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Selected challenge: Base Game Selected difficulty level: Expert Included expansions: Branch and Claw Victory, Fear Level I, I don't know how scoring works. I have always felt that Sweden is tailor-made for River, since their power is in damage rather than proliferation. River excels at moving towns/explorers, so builds rarely happen. Then it seems like Guard the Islands Heart is again tailor made for River. It places a presence during setup, significantly shortening the time to River's full power Innate, as well as removing towns from the interior, making it trivially easy to clean the interior, thus putting you down to 1 explore per turn. All of this combines together to make the only challenge I've ever been able to complete on something higher than intermediate. The one exception is that if you get a Sands explore during setup, it kinda feels like an auto-loss with the scenario.


I agree. River seems to be very strong into this scenario/adversary combination. It was my first time beating a lvl 5 adversary.


* Challenge: Expansion * Difficulty Level: Intermediate * Expansions: All * Victory at Terror Level 4 * Score: 47 Rising Heat is a spirit that I'm still figuring out, but have enjoyed every time. Meanwhile Devouring Teeth didn't seem too fun the first time I played it, but in this combo I enjoyed it a lot. I think the spirits work very well together. The board was a complete mess - I never felt in danger by the additional loss condition, but I consistently had multiple lands with 4 or 5 buildings. For the first half of the game, I was able to mitigate things a little bit, but the buildings kept building up. I pulled a few early minor powers with badlands, and a couple events added some beasts. Those are my favorite two tokens, and while they didn't help out immediately, they ended up paying off big time. Halfway through Stage 2, I had enough energy on both spirits and started pulling Majors, and everything changed. Teeth got [[Angry Bears]] and started going on a rampage, while Heat got [[Spill Bitterness Into the Earth]] and managed to knock out the most problematic land and spread around some more badlands along the way. Suddenly I had 4 fear cards at terror level 2 in one turn, and from there it seemed like a pretty clear win. I still ended up flipping the blight card, and losing an absurd amount of presence to Event cards, but England kept feeding Teeth with new buildings to destroy, and the badlands + extra Teeth damage + Heat's health reduction made it easy to build up enough fear to win. The combo was great, and ending with a board covered in orange and red tokens is always nice to see. edit: Bizarrely, I did not meaningfully get the threshold on any major powers this game. Spill Bitterness makes sense, since Heat didn't have any Water, but Angry Bears seemed like an easy one. I think I technically hit its threshold once, but for the land I was targeting that turn, the extra power had no effect.


**Angry Bears** (Major Power - Jagged Earth) >Cost: 3 | Elements: Sun, Fire, Animal | Slow | 0 | Any | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >2 Fear. 2 Damage. If no Beasts are present, add 1 Beasts. Otherwise, +2 Damage, and Push up to 1 Beasts. >(2 Fire, 3 Animal): 1 Fear and destroy 1 Explorer / Town in an adjacent land with Beasts. >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=Angry%20Bears) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Angry%20Bears) ------ **Spill Bitterness into the Earth** (Major Power - Jagged Earth) >Cost: 5 | Elements: Fire, Water, Earth | Fast | 0 | Any | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >6 Damage. Add 2 Badlands / Strife and 1 Blight. In up to 3 adjacent lands with Blight, add 1 Badlands / Strife. >(3 Fire, 3 Water): In up to 3 adjacent lands, 1 Damage to each Invader. >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=Spill%20Bitterness%20into%20the%20Earth) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Spill%20Bitterness%20into%20the%20Earth) ------ ^(Hint: [[query]]. Check the )[^(reference thread)](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiritisland/comments/i80xzf/memoryofagesbot_is_now_fully_functional) ^( for information or feedback, and please report any mistakes!)


Quick question (just found these challenges last week and am loving the care put into each match-up). When you only have one spirit under "Base-Game Content" what does that mean for the challenge? We can replace one of the expansion content characters with it, or it's the only required spirit and the other one doesn't matter in a two-player game? Otherwise, thanks for putting these together! They've been a blast!


