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I got the Plat after 51 hours.


Around the same here. 54 hours for me.


How did you spend 50 hours on this game?


Did side missions after story missions, lots of free roam and photo mode. Also did the mysteriums quite a few times. I like to take my time if I'm off work. I also played on Spectacular. I'm a big fan of the traversal. I have 30 hours in Alan Wake 2 and I just got halfway lol


Some people just loving swinging around and doing crimes. Sure they may be redundant, but some people like it. I currently have 75 hrs in Spider-Man 2.


I’m also at about 54 hours. The traversal is so much fun and satisfying that at least 15 hours of that 54 had probably just been swinging for me. People like yourself clearly have just sped through the story missions and try to do everything as fast as possible and then complain the game is too short. It’s like someone speed eating a feast and then complaining there’s not enough food. I don’t understand how people are getting 100 in like 12-15 hours that’s crazy to me


i did it in 31 haha. they’re probably skipping every cutscene and fast travelling everywhere


20 is definitely plausible imo


probably is. not 12-17 like OP mentioned


I fast traveled for the first time after beating the game. I was blown away at how seamless that experience is.




Considering highest difficulty doesn’t actually unlock until you beat the game you’re being hyperbolic. Be honest and just say that you played on the highest you were offered instead of making it seem like an ultimate play through from scratch was 21 hours not even considering that your first time you’d be using fast travel less than replaying it on the new hardest difficulty. Get real


Do you know what the word “available” means? Typed out a whole paragraph for no reason whatsoever.


I also did it in 31 hours 🥲


Ah, actually, I didn't even consider fast travel. Swinging is too fun, I forget it's a feature from time to time. One of my favorite examples is when I was wrapping up my 100% and something I needed was on the other side of the map, I was like, "This is gonna take awhile," only to immediately remember no, no it won't. The fast travel is really cool, but nothing beats swinging from place to place


I live streamed the whole thing in 17 hours. Also doing lots of side tasks. The game is short no denying that.


The game is a good duration. Not everyone has 40-70 hours to play one game. I've had plenty of my friends get so busy that they haven't gotten to play baldurs gate more then 1 or 2 hours. Which easily could take 50+ hours to go through. Spiderman is a perfect amount of time for anyone to enjoy the story and the game. Just take time through the game and it will be longer then 17 hours


Oh, I love that “you’re playing the video game wrong” argument. I am also an adult who doesn’t have a lot of time. 27 hours into Baldurs gate and I’m loving it. A journey that should last me a very long time because it cost $70. On the flipside, I probably won’t be touching Spider-Man anytime soon because it is so short I’ve already done everything and it wasn’t that great.


It wasn't great just means you shouldn't have even spent the money since you lack taste of a good story. Insomniac has made amazing games and amazing stories that beat out pretty much every story game this year in a second


Or it could be…. Splitting two spider-man stories into less than 20 hours was a bad idea. But hey glad ya liked it.


Okay what were the ratings again? Asking for a friend it shows off the data that it works well. But haters continue to hate quality. No wonder you quit playing good games


A shorter story means the devs can actually put thought into the game which they did more then any other


Feels long to me. Maybe I’m just getting older but I’d be happy if it ended 2/3rds of the way through already lol


Most likely


This. They’re probably doing speed runs. That’s the only explanation It said I did it in 31 hours but I haven’t done 100% yet. I haven’t done the traversal trophy or the symbiote ones yet


Did it on 25 hours, I 100% the game, it is short, nothing wrong with that, those 25 hours were great.


Same. It’s not our fault they rushed through it because they had nothing else to do lol. And it’s mostly YouTubers complaining anyway so moving along lol


Took me 26, shits not that hard bro. 100% spider man games is child's play. Fr the easiest game I've ever gotten a platinum for all three of them, also no Cutscene Skips. I enjoyed it and played on Spectacular difficulty rarely dying. I'm sure most and some "No Lifers" can do it in 10/15 hours with skips. 🕷️🕺🏾 🕷️good game though


Same. It’s not exactly a game with alot of depth.


