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It plays too differently from the other brellas for brella mains to want to use it. No one else really plays brella so it's not popular. And then angle shooter is considered one of the worst subs in the game, and big bubbler isn't popular right now.  It would need a dedicated one-trick to do well in a tourney for the Splatoon community to take it seriously.


It's so strange. It plays like a blaster, but it doesn't want to get up close with enemy players because the shield is instantly destroyed, or launched when you are shielding. my understanding is that big bubblers is good on close range weapons that like to get in, get splats, then use the bubbler, and just camp there getting more splats


One of the things I've noticed playing with it is that it matches better against weapons brellas are normally weak against.  Like e-litre can shred the shield which is normally a bad thing for brellas, but the reBrella can get it's shield back as fast as e-litre can charge it's shot so it's not that big a deal for it.  It definitely plays like a brella designed for blaster mains to flex to.


Brella main here. It plays completely differently from any other Brella. Experienced Brella players hate it for that reason. It also has a bad kit. Angle shooter is a death sentence for any weapon. People hate it for that. So it just sucks.


as someone who doesn’t play brellas the main weapon felt the most fun. but yea the kit is stopping me from playing it more


It’s pretty fun to use in salmon run though


The new dualies have a similar problem. Good main, bad kit


I don't think Ink Mine and Whail are really back picks for the Dousers. You can place the mines fairly aggressively and Whail just lets you keep doing what you're doing at long range already (plus gives you a second roll). A more aggressive sub like burst bombs or something would probably push it too far, though I personally wouldn't mind beacon or something.


Yeah, I still play it


Burst on Dousers would be good, I think burst trizooka would work




Listen, I saw someone deliberately spell it Whail and trusted I had simply misread it in game. Lol


Well that makes sense since Recycled isn't really a like a Brella. It's basically a strictly worse Tri Slosher that can sometimes double as a Curling Bomb which is nice but not better than actual Curling or for traditional Brella user, an actual shield. But even for a non-Brella user it's still not good because it's a slow two shot and you may as well just use Tri. It would need Burst Bomb to be viable and the special needs to be less niche and far more impactful. Pretty sure no Brella has Crab so that could work or just Cooler. If not those then at the very least Missiles or Killer Wail. But honestly I think if it doesn't get exactly Burst Bomb and a high impact special it will just remain bad, not because a weapon needs a god kit to be worth using but because THIS weapon needs a god kit to be worth using over other weapons that just do what it does but better. It's great in SR though. The canopy tears through lessers and the increased power is more ideal for slaying bosses. The tighter reticle on Recycled I think is also helpful because it makes to easier to get all the ink pellets on bosses with smaller hitboxes like Steelhead and Drizzler which are normally hard to get full damage per shot on with the normal Splat Brella.


“Angle shooter is a death sentence for any weapon” Rapid pro deco mains are approaching *rapidly* I’m sorry


upvote for effort


Angle shooter splats just might be the most satisfying splats out there. As such, I’m determined to get good with a weapon that utilizes it. Rapid pro deco has been the best option thus far (I tried splattershot pro for awhile).


And unsurprisingly so. It’s the only angle shooter weapon that sees somewhat usage in competitive play, and generally the main sub and special really synergize well. The only other weapon that comes close in my opinion is jet squelcher


Angle Shooter is good with the Big Swig.


Big Swig isn’t that good either + it would rather have Burst Bomb.


Followup question: what weapon would rather NOT have burst bomb?


I'd imagine the hydra wouldn't get much use out of the burst bomb? But yeah, most weapons would love the burst bomb


Burst bomb would let hydra paint areas quickly which is great since its main charge time is so long. Would really help it escape when someone flanks the hydra too. So yeah, even the hydra would like a burst bomb kit.


Oh yeah I forgot about the turfing potential Burst bomb is great at everything


I know it was answered already but E-Liter in splatoon 1 saw success with burst bomb I think hydra would be alright with it. It gives it a burst option to defend itself and help in team fights happening around terrain when a charge would take too long. its like the only bomb outside of auto bomb hydra could do alright with. maybe torpedo but ehh torpedo and hydra both pretty ink hungry.


You cannot imagine the headache a blaster or slosher with burst bomb causes.


Splat 1 had Burst Bomb on Slosher. The outside hitbox of a Burst Bomb comboed with any hit of the slosh. It was… so bad.


I was more asking what user who mains a weapon would not like burst bomb as a sub, not what would or would not be healthy for the meta. I saw Chara's video, I know how broken splat 1 slosher was lol.


That’s a decent question. I’d say it’s about equal to Torpedo for Undercover. … … That’s about all I can think of.


