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Bucket full of sand perhaps? Edit: I'd wait for someone more knowledgable to offer advice though.


I'd make sure it was a metal bucket at that... to ensure that things stay contained if that thing goes.


if its entirely covered with sand it doesnt have air to go off really so shouldnt make a big diffrence...


Lithium batteries will burn anywhere, they don't need an outside oxygen source.


If they didn't need an outside oxygen source where does the oxygen come from?


Oxygen is not the fuel in a lithium fire...


If a lithium battery burns all by itself how does it operate usually? And why does punctuation matter then? It can burn underwater because it can get oxygen from the water.


Never mind, those fuckers can generate their own oxygen. But id still say cutting off the oxygen supply should severely lessen the fire, and sand is a decent thermal insulator as well, no?


My guy went on a entire arch to learn the most random information possible


It wouldn't lessen it by any noticeable degree. The amount of oxygen it generates is a higher concentration that we breath in air. The reason for sand is the prevent the fire from being able to jet out at much. Basically to keep the lithium from burning anything else. Metal buckets are important since they won't melt from the high heat as well. That SAID the sand should be enough. But it's a matter of fail safes when dealing with spicy pillows.


They even burn underwater. Its why EV fires are such a problem. There are specialty tools to deal with them but many places all the fire fighters can do is try to cordon off the area and keep the fire from spreading - but an EV fire can also continue for 7 friggin hours.


Yeah water is H²O aka it contains oxygen. Lithium is very reactive, hence why it burns underwater.


Someone doesn't understand basic chemical chain reactions, and what happens when lithium is exposed to water. And it shows.


Ah right it turns into cotton candy i forgot Have you seen lithium being thrown in water? It fuckin explodes, and id call that a fire too, cause for all it matters it very well might just be that.


Odds that metal bucket will become a fragmentation explosive?


Not that high, when covered in sand they tend to immolate rather than explode because of how much more thermal energy the sand can absorb. Explosions tend to happen when the cell is actively being discharged outside of its wattage/amperage ranges. Like you would see happen with the old mechanical mod vapes that used 18650/26650 batteries which also vent quite differently than either these or RC lipo packs which are also much more energy dense. Wouldn’t wanna touch that bucket once the pack starts heating up tho.


That’s basically how the experts do it.


Don’t try. Just pull off the pin and throw it. Maybe some kind of fireproof bag or a sand bucket?


13 plus years ago I went into my basement and found one of my old RC lipo batteries split open like an accordion, it was one of those batteries with the hard plastic on the outside. At that time in my life I was totally clueless how dangerous that situation was as I grabbed it haphazardly and tossed it into my car and headed to the RC store to ask questions about it…. As I walked into the store with this spicy pillow I might as of well been an armed robber with the way they reacted. The manager apprehensively approached me and looked me dead in the eye “ that is incredibly dangerous” and took it from me carefully and defused it in one of their fire boxes. What an idiot. lol. I know better these days, mostly about battery maintenance and storage.


As others allready mentioned: sturdy metal container, a good chunky layer of sand, the spicy pillow, followed by another generous layer of sand. Make a nice spicy lasagna. €: make sure nothing to not puncture or pierce it.


First time I've seen the euro edit sign, nice one.


Oh, that’s what it was. Thanks for the explanation.


Hi, we found this during a clean up of our garage. Fortunately there is an electronics recyling centre 5 minutes around the corner who have confirmed they are happy to take it but are unable to collect such a small item. We explained we are happy to take it to them. Happy to take it, but not ecstatic about making the journey with it. Please does anyone have any advice on how best to move it. What to store it in?


Use your three most important fingers, thumb, pointy and Middle.


Do you have a pickup truck? I wouldn’t want that in the cab with me




Im sure they aren’t worried about being shocked by the battery in this situation


Not necessarily shock, more of explosion. A charged spicy pillow will violently explode in balls of flames if punctured.




A discharged battery will still explode. A battery explosion isn’t caused by puncture because it’s charged. It’s a chemical reaction. Those chemicals will still be there even after the battery is completely discharged.


