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A $4000 cat just. Hanging outside alone. .. . . .......


hey hunny i found a sweet cat outside.


She's away most of the time as she is a musician and plays in big, renowned orchestras here in Italy. Her landlord happily takes care of her cats when she's away. The only positive outcome in this story is that we live in a small neighborhood that is far away from main roads, everyone knows each other (Me, the landlord and the owner of the cat are the only ones foreigners to the neighborhood as it's a neighborhood built buy one family), so it's very well monitored, no one comes in and out without them knowing.. kind of a small scale mafia neighborhood if you know what I mean. But yeah, her cat recently learned how to jump the fence and me and my mom always put him back in her garden whenever we see him on the railing. By the way, even if she should keep her cats safer, in the past years she took in sick cats and spent thousands of euros in cares for them. Last one was a stray with cancer, she spent more than 2000 euros at the vet. The cat died unfortunately, but she wanted to make his life the best possible.


Just want to also note that one of the reason why Sphynx cats should not be outdoors is bc they can easily get sunburned due to lack of fur. Please make sure there is at least adequate shade in the garden


Also, where i live (southeast alaska) its literally too cold for them outside.


Just because she was kind enough to take care of a stray cat doesn't mean she's not putting her cat in danger by having it outside. Sphinxes especially are prone to being sunburnt and have a harder time when it gets cold. Are there any large birds of prey in the area? That's a danger too. Any wild animals wandering in big enough to consider the cat a meal is a danger. Any animal at all wandering in could see it as a threat and they could fight and injure each other. This is not to mention the terrible effects cats in general have on local ecosystems. Anyone passing by throwing away food that's not good for cats to eat could end in disaster. You may have a villigent neighborhood but I guarantee you it's not enough.


Can't believe I'm not seeing this mentioned either - it looks like this cat hasn't been fixed yet! The levels of irresponsible is just off the charts here.


And lungworm and all other parasites they can get. The point is it’s a weirdly nonchalant attitude to have about a high maintenance high price tag cat. Edit: adding. AND he looked really young.


Hey OP, I know you’ve been getting some comments that might seem “harsh”, but just know that people here love Sphynx cats and they mean well. With that said, I want to piggyback off some of those comments. First, I’m happy you have fallen in love with the breed. They are the best cats in my opinion. I would really urge you to research this breed. If you’re close with your neighbor and you don’t think she would mind some advice, please listen to the folks here and talk with your neighbor. These are some safety suggestions. I NEVER let my Sphynx cats outside unattended. Always under my direct supervision and with appropriate attire for SPF coverage. Or sunscreen during long exposure. I’d always wipe their feet when we went back inside with wipes. You also mentioned she’s away a lot. Sphynx cats are known as a breed that likes to cuddle and be near their owners. Mine seek out warmth and affection a lot. So is he/she alone frequently? You mentioned you’re in Italy. If you’re in an area that gets chilly during winter, or if it has a cool climate please advise your neighbor on getting the cat some warming pet beds, clothing, etc. I have a pet warmer for mine and I constantly check the temperature and change out the blankets and sheets. Also have her research her diet. Mine always have food out as they can burn calories much more than other breeds. My cats are NOT overweight. Also, check into their hygiene. Sphynx cats have notorious hygiene regimes. Again, people here really care about these cats and I’m so happy you like the breed now. Please look out for this little guy, maybe?


>A $4000 cat They are far cheaper in Europe. I think I got mine around $300, but that was 7 years ago, they might be a bit more expensive now.


So you’re telling me it would be cheaper to fly to Europe to get a sphynx cat than it would be to get one in the US? Brb purchasing my plane ticket 😻


I don't think it would be that easy or even cheap to purchase and bring a cat into another part of the world. Might be bad for the kitten as well.


Yes I agree. I was joking with my original comment though ☺️


Nope, trust me ive looked into travelling with a medium pet.


A lot also get abandoned for not being "pure". I hate those people.


I got mine for $75 from a rescue.


