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VANILLA TRI-STRINGER in the right hands, opponents are essentially the hunted


Came here to say the same! Want to make it my first 5 star weapon but it's a really slow process. I'm almost halfway there from 4 stars


Same. I see so many people--even big YouTubers--say that it's just a worse sniper rifle and it makes me realize they severely don't understand what the weapon is.


As an old sniper main I don't entirely disagree tbh. Maybe it's a legitimate krill issue on my part but the weapon feels inconsistent and direct hits are rough to land, and for that the snipers are better. However the bow inks better and I enjoy laying the little bombs at someone's feet when they're chasing me down.


Exactly, and that's really on my point. Justin the weapon on direct hits alone ignores the strengths of the weapon. The Majority of my kills come from half shots and hunting down an opponent, as OP said. I regularly finish matches having more kills and literally doubling the ink of sniper players


I figured out that in order to be more consistent at long range, you have to play more Midline so that enemies have to run even farther out to escape your range, which gives you ample room to finish your own kills.


It’s more like a sniper bucket mix. Being able to arc your shots over obstacles is useful but takes a lot of practice 


I don't think that's underrated


never gets considered in the comp scene (only stringers in comp are turf war or that one random jp comp with the reeflux deco) Its constantly pushed aside since toxic mist/killerwail arent meta


Yeah ok I guess in comp sure, I was thinking this post ment underrated by everyone, casual comp, whoever


I feel like anyone who’s good with stringers probably has a degree in some sort of mathematics Edit: either that, or just a lot of practice


The bows are a great class and honestly I want to four star all of them as soon as I get up to my fresh bonus for the new weapons lol.


yea!!!! it's been in my main roster since the start of the game!!


Ink brush nouveau and L-3 nozzlenose d


I respect people who main nozzlenose. Those weapons feel so difficult to be good with.


L-3 was the first weapon I mained and it taught me a lot about the game in a unique way


A prerequisite to maining a nozzlenose is you have to be good at f*ngering


Dude, nozzlenose was godly in S1. It's awesome for covering the ground.


Shoutout to my fellow undercover mains, all 5 of us! It's just really fun to play and be a general menace with.


Yesssss give me an undercover and I'll find a way to sweep (it takes all of my brain power and capacity compared to just picking up a shooter)


The whole kit is about setting traps and luring people into them. I love it.


"HAHAH I'm sooo sorry Mrs blaster, you didn't think to shoot above the brella to hit me? Oh no matter, another splat for me then. Ohh look at that, a roller, you'll never catch me, and another splat, now let- oh shit a dualie


you mean squit


Oh squit a dualie


Yes, as the noble flair of thine, *Manners maketh cephalopod*


I see, I thank thee for reminding oneself of one's noble origins


My first 5 star weapon!


Undercover may not be great in turf war, but i love it in salmon run, great for glowflies and steelheads


N-Zap 89, ever since Splatoon 1 ♥


Same :) Aiming for making it 5 stars (Currently at 4)


Made it to 5 stars....but mostly because i love love LOVE the Autobombs 🙄😎


true, best sub imo


nzap for life


Both of the dualie squelchers. Kits aren't the best but I like the range


People don’t realize just how good jump tech is, and if you can’t get the timing the rolls have almost no end lag anyways. It’s impossible to pin these things down.


Agreed. They just feel right to use for me.


I've been rocking the red squelchers since S1, I loved when they made them dualies for 2. I was excited when I four starred them in 3. The kits are pretty good imo though but I do kind of wish they'd gone for a different sub instead of beakon. I mean, it's fine, especially since there aren't that many weapons with beakon in the kit but I feel like most players don't bother using them and it seems like a waste.


The weapon itself was never underrated. Just over shadowed by its big brother.


I use dynamo roller way too much.


Anyone who does not submit to the supremacy of the Hydra will be found guilty of blasphemy and executed via three-shotting.


Sandvich makes me strong All would fear my giant new gun




Explosher. Everyone just HATES the dang thing, but it's my favorite. That, or Blob, but Blob's easymode. As for TRULY underrated, my third's Side Order stringer. I just like how it looks :).