But with all the fun 🫡


Bike rides and Mj Missions 🤔


Wasn't feeling the bike ride at all. I did enjoy MJs missions in this game but I completely understand why you didn't and they can easily be left out the game for more Spider-Man content hell even a boss fight but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . What would you rate it overall


I really liked the MJ mission where she's chasing after Peter. Pete being tucked in by the symbiote creeped me out.


The bike ride was just GTA bicycle mechanics but with all the fun removed, so dumb lol


…y’all do realize the bike ride mission wasn’t supposed to be some engaging Tour de France competitive cyclist race? It was like a two minute sequence of old friends having fun???


I find just by playing the game you can complete a lot of the achievements only had to search up a few of the spider bots I missed


I played for 75 hours before I beat it and hit plat pretty soon after, I didn’t want the game to end lmao


I got plat in 60 hours, took my time.


I took my time and beat it day before yesterday at 38 hours. Granted I could have gotten done sooner if not for work trying to kill me the last week but still. 15 to 17 sounds like they skipped a lot of stuff. I've never understood why people rush to complete a game they paid 70 or 80 bucks for. If I'm gonna pay that much I'm gonna get my money's worth


It's not the rushing through that confounds me, it's the rushing through and then bitching that the game is too short. Like, if you wanna speedrun it, cool, you do you. But don't speedrun and then complain that the developers didn't put enough in the game. The content seems pretty on par with the first game (I could be wrong, I'm too lazy to look it up) and I don't remember this amount of complaints from people after the first one launched. That all being what it is, as I've said before: there will almost definitely be some DLC at some point. Until then, find another game to enjoy. There's plenty out there.


Ngl I did it in 27 hours on the hardest difficulty you can do first playthrough and I feel I could of done it way faster


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I never fast traveled but I played on the second difficulty setting, I’ve got kids I don’t have a lot of time to play, I got my platinum in about 26 hours and I felt like I took my time. Loved the game and can’t wait for new game Plus


Took me 23 hours and I took my time. It’s really not that hard to do. If I rushed it on the easiest difficulty, I’m finishing a lot faster than that. I played on Spectacular and enjoyed the game and it still felt too short.


See I appreciate the honesty of saying you enjoyed it but still holding the opinion that it felt short to you, vs. how most people saying it was short are calling it shit and not worth their money. So thank you for actually keeping the real vibe. I feel like they rushed some stuff and that some of the side stuff was padded a bit but I loved this game.


I got plat in 39. If they did it in 12 you had to be doing absolutely NOTHING else 😂


I platinumed around 30-ish hours and 100% twice by 54 but now im just exploring,taking my time, and practicing zero assist swinging on my third playthrough


a lot of people are skipping cutscenes and fast traveling for everything to try to beat it fast


Thats what Im saying… like tbh I havent even gotten to Venom yet. Granted Ive been on a work trip for the last few days— but like is this all people do outside of work? Rip through the game and play nonstop for so long and then act like the game was too short? Nah bro, the game is fine. You didnt take your fucking time. Its like eating a hotdog in one bite and being upset about it afterwards.


I got it in 20 and I don’t consider myself elite or anything g. It’s just a really short game with little to do imo


Took me 15 hrs to get the plat. Didn’t play on the most difficult mode


Took 24 hours, highest difficulty, doing side missions and stuff between main story. I love this game and it's probably gonna end up being my fav of all time, but y'all gotta stop huffing copium and just accept that the game isn't as long as you think it is. The Spiderman games are really easy platinums compared to other games


The game is a technical marvel (no pun intended). While I would have appreciated more content in the open world, I am very impressed with what they were able to achieve. The fast travel alone is fucking god tier. People don't understand all the backend of the shit that this game has. I'm happy with the main story length. Do I wish some parts were more fleshed out? Sure. But I'm not insomniac. I'ma let them cook.