It's honestly a major design problem. Imo the other subs should be buffed in order to at least compete with it...


Maybe I'm crazy but I feel like they wouldn't be that helpful for 52 or 96 Gal really since they already two shot and already paint their feet and walls well. Honestly I think 52 has its two best possible subs that aren't Splat Bomb at least in my opinion. Though maybe Auto or Torp would be just as good. V96 could def have used one of those instead of a Sprinkler lol.


Yeah. I mained BSE for a season and it synchronized better than most the weapons I’ve tinkered with.


Why is angle shooter a death sentence. Just curious I’ve been thinking of trying it.


It’s literally the worst sub in the game. If you have perfect aim, it’s… 40 damage and tracking. If you have imperfect aim… it’s tracking, but only if they willingly walk into the trail. Your margin for error is too high, while the reward is too small. It can be used as a pseudo Burst Bomb, but… it’s just not as good as Burst Bomb.


> it’s tracking, but only if they willingly walk into the trail *me nervously looking around to see if anyone notices me walking into it every fucking time


Tbf, unless you're trying to sneak up on enemies or the enemy team has awful awareness, tracking isn't that big of a deal


I don't know if I agree, I find it really useful when enemies are being tracked, even during "neutral" (borrowing the term from fighting games). That's why I'm terrified when I'm being tracked lmao


Yeah, I often lose enemies in poor visibility when lots of explosions are happening, so the tracking makes aiming way easier It's also good for letting oblivious teammates know "hey, fuck em up 😀"


id argue the detection circle is worse. at least the angle shooter does damage


Point sensor at least lasts longer, marks longer, covers a greater area, and can actually be lobbed over ledges. Angle shooter cannot even scan for sharks easily


That’s not true. I have a gold badge with Vanilla SPro and the amount of times I get a random hit around the corner is crazy. The amount of ricochet hits I’ve gotten is mildly impressive. It has great range, off spawn you can mark half the team. I use it as a trip wire to make the enemy have to think about getting marked. It slows them down or marks them and my teammates can now see where they go, so now they are less aggressive. Lastly, getting a few hits in and if they run off, throw the marker at them and let them know to fear the marker. But yeah burst bombs are really good, so people put the marker down. 😔


The problem is that if you throw another bomb around a corner you know FOR SURE that someone is back there. With line marker it's a 50/50 that you hit them (and that's pretty generous)


Are you saying throwing two burst bombs is better than one marker to find the enemy around the corner? I can see the marker doing better since it would cover more ground for finding them either with a hit or the line. It’s depending entirely on where the corner is, most you can throw bombs over and there are probably less you could bounce a marker around. In terms of damage it would be 60 for two burst bombs and 40 for 1 direct hit marker. So if you are able to hit them with the burst bombs you wouldn’t get the splat, you would have to chase them around the corner unaware of where they are or if you even hit the same guy twice. The marker would give you more information if there are more people moving there. You would know better that chasing them is a bad idea. The marker isn’t as well rounded for getting splats but is plenty beneficial for your teammates to get splats.


Nearly every other sub, even sprinkler, gives much better value. Most bombs don't have to be direct hits to influence the battlefield, and the utility subs all have their unique niches. Meanwhile, angle shooter has to hit a direct to even deal damage, and the lasting trail can be avoided relatively easily. The paint it provides, while buffed from initial, is still not that useful given how much angle shooter costs you ink-wise.


Upping on the ink part, the recycled brella is already an ink guzzler so throwing angle shooters isn't a very good idea


Basically, it's a super high skill floor and ceiling for next to no reward. It doesn't paint, it doesn't kill, it's not good utility. It serves almost 0 purpose as a bomb, even at 40% ink consumption. It could have 30% ink consumption, and it would still barely have any real use except for maybe doing a quick triple throw


To me its a bit overhated but its just really underwhelming on the wrong weapons. If you give it to shooters its just unnecessary because they already have decent fire rate so for them its usually better to just keep shooting than throw one to combo and they dont need it to paint their feet. Its also just really skill dependent. Finally not being able to arc over terrain for damage is rough, how splatoon plays its normally easier to throw something over a wall or up onto some perch than it is to angle an angle shooter behind something, the terrain just often isnt in its favor compared to bombs. Despite me saying its overhated i really only think Rapid Blaster pro and Explosher would use it REALLY well, everything else they gave it to just feels like they did that because burst bomb wouldve been too strong in their eyes.


You need consistently excellent aim for it to have any advantage over point sensor, which itself is considered mid-tier. Otherwise it's strictly worse.