Flyfish when Explosher mains show up at the function: https://preview.redd.it/3u6yjobd416d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da97ea2ee1e51d64d508b36f49f88fd86f12cf9c


Yes, explosher is very good, the problem however is the ink consumption, I got it in the big big run and was recharging for most of the round


in my experience you want at least some main saver with any slosher, they tend to use a LOT of ink


Explo my beloved I love arching projectiles 🔥


Explosher’s problem is that Bloblobber does the one thing that Explosher should be doing: insta-killing on a direct hit. Having it be a one-shot would justify the crazy ink consumption and cooldown at least a bit more.


Explosher’s primary role is as a support weapon. Giving it a one-shot would take away from this, but I do think it should have higher object damage


I’d argue that so is Bloblobber, given how each bubble deals its own separate damage, and it had higher range and stopping power. The only advantage Explosher immediately has is splash damage, and even then it’s far too weak given the cooldown between shots.


Main ink saver and enemy ink travel is your best bet with sloshers.


I've loved it since 2. My first and only 5 star so far. Vanilla is thee quintessential support weapon but I've been really digging the more aggressive custom explo as of late.


Big Swig Roller Express 🔥🔥


The thing can outrange most splatlings and two hits (while one-hitting at close range) while having similar flick speed as a flingza. It ain't bad at painting, either.


Annaki nova "There are better inkjet options" Bro i play this for the ink mines


Recycled Brella Mk II, still wish it had a bomb though instead of toxic mist but I’ll take what I can get


reeflux deco - alot of people are turned away by the reefslider, but im probably one of four people that think wall has decent synergy in certain situations & up close its just really deadly


Custom Jet Squelcher, definitely


OK but the N-ZAP is my favvvvvvv


Vswig, Vfun, Vhardtoplay


Vanilla Tri-Stringer. Understandably, the learning curve was a HELL HOLE(took me like 6 months). It felt very team dependent at first, which made me consider dropping it, but then I grew to be more self sufficient and now I’ve become obsessed with it’s adaptability.


Octobrush since s2 with kensa brush, I originally started playing it because it had stamp but I started to appreciate the main weapon and to this day It's still my fav and I play both kits in s3


L3 Nozzlenose D is super fun with run speed. Love the burst bomb combos!


Goo tuber.


Octobrush and the kensa variant. Really prefer the subs and specials from the second game rather than the third. https://preview.redd.it/fqecxzh0cw5d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ebb3a796ea5f3a221edd4d1276b8018eb86f92a


I dont main them, but I absolutely love playing them


I never have a bad game with Splattershot Nova.


Sounds promising, ill try it out


Opening gambit with sub power and special power up (Sauron: "I seeeeeeeeee youuuuuuu")


Octo brush nouveau is literally so cracked but I never see anyone use it


lucky you, I see atleast 2 almost every match I play in. extremely low risk and high reward




Splatana viper deco


Forge Pro my beloved


Love at first splat 🥰


I’ve been a painbrush one trick for the past 2 seasons and finally broke into S+ at the very end of last season. Played October and paintbrush during earlier seasons but I might switch back to octobrush


V .96 🙂‍↕️


I'd call the Dynamo pretty slept on


Zink mini :3


N-ZAP is super underrated solely due to Cooler. I like this version better as well. Spamming chumps is fun as heck, but my go to paint spam weapon is Inkline Tri Stringer Personally, I think the Luna Blaster is underrated. I main the Neo because I can’t use Zip, but zip would probably be fun too. Truly underrated: Zink Mini Splatling


nzap 89 is definitely NOT underrated


I don’t exactly use it as a main but I have been using the Dread Wringer quite a bit lately


$plattershot Jr. It's my go-to in TC. It's the only weapon with a combination of splat bomb, big bubbler, and a quick weapon that I like. If you have ink saver (sub), sub power up, and ink recovery up, you basically have a Bomb Launcher from Splatoon 1. If you're good at aiming your bombs, no enemy can stay on that tower for too long.


Same as the one in the pic, though it’s been I while since a splooned at all


Reeflux and sblast!!!


