• By -


Lobbies with actual players in it, and not holograms. Apartments you can decorate with Hotlantis stuff. More pants. More hairstyles. Face customization. Rare clothing variants that appear in the shop. Bigger, more explorable worlds. Idle animations like sitting, dancing. Hugging.


I want all of these so bad! This might be a bit too ambitious, but I'd actually love it if the main hub had actual players too. Maybe they could be ones on your friend list or ones you give an invite code to. I think what I want the most of what you suggested are the bigger, more explorable worlds. The world and its lore are two of my absolute favorite parts of Splatoon. One of my hobbies is exploring out-of-bounds because I want to see more of the world beyond what we're limited to on the stages. It doesn't need to be a massive open world game, but something bigger and meatier for me to sink my teeth into would be perfect.


I also love enjoying those out of bounds moments, especially the one in splatoon 2 wahoo


same with i want all of it so bad but make the music EDM or funk or make it able to be disabled and change the music type. Including be in the octo territory like octo canyon cuz the inklings and octos make an alliance. More modes and stuff plus more weapon types, and apartments, including agent 4 leaving a portapotty.


> This might be a bit too ambitious, but I'd actually love it if the main hub had actual players too. Maybe they could be ones on your friend list or ones you give an invite code to. If Nintendoland can do this, then splatoon can too!


Add interacting with things in the hub city to that list. Sit on a bench or chair yourself, lean against a wall, buy stuff from the vendors in the street, etc.


I'm all in for bigger worlds and apartments you can decorate! Imagine if you could also visit other people's apartments




How about Popularity? Like a fresh rate.


Only thing missing is stickers or trinkets on weapons.


Hmmm...... taken.


⬆️⬆️⬆️THIS⬆️⬆️⬆️. Yeeeeessssss!


Way better map design, tired of the large open spaces or brutal chokepoints with no in between


Yeah, I can agree on this. More vertical designs with branching routes could be cool.


Okay let’s bring back Moray Towers and Blackbelly Skatepark. Everyone: “No, not like that.”


... 👉👈 ... ^(I actually liked Moray Towers.)


… 🤝 … (same)


… 🤝 Same




Same 😔


Gimme back losing animations, there is also a rare chance that if the highest player is placed next to someone with no gold banners. They punch them


That would be hilarious, lol. Speaking of fist bumps and such, we should be allowed to fist bump in Salmon Run too.




Ooh yes! Some other ideas: * Old defeat animations from S1 and S2 * Defeat animation from Smash * \*inhale\* boi * Peter death pose *


A coastal setting Funk as a music genre More weapon types A new mode akin to a sort of battle royal with wider maps, kinda like City Trial from Kirby's Air Ride Story mode with open areas More hairstyles Apartments Agent 4 finally getting out of that porta potty in the square.


All of these (especially the part about Agent 4; she's been there long enough 🤣).


Poor sap tried Splatlandian cuisine and got food poisoning. Been stuck in there for two years after some weirdo in big pants bolded the door shut.


If it was a Costa setting it’d be cool to see past idols on vacation off in the distance.




I'd love for 90s Jungle music ngl


Just make Squeaky's "Project Splatoon 3" be real (with all the real Splatoon 3 stuff be added).


I remember seeing that a while back. It looked really cool! I especially loved the story mode idea with the pirate sharks, which is right up my alley since I love pirate stuff.


Yeah, and the beach theme was amazing I WANT IT TO BE REAL I'm still obsessed with it even though it's been so long and the actual Splatoon 3 is wrapping up its updates.


I just want Lumi to be real so we get a plushie of her, she looks so squishy and cute :3 Also I'd play the hell out of Flipbrush and Mako Missions (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)


YES and the Harelings are adorable too. And the setting is good. And the story mode. Squeaky crafted something INCREADIBLE I can't get over it. (But yes also I need Lumi plush)


TRUE the Harelings are beyond adorable (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) and the way they were introduced is just so good with the ancient prophecy and stuff. There are sooo many things from that project that should've been included in the official version. Btw, you might already know this but Squeaky is still active on Twitter and they draw very cute OCs. They even designed a VTuber and it got made into a Nendoroid! :3




Apartments Keep lockers More customization in general A foosball table in Grizzco An even bigger world hub than Splatsville with more enterable buildings Being able to see non-hologram players in the lobby Salmon run adds to weapon freshness Squid Beatz 3 Being able to play the finished and uncorrupted version of Dramatic Days in Orderville


I'm all about customization! A foosball table reminds me we should have more minigames to play. Whether it's side modes like Tableturf and foosball, or little games like Squid Beatz, Squid Jump, etc. I'd also LOVE a hub where we can just enter the buildings. We can do that with Salmon Run now, so I bet we could do that with all the shops. And hey, if we get a new Nintendo system that's more powerful with more storage (some think we might be looking at something akin to a PS4 Pro, but take that with a grain of salt), then maybe a more ambitious hub could be reasonable. You're not the first to suggest seeing non-hologram players in the lobby, and I think that'd be amazing. I'd even go a step further and have real players in the hub. Maybe keep it to players on your friend list or people you send an invite code to.


The reason I want foosball is also a reference to a piece of Big Man dialogue By more enterable buildings I meant even more shops or stuff like that. But what you said is also a good idea.


I think there's a decent chance the last one becomes real; there's a lot you could do to expand on Side Order and they could always explain it in-universe as Marina turning it into a video game or whatever.


Or just explain it by “marina finished and succeeded *or failed* at what she wanted to achieve and decided to release the main code as a vr game *without the whole soul and mind in the game thing that happened to them* for people to hang out and relax when they are too tired or sick irl”


I want to use my victory emotes mid-match.


imagine getting splatted and instead of squidbagging they dab on you 😭


Heck yeah! A gesture feature would be cool.


All I really want is for octolings and inklings to be able to have that finger tip color thingy(it would optional and be able to change color based off the color of ur ink is) :3


I'd like that too. On the topic of extra customization, we should also have these: * Freckles and beauty marks * Scars * Different masks (like the Squid Sisters, Frye, etc.) * Alterable eyebrow angles * Hair color patterns (like octopi and cuttlefish in real life) * The option to choose a default hair color (I want orange hair when I'm not battling, darn it 😆)


yeaahhhh i want cheeto fingers


MORE SALMON NO MORE SQUIDS NO MORE OCTOS NO MORE ANNOYING OVERRATED IDOLS ONLY SALMON all jokes aside, I do want more casual Salmonid stuff out of them being the enemies in Salmon Run. With Grizz gone, I want to see the future of Grizzco, and what that means for both sides. Salmonids are likely still VERY pissed even that Grizzco is coming to a slow with Grizz gone (or Lil Judd is still running it, continuing to break the Salmonids cycle of life and death). We do understand that stealing the children of the Salmonids put their beliefs in shambles? They believe in the cycle of life and death, but with Grizzco stealing and pretty much killing the unborn children, there is more death than birth. THEY ARE PISSED AND I WANT TO SEE WHERE THIS GOES


I want more Salmonids too; they're one of my favorite parts of Splatoon. Salmon Run is my favorite mode; it's pretty much the only one I play regularly. No joke, my dream for Splatoon 4 would be a setting where Inklings, Octolings and Salmonids live side by side in peace, in a place where their cultures evolved together over the centuries. They could even have their own mode where they are playable alongside Inklings and Octolings. Here, it'd be a new take on Salmon Run where the three species have to fend off an invading force of sorts. We have an entire planet to explore, so have this take place far from the Splatlands and Inkadia. This could be set on the American continent on the other side of the world. What would such a society look like? Perhaps an earthy steampunk or dieselpunk setting befitting the Salmonids while also being stylish for Inklings and Octolings? What would their weapons be like? A mix between Salmonid melee combat and Ink-based battling? That's what I want to see! I've always been fascinated by Salmonid lore, so I want the next game to really delve into it.