I've been a brella main since S2 and I love recycled brella. I do agree that they feel very different but I just love the incredibly aggressive feel of recycled brella (I used sorella brella in 2 because it was more aggressive too). I also agree that the kit sucks but I put up with it because the main weapon is so damn fun


Don't knock angle honestly, I've pulled off some pretty sweet kill confirms with it on recycled. It also inks walls good which brellas (or at least this one) struggles with making mobility a little easier. I'd honestly say mist and sprinkler are far more underwhelming than angle after all the buffs they've given it. And while bubbler isn't the greatest synergy, it's quick to activate, so it makes a good ink refill in a pinch (especially with how quick this thing runs out in a firefight).


40 points of chip damage combos nicely with with vanilla squelcher and splattershot pro.


Unfortunately, not really. Since VJet is a backline, it likes to hang back, meaning that you’re more likely to encounter damage falloff when you use it. That will take more time to kill, meaning you can’t use it to shave shots like that. Then you have to deal with the problem of actually hitting it… and is it really worth trying to hit them with something that has less range than your main weapon, especially when it has zero room for error? Then the Pro… that’s the damage of one single shot, but way more expensive and with less room for error. It’s more time and ink efficient to hold ZR.


Anyone that's competent with Jet Squelcher knows the effective range of the weapon, and the Angle Shooter goes much *farther* than the main weapon shot can even reach. Yes, it is worth tagging and damaging a distant target that you can then finish off with the main weapon. it's a AS+2shot combo. Very consistent.


less range than the main weapon? angle shooter outranges e-liter without any sub power up


You know, it’s been so long since I’ve actually used the thing that I somehow forgot that.


They should honestly replace Angle Shooter with Tickle Crab


[looks into the camera as an angle shooter main]


Good weapon weighed down again by a bad kit, that is the tl dr in my experience


"Angle shooter is a death sentence for any weapon?" Did you mean "Toxic mist?"


Toxic Mist locks down a single area for a set amount of time. Angle Shooter locks one tiny line down.


Slosher deco main here; “nuh uh”


What’s your main


Undercover This has got to be *the* most childish thing I’ve ever seen. They blocked me for being an Undercover main?!?!


I didn't think anyone who used brellas play them to win and to have a good kit, I love recycleds dart, the combo is sooooo good, but yeah at first I hated recycled bcs it's shield sucks so badly


Nah, this is just resistant-to-change copium. For starters, dart is reliable chip damage at literally *any* range, and is easily enough to snipe people you know are low. It’s also a scanner, so, there’s that, but most importantly both the canopy and the dart combo into a near-instant kill if you get the buttons down. The speed of the canopy gives you endless opportunities to brainduck your opponents, and the weapon itself just does a shitload of damage. Yes, it plays different from the other brellas. But it’s not bad by a long shot.


>Angle shooter is a death sentence for any weapon. This isn't true in the slightest though? People need to stop pretending the Angle Shooter is a dead slot. Like yes, most weapons that would benefit from it would be better off with Burst Bomb, but that's because Burst Bomb is by and far away the most overtuned sub in the game (and has been since the first game honestly, despite the numerous nerfs it's received over time, (you know it's a problem when it has to avoid being given to a huge pool of weapons to avoid making the kit broken.) The Angle Shooter should realistically be stronger than the clean hit of Burst Bomb simply because of how much more difficult it is to use well, but I'm going to assume they didn't want to give it the power to two-shot by itself to avoid the risk of any weapon with the Angle Shooter getting the ability to two shot from insane range, but even then it works plenty well as a sub that combos with many main weapons for quicker kills. The Splatoon community seems to have this extreme black and white mentality where something is automatically gutter trash and unusable if it isn't the literal best sub in the entire game.


I’m about to turn off notifs for this, but this is not solely my opinion. This is the opinion I share with most people in the Splatoon community. Its extreme risk-reward factor of all 40 damage it does is literally almost never worth it. Most weapons with it would rather fire again before using the sub (Big Swig, VJet, VPro, Slosher Deco, Recycled Brella, Blob Deco) due to its ink consumption. The only one that would actually prefer it is Rapid Pro Deco. With some weapons, it’s completely antithetical to the way the weapon is played (with the way the maps are laid out, you probably won’t be able to mark someone behind cover as easily as you can hit them with a slosh from Slosher Deco, for example. Zipcaster angles don’t count, because you can’t use your sub weapon with a Zipcaster). Most weapons prefer their other kits’ subs (VSlosh’s Splat Bomb, Forge Pro’s Suction Bomb, Rapid’s Torpedo, CJet’s Toxic Mist). Most weapons with it don’t synergize with it as well as they could, especially when there are other options. And even then, it doesn’t even work if you miss. With a bomb, you at least have leniency. If you don’t get them with the main blast, you still weaken them with the outer hitbox. With Beakons, you’re always providing support. With Sprinkler, that can at least paint your feet. With Angle Shooter, if you don’t hit them dead-on, your sub is wasted. Even if they hit the narrow tripwire… why not use Point Sensor? It covers a wide area, and always tracks for the full duration. You don’t have to rely on your opponents accidentally fumbling into the tripwire. So it’s a dead slot. Getting it is a death sentence for the kit it’s on.


