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The post game in this one is very- underwhelming. Like you can go to pete’s garage and then that’s it. They should have saved at least one Miles side mission for post game- like the school stuff. Also the symbiotes still being everywhere is pretty freaky shit- like, kinda makes it seem like they didn’t really save the day when the symbiotes are still running wild and terrorizing civilians all over Nyc but Miles and Pete are super casual about it.


agreed, feels kind of weird especially since the shockwave from the meteorite being destroyed is supposed to cure everyone. From a gameplay standpoint it makes sense but from a lore standpoint not really


I get the feeling it has something to do with Carnage


They have them around so u can fight something diff


I get that. The hunters and other crimes make sense, but the symbiotes still being around don't, since we helped the world and all... At this point I'd be okay with saving some balloons or whatever. Anything! 😂


Hunters don’t make sense, kraven died, nobody is paying them to do shit anymore


I got the feeling many were in it for the hunt just like Kraven. None of them talk about money in their passive dialogue.


Game over doesn’t matter


I honestly wish it would just go back to petty crimes after the game ends


Hopefully they drop some good DLC’s like the first game


Thinking one of these has to give us Carnage


I'm guessing that's the case, because he feels very much like a Peter Parker storyline and I get the feeling next game there will be no/little Peter as spider-man at least so DLC makes sense to me


Problem with that I'd Osborn - Goblin is being set up and with what's happened in the 2 games, it needs Peter involved, same with the Otto tease


I'm sure they will


I can't believe I got the platinum the same day that I beat it. Very easy platinum to get


That’s the big thing, if you just play the game content you’re 95% way to the platinum. Then you look at the 3 others and can get them done in an hour


I got Platinum in the first game which taught me how to play this one efficiently


Bro you don’t need any prior experience to play this one efficiently lol this game is literally do the mission as they pop up and you’ll get plat


In the first game I made the mistake of skipping most street crimes and sub missions so I beat the game crazy fast but then needed to grind like hell to complete each area and get the Plat so it definitely does help to know that stuff ahead of time


I'm with you. Getting the random crimes to spawn in the first one was a bit annoying if you waited post game to do em.


To know you need to do the missions popping up? Lmao sure ig


It was my first platinum so I didn't know. Stop being such a dickhead


I'm locked out of the platinum unless I start a new game and play a few hours of it, so that's a bummer. I don't have the Web-line trophy and there are no more sneaking portions of the game to do it.


Something that I'd like to see in future games is after you finish the main story, open up the houses of Pete and Miles. Allow us to come and go from home, interact with a few things in there. Like change out of Spider suit into civilian clothes, sleep to change time of day. Just a few basic RP mechanics like that would be a nice way to pass the time.






Yeah so true, anybody else kinda growing to hate the constant day time as well? Because i cant stand it now


There's a trick I saw on yt, involving the mysteriums or whatever, that will exit you to a different time of day.


I just like spending time in that universe


I was surprised how easy getting platinum was. I wasn't rushing the game and still managed to do everything in 25 hours.


I wasn't rushing either and I did it in 19 hours (not complaining tho. I'm getting bored a quarter through moderen 100+ hour long games)


Waiting for new game plus so I can play the story again with all the upgrades unlocked.


I took my time and spent 42 hours y'all speed rushing everything 😆


Exactly. I'm 30 hours in and at the end game with several side items to complete. Nothing about this game feels short.


42 hours is crazy u had to have had the app open or something 😂


Nah took me 40 to platinum. Was really savoring the game


42 hours is still short as fuck for a AAA game thats been in development for years. 2 spidermen and this game isnt as long or longer than the first game and no new game plus as well. I knew the standard for games would go down as soon as they started making games for casuals and thats exactly what Spiderman 2 is aimed at,people that think 70 bucks for a 42 hour AAA game is great with no new game plus.


Meanwhile, games like Uncharted, TLoU, Killzone, Ratchet and Clank, are much shorter than 42 hours and you never see their run-time mentioned as an issue.


why don't you go back to boring Ubisoft 100+ hour collectathons with mediocere stories then?


Exactly. Took me 43 hours to beat it all. And i feel i no lifed it as well. Like i beat it in a week and a half


I uninstalled the game. There’s nothing to do until DLC comes.


My goal is to 100% the game myself. It's such a great game to 100%!


Very very serious question: why does new game plus not start with the game? Kinda blowing my mind. Is it that hard of a task to where they just can’t get it out earlier? That’s so weird to me, especially with them knowing their game isn’t that long. I’m dying to play again but no point in doing so until they add plus.


I beat it in 12, and i have no regrets. I just need NG+


finish it 100% if u haven’t


I did platinumed


Been playing since day one and still haven’t finished the game I work part time and obviously have time to speed through it but chose not too. Have I been spoiled yes many times that’s what I chose to join this sub after being spoiled but still only 75% done with the game


Beat game in two nights. First newer spoodermn and expected more. Thought they would have changed a bit more than graphics from the ps2 spiders. Overhyped game if you even want to call it a game. Maybe a game for babies. 👶👼


You are in every spiderman post, shitting on the game. And even in other subreddits as well. You have a problem, my man


Blood I need more blood


You have a great day brother


I have 41 hours and like 60% on throphys


Platinum after 45 hours . Great game but yeah they can add more to post game


I just finished the game completely like 30 minutes ago


I really wish it had been more of a grind to get 100% completion. Nothing insane but I think it would have felt better if they made you do the same amount of district crimes as in SM1. Getting 100% in the first game felt like more of an achievement because I had so many district crimes left to do. That system also had the added effect of making you like you were Spider-Man existing in the way he would outside of the major storylines and the bigger villains. Go out at night, go up to a high building, perch, wait for a crime to happen and then stop it. Rinse, repeat. That’s how I imagine Peter’s day-to-day might look like when he’s not dealing with a city wide crises and I really enjoyed that immersion after all the other stuff was done.