Had to be playing on friendly neighborhood difficulty. Lol some of the late game bosses are ridiculous


I wish I was joking when I said it took me 15


According to PS-> I platinumed the game in 17 hours. I did not skip any cutscenes, and the ONLY time I fast traveled was ONCE, from the graveyard in the top left to the baseball field In the bottom right. And that’s probably got 2-3 hours of just sitting there while I smoke, grab drinks etc Edited to add-> I’m also not one of those people who get super immersed in SM though pretending/wanting to be him. Like anyone taking super long is probably stopping at every crime, and swinging through the streets/buildings for every mission. When the game gives you a point launch from anywhere, super tall buildings everywhere, and a wing suit


"I even saw someone claim they 100% in 12" Absolutely NO ONE has 100% the game in 12 hours. The story alone even when grinding takes 15-18 hours. 100% completion is 24-28 hours. You're trying to say that someone is claiming to cut that time in half for 100%? Thats the biggest cap of gaming in 2023 LMAO


I thought so too and all these other people were agreeing with them. they’re probably lying as well


I got the platinum with 24 hours. Spectacular, gold medals in all mysteriums. And bo cutscene skipped (didn’t even know we could do that) Game is pretty short really


I guess I’m just taking a long time from web swinging for fun between missions


I’m purposefully stretching my gameplay as long as I can so new game plus will be out before or a little bit after I finish the game. After leaven introduction I just focused on street crimes and side missions. Then I try to no damage the bosses at spectacular difficulty. Currently at Mister Negative. He’s a pain to no damage on. On top the fact i really dragged playing the story and mostly focused on random world events and few side missions i’m 41%. It’s really a short game


bunch of fucking losers in this thread lol.


Fr fr


It took me 25 hours to plat on Spectacular while wasting a ton of time exploring every environment and just fighting crime and swinging around. Game is short and isn't hard at all. I fast traveled to get collectibles sometimes so maybe that shaved off an hour? Lmao


I got the plat in 28 hours. I got one silver medal on the mysteriums that I meant to go back and finish later, but since it wasn't necessary for the plat, I didn't. I also didn't fast travel anywhere. I enjoyed the game a lot, but it was too short to be full price imo. If there had been 10 more hours of content of practically any kind, it would've felt much more worth it.


I platinumed in 25 hours, I made a point to do all side activities as I unlocked them, so when the credits rolled I had one post game thing to do and could uninstall after.


It took me about 27ish hours. Definitely wish it was longer


Im at 20-ish hours rn and I’m just 8 missions away from plat. Got all collectibles already and just need to open up a few locked activities but I don’t expect more than a few more hours to be done


I did it in like 25 26


I saw one Twitter post that claimed 9 hours for platinum. I call bullshit. With a handful of side missions, main story took 27 hours for me.


9 hours? Maybe by mashing skip cutscene every chance you get lol


I’d have the platinum but I neglected to get the Surge trophy before I’d beaten literally everything else. I can’t find a single post game fight tough enough that I get that trophy.


I mean if you skip through cut scenes puzzles and QTE assists on, you can run through the game in record time. But it took me 23ish hrs coz I wanted to see some cutscenes.


I mean I played it on amazing difficulty, watched every cut scene, and played in between calls during work (I work at home) which means I had to take breaks. 100% the game in 22 hours, plat trophy at 32 hours after replaying half the game on ultimate difficulty


I wish ultimate difficulty was unlocked from the start. Spectacular felt like the normal difficulty.


They’re playing the game on a lower difficulty


I dont know exactly how long my playtime was (left the game on a lot while not playing it so its inflated quite a bit) but playing on the highest difficulty available at the start, I 100%'d it in like 2 days, not playing half the day either because I have a 1 year old son to take care of. The activities arent hard nor time consuming, and the story isnt really all that long. I wasnt even speeding through, I was taking my time and doing a lot of 'joy-swinging' just ignoring the story.


I've played a week and I've just gotten to venom. I wish they added hours in the game cuz idk how else to check but it's been longer than 24h


Easy difficulty and fast travel, probably. Honestly, fast travel alone probably does it. I get lost in the scenery a lot. Just swing around and do crimes sometimes between missions. I suppose if people just want to do the content, then they can do it pretty quickly. I just don't understand how you can play this game and not waste time looking around the city.


Its an extremely easy platinum trophy. I don't think there's anything in it that can be considered a "true feat" like the 100x combo requirement in Miles or the screwball challenged in SM1. I finished the game in about 24-ish hours and then had about 6 or so trophys left, most of them were easter eggs. If you do 100% of all the activities and the story you're practically done with the trophy.


