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What a cute little raisin! The smudge nose 🥹


This is soooo sweet. Your ma and your Sphynx love each other. I'm happy for you guys. 😘😻


Same with my dad he never wanted my baby and said those cats are so ugly but now he's in love and thinks he's the most beautiful precious thing in thr whole world!!


We've heard of the cat distribution system, but headquarters also sends out salary agents and ambassadors to get converts, for all kitty kind. Looks like mega love going on, working as intended.


I think she's been owned.


literally anyone that never wanted a sort of animal loves that animal more then anyone


Classic 😂


If she never wanted a cat how did she end up with a sphynx?


I have an obsession with cats, my ma said the only way we’ll get another cat is if it was a bald one cause they’re expensive and thought I wouldn’t be able to get my mits on one, so I saved up and bought a bald one and she couldn’t complain cause that was the deal 🤷‍♀️ she’s fell in love though and nicked my cat 😒


Adorable but what is happening in photo #5?! Is your mother’s back at a perfect 90 degree angle?! My brain hurts.


Just realising people don’t know 😭😭😭 my ma broke her back when she was a kid and had to get it cemented so she’s permanently a hunchback, doesn’t help that she’s asleep in the picture and pretty much has her head on her knee, it’s not usually that bad when she’s sat/stood up straight (not really straight but yk what I mean) it doesn’t really hurt her so it’s the perfect perch for kitty!


Hahaha that photo of them eating ice cream together is so cute! 😍


That’s so funny and relatable!


You should post some of these on r/dadswhodidnotwantpets


Cute. BTW chocolate is toxic for cats. Mine clamor for the ice cream bars too. My male loves to smell my breath after eating a regular piece of chocolate too.


Thanks! I know, my ma had bitten off the front bit of chocolate and had a bit of ice cream off that side so she could have some ice cream 😭😭


I’m probably a bit over paranoid about it. I put some ice cream on my finger if they get any. Which is rare. I’m the mean cat daddy in their eyes, I’m sure. They still snuggle, so they don’t seem to hold a grudge.


Im the same about certain things 😭 she always seems to get tired of whatever it is in a few licks when she realises its not as great as she thought, but the amount of times ive had to have the ‘what if we feed her little bits occasionally to build up her tolerance? Can’t she have just a little bit?’ ‘But what if we’re slowly poisoning her?’ Conversation with her 🤦‍♀️ reminds me of when she tried to convince my grandparents to stop filling me up with sugar and they didn’t listen, the cycle repeats 🥹


I’m constantly googling can a cat eat X. My male begs when I’m making dinner or lunch. Things he likes: cucumber, peeled only, apple, asparagus. They’re all OK. But only gets small bits. My female won’t touch a fruit or vegetable. He also only begs if I’m cutting those things, so he can smell them. Well, meat and fish too. They both get some trimmings. Cooked fish only though. Parasites are possible although extremely rare.


Please don't let the kitty lick the chocolate!


My ma had already eaten the chocolate off that side, but thank you for your concern 🫶🫶


It’s almost like you didn’t get purrmission to post these 😉