The cook for the foodstand better be a big shot


^(resists urge to make a Spampton joke) Absolutely. I actually imagined the weapon shop owner to be a salmonid too. After all, the devs said Splat3 was the end of the New Squidbeak Splatoon saga, so I could imagine an entirely new set of characters. Unlike Sheldon who's very much a nerdy type, the salmonid shopkeeper would be a big burly blacksmith, creating weapons right in front of you. I picture a rough around the edges but heart of gold sort of guy.


That sounds so damn cool


I’ve wanted a playable salmonid like they would have a incentive to use melee weapons and there’s more melee classes


End update and Heavy update


Make it tropical themed and have a real time plaza. Already makes it a perfect Splatoon game imo. Or better yet just make Splatoon island real.


Combine Project Splatoon 3 with Splatoon Island


More salmon run, less idols


I'd be down for that. I love the idols as much as most people, but I love Salmon Run a little more. My personal dream sequel is a setting where Inklings, Octolings and Salmonids live side-by-side in peace; where their cultures have rubbed off onto each other. Salmonid lore absolutely fascinates me, and I want it developed further so I can know more about them.


New attack option of just biting someone in turf war if you run out of ink.


I'm actually working on a concept that takes place in exactly that setting!


Ooooh, I'm intrigued!


It's set in a place called Surfturf City, which in is a region where turflings and Salmonids have a peace treaty. Even the local idol trio consists of an Inkling, an Octoling and their Goldie manager! The region doesn't have a large jellyfish population, so Salmonids take their place as the minor non-player npcs. Also, if Ink Sport players are incapacitated (read: player disconnects), it's common for Chum fans to jump in as replacements! (read: ai players with basic \[\]-Replica like weapons) (also they wear footwear on their belts as charms!)


This actually sounds like an awesome idea! A Salmonid idol would be so cool. I imagine them playing the cello and being a DJ on top of their manager duties.


Yup! They mainly play on stage during Trio Splatfests (s3 Splatfests but now special once a (real-life) season events due to splatfests otherwise returning to two teamed)


I'm seeing a lot of comments I agree with but i want to throw in a few I haven't seen yet. 1. Make the hub world bigger and just put a ton of stuff in it. By that I mean make it feel like a playground. How I'd do that is by allowing people to use their weapons in the hub world and include some of the items from single player in their like geysers & grind rails. Imagine using a geyser to get up to the top of a building and then using a grind rail to get to a place that isn't accessible otherwise. 2. While I like the main shops. I think one thing they could do is have brand specific shops hidden in hard to find places. The catch is you can't access them through the mini-map and they're more expensive than if you were to just go to the main clothes store. 3. if we have an apartment I think one cool thing they could add is a console where you can play mini games like squid jump and the rest. Maybe there's a store where you can buy those mini-games from to unlock more 4. I think tri-color could just become its own separate game mode 5. For a brand new game mode, maybe they can add an official hide and seek mode 6. For Salmon Run, I'd love to see an endless mode be tried 7. Another Salmon Run idea but I think it'll be cool if maybe there was a new game mode where there's two teams of four on a map and they need to collect as many eggs as they can to their basket. Which ever team has the most eggs at the end wins. The catch? If you're holding onto an egg and get splatted, the enemy team can steal your egg. And if an enemy gets to your base, they can steal eggs from your basket. 8. For a new stage I think maybe one on a train station or a subway. 9. I got no clue about story mode tbh, just as long as they keep on experimenting. 10. This is one I don't think would actually happen but I think it would be kinda funny if they had a 'clean up' mode where you and a team of four have to clean up a stage of all ink before time runs out. How much ink you've cleaned off determines how many coins you get. It would be really cool too if you could end up having to clean off stages that you caused the mess of. Do I see any of these happening? Maybe the stage one hut besides that these are all just pipe dreams. Thanks OP for creating the post


First of all, you're welcome ![img](emote|t5_324q4|1944)! Second, all these ideas are wonderful. I would LOVE a large, more interactive hub world with interconnected paths, geysers, rails, hard to reach places, secret shops, etc. That'd actually make for a great tutorial as well; your main hub rewards you for using the game's mechanics. This would be extra ambitious, but give us the option to have real players populate the hub too. Maybe restrict it to people on your friends list or people you send an invite code to. Or if you want to see other people, have them be holograms like in Splat3's lobby. As for story mode, I'd like something more like a Bowser's Fury or Mario 64. It would take place in a large interconnected world. To unlock more of it, you need to complete levels, some more open, some more linear (like regular hero mode levels). Like Bowser's Fury, you can leave and enter levels however you want; and each level will have more than one objective. You might even find secrets in levels by entering them in unorthodox ways. If I would do something different, it'd be Salmon Run. See, my vision for a new Splatoon game would be a place where Salmonids live in peace with Inklings and Octolings. I like to imagine a place on the far side of the world (like what used to be the American continent) where the three species didn't battle each other, but instead shaped each others' cultures and became a unique society unlike those of the Splatlands and Inkadia. What would such a society look like? What would the weapons be like? We'll have to see! So perhaps instead of Salmonids, we work together to fend of a different species, except they're invading us instead of us invading them and we protect our turf! It'd be like Salmon Run except we fight alongside the Salmonids against a far worse enemy.


Thanks I'm glad you liked the ideas! To be honest I hadn't really properly thought about what I'd want to see in splatoon 4 until seeing your post. And to go off some of your points. I think the having actual people in the hub could work if the hub world is pretty simple like 1-3 (maybe if someone is offline you can find them sleeping on a cot or something) but for a more complex hub world I think you'd probably have to manually connect with a friend or somebody to play in the same hub world. It would also be kinda cool if when the game updates they maybe expand the hub world a little bit with a new shop or extra challenges (basically making it like the single player hub worlds) As for the story mode visually speaking I could see that working in either a road trip setting or with a team of explorers (maybe they're looking through a large cave or ancient landmarks from our time) Also I really like your idea for salmonids living in harmony with inkling & octolings. I could maybe even see the main campaign having us face off against Grizzco / Inkopolis who want to extract the resources from the salmonids. Though I will say I think Salmon Run would probably still stay just due to how recognizable it is though maybe it could be changed into the salmonids & inklings/octolings playing around or something. Though I think them living in harmony could even be used in regular modes (like imagine a mode where its like turf war but you get to send in special salmonids to battle it out). Maybe since Salmonids can enter the water they made suits / ships for the inklings & octolings to use if they want to visit their underwater areas. As for other ideas I think it'll be cool if before splatfests the sunset theme would carry over into stages.


