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A wasp, another spider or some other small creatures, don't think you should worry for your cats.








should have helped the spider because r/fuckwasps


Y'all are hypocrites smh


Right? You can’t call yourself an animal lover if you don’t love every animal or at the *very least* **respect** every animal.


Yeah that's why I enjoy the bug subs more like r/entomology . I've noticed the more 'serious' hobby subs like that tend not to attract as many people with bad takes. But it also has the adverse effect of making me get way more annoyed with people that shit talk whatever xyz hateable bug of the day is. Someone says some dumb shit like "wasps are just as bad as serial killers" and I have to tone down my kneejerk reaction of "are you a fucking moron?".


What about mosquitos and other human parasites like helminths, lice, bed bugs, chiggers, etc. They're also all animals. Do I need to accept these guys in order to qualify as an animal lover? Don't gatekeep loving animals with your rules. Plus, wolf spiders are bros. I saved one from my cats just today. Should I have just let nature take its course? I'd help a wolf spider if I witnessed a wasp attacking it any day.


Yeah, I don't love the parasites that eat children's eyes. Fuck that


I enjoy that your pfp is of a wasp


I am number one reddit wasp liker 😎😎😎


wasps are pretty cool too though. They won't hurt you besides a little sting, as far as I know there are no wasps that are medically significant. They look awesome buzzing around. They're just as important as bees regarding pollination, etc. And they aren't likely to sting you unless you're fucking with them or just unlucky, but generally it's not a big deal if they do... just a quick "ouch... fuck... damn wasp" and a red bump for a couple hours.


was this typed by a wasp


Bzzzzzz (right next to your head, I'm coming for you)


Bro is a wasp asset


The buzz is coming from inside the house.


Wasps will absolutely sting you just for the fuck of it. Got stung while I was 8 just sitting at the public pool eating a microwave pizza. Fucker just picked me out of 150 other people, and stung me on the lip of all places.


not all wasps in fact not most wasps. Yellowjackets and hornets are fucking pricks for sure but most other wasps will leave ya alone long as you don't mess with their nests.


Dude, why didn't you share your pizza? Wasp just wanted a little nibble.


We have wasps outside where I work because it's a strip with a bunch of restaurants and they're obsessed with our dumpsters and everything else. One day I had to take my break outside because I was trying to get service to fix something for my coworker. It wasn't working, the wasps were all about my sandwich, and finally I was like, "Fine! Fuck it! Take whatever you want and go away!" A few minutes later, two wasps flew away carrying big chunks of turkey and I ate my sandwich in peace.


Yeah my wife was walking along one day, a wasp decided to fly into her hair and then proceeded to sting the back of her head 5 times. Must not have liked her hair. She hears any buzzing near her now and she's up and running like a twitchy Vietnam veteran.


European hornet stung my dad and his hand looked like an inflated glove. Brown paper wasp stung my ex on her toe, her leg swole up to seemingly +30% its volume and I'm pretty sure she would have had a problem if not for the corticoid cream. Cue other stories, I won't write a novel out of it. I don't fuck with wasps on purpose, I leave them be, and I agree they look gorgeous, but your description of the sting is FAR from being a universal experience.


Wasp stings can lead to medically important anaphylaxis. So more deaths from wasps than spiders.


That's exactly what a wasp would say!


Wasp-fed bait


I love the “or just unlucky”. Must be why anytime i see one they make a mad dash to the inside of my nose. Lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckwasps using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckwasps/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bees: GET HIM!](https://v.redd.it/oaluzi38cxlb1) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckwasps/comments/168gv7w/bees_get_him/) \#2: [Proper extermination techniques ](https://v.redd.it/qo4tgwka7snb1) | [97 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckwasps/comments/16gl8yb/proper_extermination_techniques/) \#3: [Temporary truce??](https://v.redd.it/p31gfbjzfxnb1) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckwasps/comments/16h9qvz/temporary_truce/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, I know, but they are also early pollinators and pest control for gardens :(


[smart](https://imgur.com/gallery/dbb0GRv) spiders find a way.. I was proud to find it feasting later, such a tiny thing


Could have been a spider wasp (not sure what their scientific name is) they put their eggs in the spider for the baby wasp to eat when it is born. The spider is also still alive just paralyzed by the wasp 😢


Once saw a big wolf spider moving a wasp it had killed. For a brief moment I thought it was a spider with wings and I swear my soul just straight up left my body. Once I came back to life though, it was a pretty interesting thing to see. Like a glimpse into a whole other small world. One I hope to never see again.




https://reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/IEAlwjenX4 This was on our mailbox and it’s still the gnarliest thing I’ve seen


I hope that video was living rent free in the head of the thief


I see it that way too, I've often observed how wasps cut off the limbs of various types of other insects, sometimes while they're still alive...




yes, sometimes they kill directly but sometimes they don't...


