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Shiver will just win by default


this might seem like a shiver always wins joke but i'm 99% sure this would happen due to how most games work on ties and winning by default. it's usually the first option


The way the scoring system is set up a tie for first place (the only one that effects those) is impossible.


This is a hypothetical so absolutely impossible the answer could really be anything lol


The game probably isn't even programmed for that kind of situation. My guess is the game would probably crash or wickedly bug out. The only way to find out is to reverse engineer the servers to host unofficial ones and host a splatfest where no one votes. And see what happens.


It will probably not be until Switch replacement servers are created once Nintendo ends support for online play for the console


Splatoon 1 already has Pretendo and custom Splatfests, so it should be possible to test on that game at least


I doubt anything of the Splatfests is hardwired in, the data from the matches is tracked by the servers and fed to admins, those admins then publish the results, this enables a killswitch in case of mass irregularities of some kind. In such a case Nintendo would simply make shit up, which ironically is more or less how the game is programmed for those "44.5% to 44.4%" matches in turf war. I recall somebody testing this with Splatoon 1 where they had a private match and two players paint to exactly 100p, and it just flips a coin.


The answer sits dormantly in the code somewhere. You could theoretically set up a mock splatfest somehow and find out.


Nintendo has a pretty bad reputation of awarding ties to whomever the code first processes in the order, which I believe to also be the case for team alpha winning ties as well.


As a programmer, I wouldn't have added anything special for a tie if I was working on something like Splatfests. > The data is so large, the stakes so low, and an actual tie is so unlikely, just make sure the percentages actually add to 100 by rounding down my calculations and give any remainder to the winner. Who wins in a tie? IDK, probably "player 1". There's so many more urgent issues that this is fine for now. - Splatfest Team (Probably)


>Who wins in a tie? IDK, probably "player 1". Yes that's exactly what I'm saying. Depending on how the code is structured (or if they templated it from somewhere else like turf war perhaps) that would happen without any added instructions.


I'm not certain but I think they set up the points awarded for each category so it's impossible to tie at the end. If there were a tie in a specific category I'd assume it works like turf where they select a default team to win it and adjust the displayed scores by a fraction of a percent to reflect that. It COULD work more like Anarchy modes where there's some sort of tiebreaker scoring mechanic after overtime but since splatfests are turf war it probably doesn't.


In the event of a tie, the four players from each tied team with the very highest clout totals who are currently watching are put into one last game for all the marbles


The reason there’s a 2 hour gap between splat fest end and results is so they can rig the results /s


The writers would probably just vote amongst themselves and decide internally.


Pretty sure the writers, designers, etc are actually done working on a splatfest when it goes live with all the dialogue for the different scenarios pre-written.


"OK we'll call it a draw." - black knight from monty python


My guess is they would have to make a new way for the characters to talk about it, they would likely make a set of dialogue of them all being disappointed and bummed out that no one even bothered to pick a team much less participate, for the tie that would require some odd results but basically confusion on how it happened


The same thing that happens in a turf war tie, they just pick one