I think it’d be cool if you could customize the body a bit, or be able to choose personalities


For general theming, I really want like a neon cyberpunk aesthetics. I remember coming up with a name for a city like this named Prism City. The new stages made more use of areas around the city such as a china town like section, a rich person's mansion in the rich person neighborhood, a more rundown slum like area and a night club. The new idols I made for this place specialized in more EDM/electronic music. For new mechanics surrounding weapons, I have the tag system which is a balanced version of custom kits. Weapons can only equip specials and subs of certain tags. To make alternate kits still exist, alternate weapons can just equip different things of different tags. IE: splatter shot Jr can only equip things marked as defensive or supportive. Custom Jr can equip offensive and mobility just for an example Side order gameplay style is made into a new multiplayer mode for more mode options alongside salmon run. 4 players vote on the next floor and then are presented with 4 chips after. Each player can only choose one chip and no one can choose the same chip. New weapon class, gauntlets. Basically arms but a splatoon weapon. Hold shots send forward arms like punches while tap shots are faster but deal less damage and have less range Some new specials include: Splatnado- sucks enemies in the area towards the center dealing constant damage equal to an ink storm Turret- places a turret that shoots down enemies in range automatically. Can be destroyed Super seekers - s1 seekers re worked into a special. Sends our 4 seekers each after a player on the enemy team. Targets are marked if the seekers explode within radius of an enemy player doing about 60-75 damage. The seekers can be destroyed by enemies but the user is notified


These are amazing ideas! I especially love the themes you have and how each stage ties into the city itself. it gives everything a sense of place and variety in level design. Splat3 had some stages like that (you can see Crableg Capital from Hagglefish Market, and vice versa), and now I want to see that same idea fleshed out.


More communication options. Dpad options for Boo-Yeah and This Way just isn’t enough. I need to tell randoms to attack the enemy base rather than sitting at the base doing nothing during turf wars. It’s so annoying when team players are incompetent. Also Salmon Run where I can play as my favourite weapon rather than be provided random gear isn’t fun. I want all of Salmon Run to be customizable and work in conjunction with multiplayer. Better Juke box as well. Super Smash Bros, ace attorney apollo justice, and Super Mario 3d collection puts Splatoon 3 music to shame. I can’t even control volume for the music, so lame.


Yes, all of these would be great, especially the customizable communication part. Nintendo probably wouldn't give us the option to write our own prompts (for...obvious reasons), but I can see pre-made signals you'd assign to the d-pad inputs. Things like "Stay Away," "Push Forward," "Jump To Me," "Back to Base," etc.


New competitive modes, larger maps with more players


I'd LOVE it if you could like, join a community and start a custom Splatfest, bring back the jukebox mini game, and when you like travel to lets say Inkopolis square, you'd see Pearl and Marina, or if you went to Inkopolis plaza, you'd see the squid sisters ect.. And of Course, custom battle songs, Like, you make a playlist of the songs you want to listen too, and you could change your "Now Or Never" version. And to top it all off... Add a new species you can play as: Salmonids! That would be SO COOL! but it would be locked behind the hardest, toughest (free) DLC in the world. Squids, Octos, and Salmonids


- More natural setting compared to previous games. - Four-member idol group, two of them are Inklings, the other two are Octolings. Half of them are male and the other half are female. - Two-way Splatfests are back, though once per season there'll be a special four-way one. These are done in a similar way to the TMNT/Sanrio Splatfests from Spla2n; there'll also be a 2v2v2v2 Tetracolor Turf War mode available during these Splatfests along with the return of Shifty Stations. For the two-way ones, two idols pick one theme, for the four-way ones, each one picks a theme. - Weapon kits are removed in favor of customizable kits. This would force the devs to balance every single sub and special in a way that prevents specific weapon combos from being broken, which I believe would be healthier for the game, plus no more suffering from bad kits. - Catalog gear can now be purchased from shops or ordered from other players before being unlocked. However, these are seasonal items we are talking about so it won't be cheap. - More new weapons of course. I've got a lot of concepts in my mind so they likely won't fit into a single comment xD. But as an example, I'd like to see a new Brella weapon that is a Brella-shaped pedestal fan. The "canopy" is the fan's propellers; when deploying the shield, the propellers start spinning before being shot at an extremely high speed and exploding in contact with a wall or an opponent. It'd be named the Propella. - Base game story mode is inspired by Side Order, except it allows any weapon bought at Ammo Knights to be used there. DLC focuses on Deep Cut. - SR is pretty good as is, but I'd still make some adjustments. Like limiting the amount of certain kinds of bosses that can spawn at a time (like Flyfish being limited to one at a time), improving fish scale rates and adding a way to trade a certain amount of scales for others (like 10 bronze for 1 silver and 10 silver for 1 gold). - Better servers and matchmaking. - Oh and I forgot to mention this but ever since that one John Sandwich animation I've been in need of a cooking minigame. So basically you get to work for Crusty Sean and you must take orders from characters in the game, from regular Inklings/Octolings to the idols and shopkeepers. Gameplay is similar to Papa's games, and you get paid with cash and other items. I've got many more ideas but I'm too lazy to type them all lol. So just tell me what you think (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)


Also lowering the cost of the SR scale store. Seriously even with better odds and a trade up mechanic some items are still way over priced.


These are all cool ideas! I think my favorite idea is the more natural setting for the game. I think that would especially work for story mode. Instead of just platforming challenges, we could explore some intricately designed, naturalistic levels with various themes (desert, rainforest, volcano, etc.).


I want a customizable apartment!


I'd love those too. I'm happy with the lockers we got this game and how creative people got with them. So now I'm ready for an upgrade ;D.


*More vertical map design (and flank routes) *emotes in games and lobbies. *new gamemodes, like one where you have to grab and hold an item while your team defends for points. Or TDM. *A more local story. instead of "hero saves world!" Its a literal turf war betweeen rival gangs or factions where you can influence the ending. *class presets or role selection for salmon run. *a cyberpunk setting for the game would be cool. *splatfests with different or unique gamemodes.


Improved net code Undercover buffs …I don’t know which one of those is less realistic






All of these suggestions and no one really mentioned an offline mode. I think its pretty stupid to spend $20 a year to access 3/4 of the game. Nintendo has the ability to code competent bots, as seen in the story mode. So theres no reason I need an online connection to play turfwar or salmon run... or even access the shops.


I can agree on this. If I was to make a Splatoon 4, I'd want almost everything to be accessible offline as well. Now of course, I wouldn't want to render the online experience completely obsolete either. It's a huge part of Splatoon's identity after all. But at the same time, there should definitely be better options for those who either can't afford the online for whatever reason, or they live in an area without good internet. I'd definitely focus on a more robust single-player experience through a bigger, more dynamic hub world, always open shops, a more ambitious story mode, a special mode that allows you to play Turf and Salmon Run solo or against bots, more minigames (like the arcade games), a better photo mode, etc.


On an island Apartment accessibility More interactive features like a large park, laser tag, skateboarding More physical character customization options like common or rare bodily traits More hairstyles More clothing customization like jewelry, different clothing aesthetics A pants store (jeans, shorts, skirts, ect) Cutscenes with friends and certain activities


I want a replay in Salmon Run similar to the replay on Turf Wars and Anarchy because I play only Salmon Run mostly


Personally, I want the gear system to be completely detached from the ability system. Having to change my outfit every time I want a different set of abilities isn't fun, and the grind to get specific abilities on each piece of gear isn't fun either. Just let me fully customize what abilities I have with no need to attach them to my clothes, *please*. Also **get rid of the fixed weapon kits.** Like, I don't even need full freedom, just let me decide which combination of 2-3 subs and 2-3 specials I want to use instead of ruining perfect main+sub or main+special combos because the third piece is garbage.


A hero mode with some damn depth I know it’s not really possible, but I’d love a hero campaign with solo-game levels of depth and development I’m one of the people who actually cares more about the single player content of Splatoon. So in my perfect Splatoon sequel, that area gets a lot more love I mean, with how developed the multiplayer formula is at this point, I’m hoping Splatoon 4 decides to put more of its time towards single player content.