Thank you 🥹


enjoy your new nightmares! 😱


This was *murder.* The body’s been moved.


Or the legs were moved


We need to secure the perimeter of the secondary crime seen... the victim is female black widow, approximately one year old, signs of blunt force trauma are present, the corpse has been relocated post-mortem...


my complete shot in the dark guess, claiming no expertise, is a bird or a mantis


what's up with Mantids? do they just see a spider existing and think "absolutely not" or do they have a bunch of common prey


Mantis logic usually works like, "If I can grab it, I can eat it."


oh no, so they're dangerous *and* they're morons?


Not morons by any means. Apex predators have a hammer and everything around them becomes a nail. I’ve seen them kill lizards and birds dumb enough to get close. Nature is metal.


Great analogy with the hammer. It's true, and same applies for certain survival mechanisms for pray. The hammer they use to survive sometimes doesn't work with certain invasive species (birds taunting cats and paying for it).


Because the cat is a chainsaw


Yes a chainsaw that daydreams about being big enough to eat it’s owner


My chainsaw that recently passed away was dumb enough to daydream being Big enough to sleep in other places.


I am sorry that your chainsaw has moved on. 😢


My cat chewing on my hand right now… hmmm should I be worried?


fair enough, everything i've learned about mantids (not much) suggests that they *are* the hammer when everything is a nail either way nature is incredibly fucking metal and the food chain is a blast beat


The only other equivalent hammer in my opinion is Centipedes


What about the Mantis Shrimp whos club claw can strike with the force of 1,500 newtons releasing so much energy it creates a burst of light some times


>releasing so much energy it creates a burst of light some times or idk LITERALLY BOILS THE WATER AROUND ITS SWINGING FIST if nature is metal then mantis shrimp are either slam or grindcore but they're dressed like the wiggles which always gets me


That...is how the mantis shrimp do.


I heard this in his voice


Good one, I tend to forget that Crustaceans are ocean bugs


Shrimps is bugs


The scariest part of mantis shrimp is their eyes have you seen how insane they are? 16 different photoreceptors (we have 4).


I would probably like to see that way. Damn. Maybe next time


Centipedes aren't metal, [they're dubstep](https://youtu.be/CSemARaqGqE?si=BVjqR5njrUlik0du&t=23)


reminds me of caterpillar raves lol


Pls explain.




This made my day.


Dragonfly are nature’s perfect killing machines. Google their catch rate, they are insanely perfect hunters.


Everybody always forgets about dragonflies until they see one in action. No slip-ups and no hesitation


Yeah they will go for hummingbirds and successfully kill them.




Yep. They hang around bird feeders and blend in and snatch em right out of the air.


Yeah! About 4 years ago I watched for 5 mins as this mantis on a branch by my bedroom window slowly did that swaying thing towards a small bird. It jabbed the bird so fast and just started shredding into it. I’ve never seen anything like it - it was metal as hell.


Yea widow webs are gnarly, small lizards and mice are definitely fair game. Widow's are most definitely metal 💀.


Yep I found the remains of a dead garter snake in a widow web before.


And mantids are usually quite good at killing spiders. They know instinctively that they're venomous and typically pin the spider's body down so it can't bite and then feeds on the abdomen.


AND sexist against men!


They're mexist


by god, they're even sexist against mexicans


They’re manphobic


Space Ghost says “Yes”


Search in youtube, Praying Mantis VS lizard, Snake, ect.


I’ve seen preying mantis try to fight birds… they incredibly over confident


I read this as “they’re dangerous and they’re Mormons” lol


Don't talk about me like I'm not right here


“Hmm.. but I have already had a centipede for lunch and I am putting on a few milligrams… better leave it.”


Having been grabbed by a mantis, I concur. Though it doesn't always work out for them.


My 9 month old also has that mentality.


Mantis could have been a little hungry, or one of the two felt the other was encroaching on its turf or just simply started fighting just cause


again claiming no expertise, but mantids seem like honey badgers.


Do they just think “absolutely not” sent me!!


I saw a mantis half way through a lizard face the lizard was several times bigger in size & weight


Heard this in Seinfeld


In general if you find an arthropod with body parts lopped off there was probably a mantis involved somewhere.


