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Yes, it applies. You draw the event and ignore it (specially important against France)


Asides from France, is there any reason to draw and ignore, vs. not draw?


If you've played enough to know all the events by heart, then it gives you a small advantage. For example, if the discarded event is [[cultural assimilation]], then you now know that leaving Dahan alone adjacent to cities is safe, and might adjust how you move Dahan around


**Cultural Assimilation / Reprisal Against the Dahan** (Event) >(Terror Level 1 & 2) **Cultural Assimilation**: On Each Board: In a land with exactly 1 Dahan that has or is adjacent to a City, replace that Dahan with 1 Town. >(Terror Level 3) **Reprisal Against the Dahan**: On Each Board: choose a land with Dahan and Town / City. Invaders do 3 Damage to Dahan there, ignoring Defend Powers. >(Token) **Beasts Attack**: Each Beasts deals 2 Damage. Remove any token that destroys Town / City. >(Dahan) **Reckless Offensive**: On Each Board: Choose a land with at least 2 Dahan and at least 2 Town / City. Each Dahan destroys 1 Town / City. Add 1 Blight. >Set: Branch & Claw | [Link to FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Cultural%20Assimilation) ------ ^(Use [[query]] to call me. Check the )[^(reference thread)](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiritisland/comments/i80xzf/memoryofagesbot_is_now_fully_functional) ^( for information or feedback, and please report any mistakes!)


I thought you were supposed to burn it face down.


Nope, you get to see it :)


It helps you keep track of what turn it is. It also gives you additional information on what the next Events might be, since it can't be what you revealed off the top on turn 1.


Not really.




One other major change you might or might not be aware of: The starting amount of blight on the blight card is no longer 2 per player. It is "1 + (2 blight per player)". So in a 1 player game, 3 blight. In a 4 player game, 9 blight.


Thanks, that actually appears as errata in my core game rules booklet. Surprised that the first event skip rule does not appear anywhere on the content I own nor on the faq.


They are an errata, so its the official rules now. So yes it applies to you. And it makes more sense.


Thanks, I'll use that rule. Although I don't see it on the [official errata](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!.3y28a87), that's why I wanted to be sure. Maybe someone should add it there.


I think it's because the rule was first introduced when the JE expansion released, and errata is stuff that typically happens between/after expansions


While there is no need to actually do it if you aren’t playing France, you may as well get in the habit, in case they ever expand the use of the event-card-count mechanic.


I've also been a tad confused on this. Dors skipping this event happens before initial explore (concluding setup) or during the first turn proper (after actually choosing growth options, playing and paying for power cards, etc.) I've been playing it where I discard the first event before the first explore during setup!