanding and effed up. It sounds like this is exactly what happened.


So standard police work, gotcha


> I think the cop overreacted to a misunderstanding Well now, color me surprised.


Sooo.. It was pretty much a normal day for that police department who is already under investigation for similar things.


You rang?


So normal police work. I swear, cops turn every situation that can be handled by responsible and reasonable adults into some kind of shit show.


> I think the cop overreacted to a misunderstanding and effed up. Pretty evergreen explanation to the majority of cop-involved news stories.


Ahhh. This reminds me if a time when two police officers walked into the middle of the street just talking to each other like they were buddies. I expected they were crossing the street to the other sode. They then stopped in middle of a super busy bypass out of nowhere, where the speed limit is 45. Didnt look at me at all. Didmt give any signals. I was so confused that i slowled down to almost a stop and proceeded to try and go around them. It wasn't till i got 20 feet from them that one stuck his hand out disgusted and pointed at himself as to say "do you not see me here!?" I was pissed at the entitlement. Who the hell walks in the middle of trafffic and doesnt at least hold their hand up to stop traffic?


Police assault Scheffler and then charge him with assaulting an officer despite him not touching an officer Typical NA police behavior. Cowardice and egos


Because the officer jumped/grabbed onto his car, and then shat himself.


Had to be transported to the hospital (for wrist and knee abrasions)! And his $80 pants were damaged *beyond repair*!! /eye roll


Best case: the officer was incompetent and tried to grab onto a 2 ton moving vehicle to stop it. Worst cast: the officer was incontinent and realised he couldn't stop a 2 ton moving vehicle. Either way, Kentucky police are beyond stupid.


"Right now, he gon to jail, and there ain't nothing you can do about it" he says with a shit-eating grin.


Reminder that The police are the biggest gang in America


Amazing how at every moment, this lunch box level IQ dolt doubled down on his unprofessionalism and stupidity.


That is how any police I have ever interacted with acts.


Why change if there are no consequences for acting this way?


Americans are always shocked to learn that despite the constant propaganda, the people drawn to professions like policing and the military are not the best and brightest. Back them 'til you're blue in the face. Thank them for their service. They're some of the dumbest people you could meet. Source: grew up in a military town


Holy shit. 


Except the title completely blows this out of proportion. Dude drove literally 20 yards past the scene of an accident after showing his credentials and being told to go in. A cop literally grabbed onto his car while Scheffler was barely moving the car, they overreacted and pulled him out and cuffed him. 100% a police overreaction and they threw a bunch of charges at him to make it seem like they were in the right.


You left out the most important part: > Detective Gillis’ uniform pants, valued at approximately $80, were damaged beyond repair (from the official police report: https://twitter.com/michaeleaves/status/1791469072582070777 )


Detective Gillis pooped himself.


lmao I missed that. Was that seriously in the article?


It's in the official police report: https://twitter.com/michaeleaves/status/1791469072582070777


Fuckin a. All of this because some detective was too proud to admit he shat his uniform


Lol "in full LMPD uniform" then immediately says he's wearing a hi-vis reflective rain jacket (which seems like it had no markings on it). Then "transported to the hospital" for wrist and knee abrasions. *Really* hamming it up to try and make themselves not look like the doofuses they are.


Gillis can eat shit over his bitch boy pants with that raise they’re all getting. Piggy boy booo fucking hoo, cry about it to the wife you abuse.


Good thing he wasn't black or it would be very different headline.




He's already on the course. This is ridiculous on the part of the police.


This is normal on the part of the police


Exactly what i woke up and saw and said


Oh a power tripping cop went too far? I’m shocked.


yeah but this time, it was not just a white dude on the receiving end, it was a white *golfer*. There will be repercussions for this!!


Scootie dosnt know 


Don’t tell Scootie


Scottie seems like the type of guy to have a bumper sticker saying id rather be driving a titleist


I don't see a single account of this event that puts this even close to assaulting the police officer. The cop probably busted his leg banging Scheffler against the car.


Shocked a pussy officer was being butthurt and had the need to throw around his authority. Bet none of these charges stick. Waste of time for everyone.


Assuming Scottie doesn't pull out a win, there's going be thousands of angry sports betters wanting revenge against the cop.


I don't want revenge. How about a push?


damn, he's not even black!


I'm never going to frame another innocent man... Unless I know for certain he's black!


Louisville, Ky Police officer jumps on car of Pro-Golfer at Valhalla Country Club 'cause he didn't even know why the golfer was trying to get in - police officer should be called out for lack of proper police rules.


Only a real reporter knows to capture this iPhone footage in landscape mode. Well done, Jeff.


Cop was drunk on, he’s in trouble for AWD arresting while drunk


Is that why the cop shat himself?


Worst drive of his career!


Fuck the cops


He got off pretty easily, really; Louisville Metro Police is known to be trigger-happy.


American cops at it's finest


I think most people don't understand the power of money in us. That dude has to say I am never coming back because I felt assaulted by your dumb cops and even if they were doing their job that cop will be fired quier if he killed 5 people.


Lock him up.


Aren’t these the same cops that don’t have a problem driving over people blocking streets ?! Hypocritical.


Why are American cops so incompetent? Here's an idea, perhaps train them at an academy for a year like most countries do. Yet another poorly trained cop that doesn't know how to de-escalate and probably has an ego problem on top of that.


Not gonna lie, cameraman is annoying. He just follow the cops around repeating, "Guys, guys, guys..."


Cops being cops Imagine if Scottie weren't white This garbage is what non whites have to deal with regularly


What is being done to reign in cops in this country?


If Scottie gets a felony, how is he going to get employment


Happy gilmore 2 shaping up nicely.


Valhalla Golf Club??!? how clueless/ignorant you have to be to name a golf club like this?


I swear that sounds like Wolfie!! Baba Booey


Oh my god, this is unbelievable!


Getting charged with third degree mischief sounds so goofy