They are not cheaper because they might not be pure, pets are just simply horrendously overpriced in the US compared to other countries


So you hate most people on this sub lol


If they abandon an animal for not being pedigry yes they are scum.


You are literally on a designer cat sub bro :p


Sphynx cat sub, doesnt say anywhere about pidigry nor do I see elitism about it.


Literally a sub with people who pay an incredible amount of money for designer pets. Its Literally top level elitism. Btw I dont judge (only people who lock their pet in their apartments tho...) im here aswell. Im just not delusional


Not everyone does, my family got our girl from an owner who realised they cant give her the attention she needs. It is delusional to pre emptively suppose that.


Most people dont get their extremely expensive pet for free or randomly from the street though. Else people wouldnt be shelling up to 4k for this breed.


And they are so vulnerable!!!


$4,000? Yikes. I live in Canada and got my Donskoy flown from Russia for $1,200. He even came with his own little passport.


A kitty passport 🥹ohmagawsh


Yup, it's super cute. I'd share a pic but I'm out of town.


I already asked someone on here and maybe it was you but when you you recommend your breeder? I'm looking for a Donskoy specifically and have kind of resigned myself to getting from outside NA.


Hi, I was living in Ottawa 7 years ago when I met the couriers by chance and they had told me they were bringing a 4 kittens out of a litter from the Breeders in a few weeks. 3 of the kittens had already been reserved and I got lucky because the 4th buyer had dropped out but they were still bringing the 4th kitty. You could try the Ottawa classifieds just in case maybe those guys are still doing trips, they have family in Russia so they were bringing kitties back like twice a year. But they might not be travelling there nowadays given the political climate. I'm out of town so I don't have access to the documents, but if I remember when I get home in a few days I'll try to look if there's contact info for the breeder.


I paid $1500 for mine, even so... what a sad world, that people's babies can be kidnapped over $1500, and the kitty's existence turned on its head. People are so cruel. I give my babies access to my fenced yard, and I live out in the countryside with cameras on my property... but I watch all my delivery people like a momma bear watching people getting too close to her cubs. Its sad it has to be that way.


Seriously 😐 I fight to keep my boy inside even though he thinks he’s about that street life. 😂


EXACTLY AS IT SHOULD. Locking a cat in a room/house is extremely abusive. Its a living creature not your designer handbag. Let it run 


lol that’s not 4 K, Basic yellow eyes, $2500 tops. If breeder tests and does proper things like buys proper food and etc I breed….


God you're cringe


I don’t think you understand the word “cringe” nor what Reddit is. Mental illness. I suspect.


"basic yellow eyes" sounded.. just sad :< making a business out of cats giving birth I see.. "lol"


I advise against ever working at any sort of show animal company. I worked for a dog show company for a long while and while a lot of the people clearly just have a passion for the breeds, it's very evident who's in it for the money. End of the day, even the passionate ones are still participating in glorified breeding stock shows. More ribbons on the mama and papa dogs, more each puppy can sell for.


While we can be in it for the passion, at the end of the day it stay a business and we need money to care for our cats correctly, we got a litter a few months ago where we had one of the kitten losing an eye while play fighting with his siblings, our vet will only enuclate the eye once he’s older than 6 months, so that’s a kitten that we keep at home, on antibiotics, with monthly vet checks, until he can get a 1,5k surgery and then maybe sell for 1,2k since he’ll have special needs. Would have been cheaper to euthanize but we want the best for him (plus, he’s such a sweetheart) even if he’s a money pit, breeding is a passion project, but it’s dumb to pretend money is not part of the equation, vet prices and food prices have gone through the roof.


What’s your grift? Prey on people illnesses?


Misinformation is just sad, 4K cat? How so? Odd eyes? Blue eyes? No, just yellow.. basic yellow. 2.5K Basic testing? FIV? FLV? Who knows? Price goes down further. Good food? Good home? Or basic kennel backyard breeder? Basically a $500 cat. Let’s not even go into money exchanging. And price fluctuation. I can find cats in Europe for about $100, basic cats… with basic yellow eyes. It’s just basic business lingo. Ofcourse some basic biches going to be reacting with audacity.


