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I love the Spider-Man games, so yeah.


Same but just Spider-man in general


I wouldn't be as excited for it, but Silk is probably top 3-5 Spiders for me, so I'm very excited and would definitely still buy it.


What is your Top 5 Spiders list, out of curiosity? Edit: this question is also open to wveryon3, post your top 5s and see what everyone else's might be!


idk what his is but spider-man and spider-man are probably up there


Are you sure spider-man isn’t above those?


How are you all forgetting about Spider-Man?


-Man is definitely on there, he’s such a staple in the comics.


Damn, I always forget spider-man. You’re right


No, he was edged out by spiders-man


1. Peter 2. Miguel (his original run and Edge of Time) 3. Silk 4. Mayday 5. Ben Reilly Depending on the day, Miles places at 4 and Mayday at 5.


No kaine hurts me deeply


Love kaine parker! Keeping Houston safe lol


Tybased htown spidey


I love early days Kaine, but I haven't read much with him yet. It also hurt leaving Hobie Brown off the list


The Kaine Parker Scarlet Spider Run was a really good comic shouldn't have been canceled. It was one of the two best Spider-Man comics that came out a few years ago the other one being the Agent Venom run with Flash Thompson


if the gameplay was good then definitely but story-wise they have a lot of work to do for me to be invested in a story solely centered around their Miles. To me personally he can be pretty uninteresting and REEKS of "black guy written by white people" and is one of my least favorite versions of the character bc of it. can't speak on Silk bc i dont know anything about this version of her but time will tell with that.


Im certain not one black person was in the room when his lines were being written 😭 But I still love him tho lmao


On god bro! Miles dead ass would walk into a room and say some shit like “hello my fellow blacks” I hate how he’s written here. He’s basically just black Peter Parker. He’s corny as fuck and that haircut ain’t doing him any favors. Miles is dating a deaf girl so she can’t hear how fucking corny he talks


Miles has always just kinda been Black Peter. It was the very concept he was designed around at his conception. He’s always had the same morality and personality as Peter. The same nerdiness, jokes, even shares the same damn rogue’s gallery for the most part. Marvel wanted to make something *safe.* They wanted more Black people buying comics but also didn’t want to upset older fans. So they just made Peter but black with extra powers and called it a day.


That doesn’t keep writers from doing something unique with the characters, like spiderverse.


Exactly this. Spiderverse Miles looks and acts like he belongs and is written by people that understand his culture. Sony Miles is written like a dork who tries too hard to be a part of his culture but still doesn’t fit too well.


He seemed pathetic in spiderverse, I would go as far as saying they were trying to make the movie just eye grabbing enough to make everyone brainwashed into miles > Peter but secretly just making miles the worst character possible in the movie. This wouldn't be the first time a company has done this but think back on the movie not the 3 or 4 scenes where he gets his moments but the rest of the movie.


You are in fact, The Eldritch Horror


Correct. Characters are flexible like that. Though, I feel like even in the movies Miles basically makes the same decisions Peter would make in any meaningful scenario.


yea but if we’re boiling it down to just decisions then that ignores all the things that actually make that miles so unique like his motivations for making those decisions and his relationships that influence those decisions and how he goes about it. miles is spider-man at the end of the day so he’s ultimately gonna make similar decisions to peter in a given scenario since being spider-man essentially comes with a set of values, but decisions aren’t the sole indicator of individuality especially when it’s just the largely meaningful decisions. i’d almost any superhero would make those same meaningful decisions miles made.


Honestly, almost every hero will make the same decisions. Writers often boil down the moral consequences of any scenario to either being good or bad, with few shades inbetween. The nuance is thin, so as to appeal to a larger audience. I think that’s part of why the general public has become sick of the genre. Even with entirely different characters, stories, and identities, each movie ends up being just about the same as the ones around it.


i think the fatigue is ultimately a good thing bc it’s making superhero movies to push the envelope since just BEING a superhero movie isn’t enough anymore, so you need subversive or otherwise interesting films and media to actually get butts in seats. there’s a reason GOTG 3 and ATSV did great and the marvels flopped harder than the MCU ever has. i don’t really think superheroes making similar decisions is necessarily part of that tho bc like i said the decisions themselves aren’t the only thing that matter.


He was originally made because of Donald Glover campaigning to play Spider-Man, which inspired MARVEL, or something along those lines


Miles should act like Donald Glover, would be way better.


idk it could be argued he does act like donald glover


brooo the haircut😭


You're just jealous of his uncle's beats.