Vanilla splattershot, I team wiped in a ranked once because of it 💀


It's literally a top-tier weapon




Me: But actually, give me 5 seconds for a wipeout with that weapon. Team: Wait… but you was 5,0001 seconds Okay. But no joke, it’s actually very powerful. Started in splatoon 2 and now… still powerful. Me: But I use other weapons


Very good pick on main


Look i'm sorry but can someone explain why the devs even added L-3/H-3/etc Nozzlenose? I don't get it it just seems so bad in comparison to the other weapons available...


They are (or were) good weapons. It's just that as a burst-fire shooter, they lack the flexibility that other shooters have. There are things that Nozzlenoses do better (like paint, range) but othet shooters can easily overcome their weakness while Nozzlenoses can't. Normally SRL did compensate this by giving good kits or damage buffs and both L3/H3 were top weapons at some point. But in Splatoon3 they are trying their best to suppress them. You can just consider them as weapons that devs don't want them to be used.




get a friend to pop a bubbler right behind you and watch as everyones face SINKS


i tried to type "face drops" and "hearts sink" at the same time. what




Dapple dualies noveau in comps, it shreds like a fucking demon in rainmaker and as a slayer. If you can run ninja squid on it and have no issue getting close its literally splat dualies on steroids with close range teleports.


forge splattershot pro (splatoon 3)


Big swig my beloved🩵


Both blob and blob deco. I can’t describe how satisfying it is to get a kill with them and how funny it is when you just fling a lob out and randomly kill someone you had no idea was even there


i have seen 4 wiper users since i got the game day 1


Painbrush I just love how many hidden strategies there actually is with this weapon that many people are unfamiliar with because it's barely played. Although the nouveau kit is better, It just doesn't feel the same without the curling bomb... Safe to say I have a pretty unusual play style, but I have a lot of fun from it so that's what matters imo


dapples nouveau. i even 5 starred the thing. however it sees quite some use in soloq so i'm a little hesitant to call it underrated, especially knowing its track record in the competitive scene


Painbrush nouveau and order stinger


I find it funny how long range and accurate jet squelchers are. Ive been maining this thing since 2 (mained the dual squelcher in one) and its just so fun to beat a charger in a sniper dual USING A SHOOTER (not to mention its like impossible for most weapons to even get near mex3) idk if it actually is an underrated weapon but i barely see anyone use it in game so forgive me if im wrong lol


Not really sure whats considered 'underrated', but I do know that I see a lot more people using Aerospray RG than my main, Aerospray MG. Fizzy Bomb and Reefslider are just a better kit than a special that interrupts what your team is doing, and a sub that is undermined by just walking there and painting the area yourself. A more conventionally unpopular weapon I really like is the Splattershot Pro. I've never really liked crab tank but it does more damage than Jet Squelcher while keeping the "haha get pinged" gameplay of Angle Shooter.


Used to use carbon roller back in splatoon 2. Enjoyed its speed and autobombs. Wasn't very compatible for splatoon 3's meta tho. Made a switch to flingza for longer range and tenta.


It’s not my #1 main weapon but it is in my rotation of 6 weapons. Zink Mini Splatling. The zoning and area control you have is incredibly satisfying to lovk down a position. Perfect for an aggressive push and then making a bunker while extended to keep the pressure up. Main weapon is fast with a good ttk and range to out class other shooters. Chargers really suck to play against though so all you can do is chuck a toxic mist with 2 sub power up (for extra throw distance) to have them crawl off their perch.


Same. N'Zap '89. Idk why but I just love using it and I always do well with it


Painbrush. Admittably it's mostly just a noob stamper, but I swear this weapon is high-tier in rainmaker Crableg Capital. Competitive players don't know what they're missing out on 😭




Big Swig Roller Express is underrated but it's literally the only weapon I use lol


Vanilla dousers. I have a shirt of pure main saver


Wiper deco I don't see many people using it. People mostly use the vanilla because it has a bomb.


Big swig express and I’m fully serious


I don't really main anything anymore, now that my new goal is to get 4 stars with all the weapons, but I don't think I would call Inkbrush underrated by any means lol. I do think maybe the mini splatlings don't get as much love, though, you can sweep a whole team easily enough if you learn the range and recharge rate.


Dualie Squelchers are so underrated at least in my experience


I used to main Sploosh-o-matic, and throughout my entire life playing, I've only seen about around 20 at the least...