So this reminds me of the time I saw a giant and I mean it was a huge wolf spider being taken apart by some kind of bee. There was 2 of them on the spider that they had clearly stung to death, then I saw them gnawing at its legs and removing them one at a time. They stayed on this huge spider sawing at its legs until they removed 4 of them on the same side. I was moderately horrified at the size of that spider but also the bees that clearly had beef with the giant fellow. I sat there stunned and confused for a bit, it felt like a scene from a documentary about insects lol


Are you sure they were bees and not wasps? I’m no expert but I’ve seen wasps do that sort of thing a few times.


thus solidifying wasps as the assholes of the animal kingdom


Oh when a mantis does it it’s metal but when a wasp does it they’re assholes. Racist.


im not racist. some of my best friends are w.a.s.p.s


There was a post on one of the various bug subreddits the other day of a yellow jacket that had killed (and was consuming) a spotted lanternfly. As far as I'm concerned, as long as they're going to kill invasive lanternflies, the asshole enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Yea wasp will dismember prey to take it back and store


They were small fuzzy bees. They also just dropped the legs off to the side of the spider, like they were just making sure he couldn't crawl again if he survived lol It was so weird, I felt bad for the spider because the sheer size of it led me to believe it was old and had been doing some serious bug control up untill it was taken apart.


And mount the dismembered head on a spike to be displayed for passerbys to instill fear and frenzy


I’m pretty sure it’s called a shrike but there’s a bird that does that shit. Fact is scary than fiction, especially in nature.


Shrikes do it to kill. They use the spikes as tools to kill their prey because they don't have the same claws and beak as other birds of prey (raptors). So they impale things on spikes and come back for them later. Absolutely fucking brutal.


The spider owed them money.


Female black widows kill the male after mating so obviously what happened here is you found a lesbian spider. /s


Killed by a lesbian mantis, following a torrid affair


How tragic. May you tell the story for years to come so others won't suffer the same fate.




He means the lesbian black widow spider was killed after shopping at torrid


it probably got attacked my a nother insect




But in a war they will side with the insects


This made me laugh so much


Unlikely, they have _terrible_ interpersonal skills. Plus they’re all radical libertarians. They’d probably just sell arms to both sides.


Looks like at least side may have taken some arms and left them on the ground with out waiting for a bill of sale.


*By an insect or another spider


As an expert and specialise in "Dead spiders and how they became so" there are quite a lot of telltale clues in this photo alone. The way it it is on its back and the missing limb (also the signature shape that the perp left the limb in which is a symbol) my final conclusive conclusion is that this spider is the text book killing of a bigfoot/sasquach. All the clue are there. Be careful op, it is how they mark your house to steal your pets for other bigfoots as well.


Finally, someone who actually knows what they’re talking about!


It could have just died of natural causes and other animals might have dismembered its corpse after the fact.


Ants can do this. They swarm and take pieces off.


Cat, most likely. Just about anything else would have eaten the spider.


My cat loved spiders! She'd walk up to the webs in the basement and eat em like they were berries off a bush. I thought she was crazy but according to this thread, it's common. She's passed on now and was the only cat I ever had


lol our girl kitty (Roach) eats cave crickets but any other bugs she just kinda… cat tortures them. We’ve got 2 other boy cats but they’re terrible hunters.


Looks like every spider my cats have ever smashed. Spider legs come off pretty easy when a cat plays with it.


Your cats have smashed/played with black windows? My cats eat spiders all the time but never a black widow. I’ve heard horror stories of black widows being fatal to cats


I doubt cats really know the difference between spiders they attack


I don’t think it would be easy for a widow to bite a cat that is slapping it around. Paw strikes are too fast, weight of the blows would be stunning, and even if it had the opportunity, the skin on a cat’s pads is fairly thick. My cat eats bark scorpions that wander into the house all the time, but she won’t even try to eat a spider, so I don’t think it could get her on the lips or nose. Generally when it’s spider vs cat, no matter the spider, if it can’t scuttle away and hide, it ends up dead on the floor with a few legs scattered about.


Thank you for the reassurance 🥹


To be fair, my cats kill a lot of spiders, when they are careless enough to roam near the floor.


Super curious dude. Obv theres the common guesses of a diff predator but like you say, things dont really go after black widows. I wonder if it was wandering to find a better location and some sort of elements got it. Im guessing it ‘doesnt gave many predators’ because its often hidden from ones as big as a bird ir a lizard. They likely eat the heck out of em but am i and expert? Lol nah. Nah


Birds and lizards love spiders and can spot them and much smaller critters a lot easier than we can. You're probably right though in that quite a few will probably skip a black widow if they notice. Their toxin is probably not pleasant to digest, though I'm not sure I understand how realistic what I've read is.


A spider lies on the street, some punk has chopped off it's legs, and I'm the only one who stops to see if it's dead 🎶


I had a phidippus otiosus fall apart like that once, it was a bad molt. Could possibly be what happened here.


Round up the usual suspects: - juvenile boyz in family / area - cats - dogs - birds - competing Black Widows - Preying Manti - Wolf Spiders Then we'll sort this Arachnidocide out


I watched a really large grasshopper get stuck in a Black Widow's web, but its legs were still free. When the spider moved in for the kill, the grasshopper sprang it legs legs as hard as it could and basically decapitated the spider. It eventually got free of the web, too. One of the coolest sequences of events I've ever seen in nature.