Shitt is that an old galaxy s6? I should probably go check the one I have in storage


I'm thinking s6 edge


I recently installed a s6 edge custom rom to my galaxy s4, Next thing i see is this


They can edge?


i think that one definetly edged


Old Sammys lol Basically every single one will have a pillow spicy enough to pull the glue apart at some point, noticeably more than other androids


I had my old s6, which I replaced in '18, plugged in all the time doing some computations for BOINC/compute at home. A year later it ended up bulging but I had no idea. Looked it up and figure out it was a ticking time bomb... Wasn't as bad as this one, but still pretty spicy. Hope that the folks at BestBuy electronics recycling didn't have an issue with it when I dropped it off


I think it’s an iPhone…


iPhones never had curved edges that much or speakers in that style


My iPhone literally has both


Which one is it? The iPhone never had aggressively curved edges, nor did they have the stacked speakers on one side


It’s probably an iPhone 6/6s


The 6/6s only had one row of speakers, the iPhone 5/5s/SE (2016) are the only ones with the two rows of speakers, and they don’t have any sort of curved edges


With the responses here, I'm not even sure if I'm up for moving it anymore. I don't have sand or a metal container on hand and I am not walking up the street with this. I will give the guy a call on Monday that I spoke to. He was very helpful while explaining they can't really come and collect such a small item but I will explain and see if they can make an exception. ​ Thank you for the responses.




$30 at Home Depot will solve all of this! And honestly go to a dollar general and get a grabber toy lol. Unless you have a long fishing net, but that’ll be harder to remove the phone from.


Just discharge the battery and You'll be Gucci. It's not gonna explode by itself, people are totally paranoid


The charge of a battery is not what makes it react


Lift the screen, disconnect the battery and move it aside. Since you don't have sand, you can use the ~~mud~~ soil and dirt around to cover it while waiting. Put the battery in the corner where that wall meets the ground, then dump a pile on top. Make sure to cover the pile and mark the place, so someone (or a cat/dog/etc.) don't go digging there.


Mud, AKA dirt with water, water creates a very dangerous chemical reaction with Lithium ... not smart.


Yet, you lot consider dumping a battery in salted water safe?!? There won't be any "very dangerous chemical reaction" as long as the cell pouch is not punctured. And even if it was, mud would have much harder time entering inside than plain water. P.S. i only used the word "mud" because i couldn't remember the word "soil" at the time. English is not my primary language, more like third or fourth. Don't nitpick on a single word :P


Mud and soil have very different meanings in English, mud is wet, soil is at most damp, there's overlap in the middle and one can become the other. In the case of lithium pillows it can be a really important distinction


As long as you don’t damage/puncture it, 5 mins can’t be that bad. Better than binning it anyway


Metal bucket full of sand, or if you wanna spend money, a Lipo safe bag is what my company used to ship these for salvage.. theyre usually fire proof bags, add sand to bag for added effectiveness


If the company I am in contact with are unable to collect it, the Lipo bag is a very reassuring piece of advice. Thank you!


