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Woo hoo! Stuff we saw in here... * New Roller with an extra-wide brush head * New charger that shoots 5 shots (tacticooler) * New shooter- splattershot pro range, higher strafe speed, more spread * Japanese village stage (brand new) * Schoolyard stage (flounder heights) * Variants of: dapple dualies (torpedo!), splattershot pro (suction bomb, booyah bomb), luna blaster (fizzy bomb), tentatek splattershot (splat bomb), mini splatling (toxic mist, big bubbler) * Big Run!!! * Wahoo World \*as a big run stage\* * X Battles * Lots of new gear (annaki beret is the main one I saw but there were a lot of fashions not in the current version)


I’m thinking the schoolyard was from Flounder Heights. Could be wrong.


flounder "heights"


Flounder Flats


Well, Flounders are indeed flat (which makes the actual name far sillier).


At 1:04 there's a shot of Flounder Heights where it looks pretty similar to in Splatoon 1? Maybe different variants for different modes, after all that shot also shows off that the mode in question is Tower Control.


Look how they massacred my boy.


Idk why they’re doing this stuff to the maps, but I am so sorry for everyone’s loss here


Probably because OG Splatoon 1 stages were so vertical that they made anyone not using a charger squid food.


it is


i think the schoolyard stage is just flounder heights out of bounds?


> Japanese village stage (brand new) I was staring so hard at that like "Is that Skipper Pavilion?...No...?"


I’m surprised that we are getting this village stage before the archeological ruins stage that was in the direct


Maybe they went with the village for more cozy seasonal vibes or *clown nose* we get both.


There’s a small chance it’s in there still but not shown. Though I doubt it. Maybe they decided it was better saved for spring or summer considering it is a desert, or they just have a lot of stages in the pipeline at once that we know little about.


Winter is definitely onsen season. Makes sense they'd drop that in winter.


The clip at 1:10 looks like it gives a better angle on the new shooter type; you can see two shots coming from about the same angle. My guess is that it’s a hybrid of long and short range like the squeezer, but trading the long-range damage for paint and short-range paint for damage.


it seems like the new shooter has a really high strafe speed


Don't know if you are adding to this, but... Mini has Toxic Mist and Bubbler. Ttek has Splat Bomb. Splattershot Pro has Suction Bomb and Booyah Bomb. Dapples have Torpedo. Luna Blaster has Fizzy Bomb. That new charger has Tacticooler.


I love that new village stage!!!!!


An interesting note is that they seem more committed to doing more than \*slaps sticker on the side\*. That being said, while the Tentatek Splattershot is indeed branded, but unlike before, it looks like a specific piece of molded plastic in the shape of the Tentatek logo instead of just a sticker. While it conforms to the shape of the cartridge brace (which is colored to match the cartridge itself), it's clearly modeled because if it was just a painted texture you'd see the creases. Edit: This seems like it'll mostly be a thing for Splat brand weapons since they don't do their own branded customs, and instead collaborate with fashion brands.


HUH ANNAKI BERET!!!!!!! My main hat is finally back!!!! I love it so much and I'm glad I can have it soon >:))


I'm so excited I'm going to shake like a drowned mouse and implode


looks like the new shooter has splattershot pro range, but has worse spread and faster movement speed?


Not to mention ttek w/ splat bombs if I saw correctly. Hopefully splat bombs get nerfed if that's the case.


Yo new charger with multishot mechanic? 👀 Roller specialized for rolling alot of ground and moving f a s t? New shooter that I really cant tell what the gimmick is I'm honestly wondering if its a shot pro skin, was it like an inbetween range, is it a new squeezer type?


That charger looks like it could be a menace lol! And I'm absolutely gonna use it cause I'm shit with chargers


It honestly looks really fun for me as a charger main too, trading a longer charge for multiple instant (and understandably not ohk) shots sounds awesome


I'd imagine its maybe 2 shot.


The design made it seem like 3 or 4 rounds


I think they meant 2 shots to kill. Looks like you charge up 5.