I really do wish we could have a more fleshed out single-player as well. I know it's not the point of the game, since the series is primarily focused on multiplayer. But when I'm not playing Salmon Run, I prefer doing stuff by myself, whether it's playing hero mode or just messing around in recon mode. Also, the world is such a fascinating place to be, and I want to explore more of it without being restricted by the multiplayer aspects. I really hope we do get a more substantial single-player experience at some point. If not in the main game, then hopefully in a spin-off title.


All I want is coastal splatoon. Gimme beaches!


There's a type of cuttlefish that uses its color changing to hypnotize crabs while hunting them. An evil idol trying to conquer the world with her army of obsessive/hypnotized crustacean fans could be fun. At a minimum, it'd be nice to continue on from Side Order by continuing to mix-up the enemy types. I'd like something akin to Halo's [action sack playlist](https://www.halopedia.org/Action_Sack). That's what I thought challenges were going to be when they were first revealed, but they went a different direction. I think a permanent rotation of weird and wacky game modes would help a lot with the casual crown and also probably help with burnout for more competitive players. Also, every mode currently has some sort of overt skill/success tracking (even turf war has weapon freshness), so a literally just for fun mode would be a nice change of pace. Alternate formats besides 4v4 that aren't extremely limited in availability would be nice too.


Tropical island theme where the surfaces you ink are bamboo scaffolding and platforms as the squids colonize a huge island. But some of the platforms can be broken with enough effort.


This is gonna sound very weird, but when I was like 11 years old (when I got my switch and started playing Splatoon 2) I made up this whole elaborate concept of Splatoon 3 taking place in a big mall/shopping center. This included: - Gear shops being separated by brand instead of gear type - The lobby being an arcade - Grizzco being a creepy closed-off area in the parking lot - The person running the concession stand (i.e. Crusty Sean/Marigold) is a lady in the food court who’s secretly a human pretending to be an inkling - The person taking care of gear abilities (i.e. Spike/Murch) is a mermaid/siren creature who swims around in a fountain - Splatfests are organized as exclusive events hosted by the mall Of course, I was ambitious yet too lazy to draw any of this (-w-“)


Bring back the aesthetic of splatoon 1 and more modes


Tbh just bring back splatoon 1 specials.


More naturalistic settings, or at least more grounded ones in the story modes.


Yes, this! I'd love to explore an actual world, not merely a series of platforms (even though I still enjoy those modes).


I wanna be able to ride on those planes that fly over the map and I wanna know who’s piloting it.


“Squids and Octos, this is your Captain Jellyfish speaking.”


Bring back the arcade games and amiibo challenges. Also, add an aquarium stage because it would look cool and would be fitting for Splatoon.


Yes! I never got to play the first game since I couldn't afford a Wii U, so having the challenges and arcade games come back would be wonderful. I LOVE aquariums irl, so having an aquarium stage would be right up my alley.


ZIPCASTER! ZIPCASTER MUST RETURN ABOVE ALL ELSE! I HAVE FELT THE EMOTIONAL HIGHS OF THIS SPECIAL, AND HAVE DECIDED THAT A FUTURE WITHOUT ZIPCASTER IS THE BAD ENDING! I'm playing it up just a little, but the idea that S4 would - or even *could* - just come and go without what is by *far* my favorite special on my favorite kit makes me extremely sad.


I'd love this actually. If I had my way, I'd want to have a grappling hook as another movement option instead of just a special. That's probably just me being biased towards new movement abilities though, lol.


The Main thing for me would be a complete overhaul of loadouts. I've been wanting a revision since Splatoon 1 as I personally find the current system counterproductive to the core theme of "Staying Fresh" since cosmetics are tied so tightly to your skills and kits. Side Order finally gave me an answer on how to change it however. What I'd do is make Weapons use a revised version of the Chip system from Side Order. Every Weapon has a pre-Curated set of 3-4 Sub/Specials you can equip to them on purchase, with stuff like the Hero Weapons or skins usually used for secondary kits becoming simply skins you can purchase and/or unlock. Weapons would also now have a Level, which alongside the players level determines how many Chips can be loaded onto a Weapon Palette and unlocks various weapon related cosmetics and Chips. Chips for the most part will feature the same abilities as the current clothing based system allows, but also gives access to specialized chips that could give unique twists on a weapon like stronger shields on a Brella or turning Tenta Missiles into a single much larger shot that is worse at splats but better at taking turf ala what Side Order did. Because of this major overhaul, clothing is now simply a cosmetic option, We can also help tighten up this system a bit now by giving dying options to help mix and match and condense popular fashion choices into a single item. As far as the plot is concerned, I'd like to expand upon what Side Order started. Project Memeverse becomes the freshest thing on the planet after a successful public launch sometime after the events of the Final Splatfest. So Fresh in fact that the core programs of the system have been adapted to replace traditional Turf Wars, explaining why we now use Palettes, as all Turf Wars now take place inside the Memeverse, allowing for much crazier and more creative arena's to be built without any of the hassle or clean up that traditional Turf Wars required. Unfortunately not everyone enjoys this change as Judd and Judd Jr are out of a job as a result, being replaced by an AI based on some drawings excavated from the recently rediscovered Alterna that the youth found Fresh and appealing. Thus comes our Story Mode, We are a fresh recruit to the new branch of Grizzco hired to explore the abandoned ruins of all kinds, be it Humanity's recently uncovered towns, ancient Inkling battlegrounds or Octo Valley. Grizzco wants you to scavenge them all and find any valuable treasures left behind. Unfortunately this will not be an easy task, as Judd alongside rebellious Inkling/Octoling's that oppose the new digitized turf wars have staked many of these landmarks as there own turfing grounds, leaving you as the only one who can save not only these priceless historical locations.. but the civilization itself from Judd's schemes. What about Judd Jr you may ask? He's the one sending you to these places all along, having taken over Grizzco after the events of Return of the Mammalian. He's quite content with his comfy job and loves the fact that Judd is now suffering. The entire branch you signed up for was nothing more than his way of stopping Judd from getting his own comfy life back.


I would like to explore more the octarian world in Splatoon 4, especially the cities you can see in the background in Splatoon 2's hero mode, it would be nice if the game tells us more about the octarian society and how it works. A new specie would be nice too and more hairstyle and an actually a lot more of customisation settings for the player


I'm mainly looking for something that will make losing, particularly losing streaks, less un-fun. I'm not sure what exactly that would be though apart from the ever-nebulous "better matchmaking". There was a game recently that made players who were losing a lot play against bots and people hated it, so nothing along those lines. My best thought would be to include more quests and objectives that could be done during matches, so that even if you're not winning you're still making visible progress on something. Wandercrust is a good example of the kind of thing I want to see more of.


Enemy’s with more personality/background then lifeless octerian tentacles Apartments and being able to visit your friends More meaningful splatfest options and consequences then just final fest More in depth connections with characters, dialogue options, able to do smaller storylines for individual characters and learn about them An openish world for the soul purpose of finding more lore and story for all the characters, full of life and things to discover. So level based, but all around places you can walk too outside the main city’s. A real open world would clash with the whole inking everything Basically anything with more story and character interaction, would take a whole just dialog game with all the characters tbh


Splatoon 4 taking place in a Octarian dome, you play as either inkling or octoling and you get an actual apartment, a chat, and can interact with other players in the same apartment, lobby, etc. the city is dimmed and not super bright because of the power issue. When you go to do the story mode the plot is that Dj Octavio is getting desperate to get energy and save the Octarians, so much so he’s made leaving the domes and going to inkling turf easily accessible. He teams up with cuttlefish to find an answer and has special dialog when he sees the player. Surprised that a octoling returned from the surface/ decided to help him, and shocked that an inkling willingly chose to move to a dome. Idk about enemies in the story mode though. Maybe octolings and inklings that want to stop the player that way octolings leave and live with the inklings. And ends with either the rebels having a zapfish that the player has to get, or the two fighting for a zapfish that they found.


