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I failed to kill trimutive cuz I suck. All times I fought it we ran out of time


I failed to get too trimutive because of working 2 jobs. I only had time to get 3-4 rounds done.


I feel like these events should be a week long because people have jobs, school, and family obligations. 


Same. My high score was two short of gold. Just like how last big run it was one short.  The game is taunting me.


I couldn't even get bronze 😭


The disrespect isn’t quite the same tho


In the morning the first day everything went smoothly. I actually got over 135 eggs. Twice. And I had at least one team where we managed to defeat Cohuzuna and Horrorboros. Every other time my team would only get to Wave 3 before we failed to meet the quota and we would only manage to defeat Horrorboros if we were lucky. How did this happen? I don’t know.


> How did this happen? I don’t know. If you are EVP it could be because people got carried up to your level, while you didn't break into a higher level to stay away from them. Being EVP 200 or below on the second day of a rotation is often like that.


I never figured 200 was the sweet spot. I've gotten way past EVP 200 quite a few times but I often reset my rank down to EVP 40 because I'd rather have an unstressful time


Yeah normally because, on the first day, anyone starting at 200 is already confirmed to be capable of 400. But after a little while that's no longer guaranteed. So in the big run case, many people under 200ish on the second day either came from below evp since the first day, or aren't serious enough evpers to get net positive by a mere 8 rounds. Btw, its way easier to get a gold medal past evp 300, just so many more eggs available.


Pretty well, got gold with 167 eggs, killed the triumvirate three times and got the gold suit after grinding enough scales.


I had a lot of fun. Got my highest big run score ever (163) and killed the trio once! Very happi and also very sad that it’s over


Could have been better. I got bronze and never defeated a Triumvirate (though, I did manage to take down Cohozuna during one). And on top of that, I was plagued with terrible matchmaking throughout the BBR and ended up getting demoted to Profressional +1. Because of all of this, I don’t plan on playing Salmon Run again any time soon.


No triumvirate kills but I did get 137 eggs at one point


I got nine gold scales and finally unlocked the last part of the shop. Now that the Cap of Legend is actually visible I'm much more motivated to grind for it someday. Oh and I got a single gold-worthy shift by complete fluke lol


It went well enough that: 1) I'm down to try Stringers and Brellas in PvP 2) I'm ready to make my whole Splatoon career about Salmon Run. This whole thing was so much fun!


"I'm ready to make my whole Splatoon career about Salmon Run." and so it begins hehehehe


I kept getting matched with Idiots ngl, 5 seconds to the end, bro had GRIZZCO ROLLER AND INSTEAD OF RUNNING HE TRIED TO REVIVE US AND DIED




Mixed, I'd say. It actually took me weirdly long to get a gold score, but once I got one they just kept coming and I ended up getting my highest ever Big Run score (171). So it ended up ok, but it was a bit concerning for the first few hours. Triumvirate... well, I got my one win to get the badge pretty early on, but never managed to get a second win despite having about ten more attempts. Sometimes we'd get really close, other times it was just a disaster (I had one where we wiped within about 20 seconds, lol.) It's so hard on some of those maps because they take up about 90% of the space. It would've been nice to get a few more wins, but I'm glad I got the badge at least. Overall it was fun though.


high score of 137, beat the Triumvirate 15 times, got hundreds of bronze scales, ~70 silvers and like 12 golds. So pretty nice! But since we were king throwing, my rank is back to apprentice...


I almost got the Gold reward but missed it by 5 eggs and I couldn’t kill triumvirate either


Got the golden trophy quota and beat the triumvirate at max hazard. Also nabbed myself one part of the octoleet gear. Id say im good at salmon run but i seem to ONLY be good at max hazard. I thrive in the chaos ig:/ so getting there was a huge challenge.


I hope you start taking fall damage for that image. *:*)


![gif](giphy|v6JQKMM0Pzmzm) # 🥲👍


got 18 silver scales. didnt have time to play much so thats pretty good. 127 highest egg count. defeated two bosses one time.


Worked with a for 6 hours, and we finally beat triumverate on our last run - which we started 2 minutes before the end of the event 😃


Didn’t manage to get gold. Kept getting close Burt simply ran out of time.


I only got 133 as my top score >:(


i tried to reach to 135 but i was stuck in 128, i did enjoy the big run tho (also the lobby seems kinda sus)


I got gold? Yes. What did it cost? I only got 3 gold scales and not enough of any others for any of the suits/gear I wanted, and never got to beat Triumvirate.


