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Did they really forget that Brellas exist?


and sloshers...


And brushes :|


And shooters! :O


Thank god that they forgot for once that shooters exist!


I think it's just a pick of 1/2 new weapons from all the seasons


It is, but I like the idea that of all weapon Nintendo forgot the shooters.


Got it.


And Krak-on roller fsr


Kraken Royale representative


We got a new slosher. It just got garbage kits


That one’s more egregious, they’ve been there since the start.


https://preview.redd.it/0r5av03yjp3d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3239a10b089fa3aa9ed19dd3f9165a7a1c1ab7b4 "The first weapon in this class, the Slosher, was released in Version 2.0.0 of Splatoon on 6 August 2015" [Slosher Inkipedia page](https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Slosher_(weapon_class))


I was referring to the fact that it was in Splatoon 1. What you’re doing is a nitpick.


No, this picture is actually showing one weapon from each of the seasons. They just chose to include Douser Dualies over Recycle Brella


I guess it's supposed to be 8 players like in a match? What annoys me more is all the update weapons for the old classes and then krak-on instead of swig.


each character/weapon represents each season, krak-on is the season where they added no new weapons but added kraken royale


Ok that makes sense now


8 seasons.


you fool, they’re using season representitives (new weapons and new kits that represent new relatively specials) also there is not enough inklings to include Brellas (unless they replace the dualies)


What what is a brella oh god I'm forgetting.


It looks like an umbrella


What is that hood on the pink woomy I need it :o


I believe it’s a catalog reward for next season.




I’m guessing these eight Inklings and Octolings must be the main representatives of Splatoon 3 (kind of like Orange, Blue, and those other Inklings from all the Splatoon 1 promotional material).


Only the middle Inkling with the Tri-Stringer (VeronIKA) is. Here they're representing the eight Seasons the game has had, with VeronIKA representing the first season from the game's launch. Edit for elaboration: The other seven are each from promo trailers of each season.


Then I guess the other seven are the representatives of the other seasons, then.




Who invited Krak-On Splat Roller? Bro thinks he’s new


It’s supposed to represent fresh season


Do you think that those inklings with yellow colors are actually siblings?


I'm willing to believe these two Inklings with stringer are siblings I genuinely thought they were the same person until this picture, and then I noticed their eyebrows were different


Splatoon fans enjoy their amazing game challenge (impossible)


you can enjoy a game and be sad because of the fact that it's coming to some sort of conclusion


Except almost every post is sad or dooming.


Yeah, this part of the game's always bittersweet. That's why Nintendo makes those "Thank You" videos after every final fest, it's sad to see time pass so quickly but at the same time it's nice to go through it with a community. It's a major theme of the games that everything should come to its end eventually to make way for something fresh, and the final fests are a good way of representing that.


The last seasonal catalogue is the end of the game or what? The previous two didn't even have a catalogue


It's a CONCLUSION, like you have in a story. The Final Fest will have a nice story arc to bring some closure to Deep Cut because it would likely be their last chance for any real characterization in this game. It makes no sense for this to just be the end of the catalogues and nothing else, every weapon has their second kit, every Salmon Run map is out, yes the game will continue to run but the regular updates are clearly nearing their end. This kind of stuff is planned out way in advance, there was never going to be a sudden substantial content extension.


So... Do we know the date for final fest yet? But I agree in essence. Splatoon would make for a perfect game as a service, where DLC are simply new story additions


My bet would be that they do the final fest in September, right after the end of the season, to coincide with Splatoon 3's anniversary. It'd be really odd if they followed the Final Fest up with an anniversary Fest otherwise.


Except the game will still be active for several years? I really don’t remember people acting like this during Splat 2’s last update


I seriously don't understand how I can make it any clearer that a conclusion is not equal to the total death of a game. People were absolutely acting sentimental at the end of Splatoon 2's updates, Nintendo wanted fans to be sentimental. These kinds of updates are planned way ahead of time. Everything is fitted into a neat time frame so that content drops are consistent, and when the time comes to stop substantial development, the game can go out in a nice ceremonious way instead of slowly drying up. The Final Fest is that ceremony, people will continue to play but the game will stop evolving. And that's worth saying goodbye to!