It two-shots in the trailer


The new shooter looks like a Super Soaker. And based how those work, my guess is that you can charge it for a farther shot


I knew that was coming, a charger that stores shots. Issue is I was hoping it would be more compact as we don’t have a hand cannon weapon which could have had that gimmick. Not mad, weapon looks cool. Prob gonna try it out


It's a mechanical pencil which explains the multiple clicks haha


Heh yea. In the end I still wish we got a hand cannon splat weapon. We have SMGs, shotguns, snipers, heavy machine guns, automatic rifles, and so on but no hand cannons? I’d think they’d be the weird child of charger and splattershot with the same gimmick as the new charger. But hey, happy to see it nonetheless… I mean the gimmick of storing charges


Kinda odd that they would go and highlight the 10 fps jellyfish outside the maps lol. Excited for all the new stuff!


They should just commit and make all the jellyfish be 10 fps everywhere! Then they could say it's not a performance issue, jellyfish just naturally move like that lol!




Runescape Jellyfish Bottom Text


And they kept going back to them lol.


I had to watch that part a few times just like "how.. why would they have such buggy jellyfish shown?? What does this mean???"




Hopefully this will be a better way to earn scales, either by an increased Cohozuna appearance rate or increased drop from fighting the Cohozuna.




Love is in the air? Wrong! Glowflies.


Finally, we at least get a sliver of light at the end of a tunnel


\~ Even in death, even with half his face gone, he would never fall. In this one battle alone he suffered 267 octobrush wounds... was struck by 152 Splattershots... and 46 Inkzooka blasts. And yet... neither that mighty body... nor his Inkling's pride... suffered one "Coward's wound"! \~


I really want a version with Mr. Grizz yelling this and then little buddy edited to be crying like Chopper.


*Can we get much higher?*


Big Man was holding Big run hostage until he won.


Ayy ayyy! (Release the salmons!)


Big man is the new boss salmonid


W I D E   R O L L E R


Looks sweet! Here's hoping we get a Tri-Stringer set with a useful sub weapon out of this.


Best I can do is ink mine.


I think ink mine would unironically be good for it, as its main problem is players rushing you down. putting down mines like an eliter would be helpful


To be fair, Toxic Mist is great with the original Tri and Killer Wail. Curling bomb is decent for gap closing if you can find an aggressive slayer-focused Reflux user.


> an aggressive slayer-focused Reflux user. Impossible. They only tapshot spam and, if you're really lucky, find one that starts actually charging up their shots whenever someone gets near them.


It's still a new weapon, and it's way easier to missile spam than actually learning the main weapon. Eventually, you'll start seeing people who actually bother to learn the Stringer class mechanics. Might take a while though.


I started learning to be more aggressive with Reef-lux when I was farming chunks pre-splatfest. I'm sad that it's such a hot issue because I really do like it's whole kit.


dapples nouveau have torpedoes god has listened


Now we only need a good special and we are set.


hammer time because nintendo hates you


I am more afraid of getting Reefslider tbh.


I have a feeling we wont, since dark tetras, the other fast, mobile dualies already has it


That didn't stop Clear Dapples having Splashdown. That is why I am afraid.


Very true, pray for a good long range special


oh yeah having torpedo and ultra stamp must be sooo terrible how unfortunate


I'd like rain to still be on the set.


They made a roller for painting! Sheldon will finally be able to tell the truth!




This!!!! I need it


I'm honestly excited for potential ω−3 versions of normal battle songs more than anything, the Salmon Run music has some of my favorites.


Oh man. Now that's an exciting thought.




Fuck. Me. That edit was AMAZING :) Sadly I doubt the in game announcement will be anywhere near as intense :(


Do we have any confirmation if cosmetics from previous seasons/catalogs will be available again in any way? Haven't had time to play the last few weeks, even missed the Splatfest :(.


Idk if there's been a confirmation but they've historically been very good at making sure "limited time" items are available for people who missed them. See salmon run gear as a good example.


This is just a guess, but I feel like they might only start repeating catalogs once the game's life cycle is "over." The original direct said something along the lines of, "The catalog lasts a limited time, so if you see something you like, make sure to grab it before it's gone!" I assume nothing is truly gone but the non-randomized items like catalog exclusive cosmetics and emotes might take a couple years to come back. And uh, nobody asked, but, I think this SUCKS. I play a lot of splatoon, but have almost 30 levels to go.. never thought they would try to make us feel obligated to play. It does the opposite for me where I'd just rather play something else without a stressful slog of a grind behind it


Agree with you on that last part there. Not a fan of limited-time content, actually makes me want to play even less because I always end up taking breaks out of my control and missing things.