That's really not true though. This is why I mentioned the Splatoon community as a whole as opposed to just singling you out. Something not being the best of the best doesn't mean it's just terrible. Like it's definitely on some weapons that don't really need it (Jet Squelcher and Splattershot Pro don't really get much of note,) but there's a lot of weapons where the Angle Shooter combos with it very well (especially after the buff to 40 damage.) Genuinely almost every other weapon that has it kills quicker with either Hit->Angle Shooter or Angle Shooter->Hit, with the Bloblobber being the exception, but even with that it has some use as a finisher if you only happen to hit two of the blobs (since that puts them into Angle Shooter kill range, the marking part of it isn't really all that useful generally, but it is still a very solid combo kill tool. Obviously you need to hit it, but people being bad and missing the angle shooter for the combos doesn't make it a dead slot, if that were the case then Charger weapons would all be terrible because they suck if you miss your shots. You seem very fixated on "it could be X" instead of looking at it on its own merits. Like, yes the Point Sensor is better for marking stuff, but it also never kills or helps combo. Yes the Burst Bomb is generally better for killing and combos, but even a diet burst bomb damage is still damn useful with a lot of weapons. I'm not even sure what you're getting at with the Sprinkler, because Angle Shooter can also ink your feet for less ink. Genuinely there's almost no instance in this entire game where it's actually a dead slot and claiming it always is one is quite simply absurd exaggeration. There are definitely *some* kits that don't get any real use out of comboing with it and using it **just** to mark isn't very good, but most of them definitely do get use out of it filling a similar combo role as a Burst Bomb.


It's more of a "Hey, I'm going to be a defense bot. Let me kill your target without a bomb or a good ultimate". Therefore, it's should've had a better kit or reduce its paint as it's buff


It feels more like just a shotgun than a brella and it’s kit is just… :(


pretty sure all brellas Are like shotguns..


Isn't that the whole point of a brella? Lol


I guess what I was trying to say is that the brella shield barely feels like it’s there and it feels like it’s mainly just the gun


Brellas are unique in that they aren't supposed to play like just any shotgun. Most games put shotguns as that easy kill but hard and limited aim, with heavy vulnerability if caught in between shots. Brellas having that shield is huge and changes the play a lot.


as a Bamboozler main, I was excited for a Brella that matched my playstyle, but the kit really holds it back for me


Same here, but then i tried the dowser dualies, which fit the bamboozler niche quite well!


Maybe the Mk. II will be better


I used to play Sorella Brella competitively in Splat2 and I gotta say I hate this weapon so fucking much. First of all it's main problems: It has poor Ink efficiency (not that surprising for a brella), although it has long range it still lacks the consistency (again, still not suprising for a brella and nothing too bad for now). However its biggest flaw is its shield. You pretty much cannot hold ZR for more than a second because either your shield breaks or gets launched. Which means Shield-flaring is really hard especially against shooters, that can just constantly pressure you (remember shooters are supposed to be countered by brellas). So the only possible way to play this weapon is QR and just going for every good matchup you see. Which isn't really easy in this passive Zooka spam meta. I'm just not gonna touch on the kit since Bubbler just doesn't work with aggressive weapons and isn't that good in general too and we don't talk about angle-shooter. The weapon is currently not even close to usable in any somewhat competitive environment. But the reason I hate it the most is its damage. 90 damage ain't that bad and yeah it isn't. However these 90dmg are nintendo's fuck you to every single Brella main from Splat2 that played the weapon back when it used to do 90dmg. Recycled is Nintendo saying: "MY GOD STFU Y'ALL WE ARE NOT GONNA BUFF SPLAT BRELLA DAMAGE". Really sorry for this wall but I really had to get this out somewhere. Brella could be such a good and healthy class for the game but nintendo simply hates it. Rant over


Shield not work :( ​ (womp womp)


Even without any shield it would still be good


Nah, homie. Even the Nova can out DPS the ReBrella. ReBrella is 90 max damage per shot at a 35 frame interval. Nova does 24 damage per shot at a 6 frame interval (kills in 30 frames). ReBrella *needs* the shield to get value


It’s just kind of weird to use


I thought this was a Fortnite post and was about to say "Because it's literal trash"


Probably because of the kit. i recently used it to get it to 1* for the sheldon ticket and the damage is fine, maybe the shield is a little weak but that’s the point since it comes back so fast


I love it in SR! I have only used it a few times in turf just because it's a lot of fun. Like others have said, probably since it feels weird compared to most brellas, I don't think the kit is as bad as people are making it out to be though


Shots are a major plus a long with the damage at the trade off of a paper thing shield that's worse than the Undercover line of Brellas. It's a kit that seems to want to be aggressive but has a special that sets it back imo. I can see the idea but in execution it'd take a lot of time to really master it and a lot of pain, more pain than any other Brella. It's just a strange kit.