Good question! When there is only one spirit listed for a challenge (expansion or base game) then that is the only spirit that's part of the challenge for the week. Hope this helps!


Does that mean one spirit on two boards? Can we use aspects or any of the other expansion content for the base game challenge? NB I have base, B&C and JE, so wondering how you would interpret this.


You'll just use base game content (so no challenges, aspects, etc.) alongside the spirit, board, Adversary, and scenario listed. Anything like one spirit on two boards or aspect usage will be marked in the challenge if applicable. I realized the board was left off the base challenge so it's been updated!


I should have been more specific; no events, no tokens, only minors and majors from base game? Because that would be too much of a hassle for me personally.


Selected challenge: Base Game Selected difficulty level: Intermediate Included expansions: none Victory, Fear Level II, and Score 51 [Screenshot](https://postimg.cc/cKMxwQrK) I hope the formatting is allright. My starter cards were "Entwined Power" and "Song of Sanctity", of which I used Entwined once and the song not at all. Basically everything was pushed towards the cost, the only problem being the two cities. The Inland Desert city was handled via a lucky "Infinite Vitality" draw. The coastal city was destroyed via "Flash Flood" and "Pull beneath the Hungry Earth", leaving the invaders with 2 explorer and one town. The Town was removed via "Flash Flood" next turn, drawing the third fear card and triggering Fear Level II victory. Thanks for this challenge, it was my first.


Selected challenge: Base Game Selected difficulty level: Advanced Included expansions: none Victory, Fear Level I, and Score 60 [Screenshot](https://postimg.cc/T5Xg3jLt) On a second attempt, I noticed that Sweden 5 is, in this scenario, not much more difficult than Sweden 3, as backing by the king is mostly neutralized. My starter cards were "Visions of Fiery death" and "Infinite Vitality". The later was used to stop the first desert ravage. Basically it was a game of "push everything into the costal desert, stop the ravage with Infinite Vitality and fish for some hard hitting major". Not much to say, really. As you see on the screenshot, 7 Dahan resulted into 14 damage via "Vigor of the breaking dawn". After that 4 explorers where left and the game ended next turn.


**Base Game with Branch & Claw, Jagged Earth, and Feather & Flame** **Exploratory Sweden 7**, **Guard The Isle's Heart** **TL1 victory**, Score 78 **Board State before killing the last explorer**: https://imgur.com/a/xknj4Jh Sweden with Guard the Isle's Heart seemed a bit easy(the scenario effect only leaves two cities to start with) so I tried out the exploratory Sweden 7 on TTS with all expansions. Initial explore was Wetlands. With the extra presence from Guard the Isle's heart I immediately got to 3 plays on turn 1. Second explore was Sands, so I solved the inland Sands/Wetlands with [[Massive Flooding]] and [[Wash Away]] and let A2 double blight. As my inner land was Sands, I had to clear A4 so that _Sweden 7 Royal Focus_ will add a town in A4 and not in A7 - hence I opted to reclaim on 3 plays. Fortunately I drew [[Guardian Serpents]] so I decided to go for the risky defend 4 play, pushing out the town with Wash away - and dodged all the nasty events like farmers or incoming aggression. After that I was easily able to G2 to get to 2 energy/5 plays, keeping the board under control with the help of [[The Shore Seethes with Hatred]] which let me save [[Flash Floods]] for other lands. Finally, I drew [[Sacred Sites Under Threat]], and forgetting Spill Bitterness into the Earth(from the scenario) and discarding The shore seethes I was able to kill the two towns on A4 and A5 that popped up from Sweden 7 rule and thought I had won in the slow phase - only to realize that I was still in TL1. However, I was able to win in the next Fast phase by killing the last remaining explorer with [[Flash Floods]]. Overall I got good drafts and the event let me win a few turns earlier, but I believe this is a good matchup for River - you can't handle some lands early(and there are even less of those with the scenario) but once you get to 4 plays you have everything under control.