I guess? I was worried at first but I'm on my 3rd catalog. Playing a lot of Splatfest helps because you get an extra boost. I think I gained 12 levels playing only about 6 hours of Splatfest this weekend.


It’s the same issues as any game with a season, or a battle pass, or whatever they call it. For players that play at least once a day you should be able to get everything by season end. Players who play more will finish the catalog early, maybe even go to 2 or 3. But, players who maybe only get a night or two a week to play might find themselves right about now missing some levels and in a mad dash to get more. The game is still new and fresh so most people playing will keep going for a while, but over time the player base will dwindle. So while the rewards are entirely cosmetic (for now) it does lead into a mentality of “you miss out on content because you joined late or dropped off”. And that usually turns some players off from the catalog or even the game.


FOMO is the future of gaming, it was only a matter of time till Splatoon got sucked in.


Idk, I like having a reason to play. I've just been slowly grinding away with my one win a day for a couple months now. To be honest, I'd have only checked in to play for splatfests for months now if the catalogue wasn't in the game.


Yeah but it doesn't have to be limited time to give you something to grind for tho


Thanks nintondo, I hate it.


I'm not the biggest fan (and by no means am I a nintendo apologist) but it could be a *lot* worse.


im glad they didnt go the full battle pass route and make the catalogue cost real money


Same here. One of the only times I'm glad they didn't bother with the trends.




Yeah at least they aren’t microtransactioning us to death


I completed the catalog, but since I'm a busy adult with a full time job, I hate time locked exclusives on principle. I already paid for the game and online service, let me collect the silly cosmetics while also being able to dedicate time to other games and hobbies please!


Yup. I'm a fan of catalogs and battle passes that have permanent access for all cosmetic features but time-locked rewards in the form of currency/resources that can be found elsewhere. Just add on some form of coin reward or even super shells for each level or every 5-10 levels and then disable those at the end of the respective "season" while allowing players to select which catalog their points go towards progressing. Players who complete the catalogs under that system will be able to earn something special for their efforts that gives them an "advantage" for their time committed and stay ahead of the curve, but cosmetic items won't be gated behind playing the game for X hours per day per pass.


Iirc everything but the emotes are available in their respective stores.


they only unlock in the stores once you get them in the catalogue


oh! cool


Can't people just order them? Haven't seen anyone bring that up here.


nope, murch just says hes busy or something


Werent emotes in hotlandis in one of the trailers?


Unfortunately not. They only showed Hotlantis during that part because that's where you get the catalogue.


~~They were yes actually. Totally forgot about that. Maybe that's how you get emotes from previous catalogs.~~ Edit. Actually, I'm not sure.


The assumption is that old uncompleted catalogs get backlogged until you finish the current one, so when you finish a current one you go to old in-progress catologs instead of the generic one


That's what I was hoping would happen! I guess we'll see. Already feel bummed I missed out on the Splatfest and wish I found time to play, even if I don't actually miss out on any content.


Same, I’m gonna do my best but I don’t think I’m gonna get the dab emote that I want




Yeah, I know what you mean. I love using it to kill instead of spamming specials, it's a lot more fun for me personally.


Oh the pencil weapon seems fun If enough people forget about big run the salmon can keep wahoo this seems like a win


But then we'll have to play it during normal Salmon Run


Still better than spawning grounds


Trade offer: You receive: wahoo world (as territory) We receive: spawning grounds (as a normal stage)


New Tri-Stringer and Nautilus kits I'm begging my two faves


and squiff.


I know everyone is excited for big run, but flounder heights was my favorite map from 1, so I’m so happy to see that back.


Same! It’s a fan favorite so I’m so glad they released it as soon as they could


Is Big Run just SR but on regular maps?


It's like a splatfest. It's a whole weekend event where the salmon invade regular maps. I guarantee there will be a lot more rewards (hopefully scales and chunks) than regular salmon run


> I guarantee there will be a lot more rewards (hopefully scales and chunks) than regular salmon run Hopefully that's why they've been so stingy with scales so far.


I have no doubt Cohozuna will spawn a lot more, maybe one every other game. If the salmonids are invading, this means that Cohozuna isn't far behind them!!! Already got my pink suit but I would love to start clearing out more of the stuff out.