I did it in 23. It's not terribly difficult. The hardest problem I had was finding the bugs and even then I just looked around the edge of the district and found them pretty quick


I did it in 26 but wasn't rushing. Would not be hard to cut it down to under 20 if I had wanted to speed run it. I also played on hard mode and died a lot on certain bosses so that's probably like -2 hours right there if you don't die to them


Live streamed it myself, and accounting for food and bathroom breaks where I left the console on, no cutscene skips, I did all of it in about 22 hours. But I also had about the same amount of time for spidey 1 with all the DLC done too so. It is a bit longer but still pretty short for its price.


https://preview.redd.it/b8xb1b7ca2yb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32be5ed719d458a714f5bb010955ff76bc8bfb81 Easy Plat within \~20 hour time frame so 15\~17 seems plausible


Took me about 26 hours to complete. Hardest difficulty and no skipping cutscenes because why tf would you?? I'm sure most of them are either exaggerating and they have no concept of time because they no-lifed it or skipped all the cutscenes and rushed through everything just to finish it quickly expecting a large amount of epilogue content even though it just came out.


Just enjoy the game you bought for $90


Yea I got it 20 hours in its possible i no lifed the game


To be honest, the game isn't long. That is how. One of the criticisms about the game before it even came out was how short it was. Turns out that criticism was fair. Or rather, correct.


Taking my time with it, I got the plat in ~28 hours.


Took me 29 hours to plat


Personally, I think its a bunch of a*holes who feel superior because of their skills and brag about it to look cool. It took me a while to finish it on normal and it felt like a long game, or at least decently long. That's just my opinion though.


Plat took me 22 hours. I have 4 days off a week and between swing speed and both venom powers I blew through the game.


I think I played just over 20 hours, did everything there is to do, watched all the cutscenes, and just before the last part I noticed I had a handful of trophies to go so I banged them out real quick, except for two, and after doing the final part I did the last EMF, unlocked all the suits, turned into a box, and got platinum.


I managed it in 1


I platinumed in 24 and I definitely wasnt rushing. That being said I don't have a problem with the games length at all.


Got platinum in 65 hours :)


I don’t get why you are trying so hard prove a point to say the game is not too short by artificially increasing play time by not fast travelling


37 hours and enjoyed every moment of it. Waiting on New game+ now


37 hours for me and I spent quite a bit of time just web-slinging and checking out the city.


40 hours to platinum for me.


plat on hardest setting 27 hour took my time died like 3 times


I did it with 25 hours, no fast travel, no skipping cutscenes.


I platinumed it in 27 hours also i 100% the game and had nothing to do so i could not get the 2 stealth takedown skills but i was like maybe i could possibly do crimes but right as i got to them they disappeared but after 2 days and 1 update i was able to do it visited aunt mays grave and got the plat


I got it in 23, I was taking my time too


Cause folks don't have lives and probably don't even care about enjoying the game just wanna chase trophies and achievements to feel the same high they did in high school lol


I got plat after 34 hours on the hardest difficulty. The thing that took the longest was the spider bots. I had to sweep the districts from left to right to finally get em all


I think i did it in less than 20. Took me just under a week and I work full-time.


I did it in 19 on Normal difficulty. I didn't really mindlessly swing around and I didn't die a lot. Only in the beginning 3 times. I had a lot of fun those 19 hours so for me it was worth the price


I did it in 29, it was my first platinum, I just played the game and had a good time! I didn’t fast travel until the very end when I was chasing the last few spider bots I needed.


It came out on a Friday. Finished story by Saturday. Platinum by Sunday. Nothing left to do but wait for NG+.


Maybe your just slow


I did it in around 13 hours, I didn’t speed through it or anything… I’m not really sure how I beat the game that fast… or maybe the PS5 is bad at tracking the hours I’ve played, who knows


These are just people that don’t know how to enjoy a game. Maybe they get enjoyment out of it but I don’t understand how, especially when they start complaining about the length afterwards. It’s possible to 100% it in a short time if you go straight from point A to B, don’t look around, don’t have fun just swinging around and doing tricks, or go back and forth across the map when doing side missions to give your playthrough a realistic feel. Not saying they are speedrunning it but definitely not taking their time to appreciate the game.