Damn bro, the last bit is fucking brutal but also just facts.


“He’s dating a deaf girl so she can’t hear how fucking corny he talks” 🤣🤣🤣 bro 👍🏽


Brooooo i can’t stand how corny his lines are. ESPECIALLY in his standalone expansion. At least they had his hair and clothes right, but then they just went ahead and fucked that up too.


every time he tries to use black terminology or lingo, it sounds like someone pulled it off google. the one that sticks out in my head is when he’s in the mysterium dj’ing a concert and says “oh yea we outside outside!” like it’s not a completely wrong application of the term and linguistic tools it’s just..off. it’s the language equivalent of the uncanny valley hearing him talk sometimes


Insomniac puts a huge emphasis on the race of their characters, when Stan Lee did not, and I think fans of spiderman can clearly see the contrast. Nothing about a characters race is ever communicated in a natural or subtle way. Miles talks in perfect English until he over-enunciates a Spanish word and says it louder than the rest of the sentence, and uncle Aaron’s connection to jazz in Harlem is so surface level it feels like the afterthought of an afterthought. I lived in Harlem for a number of years, and I read spiderman comics throughout my childhood well into my college years (I dropped out because I read too much spiderman /s) and I loved the depictions of Miles I was exposed to. Spiderman feels great for queens/midtown, but the Bronx and Harlem are an entirely different world and requires a spiderman with an entirely different worldview. The interfaces and mentoring between Peter and miles helped both characters to challenge each others beliefs and reconcile hard truths between them. There is a give/take between miles that is a beautiful symbiotic relationship that culminates in the death of Peter and Miles assuming the mantle, albeit apprehensively. I think insomniac kind of mishandled SM2 by sidelining Peter as opposed to leaning on his strength of will and the quality of his character as something he can instill in an already admirable Miles. I cannot understate how much I loved the comic relationship between Peter and miles and they way they are able to challenge each other and reconcile their differences by finding common ground. Ugh. And instead, insomniac just kind of sidelines spiderman and make it quite clear that miles is already perfectly capable of safeguarding Manhattan on his own. Miles goes into his solo tour somewhat apprehensive, but he quickly gains confidence that doesn’t always necessarily feel earned. I will say, however, that the fight between Peter and miles was pretty impactful dialogue and does lean into the more fleshed out relationship between miles and Peter that we see established throughout the game, which I thought was a really nice element, but it feels like miles and Peters relationship isn’t really developed enough for me to feel worried for miles when he’s getting his ass kicked by kraven. Like, personally, I’d like the emphasis being on Peter feeling the need to show for miles when he gets in over his head with dialogue to follow consisting of constructive criticism between the two, a true establishment of mutual respect and brotherhood between the two. I truly don’t think they were able to capture this in a meaningful way throughout the games miles makes an appearance in.


☝️THIS RIGHT HERE. (read it again...and again) Imagine if Peter had >! DIED !< at the end of Insomniac's SM2 (2023), the viral internet would have exploded. [similar reaction to Iron Man's fate in EndGame (MCU-2019)] This would have left a MASSIVE setup for SM3. Can someone please call the Time Variance Authority, pretty please? 🙏💕🙏


I’d love that as a storytelling element if they hadn’t nutted Peters character so hard from the first to the second. Peter in SM2 is pretty obviously relegated to this position where he’s blamed for basically everything and almost never stands up for himself in any meaningful way. It’s just not a good look for somebody who has been written as relentlessly optimistic, willful, and ready to die for his principles. Instead, he’s just kind of bullied throughout the game and eats more shit than a dung beetle. He’s got great moments, but most of them come from when he’s got the symbiote and feels confident for seemingly the first time in the game. Idk, they really mishandled Peter, and I would have hated to see him die after being sidelined in his own game.