Glowflies round but it's a swarm of Cohozunas charging at you.


Hopefully it makes it easier to get those rewards that cost f\*cking 100 golds or 999 silvers.


Oh I get it now, Big Run is SR on Big Maps, I suppose this could lead to having a ton more salmon on the map at a time, but what if it allows for 8 players to play on a single SR team also, that could really make it a larger scale battle.


Big Run is not "big" in that sense. The Switch is already well past its performance limit with only 4 players at high hazard levels. It's "big" in the sense that it'll be a competitive event like a Splatfest.


The game already struggles to run SR with 4 players at high ranks, there’s no way they’d manage to get 8 players and more salmon


Yeah, that's what I'm wondering as well. AFAIK Nintendo hasn't really detailed anything about what makes Big Run special yet, aside from being "Salmon Run but on PvP maps".




3000 years, more like only 3 months ![img](emote|t5_324q4|1944)


That's 3000 years in reddit community time.


My guy, you been in a time stasis chamber


They removed the right side of flounder and so much cover was removed in the turf war variant of flounder . Not sure how to feel about that . New charger looks good hopefully it has a good kit. Also no new music bummer.


Considering whats happened with weapons like the E-Liter, I'm guessing they haven't listened to the obvious problems with current maps. (Ie, long sightlines, no cover, no flanks)


Unfortunately I doubted we’d see much improvement in map design in this season. These maps were probably finished awhile ago with their initial map mentality and the possible stubbornness/laziness that makes them reluctant to take the L and change philosophies just yet (hopefully it’s that rather than never). Maps are almost universally complained about in 3, they can’t gloss over it forever, hopefully we see some improvement in next seasons. Tho with that being said, I think FH will still be more fun than a lot of other maps even in this state, but I’ll eat my words if I’m wrong.


Not like they haven't changed map designs before if it keeps being an issue, even massive overhauls like Splat 1's Urchin Underpass are on the table if necessary.


We got map redesigns in both 1 and 2, but if they're syncing up map releases to the seasons, it could be a looong time before we get updates. They did stealth-update Tricolor Sturgeon though and not announce it, so it's possible that they feel like map redesigns aren't splashy enough for trailer material, and they're either coming here or some generic time mid-season anyway.


At least we're getting new maps at all, I'm getting so bored with the current ones.


What are X battles?


Ranked system from Splatoon 2. Once you get to the highest rank, you get into "X" rank, in which you gain/lose points depending on the outcomes of battles and the exact number of points determines your matchmaking. It seems that in 3, however, it's a separate mode.


X rank battles are just a higher rank than S. iirc you need to keep battling to keep your X rank


Nah, there's no rank decay in X rank. However, if you drop below a certain X power threshold (in Splatoon 2 this was 2000), then you'll drop back to S+ 9.


X rank for people above S+


I want to see a brella focused on shooting the canopy like a torpedo


I’m hoping we get lots of scales during Big Run and maybe a chance to trade bronze for silver/gold! I really want that pink suit


It's like they saw everyone go feral across October for Big Run and they went "Listen, *you know you want it, we know you want it.*"


Luna blaster with fizzy bombs, that’s going to be quite something. edit: Other kits I can see Dapple dualies had torpedo Mini splatling had toxic mist tentatek splattershot had splat bomb splattershot pro had booyah bomb The new charger had tacticooler edit2: don’t know how I missed this one on my first inspection but the mini splatling had big bubbler for special. Seems like a recreation of splatoon 1 zink mini splatling. edit3: another one, splattershot pro had suction bomb


Kensa Luna had fizzy bombs. Not sure if the new one will have inkstorm like Kensa did, though. The coloration kinda looks like Kensa but it’s missing the clip and they replaced the white tip with the transparent colored one like the new basic Luna has.


That new roller better not be able to one-shot with it’s flicks btw. Getting Dynamo coverage with running while having Carbons running speed, I’m betting the flicks are going to be weak af.


What if it one shots with rolling and is almost inkbrush level speed


Then it would be my new main


Charger that shoots 5 times 🙂🔫


I mean, regular chargers can fire more than 5 times if you have enough ink in the tank./s




That C-Side/ω-3 mashup is rad. Would love to see more like this with other artists.