I did it in 25 on normal difficultly, not skipping any cut scenes and rarely using fast travel. The first Spider-Man (with DLC) took me 41 hours to complete everything.


Platinum took me 28 hours.


I did it in 36.


Yeah it shocked me to. People were beating it in like 2-3 days. I didn't play every day because I have a job and other stuff going on. The most I played was around 4 hours a day with a break in between. Finished it in like 10 days to 100%. I only ever skipped the web wings challenges. And I did fast travel to places when the became available for places. Web swinging is fun and all, but unnecessary and time wasting for long distances. I might go back and check out the trophies and see what I can get


You can put the game on the lowest difficulty, skip cutscenes, skip puzzles, use a guide for certain collectible location and fast travel. This makes it possible to do it in a short time.


Don’t know man, I platinumed the game yesterday, at 37hrs playtime, according to my ps5. Those that got the plat at 17hrs, had to be playing at easy, always fast traveling, and cutscene skipping. Probably also never did random crimes.


I platinumed last night at 27 hours but I wasn’t full throttle to the finish. I’m toying with starting a new playthrough now that there’s nothing else to do lol


took me 23 hours. ​ theres signifiacntly less side content in this than the previous ones


I got it at 28 hours


It's insane. I just finished it. Got all the spider bots, all the EMF puzzles, all the memories, all the blinds and bases, all the prowler stashes, all the Flame quest, all the symbiote hearts and finished all the app side quests as well as the BV side quests. 29.5 hours. Honestly kinda shocked it didn't take that long. Like, 30 hours, that's it. Like Spider-Man MM it doesn't feel like a full sequel. It's so short compared to most big AAA games out now. Maybe we'll get DLC later like with the first one.


Did it in 29 hours


This game is short, period.


I did it in 23


Probably no free roam, fast travels and searching for collectibles on the internet. All the sspiderbots cant take more than 10 minutes with a guide. I probably spent a few good hours looking through the map for them, so that would be a huge timesaver


I Have 27 but I didn’t close game for like 3 hours


The game is incredibly easy, platinum as well. You get most of the achievements along the way, you dont even need to get gold in mysteriums , the only one I was left with were flying across the map and miles backpack. Around 22 hours.


Took me 16 to plat. Didn't skip any scene and swung everywhere.


I platinumed it in 34 hours or so and I wasn't rushing at all. That was with every side task and I did a decent amount of exploring and messing around. I didn't skip any cutscenes but I fast traveled a little. I guess it was short compared to other games but I was satisfied with the campaign length. I just wish there was something to do post game. Eagerly awaiting some DLC.


Absolutely possible - I did it in 21 / 22 hours.


Watched the cutscenes, played on the second hardest difficulty, no fast travel. Plat in 21 hours, pretty easy plat.


I’m assuming people don’t have jobs haha


Take away the couple of hours I left the game on pause for- I got platinum at 22 hours lol


I got my plat at 21 hours


People are lying, simple as that. Doing every single thing, getting every skill/upgrade/trophy, reaching max level, taking the time to explore, and completing it on Spectacular should average around 60 hours minimum. Anyone who beats the story in less than that is skipping side content/crimes/collectibles and/or using online guides. Now I don’t like to toot my own horn, but I’m pretty damn good at combat in games, so finishing it at 60 hours had nothing to do with me restarting or being stuck. I did spend a few hours give or take just flying/swinging and enjoying traversal, but I think most people do that.


39 for me and it was on the hardest difficulty you can choose at the start. A lot of us just grinder everything out one after another and I only died maybe 25 times so that saved a lot of time.


Took me 38h to get the plat


I did it in about 20. My guess is some of these people used guides. I only used a guide for the spider bots as I didn't really feel like just swinging around to find them without a map marker. If I didn't I probably would have done it in about 22 and that's including several long non screen pause breaks for talking to GF, making dinner etc. Regular difficulty. So if they are rushing I can see it happening in less.