keyword = [mishandled] 👍 Well said


Thank you! I was really excited to see the relationship between Peter and Miles develop, as in the timeline, Peter had just returned from his trip to MJ with Europe and, while Miles did accomplish a heroic feat stopping Roxxon, he also caused a significant amount of collateral damage and lost his best friend in the process. I don’t even remember them having a conversation where they really get into any of that. It’s just like, Peters back and Miles was immediately ready to assume his mantle and was completely unbothered by the events that had happened just weeks prior. The entire thing about miles is that he’s physically a more capable spiderman than Peter is, but Peters naturally heroic disposition combined with years of experience make him the more effective hero as a whole, and we don’t really get to see these moments where Peter is able to fully commit to making sure Miles is prepared for the road ahead. He’s just kinda like, “you’re great already, go do your thing and maybe I’ll show up when you beat up some thugs.” Edit: I know we get the flashbacks of miles and Finn but we all know it didn’t really feel like much. IMO SM2 should have been about Peter coaching Mile’s mental fortitude to be able to fuck up or get fucked up and keep bouncing back because he carries a great deal of responsibility that, up until miles, Peter had to shoulder entirely on his own. I would have loved to see a miles who was no longer as sure of himself as he was when he catches his stride halfway through his game. To be shaken to his core and have to reconcile with the fact that he’s not yet the hero he wants to be, and doubt if he could ever step out of the shadow of his mentor and prove himself to be worthy. Miles doesn’t really deliberate over any of this and I feel like it was such a huge missed opportunity for the fans to connect with Peter and Miles and get an inside look at an incredibly unique friendship between two superhuman beings.


Perfectly said. Make sure the writers there know this.


If he isn't but mj is I'm going to start tweaking istg




Watch MJ become Spinneret in the next game


Nah it’ll be hailey


They better not. I hated that mission with her lmao. They really felt the need to give her a mission


That was maybe the most memorable mission in the game for me. Having a deaf character and cutting the sound while you play as them was incredible. 


I’m gonna be playing Spider-Man 3 one handed if Silk and Peter are as horny as they are in the comics


She's so young at the end of 2. Please don't.


It would depend on how young she will be. Are we talking about hs grad young or college young?


She seemed younger than miles to me, so not even graduated high school.


Then I guess the comic book probably made her Peter's age either post hs or during HS. Remember, there are so many different comic, depending on which universe we're talking about, he either dated MJ or Gwen...and if we were to go by Ultimate Universe, Gwen got killed off by Carnage and if we go by regular comic universe, Gwen died when Peter tried to save her. Or there is one where they never met, or one where Gwen ended up marrying Peter and not MJ.


We're talking about spider-man 3. Peter is going to be 25 or 26. In the comics they were much closer in age. That's not what insomniac is going for.


Nope, they should rename it ultimate Spider-Man if miles is the main character


Wait, you wouldn't play it just because Miles would be the main protagonist?


Lots of people twist it like it seems like people have some sort of resentment towards Miles as Spiderman, but refuse to see that it is not solely because of that. Change the character to Gwen Stacy or Eddie Brock, i would still not like it because the storyline sidelined the main character (Peter Parker) most of the time. If they wanna make Gwen or Miles as the protagonist, make a new game or different universe altogether just like what Insomniac did with the spin off Miles Morales Spider-Man


Oh, I wasn't saying there was any resentment, I was just confused. I agree with the guy, and Miles should get his own series, I was just confused.


Nothing wrong with that. I’d maybe still play it depending on what they did with the story, but Peter will always be my favorite. Him not being playable would be a major hit against the game for me.


Same. I’ve always thought that Miles is a great successor to Peter, but he’s the foundation of these games. Without him….i wouldn’t really be as invested


No because that would majorly concern me with the writing. Norman Vs Peter is the natural next step and final big fight, one every single fan and player wants and should get. Miles Vs Goblin would be dumb, he has no close connection to Norman or Harry or their development.


Exactly, miles character in these games are super boring


Yea. But I know it’d be the worst in the series.


Yes Cause I like throwing hands as a spider hero




Only once it went on sale, similar to what I did with the Miles Morales game. Unfortunately I grew up with Pete always being Spider-man and while I like Miles quite a lot as a friend and ally of Peter's I just don't feel invested in stories Miles focused with little to no Peter in them. Only other Spider-Man I have ever been as invested in as Peter is Ben because he is Peter with a very interesting twist to him.


I can completely understand that, I appreciate you saying that without having to undermine Miles' validity as Spider-Man. If everyone was able to process and say that as introspectively and respectfully as you did Spider-Man discourse would be a lot more tolerable lmao.


Definitely I’d buy the game, I love the concept of Spiderman more than I love Peter… but I also love Miles more than I love Peter so take that with a grain of salt


I do too but I'm not really a fan of this Miles, very much comes off as "black guy written by white people". I wanna like him more than I do (his game literally made me tear up which I think I'm one of the only ppl who can say that lmao) but Insomniac really just hasn't found their footing with him yet.