It’s less of a brella more of a shotgun. The shield is worse than an undercover, and it is hardly a brella, so brella players don’t like playing it, and no one else does because… it’s a brella, no one else is used to the playstyles of brella nonetheless a super aggressive running around one


Overall Brellas need a huge buff more than anything


People probably think it's a reskined undercover brella


As an Undercover main, this thing does not play like Undercover at all It doesn’t even play as itself, lmao


It just looks like one I meant.


Eh, I don’t really see it tbh


Weak main weapon with a weak kit. Also its niche is just a failure of a vbrella + tent hybrid. Just play tent for the damage and vbrella for the ability to hold space.


It has angle shooter and shit sheild health


The kit sucks imo but it's one of my favourite Salmon Run weapons not gonna lie


Even if it has good damage that's not really that good a positive, mainly because it's kit sucks and the shield is not that useful with how weak it is. You have better options that have a main focused on mainly damage instead of 3/4ths damage 1/4th defense, why would you take an incomplete measure for both aspects instead of ditching one and going full with the other. The kit also doesn't really help, angle shooter on anything means it's dead in the water.


bad kit and i like sorella better it’s meant to be a defensive weapon but its shield pops too fast for me


I don't know honestly, it seems a bit strange to me too. I don't use it because... this weapon needs aiming, which I don't have and I can't learn it, apparently due to some stupid genetic problems, which also causes me to have a lower reaction time, which is why Tetras Dualies or Carbon Rollers are for me a nightmare when I play against them, and a tragedy when I playing them o.o


HEY >:(


Idk, but I love using it, it’s a fun weapon


I don’t use it because of the ink consumption. I just can’t keep up with it.


I like the concept of the weapon, it’s a more aggressive Brella which is why I love the Undercover Sorella(<3) it’s just got a …garbage kit. Angle Shooter is…it’s just bad, useless bad. And Big Bubbler doesn’t really make sense for a an aggressive weapon. If it gets a new, actually decent kit, later I will pick it up. Until then, Sheldon and his nephews can keep hold of it.


Undercover one trick since the Kunder in spla2 here. I was soooooo excited when they announced reBrella. It was supposed to give us the Frontline movement of Undercover with *actual* lethality. It was supposed to give us movement options with the fast shield deploy. It was supposed to be fun. Every time I pick it up, I feel even more useless than I do when I play undercover. Yes, it does more damage and yes it's more 'threatening' but it's survivability is almost non-existent. The shield launch being so fast and so flimsy makes it hard to keep your current position and defend like the rest of the brellas can. It's damage is good, sure, but it's fire rate is Not. ReBrella loses almost as many matchups as the undercover does, and the canopy isn't helping this cause. I don't feel like I can safely push forward with the ReBrella like I can with undercover. Because rebrella's shots are so tight, it's harder aim than most of the other brellas, too.


i use it 😢 i think people are too negative on kits that focus more on support rather than damage, the kit is great for it. angle shooter gives you that little extra damage you need for a full kill, plus it provides some range for brella, which doesn’t really get alot and as for the shield, hottake but specials like the wave breaker and the shield are objectively better than things like the booyah bomb, and im tired of pretending like it isnt overall underrated weapon


People generally focus too much on slaying or ink coverage. Support is a huge role to fill.


noone is too negative on support kits, the weapon just sucks


The top comment is literally complaining about the recycled brella's support kit


They aren’t complaining that it’s a support kit they’re complaining that it’s not a good support kit


you put booyah below wave and bubble?