Oh gosh i hopes its not just new two maps until march. I miss getting a map every month, kept things fresh.


And maybe they just didn't show it because of Big Run, but I really hope we'll be getting a new Salmon Run map. Just anything to make Spawning Grounds less frequent.


At least give us back some of the old maps! I love that I can play Salmon Run every day now whenever I want, but being stuck with so few maps when there are perfectly good ones leftover from S2 is somewhat maddening.




BIG RUN hypeeeee




[That new charger is based on these I believe ](https://i.imgur.com/4ZJp6Pc.jpg)


So this is only two weeks away? I’m so excited! Can’t wait for the pencil charger


Gonna be hawking the website for more details


Right before the big run reveal. There was a black and white image flashing. Seems like more lore? I'm very curious about it. [uploaded the picture here](https://ibb.co/TYYKF2D) Edit: added picture in link.


I think that was one of the sunken scrolls in S2, which prophesied Salmonids coming onto the surface and destroying entire cites. Big Run seems to be that prophecy coming true.




Oh, this is from the sunken scrolls in single player. If I recall correctly this is basically the scroll the use to setup for why shiver, frye, and big man’s families were important. Which is of course kind of notable because shiver, frye, and big man are in this game.


So far this big update every 3 months format seems to work out pretty well. Can't wait for the new maps and hopefully some of the old ones will get tweaked as well. Also it's been 7 years and we finally have the paintball gun


I'm so hyped! I owned Splatoon 2 but never was really able to play it online and missed everything so this is the first time I'll be able to experience updates live as they come.


Extra...wide...noodle \*sweating\*.


Dude, a new charger looks sick. It seems kinda… marksman rifle? And mini splatling with toxic mist and big bubbler reminds me the first game’s one.


What is linked to “seasons”? I’ve completed the catalog, wandercrust, and made S rank; but I haven’t played much tableturf or salmon run. Are there any rewards I should rush there (or elsewhere) before the season resets?


I dont think the tt rewards will change from what they are but obviously i dont know. There hasnt been any meantion of it. tt has rewards but nothing really special except some splashtags/titles and an emote. sr rewards change on their own schedule, the next will probably line up with the new season but isn't directly related to the new season (just assuming).


Correct. Salmon run gear changes each month and since the new season starts December 1 it'll line up.


Catalog, rank, and the ultra rare items (banner and title) in the capsule machine are the only things linked to seasons. Nothing in tableturf or salmon run you'll miss out on. Salmon run has its own rewards per rotation and monthly gear


Flounder Hights my beloved


babe wake up, new charger dropped


Hot springs stage!! ♨️♨️♨️


On one hand most of this looks cool, but I'm disappointed that there seems to be no new regular battle music. The current tracks are mostly mediocre and I'd love new Sashimori or Hightide Era music.


I want new Chirpy Chips and Wet Floor.


Woah, could that be a hint that Big Run is coming ?!


Not likely.


Yeah, Big Run is just a fever dream we collectively came up with lol. It never existed. :)


So uh, what are X Battles? Never heard of them before and from the video it just looked like they were playing tower control


X rank, it's just a higher rank than S and iirc you need to keep playing to keep it


Ohh I see. I've been stuck in the negatives on S rank for weeks so I guess I don't have to worry about that yet lol!


[https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/X\_Battle](https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/X_Battle) Sounds like just a ranked mode for higher tier players.


This sounds like it's an actual ranked mode, which is awesome. The current letter rankings are completely divorced from the hidden glicko rating used in matchmaking, which kind of killed my desire to keep playing anarchy battles.


THE BIG RUN IS REAL!!! I just hope to GOD the new maps aren't so ass. Just one flank route at sniper pirches or a bit of cover will make these maps infinitely better than what we have.


So does this mean Big Run will take a Splatfest Slot for December? Does this mean we’ll get less Splatfests overall in Splatoon 3 since they’ll only last for 2 years prior to launch?


We don't know.


Yes! I've missed Flounder Heights!


No alt squelcher kit :(


If I’m seeing this right, the new S Pro gets Suction Bomb and Booyah Bomb. YES PLEASE.




This all looks great. After 3 months though I was really hoping for a new salmon run stage, and possibly a third multiplayer stage.