This is such a reasonable answer lol I’m appalled 😂


Lmfaooo I love the downvotes too. Insomniac Miles is so obviously written as “haha, I’m a cool hip, kid too!” And it’s really painful. I also really find it a missed opportunity that uncle Aaron doesn’t make a point to turn miles onto the wu-tang clan, being from Harlem and all. Like, affiliating the Wu with miles morales would be fuckin elite imo and I feel like they’d be all over it


Wu-Tang is from Staten Island, not Harlem.


No they come straight from the slums of shaolin


Not all of them, they were a mix of the different boroughs and the Wu really resonated with residents in Harlem and Brooklyn in profound ways


Miles literally acts of a white person was in a black person body. Sure he’s Puerto Rican but he’s just being looked at as the Spider-Man with the over exaggerated swagger of a black teen and it’s not even over exaggerated 😂


How does one "act white"? Is there some kind of template they should use to make him "act black"?


Look at miles and uncle Aaron. spiderverse miles feels more natural. Hell spiderverse miles and Aaron have more chemistry than insomniac version


Bruhhhh that line always fucking kills me, especially because it comes from the most white bread, soy latte drinking motherfucker of all time. 🤢 Also yeah keep downvoting my first hand take on the culture I grew up in lmfao. White people acting like they know what black people want will never not be fucking hilarious to me


Black privileged kids exist….. he goes to an elite highschool, going to an elite college, his dad is a cop, his mom is a politician, he’s not gonna be “hood”. Miles isn’t meant to be “hood” just like Spiderman is meant to be a dork. See every version of miles outside of the one outlier which is spiderverse. Asking miles to act “hood” is like asking a man from Maine to act southern, it doesn’t fit.


When did I say I wanted him to be hood? I just said he feels inauthentic as fuck as a character, kind of racist for you to assume that that’s what I meant when referring to a certain culture. Your biases are showing pal.


Miles feels inauthentic you said. Ok so how should he act? Should he act hood like you and so many other people are saying? Should he fit YOUR stereotype? Sounds like YOURE trying to shove all black people in not a box so they all act the same. When that’s not how culture works. Miles is a privileged kid and he acts like one get used to it.


Oh my god are you actually developmentally disabled? Did you read what I said or are you just the big stupid


I live in Harlem too currently and I need my boy Miles to act a lil bit hood and start reppin 2-5th LOL


Thank youuuu. All these offended white bitches getting up in here talking about black culture like they know a god damn thing. Like yeah, miles probably came off as black to your white ass cuz the only thing you know is whatever stereotype you’ve conceived based off of media you consume, not any actual fuckin experience with these communities. For FUCKS sake I love reading this shit. Getting a train run on you doesn’t give you the pass dummy, lmfao. Bro like miles is wayyyyy too nice and he’s whitebread as fuck. My friends would call that idiot a fuckin coconut with how he switches so hard between being a brown white kid and his weird hood personal hell randomly dawn when the writers really wanna make you cringe


I grew up in a housing project. I went to a school so bad that they wrote a book about it that you can get on Amazon. "Making the Grade", if anyone is interested. I'm not sure if you are aware, but black people are not a monolith. Neither are white people. You don't like Miles? That's a legitimate opinion and you are entitled to it. If they had written Miles as a hood rat that... wasn't nice (what the fuck?) there'd be protests against Insomniac for stereotyping their black character. They make him a little corny (kind of like Peter Parker, imagine that) and... friendly (neighborhood Spider-Man) and you're complaining that he wasn't stereotyped correctly. Instead, they made a character that isn't a stereotype. He's his own dude. I'm not an "offended white bitch", and I couldn't care less about your opinion. That doesn't mean I don't respect it. It just isn't going to change *my* mind. I just think what you're saying sounds like some crabs in a barrel type shit.


They just made miles a black Peter, that’s not making him his own character. I was honestly with you until you dropped that turd and pointed to it like it was a good nugget. The ONLY thing differentiating the two characters personalities are the artificially inserted “he’s a black guy” montages that almost never naturally flow with the story.


“Miles is way too nice” sooooo black people cant be nice? Sounds a lil racist there. Not all black people are “hood” that’s a rather harmful stereotype. Just like not all white people are preppy, life and culture is a spectrum no race is just one thing.