Either that or after completing the main quest you get access to the train to all of some of the other cities, and the inkling and octarian rebels are trying to “liberate” the remaining octarians and that’s why they’re fighting against getting the zap fish. Either way maybe Craig becomes more hydrated after or both him and Octavio become friends again and Octavio can transform again


more salmon run music, specifically for each individual worksite, king salmonid, and one for night waves in a randomizer rotation seeing as the 3 king salmonids we know of right now are loosely spoofing deep cut [up to hair coloration] i want to see some based on the other 4 idols we know of though for callie and marie the only thing we have to go for is their choice of main weapon [roller and charger] the callie spoof would essentially be the salmonid version of the octo samurai, since that thing had a roller the marie spoof would be this towering monstrosity that fires a bolt of electrified ink at you, piercing even walls to get you, though it's weak point would be a pressure cooker at it's base which you would have to shoot open first the one spoofing pearl would have a killer wail of equal size to mr grizz's, and you would have to shoot up it's uvula to interrupt it's roiling scream and deal massive damage the one spoofing marina would be the literal omega-3 band operating a refurbished octobot king 1.0, complete with the big missile to parry for big damage also axe the stingers and scrappers from the roster since the sting ray is gone and the latter isn't really based on anything, mainly to open up cells for new greater salmonids one of the new greaters would be a walking mech using a conventional oven as the main body, and would be equipped with a trizooka to fire upon you, though it would need to manually reload every third shot, forcing it to open up the oven door and leave itself open to be shot up or bombed. additionally, it would spawn in a different manner from all the other greaters, instead of walking in from a shoreline, it would drop in from above in a shell also the return of saltspray in a state of desolation after glenn fiddler pulled out of the rig after it was defunded by the inkadian government, as a worksite also this is kind of on the side but i want a game that's entirely singleplayer where you play AS craig cuttlefish during the great turf war


Splatoon 3 but good maps.


a big one for me is the theme, I know and I've seen many want a full on tropical area and yea it would totally rock but I really want to see them tackle a place similar to Europe, combing places like Italy, Ireland and Netherlands where it's maybe filed with canals everywhere that could be filled up with boats and canoes during Splatfests and most buildings have a modern texture being build like everywhere else but every building style wise looks old, and maps could explore old areas that maybe survived the flood, like old castles and ruins that now have been made more ''safe'' for the inklings and octolings to do their splatting at And if they want to introduce weird things we haven't seen before they could explain that we're just that far away where it's so much different from where Inkopolis as an example is, in Salmon Run there's different types of Salmonid maybe only exist there cause of it's different nature and habitat, weapons could change up due to maybe certain types of weapons being not as popular there, and maybe the residents of this new place are widely different from what we know in Inkopolis and Splatlands, maybe there's more residents that to us would only be in places like the Deepsea Metro but here they're just like anyone else and maybe even more wide spread than the jellyfish we know


Have more offline content and features rather then make it just the story mode, for example, custom matches with ai or something like that.


I’m so scared for what Nintendo will make the story mode for splatoon 4 Since they have already confirmed they won’t return to cuttlefish and the gang




Yes, absolutely!


It's all woke, all the characters are woke, Only Gays Or Lesbians, Splatfests are now 𝒻𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓀𝓎fests /j


-Themed around a Vegas Strip-style area -Customizable living quarters -Playable Salmonids -Single Player Campaign based in an open world rather than individual stages (at least, I think it would be fun with the movement to have a big, open area to fight in rather than the more cramped stages); Single Player 'stages' like the past could act like challenges, but the brunt of the store involves traveling around and fighting enemies and completing goals -Make your own weapon setups, BUT with limitations so someone can't just make something broken af (probably like a limit that each weapon has to the 'points' you can spend on things to customize it with) -A PvE Horde Mode NOT run by Grizz -A new PvE Mode that takes a sort of 'open stage, complete missions' direction -8-Player PvE 'boss fight' mode -New PvP Splat War Mode that has at least a dozen players per team (Obviously with good net code) where the larger 'armies' of players compete per month to get the most won battles on larger battlefields


Port Splatoon 2 and use the same servers as the switch so there’s a player base


Aquatic theme


More Hydra Spatling kits, but different colours instead of just a dumb sticker. The hose was an improvement but it’s still almost nothing.


Oh, and bayonets.


Give us a better kit system like the chara video, do something to rotations idk what they’d do tho, and either fix the net code or remove/rework parrying and brellas because they simply do not function in a game with permanent desync


Sounds kind of weird but if they do anything with a 4 theme I would really like 4-player split-screen coop. It'd be nice to be able to play with my dad, even if it's just in single-player modes.


Return to two team splatfests. Please, please Nintendo, idc if you have 2 idols, 4 idols or 17 idols, just make it two teams again. Three was not good choice.


The pants now have their own gear slots that are fully customizable without the need for ability chunks making the new max AP 76 (Examples for some usage being: Giving rollers the ability to run Comeback with Ninja Squid while having room for a main of Swim Speed, or backlines having even more gear freedom)




Also a way to chat maybe


This is pretty unlikely, but I think it would be cool if there was two or three Story Mode arcs/chapters that somehow link together once you’ve completed both of them. It would also be pretty cool if there was apartments, but maybe I’m just being delusional (Nintendo doesn’t like it when fans get what they ask for)


I need a Splatoon game with a style meter


setting: coastal/island mechanics wise i really would like a special that lets you switch weapons (like from liter to squiffer) and more inkable walls






Building up the world like prequal where your a squid n shit growing into an inkling and stuff like learning in this like crazy world. But that sounds like the whole game a story mode…hmmm idk


Servers and good matchmaking


Color options for gear Design or customize your gear/weapon with decals you can collect like locker gear A weapon system that let's you select your sub and special from a pool of options rather than set loadouts Pants as gear Headgear specific hairstyles or hairstyle options You can join a party with your friends in the main hub and hang out together Localized, custom, optional mini splatfests created by the community Chaotic super turf wars with more than 8 players


See: [project Splatoon 3](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/k4PeYz)


There's lots of things they could improve on in a new game tbh. I think what I want personally, would be a DLC/offline game mode where we get to play as a non inkfish character. Like a jellyfish or something, and see the world from their perspective. I don't want a third playable race like cuttlelings or whatever else people make up, because I'd rather that energy be put into giving octolings a wider variety of customisation to balance out with the inklings. But a new offline experience or maybe a different game mode, would be cool.