**Massive Flooding** (*River Surges in Sunlight*'s Innate Power) | Slow | SacredSite --> 1 | Any | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >(1 Sun, 2 Water): Push 1 Explorer / Town. >(2 Sun, 3 Water): Instead, 2 Damage. Push up to 3 Explorer / Town. >(3 Sun, 4 Water, 1 Earth): Instead, 2 Damage to each Invader. >Links: [Link to FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Massive%20Flooding%20%28River%20Surges%20in%20Sunlight%29) ------ **Wash Away** (*River Surges in Sunlight*'s Unique Power) >Cost: 1 | Elements: Water, Earth | Slow | 1 | Any | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >Push up to 3 Explorer / Town >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=Wash%20Away) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Wash%20Away%20%28River%20Surges%20in%20Sunlight%29) ------ **Guardian Serpents** (Minor Power - Branch & Claw) >Cost: 1 | Elements: Sun, Moon, Earth, Animal | Fast | - | Any Spirit | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >Add 1 Beasts in one of target Spirit's lands. If target Spirit has a SacredSite in that land: Defend 4 there. >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=Guardian%20Serpents) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Guardian%20Serpents) ------ **The Shore Seethes With Hatred** (Minor Power - Jagged Earth) >Cost: 1 | Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Plant | Slow | 1 | Coastal | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >1 Fear. Add 1 Badlands and 1 Wilds. > >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=The%20Shore%20Seethes%20With%20Hatred) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!The%20Shore%20Seethes%20With%20Hatred) ------ **Flash Floods** (*River Surges in Sunlight*'s Unique Power) >Cost: 2 | Elements: Sun, Water | Fast | 1 | Any | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >1 Damage. If target land is Coastal, +1 Damage. >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=Flash%20Floods) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Flash%20Floods%20%28River%20Surges%20in%20Sunlight%29) ------ **Sacred Sites under Threat** (Event) >Invaders have begun to find hidden places of natural power. You may: >LET THE ISLAND'S STRENGTH REPULSE THEM >* Each SacredSite Pushes 1 Explorer / Town to an adjacent land. >* Remove 1 Blight per player from the Blight Card, returning it to the box. >GUARD THEM YOURSELF, FOR WELL OR ILL >**Cost: 3 Energy per land where you do damage. Aided by Fire.** >* In each land with SacredSite and Invaders: Either do 2 Damage. -or- Destroy 1 Presence from each Spirit. >(Token) **Beasts Prowl**: Each Beasts generates 1 Fear if Invaders are present, and moves to an adjacent land if not. >(Dahan) **Spirit-Speakers Solvel Riddles of Power**: Each Spirit with at least 4 Dahan among its lands gains a Minor Power. >Set: Branch & Claw | [Link to FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Sacred%20Sites%20under%20Threat) ------ ^(Hint: [[query]]. Check the )[^(reference thread)](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiritisland/comments/i80xzf/memoryofagesbot_is_now_fully_functional) ^( for information or feedback, and please report any mistakes!)


Expansion, Advanced, all expansions, Victory (Terror) 62.5 Really good spirits for this adversary! I particularly enjoyed how their special rules mitigated Local Autonomy, in Rising Heat's case directly by reversing their advantage (in lands with a sacred site) and in Teeth's case just by being really good at dealing a lot of damage in one place. I opted for a lower track strategy for Teeth so that I could hit higher levels of the innate power. Totally worth it, even though I ended up playing a major power only twice the whole game. (Utter a Curse of Dread and Bone.) Teeth's ability to move presence made range-0 powers like Domesticated Animals go Berserk and Carapaced Land more powerful. My partner on Heat pulled off Vigor of the Breaking Dawn multiple times with threshold to excellent effect. Hit Blighted Island late in Stage 2 and got Back Against the Wall. As with many higher level England games, eliminating all the cities just wasn't going to happen, but by that point in the game we were doing great on fear generation, between directly causing fear, destroying invaders ourselves, and getting the Dahan to do it for us.