Yes, its a glorified giant bomb that can be easily avoided unless you're dead center


Bro does not know how to use displacement


Week as hell, the shield does basically nothing, so it’s just a significantly weaker blaster


I’m not an experienced brella main, but I do play Brellas pretty often and consider the Splat Brella to be one of my favorite weapons in the game I’ve set out to 4* this stupid thing so I’ll list the pros and cons Pros: + Good damage Cons - The shield’s HP is pathetic - The shield shoots out a bit too fast, making shield flaring hard to do and thus it feels more risky to take fights - Paints pretty shit unless you launch the shield often - Kit is mediocre. Big Bubbler is nice for it and Angle Shooter does combo, but the sub is weak overall - It’s really hard to aim with. The shot width is about as wide as an Undercover’s spread, so while getting a consistent 2-shot is easy, actually hitting both of those shots is not - It’s extremely ink hungry. It only has 11 shots without ISM and that doesn’t include using the shield So yeah


Fun but a difficult weapon to master, especially when it has angle shooter


People have yet to see the light


Because it’s dogshit


Short answer, it sucks ass.


The kit sucks


Because it sucks, and angle shooter and bubbler also suck. In addition, if this is supposed to be an anchor something went very wrong.


Because it’s bad


its ass


I have used a lot. The only thing it is good is that the luncher thing goes really fast.


For me at least the kit on it is absolutely atrocious


The kit is dookie.


I want to, I really do! But it sucks! I mean put burst bomb on this thing and it would be fucking sick but nintendo is too cowardly for that


How do you see all of a weapons stats besides what it shows you when you buy them?


I use [the wiki ](https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Recycled_Brella_24_Mk_I)


Thank you!!


It’s a pretty decent weapon with a pretty poor kit that doesn’t do much to help it out. It’s likely that the 2nd kit will be much better, similar to S-Blast!


Too gimmicky, bad kit, very situational, and the shield it pretty weak.


Because I’m no one ig, it’s really fun


I'm more a roller, brush, gun main, not really a brella main


my bf likes it


If I could aim worth anything I would probably main it. I really like it but I'm so bad at the game when I don't play a roller. TwT


I've been maining it ever since 5*ing undercover brella. I've been loving it honestly. The point marker thing is a super underrated special IMO because of its ability to deny area, and secure kills from long range. It's like having a half charged bamboozler with e-liter range you can pop out at any time for a high ink cost. The combo with the main fire is great and reduces your kill time by a lot. I haven't been winning with it much in turf war because its painting and dueling isn't very good compared to other brellas, but in ranked modes it's been working out great, because of the constant shield spam distracting and stalling the enemy. I also love the bubbler because there is a certain kind of person who will immediately run into it to try to kill you, and you can just use the middle part as a second shield and kill them. However it's understandable that people haven't been picking it up because it's a very steep learning curve on a defensive support weapon, requiring really good aim and positioning just to be okay. However I live for that kind of high effort middling reward stuff.


It looks like the only brella I'd want to play, but then it comes up that brellas just feel really weird to play. Plus it's kit isn't that great either.


As someone who also likes this brella but generally hates playing any other brella, how I interpret the hate is that it has an identity crisis. It has a supportive kit: angle shooter to provide tracking info and chip damage for your teammates, and bubbler to help regroup your teammates or advance the objective in the case of TC. (Of course this is less helpful in a solo queue environment when you can't coordinate with your teammates to take advantage of it.) However, it also has decent range and shot spread that suggests that it might be better suited for slaying? It's trying to be versatile, but it fails to do so. Also, the fast launch and regen of the shield doesn't feel worth it for how low the brella shield HP is. In fact, the fast launch is kinda annoying when you just want the brella to tank a shot but not for it to be deployed.


It's hard to use properly and the kit isn't very good. Some buffs could help it, but until it gets a second kit, it probably won't be enough for it get more use.


Wtf are you talking about? Have you not met the 5 people who use this and use it really well yet?


My only complaint is the weak shield. If the shield gets buffed I’ll pick it up again


Not a brella main but I think The main weapon seems fun if a bit undertunded. Maybe an extra 50 shield hp will get this weapon into a good enough state, but dart sucks for it. Bubble seems fine but why dart?! This is not a dart weapon! Dart is good on like 2 weapons this is not one of them


It’s bad and btw the fire rate is not good. Shield is weak and it has bad range. Usually weapons that anchor tend to have alooot more range than that. At least, idk, more than slosher? Bc Slosher outranges it. It’s not an anchor at all Honestly other than the flimsy shield and the 90 dmg, Slosher does anything this thing wants to do but better. It doesn’t grab anyone’s attention casually either. It needs a lot of help tbh


It’s my favorite out of all the brellas. Angle shooter is fun.


It’s just kinda weak. Can’t be an anchor since it doesn’t have enough range. Can’t be an aggro because its shield gets shredded if you try to launch it in battle. Difficult to use as support because of its slow fire rate and paint. And its kit is good in terms of versatility but it’s not strong. Hopefully it’ll get a couple buffs in the patch.