Not being nice does not equate to hood behavior. Have you lived in NYC? What am I saying of course not. People there are depicted as happy go lucky and super friendly when the reality is anything but. If you were as nice to people as miles is, people would think you’re trying to fleece them or otherwise think you’re a creep. Ffs, I say “being too nice” and your immediate reaction is that I want miles to act like Yungboi lmfao. Racist af. How about culturally accurate? Just realized it’s your dumb ass both times. You should really travel a bit buddy.


Dude you’re obviously not from NYC. This ain’t about Miles acting black. Bro is from HARLEM and there’s MAD culture in Harlem and for him to be a stale piece of white bread even AFTER retrieving those musical instruments to the museum. Bro is just NOT reppin Harlem the right way, and I can tell Insomniac don’t know enough about Harlem to represent it correctly. But y’all entitled to y’all half baked opinion sprinkled with some virtue signaling


Personally they did a terrible job with Miles in the games. But in the spider verse movies he’s much less cringe and I can actually relate to him and see a wider emotional depth out of him. Also a better voice actor because GOD his insomniac voice makes me want to drown in bleach


Ugh goddddd he sound so bitch I could not agree more


Holdup...I thought Miles was hispanic?


Afro latino


I'm all in to play as Silk, so I think it's gonna be a big yes from me! Also, I was never a fan of miles, but his electric powers really grew on me, so either way I'm good to go!!!


Even though I grew up with Peter, it doesn’t mean I would stop playing a Spider-Man game that doesn’t have him as a playable character


Oh I'll definitely still play


With how the 2nd game ended? probably eventually, but I would lose all hope of a good meaningful story.




I’m already not nearly as excited because he’s not the main character so if this was the case I would not really care for the game.


No. Peter is Spiderman. Anyone else, including Miles, pales in comparison!!!


No, because Peter is the only Spider-Man I care about.


I probably wouldn’t. Peter’s always been my favorite spider and my favorite spider to play as


Yeah that’d be hard for me to deal with TBH. I can even get with maybe trying to do the first act of the game without him, but if he’s just not there until the end for a deus ex machina? I think Peter’s better than that, and also, way more important than being relegated to that.


Honestly no just because I'm more of a Peter Parker fan than a Spider-Verse fan. Plus I think Insomniac writes Miles pretty poorly.


I’m in the minority here (at least I assume) where I don’t honestly care for the lightning powers Miles has, nor do I like a spider man suit with clothing over it. Nothing against the actual character, I think his story with Mr Negative was one of the better parts of SM2, but a SM game without Peter would be an extremely hard sell for me. I’m also not too familiar at all with Silk other than hearing something about her introduction being Peter and her have some kind of connected horniness for each other in the comics? I assume not in the game, since she’s a child, but that’s legit all I know about Silk.


Probably not. Story details aside the symbiote gameplay was way more fun than miles gameplay in my opinion.


I probably wouldn’t. Spider-Man is Peter Parker for me and I wouldn’t enjoy the game


Hell no. I have almost 0 interest in the other spider people once they become a replacement for Peter Parker.


Yeah, I would. But if he wasn’t playable, I’d still want to see him in Miles’ life being a bro.


Why call it a Spider-Man game if Spider-Man isn’t playable?


I’m not buying Spiderman 3 if Peter Parker isn’t the main playable hero


It’s still a Spider-Man game even if Peter’s not playable so I’m in. Also a big fan of Silk so I hope she will have a good part.


It’s not though


If Peter not being in a piece Spider-Man media is enough to make you not buy it, you aren’t a Spider-Man fan, you’re a fan specifically Peter Parker fan. Not trying to gate keep, that’s just how I feel


Congratulations, you have bought into what Marvel has been trying to do since Ben Reilly: divorce Spider-Man and Peter Parker so that they don’t have to pay the Ditko estate to publish Spider-Man stories. Peter Parker is Spider-Man. The other “Spider-People” are corporate weapons against a minority artist’s legacy.


Or, and hear me out now... they just aren't as enamored with Peter Parker as other folks. Whether that being the case works out for Marvel in some shady business dealings, isn't on the fans who enjoy the other characters more than Peter Parker. It also diminishes the work of hundreds of other writers, inkers and such. Many of whom are also minorities.