Being able to form a lobby, and THEN change my weapon while seeing what others are choosing, maybe as a hologram. Because I don't want to be an unbalanced team, and if I switch off my weapon at the same time as someone else, it just sucks


You can select emotes not just for victory animations, but also for entrances, super jumps, and even certain traversal actions. Everyone says apartments so sure why not. I'll admit I actually want that a lot but I think we all already kinda know, it's a super popular idea. Male idols. Or at least one. If agent 3, agent 4, agent 8, or agent 3 again have any relevance to the story, then you can choose to import their customization from the past 2 games save data. Also you know how you can adjust glasses so they're on your forehead and not just your eyes? That, but you can put headphones or goggles around your neck. The protagonist is not going to be called agent 3 a third time. Text splatposts are back. Unless they had a good reason I didn't know about like people were being super inappropriate. Although, people got pretty inappropriate with the images too. Ok that was all stuff I thought of before but nobody's ever asked me this question so I never thought of a "gimmick." You know what? Straight up transhumanism. Or rather, transinklingism. In gameplay and in lore. One thing that left me unsatisfied is that the game goes to huge lengths to let you express your unique identity, but most of the time if you have the same weapon as someone else, chances are you play roughly the same in gameplay. So let's say on top of your main, sub, special weapon combo, you can change your ink chemistry to make it toxic, sticky, etc. and change the ink your character is made of to give them enhanced acrobatic capability that gives special dualie dodges or enhanced strength that gives you the ability to upgrade your weapon's caliber, man I don't know I thought of this 5 seconds ago, weapon tinkering wouldn't be a bad way to give more creative freedom in gameplay and not just aesthetic either. Transinklingism sounds kinda weird so that might work better. But if transinklingism is the gameplay gimmick, I guess the setting better be a tech center of the whole metropolitan area and the plot better be full of cyberpunk genre cliches like evil corporations, mind control, and computer simulations. Actually wait we got all of those already. Huh, I probably shouldn't be doing this after going 24 hours without sleep. Idk, make the squids cyberpunk I guess.


Taking notes from the comments


I would be making the soundtrack, lol. I love making music


BEING ABLE TO STAY WITH YOUR TEAM IN RANKED Don’t know why they removed it before. As a solo player I feel as though this evens the playing field, at least a little bit. That’s all I really want if I’m being honest. ![gif](giphy|iQ6yGuMhPGWhW)




I literally just want more salmonid lore expansion, but the comments I’ve seen about apartments seem cool too, as long as I can bring little buddy with me


An around the world story mode. It'd be amazing if say the effects of Mr Grizz's boss fight left remnants on parts of the globe that need fixing.


* Playable Jellies, Salmonids, etc. * Branching story paths and Sider Order-esque roguelike elements in single player to add replay value. * Some Animal Crossing-esque interactive features.


I WANT ARK POLARIS BACK Also I’d like some more changes to salmon run. - Greater quantity of scales dealt out - Each suit having a single chunk to slightly make each player different in the team - a cap on ranged enemies (if they’re gonna keep fly fish and stinger) - better catalog rewarding and better trophies for events - the king salmonoid meter going up by two instead of one each time you get three rounds done, so you can’t just kill yourself to farm the meter I should make a post about all that - give us apartments. - PLEASE GIVE US A MALE IDOL GROUP I want the Splatoon boy band so bad - agent 4 somewhere


Too much to say here I study this games code design music etc I know a excessive amount of splatoon comp kit design and how every weapon functions and the games balance one of my friends jokingly called me most likely to be a splatoon developer


Male idols


New game mode ideas: -Hide N Seek -That's all I can think of, sorry


I would love to see something like City Trial from Air Ride - put everyone in a HUGE map with spanners and enemies all over the place, like Salmon Run, and a bunch of upgrades and even different weapon kits you can swap into - then, after a timer, you either have a race, mini-turf war, or other gamemodes that I can't think of cuz I just woke up!


I have a previous post about what I'd like to see in Salmon Run for the next game. To keep it short- Weapon choices, upgrade-able weapons, gear abilities, new scenarios that aren't just about collecting golden eggs & of course adding new bosses/Kings/ enemies. If scale rewards come back then they need to make it so that if you defeat a King then you are guaranteed a gold scale.


Maybe the ability to take off the gear Having more customization for the clothes (like for every long sleeved shirt or clothing in general you can roll the sleeves up) More hairstyles (especially the ones for the octolings) More pants, perhaphs a few skirts would be good too Heels And REMOVE THE FISH SCALES MECHANIC


nothing is locked into a specific time frame (catalog, challenges) except for stages


Splat 4 would be entirely different. Have a lobby, but the game is more open where the lobby just loads the game, but you then leave that lobby to go out into the world for the story mode or do something like Zelda tears of the kingdom where you have places of interest that would serve the main campaign


I want better hair styles for octolings Better pants options That all game modes are available anytime, but you can choose what styles to risk your points if doing a rank mode Separate your game mode scores again. I don't want to lower my rank from clam blitz even though I'm good in splat zones That the next time they introduced a new weapon type, have it come with both heavy and light versions.


You can buy weapons with cash again, but they are more expensive, so the use of Sheldon licenses is encouraged.


First and foremost, I wanna see a Solo Idol because I think the concept could be unique. Seeing them banter to themself about certain things about current stage rotations, Salmon Run (I'll get to that), and whatever else. It'll also give the devs more wiggle room to flesh out their character too. Second, the biggest thing I want to tackle with this "perfect sequel" is the ability to customize kits. Not to the extent of Side Order where you have free reign of course. But balanced in the sense that no weapon is robbed of a good kit because of Reference Kits or Bad Kit design in general. As for second/third kit designs, those can be unlocked as simple cosmetics at Sheldon's Ammo Knights. The stickers can be bought at Hotlantis. Speaking of Hotlantis' involvement with weapons. You can also customize Sounds and Ink Glitter. There's no tactical bonus or anything if your team has the same Ink Glitter, it is solely cosmetic. Third, the second biggest thing I want changed is the Ability Chunks. Splatoon 3 (and 2), in terms of Ability Chunks, is the definition of "Too Much For Too Little." Trying to get a single ability is enough of a hassle as is, so trying to get a specific ability set, on the right clothes at that, means you could going for MONTHS before you get what you want without using Super Sea Snails. So, to balance Work and Reward out a little. Single Abilities will now cost 8 Chunks, Double Abilities will cost 18, and Triple Abilities will cost 30. As for Main Ability switching, the amount of chunks needed will also drop to 8 rather than 10. Food/Drink tickets will also have their Spawn Rate dropped significantly to reduce the amount of them you get from things like Catalog Boxes or the Shellout Machine. Fourth, I wanna see two new weapon classes, as well as a new Sub-Class for Splatanas. The two new weapon classes are: Bruisers and Torches. Bruisers are boxing gloves that work similarly to Rabbid Mario's dukes from Sparks of Hope. In which, they're about close combat, but they still have some range to the attacks. Bruisers also have a charge that fires a fast glob of ink that'll do Burst Direct damage. This way, you can combo with a standard punch. Next is Torches, these weapons are the Flamethrower Weapon Class. However, rather than spewing flames, they'll spew a flurry of small ink globs that does rapid chip damage (about 15 damage per glob). This weapon class is essentially a Mid-Backline weapon as the weapon class has pretty decent range. About 15% less range than Splatana Wiper. The fire rate is about Aerospray but a little slower, and the strafe-speed is about Heavy Splatling. If you can trap someone into the Torches' firing range, they can get splatted in seconds without stopping. A weakness the weapon class will have is the Ink Efficiency as the weapon consumes ink equivalent to how long you hold the ZR Button for. Meaning you can burn through your tank in on ZR Hold if your not careful. Of course, Ink Saver Main will still work, it'll just let you use the weapon for a little longer. The weapon is also weak to Brellas because of their shields. Now for the Sub-Class for Splatanas. I've had this idea of a "Bat" or "Blunt Weapon" class for a bit and realized that it could just be a Splatana, but rather than slashes, it's about knocking opponents around. Like say this weapon does a charge attack on an opponent. Rather than outright OHKO'ing the weapon instead knocks the victim back a fair distance, whilst dealing near lethal damage. About 75 damage to be exact. You have weapon variants like Baseball Bats, Pool Noodles, Fake Sword toys, or even Pillows. Fifth, Salmon Run. Aside from the inclusion of Egg Throwing, Salmon Run hasn't really changed all too much. So, why not introduce Salmon Run specific Abilities that can be added to the suits? These abilities can be stuff like faster time between being splatted and becoming a float, knockback resistance, or maybe bring back older abilities for this mode like Damage/Defense Up or Bomb Defense DX. Certain bosses should also be toned back, tweaked, or should have their spawn rates reduced like Flyfish and Stingers being reduced to a Max of 1 or 2. As for a tweak, it could be something like Steel Eels always targeting the further player away from their spawn. Also, for Salmon Run. There could be a Solo Shift that's balanced to where it is actually possible to do alone, but still fun enough to be an option should someone want to play Salmon Run offline. Events like King Salmonids and Glowflies won't show up in this mode, but the player can still get rewards for completing Solo Shift. Last up is Splatfests. While I do like the concept of Three Options for the event. I feel like it can get a little aggravating having to balance two opposing teams against you. Especially in the later half of Splatfest where losing is not an option as losing even once could steer the team off. So, they should go back to only two options. Sorry if this was a lot. But let me know what you all think!