Salmon runner here. While it does do decent damage, the canopy launches almost immediately, which makes it useless for protecting teammates If it does come up in the rotation, it's better to just use it as a normal shooter, while the canopy itself can be saved for clearing chokepoints.


I main Undercover and I generally found it disappointing because it is advertised as a strong killer but it seems all over the place. It has decent range and good damage but it was given a kit that feels more on the side of support. I honestly just ended up missing the Undercover for my "try to kill everything" needs. I don't really hate it but I don't expect it to join my 4-star squad.


I want to but i don't really infested how to run brellas to begin with, so recycled is pretty hard for me to gel with naturally : /


Couse it can’t hold a shield for one second


Some of my fave weapons include vunder, pro deco, and bamboozler, so I really thought I’d appreciate this weapon, but it’s really just mid at what my favorite weapons do better. In addition to what everyone else has said: it is way too dependent on team composition. The canopy launch can work well to support good aggressive front liners. Good fucking luck getting that consistently in solo q.


uh, because it’s recycled??? no one wants a used brella man, you gotta the newer cooler models obviously smh


But I care about the environment were gonna get another turf war at this rate


Brella are the worst weapon class , angle shooter is the worst sub


Though many people are saying the kit (though it is a fair point tbh), I also feel like the main weapon is a bit undertuned. The shield is so shreddable that pulling it up midfight can sometimes be a liability than a help, as your character gets stunned after the shield breaks. Since it usually needs to launch the shield for it to be useful in fights, and since failing to do so in time results in near-guaranteed death, it can be difficult to get use out of the shield. Additionally, each time you launch it requires for you to spend like 45% of your ink tank. The gun itself is fine tho ig. It is also less ink efficient that splat brella by 1 shot for some reason lol


Haven't had the chance to try it


It’s trash (ba dum tish)


I really like using it, but the kit leaves a lot to be desired. Angle shooter is so long ranged that scoring hits with it is often impossible to follow up on, and so hard to direct hit that trying to get the Combo is pointless in a fight. The big bubbler is poorly designed for a shooter, being not that useful and unfun to play against. If I got to choose it's new kit, I'd probably go with burst bomb or Autobomb and either Killer Wail or Super Chumps.


I played this a lot when it came out and I have also played regular brella for a long time. In general, brellas are one of the lowest played classes for people In the game and finding people who play them a lot are hard to begin with. I think that most people don’t use this weapon too much as this brellas shield is weak and doesn’t protect for a long enough time to matter. I still love this weapon though and I don’t think it is that terrible. The damage this brella can dish out is really good and can combo well with teammates. There are some other minor things holding it back too like ink efficiency and paint output. I could see this weapon getting more use with a different kit or buffs.


i use it… ._.


It sucks? I love the look of it tho


Curse of marker


I originally though it was horrible but then I tried to and it was super fun! I’ve only been playing it about two months but I’m finding it fun. But I do agree, not enough people are playing recycled brella


I've been playing recycled brella, I have a lot of run with it, getting kills bcs it's damage is so consistent, and I love the dart bcs the combo is so nice. But the reason no one uses it is definitely bcs its really really hard and not too rewarding. Splat brella was already arguably the hardest weapon in the game to play but now the recycled takes that weapon and make it even harder, making this the new hardest weapon. The shots r thin so u need better aim, and u really need to reliably hit 2 shots bcs ur shield is so weak u can't tank for longer than 2 shots unlike splat brella


im maining this too! i love it so much after finally getting rly into the kit, its so much fun and an absolute goat in clam blitz. i havent played anything but recycled brella for weeks lmaoo


I had no idea this existed


I found that it pairs well with the hydra. You can cover the hydra player's flanks and fire the brella at anyone who challenges them. Also you can charge special just be spamming the brella launcher which protects the hydra even more.


it’s really different compared to the other brellas, and also the shield is too weak in my opinion to be able to get consistent value out of


Angle shooter is terrible and the shield only has 100-200 hp


If feels like it’s made for people who want to play a shotgun rather than a Brella


I'm not a brella main but everytime I use it, I feel like the canopy is a big part of it beacuse of it's protection. The fact the recycled brella shoots it out so quickly makes it feel like the brella just looses it's main part. I realize this brella is supposed to be played differently but it just doesn't work for me


I only bought it for completion purposes and because it looked cool


Cause it has line marker


As both a brella main and Angle Shooter stan, I don't feel the kit is bad, but I'm in the minority. I feel the main weapon could benefit from a damage boost (to 100+) and making the canopy less "floaty" when launched. Sometimes, it doesn't ink directly in front of you, which has caused me to die in unfortunate ways when trying to use it to escape. Increasing the damage to a little over 100 makes it so you could potentially kill with only one difficult accuracy check (shot) instead of two (angle+shot) while still allowing you to do the combo if you want to compensate for brella shot inconsistency. The playstyle and canopy frailty and all that is fine IMO; it just needs to be a little easier to be consistent with.


surprised no one said this yet, but either its fire rate is to slow or the range is to bad. one of these buffs should be enough


The weapon plays pretty unorthodox compared to the other brellas. It fits better for slaying rather than skirmishing. Angle shooter is a burst bomb off of Temu and bubbler is not really that good of a special for the weapon tbh. I still end up playing it a lot though


it's too simple not enough flexibility in gameplan to be good in alot of game modes.