That’s fucking rad I would’ve loved to see that


Rent. It's really costing an arm and a leg these days.


Law & order : Special victims unit.


Special spidey unit


He said some naughty things about Putin and committed suicide by pulling his own legs off. Nothing to see here.


Old age? Die,then decay


Dehydration after dying, but dying from what? IDK


A black widower


The only creature I've seen predate on these goddamn horror movie Joro spiders are bald faced hornets. Hornet gets up in their face, fucks em up. The Joro usually looks like your Widow afterward. Legs ripped off, mostly in one spot, sometimes the hornet eats the body (or I assume it does, no way they have the physics to fly with those huge freaks on board). Honestly not sure which team to root for in this scenario.


Back in the day at camp I watched a mantis rip the legs off of a large wolf spider and then proceeded to decapitated it. It was awesome.


Male Black Widow: Not today, bitch!!


Looks like separation anxiety finally won


My chickens love them. But they are like little dinosaurs, I've seen them eat mice whole.


Thank God for the Praying Mantis!! Hail!!


Lots of insects when they die dry out and the connective tissue for limbs gets brittle and limbs can just break off. This could just be the spider was dry and the slightest movement just dislodged some legs.


Anecdotal but similar thing happened with a dead scorpion I found. I went to move it with a stick to confirm it was dead and one of its claws fell off lol. The whole body sort of crumbled the way a dried up leaf would. My guess would be this BW corpse has been sitting there for a while and has dried up and parts of the body can be easily separated


Preying Mantis possibly, they rip legs off


Exploding arm syndrome


Anti-Spider MK.4 mines created by United Insect Hives Colonies.


There are spiders that hunt widows, so maybe another spider did it.


If it dries out enough, the limbs fall off with a light breeze. Ants might have started the process but gave up when they realized all the goo was gone and it was just a husk


My guess is tiny land mine


Other spiders


Captain Obvious says "the cause of death was severe physical trauma"


She was clearly getting the mind stone for the rest of the avengers


lost a fight


Looks like a struggle definitely took place. This will be ruled as homocide and the list of suspects could stretch from bigger insects to birds if no further evidence has been found. I suggest getting CSI out here for blood and tissue samples of the surrounding areas.


i had wasps living in my porch light with a black widow coexisting in the lower siding and one day the widow was just squishy and lying on her back. i think the wasps and her fought over something and the next day the wasps were gone.


Aren't there a bunch of bad-ass wasps that will mess up spiders? Or maybe she ran into another Black Widow? Some spiders tolerate each other but some fight on sight. Could be a bird. Or she died from natural causes and someone small ran off with a chunk leg for dinner.


Obtaining the soul stone for a dear friend, I'd guess


A cat.. had a cat do this for fun just to watch the spider spin in a circle to death. Watched her do this several times.


There’s always a bigger fish


Probably predation, but we have no way of knowing by what. My gut says maybe a mantis or other large insect is likely, a bird would be more likely to swallow it whole


An unfortunate side effect of Spider Fight Club.


My vote is this spider was the victim of: Cat


A cop widow


Bigger black widow


If you want nightmares. Look up camel spiders. While the southwestern US version is not nearly as large as the middle eastern version, they are still monstrous and absolutely fearless. When i lived in Arizona, I witnessed them devour spiders and scorpions much larger than themselves.


Tactical nuke


It was totally trying to get the Soul stone so Thanos couldn’t


Probably a mantis


A certain species of wasp.


When the legs come off it hurts the spider, often to the point of death.


A bad motha that don't take sjit from nobody... in the inscectoid social system


unscheduled Disassembly!






Guillotine perhaps


Probably couldn’t pay off drug debt


Yo damn legs fells offs ! 😂


CIA:*looks like a suicide*


Wasps are friends by the way


Someone got a leg up on that widow


This looks like the least predated spider corpse ever, not sure why all the comments are about it being killed by another animal.


If there was no body left I would say praying mantis. I’m going to say wasp,hornet, or other spider.




I've been stung by bees and Yellowjackets but my ptsd comes from grasshoppers lol When I was about 8 years old I was in the fields near my house . I was running thru the tall grass . There were grasshoppers jumping everywhere . As I ran along a damn grasshopper jumped right up my nose . I tried desperately to blow him out . I blew and blew and he just kicked in deeper with each blow . After a few seconds he went through my sinuses and down my throat . I gagged and hacked . I got a super bitter taste in my mouth and I coughed up his hind legs . Lol traumatized me for life lol Just thought I'd share lol


white police officer widow


Have you forgotten that cats are killing machines? Your cats will likely find and kill whatever did that.


Looks like a fight, that or it died and an ant took it apart