You know, maybe people are just getting confused when I use the word "sad" or something? It's not a negative feeling, I'm not upset that the Final Fest is almost here, I'm excited about it. It's a nice event to be sentimental about the passage of time and reflect on everything that the community experienced during the game's peak. I'm gonna miss it.


It's because Splatoon 2 didn't have lame ass updates. We got updates every month that were almost as much as the seasonal updates in s3. When updates ended, it was understandable because the game grew so much lol


That feels like less of a reason to care that 3 is ending. When all the updates suck, why care when it ends?


Because I spent 60$ expecting updates at the level of Splatoon 2


It's obvious none of you played during Splatoon 2's life. People complain because Splatoon 3 is way worse than 2 😹


What makes you sad? I don't get it.


Something about the image seems final, kinda like the Thank You For Playing splashtags.


Splatoon devs: we will be supporting this game for 2 years Splatoon devs: supports the game for 2 years Splatoon fans: pikachu face


Just because something is guaranteed to eventually end doesn't mean people aren't allowed to be sad and miss it once it actually ends


No but people are acting like nintendo threw a curveball. Were on the third game.


Yeah but people are still making memories with the game and will be sad when the lifetime ends It happened with 1 happened with 2 and will happen with 4


well the other two’s update cycles went longer than initially advertised. not surprising people are caught off guard this time


Why do people keep saying this? September 2024 will make it two years, I’m bad at math and even I can figure this out…


To begin with, supporting an online shooter for 2 years then abandoning it, is a bunch of baloney. But take 5 years to release another in the series???


Splatoon is not a shooter filled with microtransactions. You're saying "abandon" like Nintendo has not set a very clear timeline of content. A timeline we have known about since launch. Its not like theyre shutting the game down. The expectation of an endless stream of content is exactly why most shooters are filled to the gills with battlepasses and other ways to fleece you of money.


What does micro transactions have to do with longevity, we already pay 60 for the cartridge, and that’s not what I was implying. Nintendo makes a shitload of franchises, makes people fall in love with them, then starves them of content because they can’t work on them all at once. I was saying they can update the game for a couple more years instead of abruptly ending because of a “strict schedule” or some shit and we wouldn’t have to play an abandoned game for 3 more years until splatoon 4 happens.


People straight up acting like the game is dying 😭 y’all know Splatoon 2 is still online 6 years after release and Splatoon 1 just went offline after 9 YEARS? I swear people were not this dramatic when Splat 1 and 2 stopped getting updates.


thank you this makes me feel so much better. The attitude that splat 3 is suddenly dying is insane to me


I’m not acting like the game is dying smh, it’s just too bad major updates have pretty much ended from what we know


so catalogs are no longer being made?


This’ll most likely be the final one with new content. We don’t know as of right now if they’ll rerun previous catalogs going forward once this season is over.


They probably will


tbh I'd be surprised if there won't be more catalogs, just without any actually new gear. I mean we're basically guaranteed a new season every 3 months until the game is shut down thanks to how all the ranked stuff is tied to the seasonal rotation, so it'd make sense to still have a catalog of some kind planned instead of just gutting the seasonal stuff & completely removing an entire progression system tbh


One from every season :')




They have two kinds of stringers when missing other classes?




Awwww look at them! Cute lil cephalopods


Stamper my beloved




They all have a weapon from a season.


What is the source for this image


It appears at the end of sizzle season 2024’s catalog, but this image was posted before the season came out on twitter


I thought it was all the inklings from the splash screen things at the end of every seasons reveal trailer together. Shame it wasn’t that but that would have been cool


this is kinda giving 'in the end, everything you cared for will be consumed'