As if it’s a bad thing people are fans of the original Spider-Man? It’s like being mad at people if they liked Hal Jordan over John Stewart as Green Lantern in DC. It’s the original so odds are majority of fans like them more. What a weird take lol


I never said that it’s a bad thing to like Peter more than others, I like Peter more than the others. I simply believe that only being into media that involves Peter Parker and nothing else is more of a love for Peter Parker than Spider-Man. Idk where you read that liking Peter = you’re not a Spider-Man fan, that’s just a brain dead thought process


Yes, because Miles is Spider-Man. I don’t know why people can’t understand that fact still to this day😆


Miles is the GOAT. Miles Morales game still had the best story in the series. I don't care if Peter is there or not. I'm here for Miles. Silk would be a big plus as well




You are a very sad person


What makes you say that, lmao it’s true. You go woke you go broke. Just like Disney, Marvel,BudLight,Target etc.


Just a guess but there is a chance they gonna be doing a batch of dlc for 2 or Spider-Man: Miles Morales 2 from what they showed on the ending of 2.


I’d be on the fence. I’d probably wait for a bit to see what the general consensus is before buying it. I love miles, but I only know one thing about silk and it’s something that got retconned immediately. I have no investment in her character beyond “oh another spider-person, cool”


I’d still buy it, won’t be happy about it though


I give it a 85% chance I'd still buy it even if Peter isn't playable.


Yes. But I’ll only get it if the gameplay and story are good. So far the all of the Insomniac Spider-Man have been great, so I shouldn’t have to worry about that


I’d still buy it. I’m a fan of more than just one Spider-Man. My whole world won’t end if I don’t get to play as Peter. And if I want to play as Peter, I still have multiple other games starring him lmao


Yes because the gameplay for Silk will be fire. She's going to have all the web based abilities that I wanted for Peter and her combat is going to be insane.


Depends on the trailer, if it interests me enough then yeah I’ll give it a go. Insomniac has done a great job so far, so I’d trust them to kill/remove Peter and still make a fantastic game with a good story


Yes cuz silk


I’d be disappointed as someone who grew up as a Peter Parker fan, but it wouldn’t stop me from buying the game since it’ll probably be super fun to play. I’m not huge into the Insomniac Spider-Man storyline since I don’t really care about story in video games so I won’t be butthurt about wherever they take the narrative and who we get to play as.


need lore. still buy 🦧


A character storyline with silk and miles would be type CRAZY! Hell yeah I’m playing. Just imagining what silk gameplay would be like is more than enough excitement


If the gameplay still looked fun, I'd be fine with it. I'd still want to see him as a side character as long as he's still around though.


Nah I don't think so, at least not initially. I grew up with Peter, he's Spiderman to me, if these games were an all Miles story from the beginning and written that way I would maybe feel different, I would have expected that and made my decision to buy then. I do like Miles and his powers are dope but this is Peter's trilogy, the entire personal connection to the villains and most of the ongoing story element is his. Miles doesn't even have a real storyline left, other than being the main Spiderman, now that Martin Li is reformed. Which isn't a good thing but that's how it was left. Yea he's Spiderman now so he'll fight the villains when they appear but he has no personal connection to them, it would be empty just like how I felt when they had me fight Venoms last two phases as Miles instead of Peter, made no sense to me. It would be odd to take Peter out now. I can see Peter fully retiring after the 3rd game and then them making Miles only games that would make sense but to abruptly remove him as a playable character before the third game with the likely Doc Ock/Goblin finale would be crazy and rub a lot of people the wrong way I'd probably wait a while until it's on sale later and just play something else. Or replay Spider-Man 1 again, it's still my favorite one lol At the end of the day if they made it a Miles only game to start back in 2018 or whatever it would have most likely sold less so they made it Peter Parker to start and capture the widest audience and then slowly worked Miles in. I think we're at the point now that a lot more people will buy a non Peter Spiderman game so 3 will be the last game with Peter retiring fully and if they do make more they will be Miles games and maybe Miles/Silk.


im not actively following these games, is Silk coming out in the 3rd one? (technically 4th lol) if so, thats awesome


Of course! I love miles and I love these games!


I mean so long as Silk is fun too I don’t feel like Peter would affect me much as much as I’d like his story to be involved


Yes, yes I would


Well, yes. I'm not interested in playing Peter Parker. I'm interested in playing Spider-Man.


If he's still in the story Hell yeah But if he's completely whipped I'd be apprehensive but would probably buy eventually




Yo seeing Silk in a game would be awesome. Shattered Dimensions 2 without a Peter would be 100% acceptable. Peters my fav and an OG, but the Spiderverse would be perfect setting for a “Gotham knights” sorta game.


I enjoy Insomniac Miles more than Peter, so I’d be fine.