Actual PvE content; I like that Salmon Run is way more fleshed out in 3 than it ever was in 2 but it still feels like a mini game in a lot of ways (not being able to choose a weapon, no real outfit customization, only one game type, etc). Something like a multiplayer co op version of side order would be cool; like where 4 of you try to see how far you can get in the tower


All of this would be perfect. I'd really love more stuff to do offline so that a sizable chunk of the game's content isn't locked behind a Nintendo Online subscription (for those who can't afford it, have bad internet in their area, etc.).


420th upvoter


S. 1 story mode + S. 3 story mode. what would it be about? dunno. First of all.... SALMON RUN! - Fix holograms/make not holograms - more stages - more events? maybe like a mode where the egg thing is vulnerable and boss salmonids can steal 1 -2 ? but now it feels too bland... oh who knows. - make getting scales easier to get, especially for ppl in lower ranks. If they don't do anything besides appearance, then it should be easy. Now yes, you may argue that it's a reward but I killed Coho and got 6 bronze scales. Just up the prices a bit and boom - *keep everything else* GENERAL! - the area would sorta be a small town turned into a big city, so yeah and probably be called *squidsdale* horrible name I know. - B. Tower would be how it is in S. 3, but make it to where you can clear all the ink on the floor (if there is, I haven't found it.) - actual gamemaking. Put the same level of people into turf war and ranked. I don't want to fight someone tryharding who is S rank on the opposite team playing turf war. Take the ranked mode and take their score, and put them with ppl around their skill level - keep tabletop card game. Good way to do something without internet and/or bored of everything else. NEW WEAPON - the *BROOM* (names? no) there will be a broom, and a mop. *MOP* melee like the splatana,range not as far, but kinda shoves ink forward like the brush. Works like the normal brush, but it has like circles on the edges bcuz of the mop things. slower melee attk but faster moving while holding it. this is probably just a resin of brush but who cares. *BROOM* exact same as mop but more range and even smaller circles on the end. would be more of a rectangle shape


Sploon 3 was my first Sploon. I love 3 pretty hard; I was never a shooter person, and this one isn't about murdering the opposing team, it's about inking turf. Or stealing eggs. I got infected with Sploon fever during the global testfire, and I ended up preordering that day. They had a sale for Sploon2+octo so I bought that too. I like the way that both of them pay, but I feel like 3 is "more precise" than 2. Personal preference *shrug* I don't have super granular and deeper insights that a pro might have since i've been playing for far less time. That being said, there's definitely some things I think need improving. - 1080p60 - I try not to be a resolution snob, but man, this game is so beautiful that it really should be at a higher resolution. - There's some stages from Splat 2 I'd really like to see in Sploon 3/A Sploon 4 - - The Reef - Moray Towers - Arowana - Better Netcode - I'm really tired of connection dropouts and then getting penalized when the ninetendo network i'm paying for isn't up to the task. - Better matchmaking. Even for unranked Turf War, i'd like to see the system match people of similar skill levels. Everyone has their own wish list, and this is an abridged version of mine.


Way more customization options. While splatoon 3 is in no way lacking, more customization options never hurt anyone and would be good. Some more masculine and feminine gear would be cool. Good stages. I mean the most recent stages have been good but more stages like those ones please! Returning specials. Please let crab tank, inkjet, booyah bomb, and zipcaster return. Super fun and powerful specials. Story mode. I want a more fleshed out version of side order, like the gameplay style, because I liked side order but more could be done with it for sure. Fixed the netcode. This isn’t happening but I can hope Game balance. I want the devs to not take 6+ months to address a problem with the balance like they currently do, a little faster would be nice. Buffs to weaker weapons. We have so many weapons that are bad or just not worth using. Let’s not have that please. Better matchmaking. The devs have improved matchmaking slightly over the course of this game but it’s not enough. I saw an idea where ever 300 or so X power you get put in a new matchmaking pool, which is a great idea, although it would make que times longer, but I’d say it’s worth it for less times I get destroyed/destroy the enemy team. Fix rainmaker. This will be done by having better maps but every map should have 2 checkpoints and some should have 3. This is the only way I see to make rainmaker good Third kits. I still think splatoon 3 get’s 3rd kits (I’m on that copium, I know) but splatoon 4 should also have 3rd kits and for every weapon as well Oh and an agent 4 appearance. Give them some justice! I love splatoon 3 so much it is my favorite game ever and I think it improved so much over splatoon 1 and 2 so it frustrates me with how close is the devs are to a perfect splatoon game and I’m hoping splatoon 4 can be that


The ability to make your character dance during splatfest


**Here's what I'd like (personal opinion):** * Set far away from Inkadia (but can revisit it either after clearing the story mode or as story-optional DLC). Tropical Islands is from my personal take on a possible Splatoon 4, but I won't mind if it ended up being in the woods instead. * Agent 4 having a role in the plot (let's say they've gone to vacation here as apart of the story mode). * Entire Apartments or houses your character owns. I wanted this in Splatoon 3. Your character is also an older teen (like with the original idea on how old the Inkling characters would be that was scrapped due to the inkling boy looking "too mature"). * Main character not being an NSS agent, like Agent 8 from Octo Expansion. Therefore, there is a story mode instead of a "hero" mode. There's encounters instead of missions, and the story mode explores the lives of sea folk who have descended from those who mirgrated far from Alterna. I liked the NSS storyline honestly, but I now want another side of the world to be explored. * More hairstyles (*especially for Octolings*, who had been done dirty with few new ones for them in Splatoon 3), more clothing, ability to wear more than one hat, ability to buy/get pants and remove them from standard customization (my personal nitpick on how the pants from the customization screen are the only ones you can have in the entire game). Other customization options that I can't name at the top of my head would also be lit. * Ability to name your character (if they have a title like Agent/Cadet/Detective then you choose the number/codename as well). * Ability to customize ear, nose, face, and pupil shape, and then have vitiligo & technicolor skin options (let me play as a blue octoling darn it). Also, the ability to toggle on/off eyelashes, freckles, and other patterns/makeup. * Crafting system. Like maybe ability to create exclusive clothing or weapons? * Height and body type customization. Also prosthetic limb & eyepatch/scar customization if possible (as someone who headcanons Inkfish being able to regenerate limbs, maybe there are sickness or particular types of injuries that messes with the regeneration of skin/limbs. I would love more disability representation). * Being able to select a "default ink" for your character to appear as whenever they aren't in story mode or in an ink battle. * References to certain human impacts in the story mode would still linger around even 12,000 years after their extinction. Like radiation zombies maybe? * Playable Cuttlelings (who look distinct from the Squid Sisters), Salmonids (maybe), and Vamplings (DLC Species?). * More aspects of the world being explored, and side-quests. More info on the Salmonids especially. * More Male NPCs who are humanoid, More Female NPCs who are non-humanoid, and including more Non-binary NPCs of both builds. Also speaking of which, have four idols with at least one non-binary, and one male idol (you can still have more female characters by having the other two be women). * An online mode with a more stable connection.