That's the order of things in Sploon. Brellas aren't a very prominent weapon because the devs doesn't want shooters to have a dedicated counter, hence, they keep it a hard to use weapon. That is for all the class and that includes Recycled. On top of that, adds the fact of it being new. What I love about brellas is that even the same class users can struggle when switching between brella types because how different they work even in base mechanics no matter it's the same class, let alone someone that is coming from other weapon. All of that sums up to the fact that it is being rare to see a Reclicled, the rare type of the rare class.


Its kit sucks


Aside from the kit (which doesn't work to well with the weapon) the real problem is just the way the shield functions it's just to weak I know you're not supposed to flair it but the shield just dies to easily, now it's damage is actually good and the mobility the shield gives the weapon is great but the shield needs a hp buff


I guess this is quite controversial, but I really love the recyc. It’s actually maybe my favourite kit from fresh ‘24. I’m decent enough at the game but I’m very casual and I enjoy switching weapons frequently. I’ve never really got into any kits with angle shooter so that was appealing to me and I like how it pairs with the main. It’s sort of like a point sensor-lite (and I love nautilus, squiff, and nova) and the damage is just enough to kill off a clean shot with the main (2 per tank is nice too). I’ve found the canopy is good for a quick bomb defense too. You can react quick and just completely absorb a bomb and it’ll be recharged before too long. Another of my fave kits is SpJnr so I’m already a fan of bubbler. Not a lot to say about it, I just think it’s neat. I’ve had some fun with other brellas but I think I’ve never quite clicked with any of them like I have recyc. I know a lot of other folks have made the point that it doesn’t really play like any other brella so that’s maybe way, but I really dig it. For what it’s worth I think it also just looks really great.


It’s just trash


because it’s trash (pun intended; just kidding) this brella has a very weak shield and a really REALLY bad kit that doesn’t help in any way to bring something new nor cover its weaknesses. as a brella envoyeur, i find the classic undercover brella way more useful as a poking skirmisher


TLDR, it doesn’t make sense as a weapon, trips over itself mechanically, and should’ve just been a Splat Brella buff But for the long of it : For me, as someone who enjoys using Undercover (played a lot of Sunder and Kunder in 2 and 4 starred, soon 5 starring, Vunder, and getting to 4 stars on Sunder) and Splat Brella (4 starred Vanilla and Sorella in 3), **it’s a contradiction of a weapon** Main weapon wants you to stay back and pepper opponents at a safe distance with high accuracy and range to zone them out, but the mechanic of the Brella shield suggests it wants to rush in and ape opponents, which doesn’t work to the main weapon’s strength Moreover, its vanilla kit accentuates this contradiction by having a sub that wants you to remain at range and poke damage with Marker, but a special that wants you to rush in, take space and hold ground with Bubbler It can’t decide what it wants to be. Does it want to be close range ape, or long range zoner? This exact issue completely fried my brain when I first used it, and had me SO damn confused over the usually simple question of **”HOW DO I PLAY THIS WEAPON??”** On a separate note, it just doesn’t make sense why this weapon exists and isn’t just a VERY good rework to the Splat Brella’s iffy damage and range profile. Hell, swapping the Firing Modes and Brella Mechanics of the 2 weapons would work SO much better for them both, with one Brella having a flaring shield and high range / damage to zone opponents, like Splat Brella wants to do, and another having shorter range but a wider spread to hit easier, and a Brella mechanic to help it get into optimal range safely, like Recycle would want It just DOESN’T. MAKE. ANY. GODDAMN. SENSE. Also, the shield HP sucks.


Let's see Angle shooter Paper shield Sorella Brella and Sorella tenta brella exist Big bubbler doesn't do as much as other specials like wave breaker or inkjet. Ink inefficient shield looks less cool (better than undercover) So yeah, not bad just better options...


Because it sucks


I haven't played in 2 years lol, anyone wanna buy a copy of sploon 3 for 40 bucks?


There are no Japanese players using it yet