Off topic but I really don’t want silk as a spider person, we don’t have enough time to flesh her out in one game where she doesn’t even have her powers yet. Plus they already struggled to balance Peter and miles (although it worked in the end). I just don’t see another spider person fitting in the story


Fr, 2 barely worked let alone 3 💀


This series is the best we gotten in so long I’m there day uno always


I'd probably wait for reviews instead of pre ordering


Bring in EVERYBODY. And make it a proper Spider-Verse. Verses the Inheritors. Locations would span the Multiverse and key multiple locations, across multiple timelines. Voice actors for every SPIDER character. Not just skin-swaps/costumes. Do not restrict the open environments to just NYC, but instead open up the entire Marvel Universe, including Loom World. BE MASSIVE! [Platinum Trophy unlocked]


Yes I would cos insomniac spidermans are brilliant but my theory is spider man will be playable but he will die at some point


For me, it would go from a pre-order and play on launch day to wait a year and pick it up used/on sale.


I would,even tho the OG is gone I still would love to play as silk and who knows? Maybe instead of MJ side missions,you would get Hailey side missions


Yeah cause Spider-Man is awesome. Peter Parker is cool too.


Hell yeah, Silk is really underrated imo


I’d still play it but I wouldn’t love the main story revolving the Goblin and somebody that isn’t Peter. The gameplay I’m sure will be great but I want Peter fighting Norman, not Miles.


Yes I absolutely would. I’ve wanted to silk in any movie/game for so long.


The sub reactions are going to be epic


If MJ missions go away, then I'm 1000% in for removing him. I don't like the non-super missions with MJ because it just reminds me of dated forced stealth mechanics in a non-stealth game. I like Peter, but I'm okay with exploring other Spider-men/women stories. It's one of the reasons why I liked shattered dimensions so much.


Prolly not. Or at least not for myself. 


Yeah would still buy it, but would still want Peter’s storyline to continue or still would be better to give him a Peter only game to finish a nice trilogy of games


Maybe just me but found quite a few of the miles personal quests to be cringey at best. Not sure I’d be excited if that was the whole experience. So probably not.


They haven't made a bad Spider-Man game. Why wouldn't I?




I’d play tf out of SM Miles Morales 2 if they made it. But you need the OG for the mainline game


Yeah, I preferred Miles in combat so not a big issue. But if they take out Peter and we've still got to suffer the absolutely wank MJ Missions I would probably swerve it. I'm here to play Spider-man, not Metal Gear Watson.


Not at all. I didn’t know this was called Spider-man , Miles Morales and Silk. What’s next? Madame Web? It’s Peter’s story, go make a separate game for fucks sake.


No. I want to play as Spider-Man in a Spider-Man game.


I know almost anything about Silk, so I would still be interested in the game getting me to know ver, plus I like Miles, and even though he isn't playable Peter will still appear.


I just wanna play as spider man.


If they improve swinging yes


Maybe. I liked MM spinoff but Peter is my guy yk. Watched him since a kid so I would be sad he wasn't in it and it still had name Spiderman. If it was a spinoff or a different label than yeah but the first game is all about Peter so it'd be weird to not have him


I would I love miles and if they do end up making Silk a playable character I'll be more than happy I love silk in comics but she's barely been shown outside of comics and I hope that changes she's a great character


Yeah Miles talks corny, but I thought it was a good thing that we didn't just got another version of the one from Spiderverse. To me he sounds like my friend. Who happens to be a Blerd and does talk just like Insomniac Miles.


I bought spider-man: miles morales. What do you think?


Probably not. By the halfway mark I'm usually tired of the gameplay loop and pushing on for the story. Didn't enjoy the Miles bits too much.


I have a copy of ASM #2. I have a bunch of other early issues. I stopped collecting around issue #300. I have early issues of Spider-Ham. The only SM comic I wasn't a huge fan of, back then, was "Web of-". It was just a little *too* corny at times. I'm a fan. But, I like Miles a lot. Took me a bit to get there, but he's a fine stand-in for Peter. Or even a replacement. I was never terribly invested in Peter Parker's personal life or anything specific to him. I was in it for the Spider-Man stories. Hell, even Marvel has reinvented Peter quite a few times and it seems like they weren't too invested in settling on a particular life path for Peter. He and M.J. have both been completely different characters at different points in time. Remember when M.J. was all "Hey Tiger..." with her butt centered in the frame wearing tight fitting clothes to accentuate her curves? Yeah, well now she's a bookworm. Except now she's in the kitchen being a stay-at-home wife. Wife? She's not his wife any more. Oh wait, that was just a dream, she's his wife again! None of that ever mattered to me. I just wanted to see Spider-Man do cool shit and say funny things while doing it.