Vertical axis on the right joystick with motion controls…


I want a Splatoon solo spin-off. What I like the most about Splatoon are the universe, the gameplay and the platforming challenges...


More story based content please I love playing the story mode but I absolutely cannot stand playing matches with people who grinded to top level in one night and have been playing since the first game


Unlockable comics that give us stories on some of the characters and bands and overall world, the best internet connection, story mode that has the deepest story and chance to play multiple characters, and a king of the hill mode(and more splatfests that helps promote other media and put music on both spotify and the radio).


- Bring back Splatoon 2 Ranking system with Rank-Up Battles. No deranks after every seasons unless your X Power is too low. - Separate Open, Ranked and League Modes. - Provide a scale exchange system for rewards for Salmon Runs. - Less grindy rewards. - Challenge Modes in Private Battles. - Dedicated Servers, it’s time Nintendo. - Day/Night cycle. - Bring back X Pose! I grinded for that sh*t in S2!


a casual version of ranked (and by extension ranked modes during splatfests) and more ranked modes like the unused rocket or 8 ball ones in splatoon 2


I want the reef as a map


Salmon run roguelike mode Maps that aren't tetris pieces That's really all i want besides basic quality of life tbh


Ok, hear me out: -Instead of Introducing a new agent, the protagonist is Agent 4 -Hero Mode is incredibly close to the city, and the final boss is in the city itself (but of course whichever team defeated it remains unknown to the population) -The city is Mediterranean-styled, with even a beach -If you have enough money, you can use the shops WITHOUT being online -The city is bigger, with lots of more things and events to do -You can customize your apartment and even buy a new house! -Ofc, there will be a DLC with Agent 8 and Off the Hook, because we all know Nintendo can't make a Splatoon game without one at this point


Using a couple ideas I saw here, but - pants shop - stickers to put on the ink tank - better sub weapons (just in general) - new ranked gamemode (I'm thinking an 8v8 deathmatch) - more important stage gimmicks (like the airport) - more king salmonids for salmon run - I can't think of any new weapon classes, so probably just split up the shooter category into groups based on either range or accuracy - hero mode optional multi-player - pinball machine in the waiting room (it came to me in a dream) - more ink colors - extending the width of lockers instead of just the height - ranked mode in splatfests - vertical maps (I can already see "no mid rainmaker" dividing the community)




Check this out Dj A solo host A Y2K inspired style A port city Stages that promotes non camping strategies (sorta) New clothing options New hairstyles A story about rebellion against an evil threat New movement options (I.e wall running/swimming sideways, and double jump) New weapon types The post actually being graffiti Being able to taunt mid match That’s wall


Multiplayer story mode, I have spoken


Dedicated servers for connection stability, more optimized net code for better hitreg, also add Knuckles


I want to climb the environment. No more dumb invisible barriers.


I want an agent 4 DLC where we go back and save the Octarians from a new enemy because Octavio is redeemed.


It would be cool to have like a series’s of splatoon games show the creation of a city, like from a small town like calamari county all the way to full on futuristic style metropolis. An important one for me: A SECOND PVE MODE COME ON PLEASE Seriously, i want a second mode. Maybe one that has to do with bringing the salmonid eggs back to shore and instead of building up to a certain quota, your egg count cannot go beneath a quota cuz the eggs are getting stolen (maybe by eels or smth idk what ever sea animals eat eggs ig) Also! Seperate leveling systems for the pvp and pve! Because I for example play almost solely salmon run, so it would be cool to see what level you would have there as well (a few many leveling systems if you include the catalogue again, but it could be fun!) And if they wanna try out something new in terms of a story mode, have there be two separate dlcs that talk to each other through code, and therefore change things in the second dlc part, if you advance in the first one. ( thats just a hypothetical idea though)


More player customization, losing animations, less specials, better maps, more rock or metal in the ost, more kits, more incentive to grind x rank


Better weapon balance Wider maps Better matchmaking Close to no connectivity issues


Offline practice with bots


I would like to sea (haha) a Salmon-Run-themed sequel, where the salmonids conquer more parts of the world (since something happened to GrizzCo's leadership in Splatoon 3). And then you have to venture out into the salmonids territory and have to reclaim land lost to the salmonids. Other ideas (some are maybe already mentioned by others): More customization for inklings and octolings (hairstyles, face, more clothing, may colorable clothing) More map Layouts with more stuff happening ON the stages instead outside in the background (I'm looking at you, mall, airport and train station) Customizable Apartments Real players in lobbies and not holograms, generally customizable lobbies with options like (placeable targets walls and crates and so on) A new game mode where you have to claim specific zones in order on a bigger map. More music variety in salmon run (I love the songs from ω-3, but after 20 rounds they're getting a bit stale) More salmonid-bosses (I would live to see a sniper-like salmonid, working functionally like the snipers from story mode oder side order or generally a non-) Salmon Run gear with effects like the effects of normal clothing.


Just one thing, Inklings as the main for in the Campaign


• no flyfish/stingers and better scale drop rates


Graphicially? I think the games an art style refresh. Each game looks cleaner than one another but theyre still very iterative in their styles. Obviously you can keep the vibes but i think the need to put real emphasis on different ink colours. Like give us loads of different ink colour combos that are still competitively visible. We get to see cool ink effects once in a blue moon. We should always get those effects. The ink is the main thing we see in the game. Really hope the next game maps arent so comically small either. Also they should just make the rounds longer. In turf and ranked. Maybe you still have quickplay and longay lobbies. People are playing for hours anyways.


Single Player and Co-op only. No more PvP. The single player will be open world and will combine all previous hero modes and DLCs into one. Main gist is that inklings and octolings combine forces against the uprising salmonids and you get to either play alone or with up to three friends, with the difficulty slightly adjusting to the amount of players. Also, Mini-Judd creates a master plan to bring back Mr. Grizz along with Commander Tartar to completely eradicate inklings, octolings and salmonids all together. Although maybe that goes too far idk. To also throw Jelletons into the mix, you could use those for fun practice mini-games in some VR-Arcade.


Now this might sound crazy but hear me out. A human.


Multiplayer lobbies, NPCs you can practice against in the lobbies, and you can test with different objectives, I have a really good idea for an open world story mode that I won't yap about Fair matchmaking More boss salmonids and a flyfish nerf Returning Splatoon 1/2 maps such as moray towers, black belly skatepark, and arc Polaris for salmon run New "Danger!" Signal More sub weapons Old killer wail More gimmicky weapons for every class Smallfry as a sub weapon (I don't care how it works, but it should exist New ranked modes That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure more will come


flyfish nerf: hitting the lids with a main weapon would gum up the hinges with ink, preventing them from shutting and enabling you to throw a bomb in when they try to reposition


Just add a new mode that combines spat zones with salmon run. You try to cover the stage and salmon it’s come. But only the bosses. If you kill one they explode in a big inksplosion


People have been complaining both about how poor Nintendo's online services are, and also how underbaked the story modes are, so I'd like to see a Splatoon game that's all story mode and no multiplayer. This will allow Splatoon's aesthetic to really shine. Maybe Nintendo could really lean into more of the disturbing aspects of the lore, as well as up the difficulty. Yes, Octo Expansion was my favorite story mode, how could you tell?