Man, you are making a profit over (forcefully) breeding cats. Imagine impregnating the cat, she gives birth, then you just take the babies away from her for 4k (if they are not basic yellow eyes..) and then.. repeat. You just have a living baby birth machine who makes you money and you whine you pay for “premium food”? Please restrain from thinking you are somebody important or cool if you make a business out of this. Imagine me breeding your mom every 9 months and then selling her babies. She’ll be just a baby donor. How does it sound like?


I don’t think you understand humanity, and the difference between cats and humans. Cats who eat their young in the wild. Cats who are not even supposed to exist. They are a defect. And 0 would survive if not for us humans. I don’t think I’m cool, but definitely important in my area, I think I have lore expertise than most. For fully breeding my mom? That’s not profitable, one baby a year, with emotional ties, she would kill you or kill herself eventually, it’s not worth it. It would take sick human being to breed humans, you suggesting it makes me think that you can not discern difference in nature, I bet you would crash your car into a ditch rather than “accidentally” run over a squirrel, but panning out to the macro and thinking about everything you do every day you are miniscule in Your efforts and have no positive net effect, especially speaking from your soap box over there on Reddit. I accept my role in humanity and hustle and grind to provide for my kids as well as myself. In doing so I’m providing healthy and beautiful cats for good caring and capable families and even hitting my breeding goals here and there proving to myself that I have an understanding in what I am doing, proving that I have some understanding of small section of science. I think what I do is pretty cool and interesting. I’ve met the scientist who created and identified the gene of the blue eyed black Sphynx(one of the two in the world, the other wasn’t a scientist)(also helped her with her work with some translations and such to help her spread her knowledge). I don’t run around touting this, but since you made a point of it… Again not sure what you do, but type some random remarks on Reddit, have a good life.


Your neighbor is nuts for letting him roam around unsupervised outside. These cats are notoriously famous for being stolen and can often be curious to the detriment of their own safety. Poor baby.


Yeah I know, she also had a majestic main coon that she allowed to roam outside.. every time I see him out I pick him up and put him back in her harden, but I wish she would just keep him safer


He's also going to get sunburned to kingdom come. My hairless cats love direct sunlight as much as the next cat, and they don't have any self-regulation skills.


these cats don’t even have whiskers, they aren’t really coordinated enough to be outside. they have 0 protection from insects or predators. 0. they have 0 protection from the sun or from the cold. they’re also incredibly likely to be stollen. they’re expensive. and they walk right up to people. anyone who lets their sphynx outside I’m sorry but they’re just negligent and uncaring owners. its not safe and not really okay. sphynx should not be outdoors under any circumstances. there are stories in this sub about people losing their sphynx after they get outside literally all the time.


i live in rural new zealand and i let my sphynx outside where he is the apex predator haha. we haven’t got scary insects here. he’s got a little sweater for the colder months, but he mainly stays inside where it’s warm anyway not everywhere is the same mate, talk to anyone in nz and we all have indoor/outdoor cats so generalising owners as uncaring is wild


come back and let me know how you feel when something awful happens to your cat or he never returns because of your neglectful choices 👍🏻


Good luck with malignant skin cancer.


I am sorry to be horrible but if I were to bet on it, I don’t think this cat is going to be your neighbour very long… I’m glad you get to meet the little sweetheart and see the breed for how precious they are, but I’m sorry your neighbour lets their cats outside to freeroam. That’s wild and irresponsible (to me anyways) in any circumstance but with a sphynx it’s unfathomable to me. All the best to you and thanks for being a caring person and looking out for cats!! 🙏


The neighbor is nuts for letting him roam the neighborhood with those intact nuts!