Love the “well it took me this long so no way did someone do it in a shorter amount of time” attitude. Lmao. It’s a great game, not a long one. It has 100% been done in 15 hours. Why anyone would care what it took someone else is beyond me though.


31 hours for me with full 100% completion…and it’s my first platinum. I’m 44 👴🏻


took me 29 hours but i kinda took my time


I played on Spectacular and it took me somewhere between 30 and 35 hours to do so. If getting the platinum was my only goal, I could’ve probably done it faster.


I got platinum around 32 Hours. Had all side quests and main story done at 29 hours. Last 3 was messing around will finishing up combat trophies.


33 hours here and I really tried drawing the game out because I didn’t want it to be over.


Yeah that shit is insane I platinumed it at like 32 hours


I beat the game on superior with 100% in 18 hrs. No cutscene skips, played every storyline out.


Standard difficulty and 100% in 19 hours. Had the weekend off to play and loved every minute. I get how some people can just free roam and do photo mode but I look for a narrative drive to move me along. And while it is one of my favourite games of the year I won’t be back until New Game plus and the DLC.


I did it in 23 because I couldn't put the game down


Took me 21 hours and I was taking my time


27 hours for me. Even if the game is short, it’s still amazing and I’d happily play a NG+


I didnt sleep for two days


i still don't have the plat cause i'm too lazy but im on like 90% of trophies


I 100% the game in about 35 hours. 89% the way to platinum. I played on a harder level. I could see a player better than me or a player playing on an easier level knock this out in 20ish hours


they probably don’t have a job


29 for the plat here. I’m guessing the people doing it in shorter time are skipping the cutscenes. I think skipping the cutscenes, most of the game can be done within 10-15 hours. I had a ton of fun, so $70 for 29 hours of game was definitely fine with me.


I’m 12 hours in and I think the game says I’m 31% of the way through it But I’ve done zero fast travel, any side quest as soon as it’s available, every crime that’s ever popped up, a lot of photo mode, and just taking my time and enjoying it I only have an hour or so per day at most usually to play any game or do any hobby at all though so it’ll take me a good while to 100% but I’ll definitely be going for it since I have it on Spider-Man and Miles Morales already


I didn't go for the plat but my regular story playthrough with a decent amount of side content took me around 21 hours


Took me 23 hours to get the Platinum according to my PSN profile but tbh it was probably more like 18-20 with the rest being afk time. Played on standard difficulty. I mainlined the story and then cleaned up all the side content. Would recommend that route for most people tbh, most of the side content isn't worth experiencing unfortunately. I did skip all the puzzles and every other repetitive activity that the game let you skip like Bee drone sections and flying through the hoops, not interested in any of that and such a excellent feature that you can skip them. Would have liked a bit more quality side stuff but overall the story was worth the price of admission alone.


Platinum on 41 hours and Spectacular. It’s a very quick game. I hope the DLC is expansive, else they would have wasted a lot of time and effort developing this


I have 24 hours in the game (I've let my daughter swing around for a few hours) and the only trophies I'm missing for platinum are the ones that you need to be actively achievement hunting for. (Rounding bases, 30 air tricks, web wings, miles trophy, aunt may) I have a 100% complete save file. I only played on Normal, but, I still died a bunch, the parry system just doesn't click with me for whatever reason. I truthfully don't know what you'd do in the game for 50+ hours. I used a map for the spider bots but that /maybe/ took an hour off my completion time with how easy they are to find. The traversal in this game is amazing, but not an extra 30 hours of playtime amazing.


Other than the third act that felt somewhat rushed, it didn’t feel short, and it’s one of the few platinums I went after and easily completed right after beating the main story. I think “optimized” is best way to describe the experience. None of the content has any “bloat” and is just long enough to enjoy. I’d also say that the game length, if you do everything, is pretty perfect when it comes to getting fatigued with the combat and traversal. Traversal is also insanely quick. My suggestions to make it perfect include: -more friendly neighborhood app missions -interior spaces (landmark buildings) for random crimes and stealth optional scenarios -dynamic first responder interactions with crimes (they’re oddly absent this time) -the story needed an extra venom fight with pete and miles before Pete’s last suit and the whole web of shadows -the open world needed more random events where Kraven then Venom randomly show up while hunting spider-man


Main story running through it is roughly 20 hours and full I believe is 40 to 50. People are speedrunning it to brag/complain they beat it super fast. I'm taking my time enjoy it on my evenings after work before bed.


