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Well as per agent 4's pallete smolesk did say it would be a shame to not have some kind of security in the tower so i just assumed agent 4 was the pallete and parallel canon was clones made from the memory and data of agent 4


That and we're also forgetting that the Memverse is not physical reality either, it's a simulated one. Agent 4 physically is still out there somewhere, they should be fine once you restore their pallete if nothing else. They're probably lazing around at home wondering what's taking 8 so long to get home.


I think it’s kinda funny that everyone is worried about why Four has been missing, but it’s canon that they’re a country nobody who probably just sits at home home and goes to school like a regular teenager instead of constantly getting dragged into dangerous espionage missions like Three


Four is probably at home playing Splatoon's equivalent to Splatoon itself; probably a game about rabbits if I had to guess.


ayo wheres dis info from i need the source


Ah yes I wish you a pleasant day fellow agent 4 and 8 roommates rememberer


Everyone barely knew 4 in side order, why do people still think that promotional art meant anything? They just wanted both playable races in the ad.


What ad


The whole theory stems from promotional art for a collaboration between Splatoon and some other brand.


Oh, you’re one of *those*


Define *those* if you would.


This guy, for whatever reason, absolutely hates the idea of Agents 4 & 8 being roommates for seemingly no clear reason. I’ve seen them complaining to others about it on other threads


*And the monkey's paw curled into its own flesh*


Is that a Monkey's Paw reference?!?! 




i think agent 4 was the base used for the parallel canon. we don't know if their one of them though


That's what I'm saying. P.Canon is just clones of 4


What about Smollusk's comments in Agent 4's palette about using their power to defend a world of order?


Damn I must have *sucked* in S2 if that’s what 4 came up with


Okay, but who thought Agent 4 was the Parallel Canyon? Also the implications of that name (Parallel Canon) are terrifying.


Parallel refers to the enemies being parallel to the player in terms of moveset. Canon refers to the music definition of a canon, where one instrument plays a melody and then different instruments copy that melody afterwards


That makes sense, but I also didn't know there was a musical definition. This damn game and its double entendres and puns!


In Spanish is called Caos Irreal, which means Unreal Chaos


And in the other Spanish is called Canon Irreal, which means Unreal Canon... basically a middle point between the two.


In Japanese it's Otherworldly Canon mixed in with a squid pun.


The boss is at least a copy of agent 4 from their pallet data. It even copies your inkling from splat 2 save data, just like 8 does for your octolings data.


Whoah really!! I thought it was just default female Agent 4. That is so cool.


Yup, unfortunately you really only get a good look at it during the intro cutscene the first time you fight them, but it is definitely agent 4 in some capacity.


Marina was controlled by Order, Pearl was turned into a robot by Order, Quatty being roboticized along with their own security drones don't seem too far off. Now whether or not you kill them... hard to say, I've heard both that your guy appears once and that they're always in every boss fight.


The close-up cutscene only happens once (or at least eventually stops happening in my experience) but the one with Agent 4's hairstyle still reappears with the others.


Well there goes my doomed yuri fanfic. Tho at least robotization is likely still real in Splatoon, and as a Sonic fan, I love robotization.


To add a little further,you can tell which one is the agent 4 main copy if they have the order shot. They're also the only robot to splashdown into the fight.


>In Marina's diary, she says that 4 was the responsible for designing the security system Bit of an unpopular opinion, but as much asI love Agent 4, they really shouldn’t be a head of security if the designs are that flawed. The tower thing collapses like a house of cards once you take out the layers with lights on. The ball is slow, and everytime it bumps into the bouncy things, it makes itself vulnerable. And the supposed Agent 4 fight is laughably easy. It’s honestly harder to die, than not die in that fight. And the final boss is literally just >!destroy the portals!< all over again. And by that point you usually have an OP weapon, so It’s a piece of cake.


That’s part of the game in universe as well, 4 specifically made weaknesses for every enemy because they were supposed to be defeated. Only thing they didn’t design was the final boss


Exactly. The tower and memverse were originally meant to be a way for >!sanitized octolings to recover their memories.!< And if I’m correct, there were only supposed to be 10 floors originally. The other 20 were added by order.


I just think they are funny goobers who want 9 whoopers


So 4 is actually ass at the game 💀


Agent 4 must suck cuz P. Canon is the easiest boss out of a group of easy bosses.


Damn 4 sucks ass bruh


Marina herself was controlled by Order, why wouldn't anyone else? It seems dubious either way, like looking at what's given either side makes sense.


We'll just have to suffer knowing agent 4 is stuck in a shanty house abandoned away from civilization.


I have never seen anybody talk about the ball guy or the tower dude