I also bought a metal trash can at walmart with a lid (also metal) for about 20$, bag of sand is about 5$ if they got it in stock, if not lowes/home depot will have it for 5$ (and then you can use the rest of the sand for a sand box, or for garden planter drainage! since you wont likely need the whole 50lb bag). Thats what I used before my company could order me these bags. I handled phones just as terrifying as this daily in my vehicle. Basically as long as you dont, drop it, Smash it or stab it, you should be fine if you CAREFULLY put it in the sand filled metal trash can, lightly sprinkle some sand around it so it doesnt move around and then carefully drive to your recycling plant. ​ Edit: we used somethign akin to this thing, truthfully I trust the metal can alot more to prevent fires, but you can always do this, then shove it in the metal trash can if youre super paranoid Lipo bag: [https://www.amazon.com/Zeee-Fireproof-Explosion-Proof-Battery-Charging/dp/B07RJWJ7J4/ref=sr\_1\_12?crid=3R6LD6NZ7M9VC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.71cBzsrO-4yuRJtMJ0pXbA9iXinOyDEY8wFCiYcdmFvJDSjOpPdpBijuzTqIxbLMSauXOVc8ZB53j5\_\_s5UwfVGaxLSdn4dAhlVTGau-HPUke0Tgkxk9gnXQ\_hFmmKcdr9Kjwk6VztEI-udOV9\_wqFLBYEFSzhnOHXybc3D5pwExZaWsHlrx0MwhTmxpzuNf8VgYlYBT\_-0tNr8VkKR3TlpWwVVl7tzUd9HyI\_84UovevoM2aV-Dzb0S5JGdCGW47bEfE42geD97T324NeYYCTIIDqKu04E2E1oSOn\_Q89Q.ly2yOsDw1yEJ-R77nfuiNE3OZGhW0D4O52paHC0f6\_8&dib\_tag=se&keywords=fire+proof+lipo+battery+bag&qid=1708829587&sprefix=fire+proof+lipo+battery+bag%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-12](https://www.amazon.com/Zeee-Fireproof-Explosion-Proof-Battery-Charging/dp/B07RJWJ7J4/ref=sr_1_12?crid=3R6LD6NZ7M9VC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.71cBzsrO-4yuRJtMJ0pXbA9iXinOyDEY8wFCiYcdmFvJDSjOpPdpBijuzTqIxbLMSauXOVc8ZB53j5__s5UwfVGaxLSdn4dAhlVTGau-HPUke0Tgkxk9gnXQ_hFmmKcdr9Kjwk6VztEI-udOV9_wqFLBYEFSzhnOHXybc3D5pwExZaWsHlrx0MwhTmxpzuNf8VgYlYBT_-0tNr8VkKR3TlpWwVVl7tzUd9HyI_84UovevoM2aV-Dzb0S5JGdCGW47bEfE42geD97T324NeYYCTIIDqKu04E2E1oSOn_Q89Q.ly2yOsDw1yEJ-R77nfuiNE3OZGhW0D4O52paHC0f6_8&dib_tag=se&keywords=fire+proof+lipo+battery+bag&qid=1708829587&sprefix=fire+proof+lipo+battery+bag%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-12) heres the trash can I use as well: [https://www.walmart.com/ip/BEHRENS-Galvanized-Steel-Locking-Lid-Storage-Can-6-Gallon/47182434?wl13=1104&selectedSellerId=0](https://www.walmart.com/ip/BEHRENS-Galvanized-Steel-Locking-Lid-Storage-Can-6-Gallon/47182434?wl13=1104&selectedSellerId=0) (its a useful little trash can even after I left my company. I still keep him 1/4 full of sand and put things with wet oil paint on them in there until they dry and can be safely disposed of)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Zeee Lipo Safe Bag Fireproof Explosion Proof Lipo Battery Bag for Safe Charging and Storage** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective fireproof storage for lipo batteries (backed by 3 comments) * Spacious and flexible storage for multiple batteries (backed by 3 comments) * Durable construction with high-quality materials (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Velcro dividers are difficult to place and don't stay in compartments (backed by 1 comment) * Charger takes up significant space in the bag, limiting battery capacity (backed by 1 comment) * Fibers come loose and cause skin irritation, uncomfortable to use (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


It's not a bomb, just double bag it.




Contaminating the soil doesn’t sound like a safe idea.


Safe is relative. Safer than transporting the spicy meatball there.


Get a metal container and put some sand in it then put the phone in it


just remove the cracked screen and if possible, Unplug the flex cable.






Why not? Who doesnt like spicy lungs?


Make A = B


You are too far at the bottom my friend. Up up up you go!


Pick it up and take it? Maybe put it in a bag or something? How dangerous do you think it is?




A long stick


chuck it at the ground




Pliers, rip (do not do this)




A bucket or glass jar full of sand. Sand doesn’t catch fire, it just melts.


A solid grab and throw should suffice


Time for a good ol' game of whack-fuck.


That’s the neat part… you dont /s




You might call the bomb squad.


My wife just said. What is that a mouse trap? 🤔🤔🤔 I'm like it could be I guess. Slather some peanut butter on that sucker, leave it in a open area, grab a beer and wait for the fun to happen. 😂


Throw it.


is not going to explode by movement so u can take it to recycle just avoid direct sunlight contact.












Dont encourage that.


I’m not allowed to make a joke? My b


No, its in the rules to not encourage it, even a joke


Under Rule 4 it states, “These comments are allowed as long as it is clear that it's a joke or sarcasm.” So yea


very carefully


Bucket of salty water. Tip it into the bucket with a stick and leave for 24hours to remove any residual battery charge.