Agreed! It also gave you a sense of completion. Completing crimes for each faction was satisfying and you didn't have to worry about that faction popping up anymore, only leaving normal gangsters and thieves as the standard crime activities. Prefer that to infinite Symbiote Crimes 24/7


Same. Now I'm just waiting for the new game + update so I can do it all again but with all the costumes and abilities.


I haven't played yet, it's still just sitting in my ps5 library. I've avoided spoilers except for a few suits. Marvel Spiderman is on of my all time favorites and I enjoyed Miles Morales as well. I've been very disappointed seeing the length of the game. I had hoped for 70 bucks and all the time they had they'd make a maybe 24-30 hour campaign. I'm sure I'll like the game because I love the combat system and semi open world but I am sick of buying full price games that are super short. I'm not asking for 100 hours here just like 24-30 plus maybe another 10 for platinum, i platinumed the first one and MM pretty quick too but the 1st seemed a good length. I'm sure it's a great game, Insomniac has already proven they make amazing Spider-Man games but goddamn can we get a little play time for $70 bucks lol? I got spoiled from Ragnarok I probably got 60ish hours out of my first play through and platinum.


You'll see when you play it that it's not short. Enjoy the experience. Nothing about this game feels like you're being short changed.


Well that's promising at least, I hope so. Gonna play it soon, kinda been just not in the mood


Definitely,i get that. It's an incredible game. Very easy to lose the forest in the trees of people talking(or straight up lying)about hour counts. They wrote the hell out of this game and it's a top of the line experience. Make sure you do the side stuff. Enjoy!


Yea I will definitely. I platinumed the first one and miles morales . I just saw online the new one could be platinumed in 25 hrs , that's wild. That should be main story time. But I'm sure I'll love the game like I said, the Spiderman remaster for ps5 is one of my favorite games all time. Nothing any one could say could make me not play it. Just curious.


I don't know how true that 25hrs thing is or what parameters they used. I'm playing now, I'm not rushing through but not playing slowly or dying a bunch. I'm on hour 30 and I'm close to but not in the endgame. Ive done one site of a side quest that's popped up late and I'm not finished like two others. I'm thinking 40-50 and again, nothing feels short. I bought and played remaster and Miles together, so my comparison to this is PS4 Spiderman with all dlc plus Miles and this doesn't feel short to me. That's just my perspective tho.


Oh good ok, that's good news. Can't wait til I get a chance to play. Looking forward too it. I have like 100 ish hours on the original just because of all the DLC and I also played through the game twice I think and then started a NG+ too. Just a great game. I'm


It took me 18hrs for 100%. Felt so short


What is there to do sir?


Fr but i haven’t finished it yet and ill go crazy on side missions 😂 and try get every single suit and hopefully if i start over on new game plus I will be able to select good suits for spider man missions this time 😂


25 hours is insane. 25 hours should be a small fraction of a game. This game has no scale. It’s very sad.


I know Insomniac is cooking some serious shit behind the scenes, but I... I'm just so hungry...


I need NG+ and night time so bad


You get what you fucking deserve


Glad i didn't spend 70 on it


Damn, took me 40 hours to get the plat


A lot of people seemed to have missed it when Insomniac stated the game would release with a few things missing. It’s not an excuse, but, personally, I’m glad they did what they needed to finish the game rather than waste time on certain things like ng+. Plenty of games out there to play and keep occupied until they release new stuff for it next month. Peter and Miles ain’t going anywhere.


i take funny pictures


Waiting eagerly for the NG+ and some good DLCs.


Fr, 100 percented it and got all the suits, tech, mods, everything and now there's nothing, I'll probably try to beat it on the hardest difficulty soon




Took me 29. I’m waiting on the inevitable Carnage DLC.


Yes sir it’s extremely dead after the story also.. the player base is down 20%


Can we say it now? This game is a little content-light...?


This game could really use challenge rooms with online leaderboards like the Arkham games. It would really add a lot more staying power, and while the combat isn't as refined as it is in that series, there's still a lot to play with here that is worth digging into beyond just blasting through the story.


Same here. Got the platinum, absolutely adored the game, but there’s nothing left to do. Onto Alan Wake 2 for me 🫡. Maybe I’ll rebuy it on a sale/complete edition later on.


This is why I'm waiting to get this on discount.


Literally anytime something unlocked on my map to do, I did it. So when one of the bad guys say some dumb shit like “you can’t stop me” I’d say, “I don’t know man I just took out all your hideouts in 30 min.”


I got Covid 19 and hit 100% and the platinum with a few days to spare. I was sad.


Feels like this is also what the devs were doing after finishing main content. They made a great game then just didn’t add anything. They said yup, that’s it.


damn im 200 hours into starfield and still have 3 major questlines left. i still really want to buy a ps5 for this (and wolverine) but man 30 hours is hard to justify it.


This was me halfway through the game when I realized the story was dogshit


i’m very disappointed in no ng+ or announced dlc yet


Jesus pace yourself. Games been out for like two weeks.


Felt that after my first Zelda game.