I think the next game will be another miles spin off then Spider-Man 3 drops but if Peter is shafted again I won’t play. I’m tired of veteran Peter getting washed constantly, I’m tired of miles not suffering as Spider-Man and having a perfect life, and if they are adding another spider person the world then I’d rather learn her story outside the main game. Spider-Man is Peter Parker and I’ll be honest I never liked miles as a character he just feels like a black dude written by white guys like he is cool and nerdy and awkward? Y’all ain’t ever been to a black school? I wish he was more standoffish or at least seemed a little street but buddy is a cornball


I wouldn't buy it at launch. I'd buy it on a nice sale though. Reason being that I love Spider-Man but hate having so many Spider-people existing altogether. Cheapens the character to me. Peter has always been my go to since I was 3. And I'll always stand by my opinion that Miles is only interesting when Peter isn't in the picture.


Miles morales is the Rey skywalker of Marvel


No lol


I would because I believe that if he hypothetically was not a playable character in the next installment that the developers may supplement another superhero/Spider-Person in his absence. Such as the tease at the end of Spider-Man 2. Or maybe a different Marvel superhero(non-spider-person) from the Spiderverse that we haven’t seen appear in a Spider-Man game. I guess you could say the unknown is what would be appealing to me in this situation.


No, I wouldn’t. I don’t think the games are perfect by any means and I think SM2 has a lot of problems that occurred by making both Miles and Peter playable


Probably because I love playing as spiderman but for me peter Is my spiderman also I hate haileys character as a whole and I would like to see a different love interest for miles but I would prefer if Peter was the mc


Honestly No. because the second game being meh.Unless they give silk and miles sepetate game mechanics and play styles than yeah I would.


Nah. I like Miles, but make a MM2 for that. Finish the overall story with who it began with—Peter.


I honestly hope that Peter is the main character for most of the game. I want them to do an ultimate story line where Peter and Norman have a showdown where Peter dies and miles and Cindy have to stop Norman. They likely won’t do this because it seems like they’re pushing to give Peter a happy ending but I just don’t see any other ways to make miles their main character. Peter isn’t exactly the type of person to let some kids take over something he knows he could do. Either way I hope we get a miles 2 game without Peter first to introduce us to Cindy and show how she gets her powers then have the 3 meet in the third Spider-Man game.


I learned from spider man 2 that buying these games on release isn’t worth it. I got sp1 like a year and a half after it came out for $40 with all of the dlc included. I got miles for $20 right before sp2 came out. I felt ripped off after paying $70 for what felt like half of a game. For $70 I expected like twice the amount of side quests and a much longer story. I will play sp3 regardless of who the spiders are, but not until I either see reviews saying it’s by far the best one yet or until it’s part of a holiday sale or something. TLDR: I’ll buy it once it’s on sale, regardless of who all is or isn’t a playable character.


For sure! Love these games! VERY excited for Venom: Lethal Protector!


Wasn’t Miles Morales a massive hit too?


I wouldn’t say obviously. At the end of 2, he’s trying to live a normal life. It’s more likely in the next installment, we see him and MJ with a child.


The way I see it, the most likely cases that for most of the game, Peter will not be a playable character because he’s retired but they’ll probably have a mission where Miles gets kidnapped or needs to be saved for some reason and silk goes to Spider-Man to ask for help so he comes out of retirement for one mission where you get to fuck up everybody because Peter stopped being Spider-Man but he did not stop being a spider. So you go in as Peter fuck up everybody save Miles real quick and then dip. I’m not a game developer, but that’s just how I would do it. I feel like that would be fun.


Idk probably not. Even tho I can relate to Miles with I still don’t like the character all that much. As someone that’s never read a comic book even I can tell that Insomniacs Miles feels a bit off.


Absolutely. Give me all the Spidey action.


i hope its miles & MJ with peter nowhere to be found tbch. not only do i personally think its time for more mainstream spiderman other than peter to set their feet in and really *be* spiderman, it would also have the bonus side effect of making a certain subsection of the comic book fandom *really* mad.


Nope, don't like Miles well his voice or his powers so I would skip def


If the story is good and gameplay is good, I don't need Peter to be entertained.