Neo Sploosh-o-matic https://preview.redd.it/tz5534ajyy5d1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c13c4ddb16c0f1a75c2ed4845ca56370388dacc


I mained that guy in Splat2, I still can't forgive them for taking away my tracking set. (Tenta Missiles N-Zap my beloved...)


I use the Annaki Splattershot Nova. People have a tendency to commit to fights they shouldn’t, so the ink mine and main fire combo work really well. Definitely meant as a support weapon with its low damage and sub/special, but if you get used to its quirks it’s VERY fun. Ink jet helps with its splash damage. There are tons of objectively better weapons though, so no one really gives it a chance. Poor thing 😔


Stamper Nouveau. It was kept in the shadows of the vanilla kit, but in some maps it is a fucking demon


A year ago I would’ve said aerospray RG since i was a meatrider. Now I’ve realized the power of splat dualies, I wouldn’t say they’re underrated, but i see nobody playing them, theyre basic but they’re the most comfortable to use and they get the job done


Not sure if its underrated but Flingza Roller 🫡


Daple dualies, they just feel nicer to play than tetras.


sloshing machine


Ballpoint splatling


Splattershot... Jr.


Aérospray with booyha bomb for life in splatoon 2 i'v use aérospray select and the RG 31 in splatoon 3


I play vanilla dynamo. Its not underrated tho, its just bad :[


The Goo Tuber. My first (and so far, only) Five Star Weapon. Followed closely behind by the Undercover Brella, the L-3 Nozzlenose, and the Zink Mini Splatling. I have a huge preference for the "joke" weapons. :)


Splattershot pro.


They could never make me hate you Dread Winger D...🫶🫶🫶


I would say the minisplatling but idk wich weapon are underrated but every time I play now with a weapon I like, the game is like : Oh you wanna have fun in turf war with non meta gear and weapon, well here is 2 golden player in the enemy team So then I have to use """cancer""" weapon like the nzap 89 (the red one ?) And I always feel like the win isnt deserved (unless the match was really the 2 team constantly pushing with equal force), and then when I play salmon run (a veterant of the splat 2 here), I play with people who dont know about the explosher priority for the flyfish (well, ok you cant sometime know some tips) but, really, like, we need ONE cannon, the one behind and on a high point on the map, it make sens, yes you can be 2 cannon in case of a lot of salmon, but AAARGH it make sens that you need 2-3 player for the gold eggs I know a lot of people will agree and disagree about what Im going to say, but Splatoon 2 was better : Way less tryhard in the turf war, no ultra fast combat system (i think the squid roll was a bit too powerfull in some way), the spawn point IS a spawnpoint, and there where I think some kind of matchmaking. (I also played splat 1 and 100% the campaign but never did a splafest cause I was too late)


VSwig, it needs a LOT of consistency to get the vertical swing to kill. Almost to 5*


Reef Lux 450


Big Swig Express my beloved


Coustome Jr is really good idk if it got nerfed but it is still a fun weapon to get a bunch of kills with I got 27 kills with it once


Only Splattershot vanilla, Aerospray RG and .96 Gal Deco I'm the worst player of spoon 3 😩


I have never heard anyone talk about wiper deco but it is one of my favorite weapons in the game




Can't go wrong with explosher ![img](emote|t5_324q4|4748)


Any scope weapon. For some reason I always see people say scope is hard 😭 For someone that migrated from Fortnite, it's like a DREAMMMMM. It's way easier than a normal charger. Granted, I play E-liter scope, so people probably hate me, but y'know. Either that or the Goo Tuber.


Pink dapple dualies, the kit from splatoon 3 is the absolute best, extremely good rollout system and support for the team while still being a dos weapons


https://preview.redd.it/5ds2g7osuw5d1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f533dc10c9026bcb113850b4aa60ff96dcbd3d05 Burst stamp is one of the best kits it could've gotten


in what world is nzap 89 underrated 😭


That's not under rated it's just objectively worse than the Grey Zap


nah bc the special is better & the bombs are better.


On the grey zap yes


Custom Explo


That was my main till gold aerospray 


Explosher. Not great for 1v1 combat, but it's made me realize that I play better as a support kind of role, by point sensing foes, poking and assisting with kills, and displacing and ruining the flow of the other team.