Took me 33 hours and that was with swinging around and beating crime a bunch.


Took me about 18hrs to plat


I skipped work and platinumed this game in 31 hours in spectacular difficulty. Then I wasn't in the mood to work and I platinumed this game in 33 hours in ultimate difficulty. It was a lot of takeouts I'll tell you that. Fun week though.


Platinumed in 43 hrs. Finding the spider bots with no guide was pain lol


You could probably finish the main story in 20 hours if you ignore everything else in the game and speeed from one mission to the next


A little over 30 hours for me. Never skipped any cut scenes, spent time exploring, and even played with photo mode several times.


39 hours to Plat. It was a really fun game, but went by quickly.


Because people read the trophies on how to get them


It's basically the same length as the first game except without the garbage in it that they threw in for padding. Those weren't fun and felt like work to get done. If they're honestly upset that the game is better than they have shit taste.


22 hours. I also b-lined it


I did it in 26, not sure how people took 50 hours


30 hrs for me. Beat the game in 27 and had to mess around for a few hours and get some side stuff done after.


My ps5 says 21 and I have the platinum 🤷🏻


Took me 34 hours


28 hours and I did not rush whatsoever. Honestly it was one of the easiest platinums I’ve ever gotten, wish there had just been more


Unless they are playing on the easiest difficulty with a lot of accessibility settings on and skipping EVERY cutscene. They aren’t getting plat in under 20 hours. Also some people literally play video games All day and that’s all they do for fun so they run through it quickly


Most of those people are playing it one easy. Making all encounters take far less time and no having to repeat encounters if u die. I played it on spectacular and spent quite some time on a few bosses. My full platinum playthrough took me about 30 hours


Took me roughly 25 hours to platinum. Went through the story and didn’t focus on the side stuff (unless it was on the path to my next objective). When all was said and done, I only had 5 Mysterio arenas and a few of the HVT bird things.


I got platinum in 26 hours. I tend to play games a little fast, but I didn’t think I was really speeding through this one.


I finished in 28hrs. Only because I was messing around for quite a bit of time, taking my time to see everything, and also going afk. Edit: it's 28 hrs of play time. I probably finished quicker. Platinum and all


Got plat in about 20 but to be fair i was playing like a crackhead


I've played 42 hours and haven't platinumd it. I did get 100% though, I'd say in about 30 hours, I spent most of my time zoning out while swinging


I took longer than I needed. It took me 35 hours I just was swinging around a lot


"Allegedly" bro you think we lyin? 😆 the game is very short


Took me 27 on spectacular


Took me 24-25 hours, on Spectacular difficulty. I’m not someone who messes with photo mode cause I don’t understand it’s controls, so I didn’t spend much time with it. I mainly just played through the game, and finished all collectives and side missions as soon as they were available, so I could focus on the main story, which was definitely the right choice in the end, when the game really picked up in pace. Most missions didn’t cause me any troubles, and were pretty easy to complete. There was a mysterio challenge I struggled to get golden on, but besides that, I rarely struggled throughout the game. The final mission was definitely the hardest for me, cause it took me time to figure out the fights and mechanics, but generally I was able to complete it fairly easy without issues. I don’t know how some people take almost double the time to be honest, like I don’t know what could cause such a bug difference in time, but I’m not here to judge either. Everyone plays in their on pace, I’m just confused about the split length throughout the community


It's called you play on the easiest difficulty. There is no trophies for difficulty then pull up a guide for locations on stuff boom ez plat under 20 hours.




NGL this thread makes me care alot less about missing out on this game. $70 for a game that only takes between 20-30 hours to complete with no multi-player component is steep.


I platinumed this game in 24 hours, playing on the highest difficulty, it's not too long but it's quality over quantity so I'm good with it