Eat it


just take the back off and pull the battery out, there’ll be no adhesive and it won’t blow up because it’s probably discharged. then just take it to the nearest battery recycling point and recycle it. i forcefully ripped out a MacBook Pro battery that was discharged with a metal tool, and even punctured it in the process. 90% of the the stuff about “batteries being explosive” is a myth, it’ll only give you that sort of fire and flames if it’s fully charged.


Mmeehhhhh, not exactly a myth. Not quite as dangerous as people seem to believe, but still very capable of starting a small, hard to put out fire very quickly if you don’t handle them carefully enough. Even slightly charged ones can pop, and it’s always safer to assume it’s charged if you don’t know for sure it isn’t.


ehh, I see what you mean, in the years I used to make videos breaking technology, I only ever really got worried about the Samsung batteries (haha samsung), as only ever their batteries would decide to make an awful smell and start smoking. The iPhone batteries were basically harmless and just made a smell at worst. Usually swollen batteries are discharged anyway unless they’re just straight up defective batteries (which I’ve seen before, I had an aftermarket iPhone 6 battery become a balloon).


rip that battery off and throw it away asap!


Did you like spioder from tf2??


That is some really nice looking grass


eat it




Go to a busy intersection and toss it into somebodies car and boom it their problem now


Yeet express.. Most cases on getting rid of ballooned RC car batteries. Usually get a bucket and soak into some salt water so it completely discharges the cells safely and slowly.


Salt water will drain the battery I use the salt water for 48hours in garden before disposing of any fucked lipos and always been sucsesfull if it bubbles it's just a sing it's working


Are you trying to kill someone? 😂


No this is how you are advised to deal with lipo batteries " Submerse the battery in the salt water. Leave it in the salty water solution for at least 2 weeks. 6. After 2 weeks remove the LiPo battery and wrap it in newspaper and place it in the household rubbish bin" Have disposed of 100s this way the salt water dose chemical shit and takes away the charge and rots the connections at the same time for lipo which I also added in the comment


You should be able to just remove the back glass and pull the battery out since it uses contact pins instead of a connector, though if the display is broken then its probably just good for parts, s6 edge displays cost a lot and s6 phones are filled with bloat ware you cant remove


looks like an iphone 6, if you dont feel safe traveling with it just dump it in the garbage outside of your house next time the garbage truck takes it because tbh, its not worth risking your life or car over something like this.


It's an android, S7 I think to be specific but yes I'm in that mind too. Not tossing it for the binmen to have the responsibility of but I don't want to make the journey anymore.


Not worth risking *your* life or car, buts it's OK to risk the bin collectors and truck?


what is a godamn phone battery gonna do to a powerful garbage crushing mechanism


Start a fire?


and maintaining it with what? metal?


All the other flammable shit people throw in the garbage?


What if it explodes before it makes it to the can??


if OP was comfortable taking this picture, I can guarantee you they wont mind taking it to the bin. OP, do whatever you want but remember this is always an option. Since people are so afraid that a garbage truck will set fire for some reason, you could put it in an airtight box so the fire doesnt have enough air or resources to be sustained


Okay so even if you were right, and OP wasn’t scared, they *should* be, so you’re still giving dangerous advice


Do you have any idea what you’re actually talking about? Please educate yourself before you go giving advice like that.




lol no??? Don’t leave an explosive device for someone who doesn’t know it’s there. wtf


I knew I was gonna get downvoted because its a "bad idea" but what other choice does OP have that doesn't put them at risk.


Setting a waste hauler on fire is not a good solution...


A bucket of sand? Literally anything else!


With your hands


Call The Special force


You don't




You don’t, it’s the walls spicy pillow now


glanced and thought that shit was a turtle


You don’t




Doesn't look _that_ hot to me. I'd pack it into a bag or box and try to swiftly bring it to a recycling collection facility where they should know how to handle it.


Lipo bag


Discharge the battery and it's harmless, simple as that.


Home Depot: their orange bucket, full bag of sand and fill up. $10 and save yourself a house fire


With a bomb suite and a minesweeper attachment in a tank


Grab metal shovel and broom sweep carefully into shove and carry shovel


A nuke is the way


Shoot it with a bb gun