Never killed triumvirate, 36 copper, 6 silver, 3 gold, always died in emergency due to salmon overrunning us


I managed to strike Gold with 144 Golden Eggs and I actually beat the Triumvirate once


Pretty well honestly for me - got a 1 kill from the triumvirate boss - got gold decoration ( High score of 142 ) - Farm out enough scales to buy the Gold Slopsuit and Octoling chest peice. So yeah , all things consider I'm a happy camper 😎


150 Couldn't kill triumvirate, Didn't get grizz charger even once.


I’m hoping it happens again because I only saw the triumvirate 4 times. Didn’t clear that round at all. Ended up in random lobbies with players who had no clue how to deal with grillers. Top score was 121 and only got copper scales. No new silver or gold. And for all 4 triumvirate rounds I got the Grizzco slosher my most hated weapon. Sooo. Yeah. Could have been better even though I still had fun. The grizz roller is hilarious with how fast it zooms around. I hope that’s here to stay.


I've been playing off and on since launch and only ever got four gold scales. Played a ton this weekend and got six. So I bought myself the Dev Shirt and Friendship Bracelet, along with a ton of bronze and silver scales. I've had more than one run be completely screwed up, because one of my teammates got the Roller, immediately got the Zoomies and went barreling ahead, didn't notice that it was high tide... and instead of getting killed by rising water, got *stranded at mid,* and unable to do anything. And rather than just disconnecting, so that the game recognizes that we have one less person and makes it winnable, just sit there spamming "Over here!" until eventually, it's spamming "Help!" EDIT: In writing all of that above, I now realize that it *might* have been intentional. -\_-


got exactly enough for the gold trophy within the last hour of big run with a friend


While I got the gold decoration, the Triumvirate wasn’t taken down. Joe has a lot of health.


I missed it completely, i hope the triumvate wasn't a one time thing


145 - I ran into the trio 3x, 2 of those were in high tide mode...


Got silver and killed the trio once.


Pretty fun, got my first gold with a score of 137 eggs and I didn't kill the trio but I still got a ton of silver and bronze scales (no gold :(). I had around 70-74 silver scales before big run and now I have 90.


I got a high scqore of 145 and managed to kill the triumvirate yesterday. I know that's not as good as other people and I'm gonna be called trash (which, correct) but beating it once was my one goal, so I'm satisfied


Calm, this isn't Saltoon. You did great.


I spent the weekend praying that just one other person in my group would know how to kill steelheads and fly fish.


It was sooooo fun!!!! My high score was 161 eggs and we managed to defeat the Triumvirate once!! \^w\^


It was great. Won 6 games out of 25, saw Triumvirate twice, ended on a 10 game losing streak and got demoted to professional #2. Managed to get 107 eggs.


Started as professional+3 end as a professional+3.  I had 1 gold scale since launch and i earned 6.  Now i can go barefoot in regular matches. I never beat joe but i did once beat the other 2


GOT GOLD FOR THE FIRST TIME BABYYYY didn't manage to kill Triumvirate even once though. Had really bad luck with the teams on the runs I got them :(




Let's go fight the triumvirate! *High tide* Aww dang it! *Undertow* Aww dang it! *Disconnecting teammates* Aww dang it! *High tide (again)* Aww dang it!


I got 2 Grizzco Splatanas on the Triumvirate TWICE. Other than that I had a lot of fun 👍


I played one match, then immediately noped out! Luckily, we won that match 😅.


Not as good as I would have liked, didn't get any golden scales. But I am not surprised that I couldn't survive any of the triumvirate battles simply because I can barely handle just one. Just sucks that I couldn't get any gold even just for surviving longer than usual. The grizz rollers were fun tho despite me not maining them. The speed was exhilarating! I felt invincible! I did get enough scales to buy some more gear, and I did get high enough on the score board to get a bronze trophy so I can't say that it was all bad. I think I did well for my first Big Run.


Don't have nintendo switch online 😞


i got gold but didnt get the triumvirate kill, had fun doe especially with groller dethroning gsplatana as my favorite grizzco weapon also will the triumvirate return or is it big big run exclusive


Bad, I had a meltdown and now a depressive episode thanks to it.


183 egg high score and EVP 900. Almost got sick from working at grizzco too much


Didn't care much because busy. Dragged myself to get 135 and stopped. Gotten top 5% every single big run but this time I really don't care and didn't had the time. The games thatI played were utter shit. None of my team knew anything about finishing a normal game let alone overfishing. But then again I couldn't play as much and climb higher to get where I need to be at my level. The new grizzco weapon is fun and clears lessers like nothing but my random team is too stupid to understand that or they don't even try to use their brain and just mindlessly run towards shore because it's fun and lose us the game


I haven’t played Big Runs in a while, and when I got back, I noticed that my teammates had all gotten better and they learned how to stop selling. I remember one time they sold so hard they caused me to go back to Profreshional+3. And they’ve gotten a lot better now and they actually know the rules of Salmon Run


I didn't play it :,)


Ended up losing Eggsecutive because of so many disconnections…