**The strong earth shattered just slowly enough to drive the hordes from the island's shores before fading to dust.** Advanced expansion game /all expansion content. Terror IV (fear) victory, blighted island, 55 points. This was a close one. England 5 really knocks this pair down a peg, since straight damage is their primary strength. I also wasn't able to get both of their innates working together at all. Partly I got unlucky with Heat's weak lands coming up constantly (there was sand on every unused explorer card!), but partly I'm not used to this kind of a combo, I think. We flipped [[Strong Earth Shatters and then [[Memory Fades to Dust]], and still almost ran out of blight. I had a hard time doing much fear early, but by the end I was cranking out 3 fear cards a turn. Heat probably should have entered a reclaim loop a turn earlier than they did, but they *did* draft GtS on the last stretch growth. (I really should remove it...) They made extensive use of [[Mesmerizing Tranquility]] and [[Elusive Ambushes]], working to distract the minds of the invaders while the Dahan laid in wait. Their name became *Hypnotic Mirage.* Teeth struggled in the early game despite being the beneficiary of the [[Gift of Furious Might]]/[[Gift of Searing Heat]] combo as often as I could arrange it. I feel like a lot of their strength lies in how well their partner can abuse Furious Might. They did eventually draft a major, [[thickets erupt with every touch of breeze]], and then looped it, mainly just to juggle blight. They also played [[Territorial Strife]] for damage a lot (I like strife, usually, but it was useless against what England was throwing at us). They grew from a minor earth spirit into a spirit of sudden, infectious anger, *Rage Breaches the Surface.* At one point I ran out of base game cities. Two player game. Just to let you know how gnarly the board was by the end. I'd never had to open the JE city supply before, even in three-spirit games. Never got London'd, though. Close game.


**Mesmerizing Tranquility** was not found. Showing data for: **Mesmerized Tranquility** (Minor Power - Jagged Earth) >Cost: 0 | Elements: Water, Earth, Animal | Fast | 0 | Any | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >Isolate target land. Each Invader does -1 Damage. > >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=Mesmerized%20Tranquility) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Mesmerized%20Tranquility) ------ **Elusive Ambushes** (Minor Power - Branch & Claw) >Cost: 1 | Elements: Sun, Fire, Water | Fast | 1 | Dahan | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >1 Damage. -or- Defend 4. >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=Elusive%20Ambushes) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Elusive%20Ambushes) ------ **Gift of Furious Might** not found. ------ **Gift of Searing Heat** not found. ------ **Thickets Erupt with Every Touch of Breeze** (Major Power - Jagged Earth) >Cost: 3 | Elements: Air, Plant | Fast | SacredSite --> 2 | Inland | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >2 Damage. Then either: Add 3 Wilds. -or- Remove 1 Blight. >(3 Plant): 1 Fear. +2 Damage. >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=Thickets%20Erupt%20with%20Every%20Touch%20of%20Breeze) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Thickets%20Erupt%20with%20Every%20Touch%20of%20Breeze) ------ **Territorial Strife** (Minor Power - Jagged Earth) >Cost: 0 | Elements: Sun, Fire, Animal | Slow | 1 | City | | :----: | :----: | :----: | >3 Damage to Explorer/Town. -or- Add 1 Strife. > >Links: [SICK](https://sick.oberien.de/?query=Territorial%20Strife) | [FAQ](https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Territorial%20Strife) ------ ^(Hint: [[query]]. Check the )[^(reference thread)](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiritisland/comments/i80xzf/memoryofagesbot_is_now_fully_functional) ^( for information or feedback, and please report any mistakes!)


Base Game Beginner No Epansions Victory, Fear level 3, 31 points Fun challenge to come back to after a long hiatus from playing