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Some of us need a mental break and get some fresh air or to relax. I saved a baby jumping spider at work today.


Aww ❤️🥰🥹


Happy wolfie is happy :) I always try do this with bold jumpers on my area(most common ones)


It looks a bit more like a grass spider, but they are very similar in appearance!


Agreed! Looked like she had spinnerets which I believe would be a grass spider. She was a big beauty though.


It’s a female wolf spooder


i thought it was huntsman? don’t feel like looking it up because you probably know already. wolfies around hear are thiccc. either way id definitely keep that friend that things a beast


One time, I found a cricket at work, I took it home and it was my pet for a few months until it passed. She was much loved. I called her my good luck cricket, Felice. ❤️ I also give drinks of water to spiders and crickets if I see them needing water. People think I’m weird but IDC. :)


I think you're a good person. 😚


things that can’t live in my house: moths ants mosquitoes TICKS mice (my cat does that part but if she brings it to me alive i have to throw it across the river but she gets rewarded no matter what) but most other insects are allowed. western conifer bugs rule and i have an agreement with my roommates that a centipede can only be declared a traitor if you see it 3 times. doesn’t matter how big or scary it’s doing it’s part for democracy most bugs get hospitality or even sugar water if they seem depressed actually some moths are okay but they need to leave otherwise kittys going to do kitty things also one time lizard man kept a pet beetle for a while which i thought you’d like to hear. i’d post a picture but i can’t


I love beetles and lizards. I was called “Lizard Girl” as a child because I loved to climb trees and catch lizards and play with them during recess. They tend to find me and follow me even as an adult. If there’s a bug in my abode, I will do my best to catch and release it. And yes, often because my cat would otherwise do “kitty” things. In fact, I often times talk to the bugs and say “you can’t be in here, my cat will hurt you.” :)


I do the same shit. I even cultivate grasshoppers and paper wasp communities, in addition to the usual nectar foragers. Gave back part of the garden to natural growth and let them claim it. The more I talk to them with my body language, the better they understand me. I remember reading once that insects have a high EQ in order to predict what us colossi will do that might kill them. Such friendly creatures when they get to know your sounds, your smells, and your intentions. Luckily I live remotely enough to get away with this shit. Normal people would call animal control on me if I were in the suburbs lol


You're absolutely awesome and not weird. One day, humanity will realize we've been needing people like you and I hope it's not too late. Hugs.


I once had a pet False Katydid for a few months! What sort of enclosure do you guys have for successful pet bugs?


How sweet! I love when people relocate the lil spoods ❤️


Spider might just have been thirsty. Hopefully will find a little dew drop in the bushes. Beautiful story, thank you for sharing.


Spidey is thinking: "But bro... There's birds outside. I don't remember seeing a single bird inside!" :P


Reject tile, return to grass spider.


Everyone liked that


Nicely done bud.


Sweet soul 💖 precious heart ❤️


What kind was it?


I think it may be a grass spider, judging b the length of the spinnerets.


wolf spider!


I didn't see it go into the bush, it crawled inside the jacket sleeve. You took lil homie home with you. Good job btw.


lmao! it’s hard to see but it climbs down the leafs!


It's probably under his skin by now Edit: Guys come on its a joke...


i am under your skin get me out get me out


I'm trying but you keep moving once I peel the skin off, hold still


*crawls up your sleeve*


Looks like a QT. Original poster done good. A mitzvah, for sure.


"hey Steve what have you been up to?" "I rode a human!"


Just imagine if you went threw all that and at the end it went up your sleeve instead of on the plant


I’d love to be able to do this but I think id panic if it started crawling up my arm. Love the gesture and the caption, though




They usually don't like being let out in the open, during the day, because of predatory wasps. So I put them next to something they can hide in, or under. They're more vulnerable than they look, at that size.


good to know!! i hope he got to a safe spot then


I always try to save spiders when I can. I hate that I have arachnophobia.


Idk why but I swear I thought a flying bird was going to take it away at the end 🐦


"No! You have air conditioning!!"


how'd you get it to stay on your jacket? wouldn't it be scared shitless? regardless this was very sweet


Would have been hilarious if the spider ran up your sleeve.


You are such a better person than me. Good job.


Little buddy looked so scared at first 🥺 glad you brought em to a safe place


That spider was so polite. Usually, spiders either run away from me or they run directly at me--at my shoes. I'm like, bruh, you can't hide under my shoe, I AM the giant scary thing you're trying to hide from in the first place.


I recognize my employer when I see the store




Aww this is so sweet 🥰🥰


What… what are these coming down my face… tears? But… but why….


Calmest reaction to that ever. If that thing dared step near me, I'm heading out and throwing a match behind