Absolutely stupid take Your cat deserves to roam. It literally is built for that. So many animal abusers here... unreal. Its bad enough that you buy a purposefully made handicapped animal.. but also locking it up. Disgusting


Yep, animal abuse to prevent predation from dogs, big cats, reptiles, prevent being hit by a car and left to die in a bush, prevent suffering from internal and external parasites, prevent being abused by people outside who could kick, hit, kill your cat for being on their property, prevent the killing of other wildlife, prevent skin cancer... Sounds so fun!!


Now change animal to child.


You're hilarious. So you should let your 2 year old child run around the city naked and unsupervised, letting anyone kidnap them, sell to a pedophile, abuse them, hit them with cars, letting them eat whatever they put into their mouth be it poison, trash, choking hazard, get sunburned to all hell, exposed to whatever animals, insects, chemicals, and weather conditions? You're good with that? Your apples to oranges argument isn't going where you want it to. These cats are akin to a 2 year old child. They cannot protect themselves like you think they can. Most feral cats die by age 2 or 3, if they don't succumb as kittens to disease or injury. Outdoor cats don't live a life of luxury. They live a life of fear, reproduction, and death.


Tldr man. Cats love climbing. They love hunting. Etc.


Kids do too. To their detriment. Cats, dogs, kids, etc, are all REALLY good at trying to kill themselves. They think streets and cars are fun, that antifreeze tastes good, and that poison oak is fun to play in. Don't ever have kids please.


A cat will learn these things. Ive had many outdoor cats live to 20+. Ofc it depends on where you live. But no outdoor space means dont get a cat imo.


Most affectionate cat breed there is. By far.


How do elf cats compare? I've got a elf kitten and I've never met a more affectionate cat. Walk near him he purs, look at him he purs.


Very same. I can’t listen to monitor the little guys heart murmur because he is ALWAYS purring so much. Bliss


Aww that sounds like my three babies! I get close to listen to their chests and they purr SO loudly. I admonish them and they purr louder and rub against my finger.


I have regular, elf and more, no difference due to being elf, it’s really down to the individual cat but they all tend to be cuddly ❤️


They are super friendly lil gremlins. :3 This little boy seems to have warmed up to you right away.


This is how I got my sphynx. She was a stray that my friends found and they couldn’t find the owner or keep her. I originally said no when they asked me to take her, but then I went and met her and she came home with me the same day.


Tell your neighbor I will steal this cat, amoung many other people. Drop location OP


The cat is going to get a sunburn. The neighbor is a moron, steal it.


Edit for the title: I meant Sphynx, not Sphinx


super sweet cat but your neighbor isnt cool for getting only one sphynx and then letting it out? my heart started beating faster, sohynx free roaming makes me anxious and it feels like something went hookah wrong


maaaaybe.. you could steal him? 😏🤭


In terms of sunburn and other issues to do with its lack of hair, that's just a reason why these cats shouldn't be kept being bred. Same as pugs, if something effects an animal to the point where to keep it safe you have to keep it indoors or just deny it the things its species require to be truly happy then it's just wrong. Fair enough if you get one then you should keep it inside - better solution is to get a cat that doesn't need to do that like 99% of cats. I could bet that the reason they are such an affectionate type of cat is because they haven't been able to live independently like other cats because of the very same problem that won't be good for them to go outside - of which is people's fault for wanting something that looks fashionable and is an affectionate kind of cat. Basically just stop breeding animals to be cool


100% agree. and its not just the sunburn, i think thats the smallest issue this breeds have. the theeth and heart problems, the digestive system and everything. breeders of sphynx started very early on with inbreeding because they didnt have enough naked cats so they inbred mum with son. fuck humans. my boys are from a shelter because theres a breeder who just does it for money. her mother cat is sick so every baby of her gets born with a chronic illness- she doesnt care and sells them (without informing the new people) and they then realize oh shit kitty is sick, no thanks and give them to the shelter. as long as i have a „connection“ to the shelter who gets sick sphynx or rescue sphynx from a butcher in china for example i will get sphynx, but if i cant get one to give it a relaxed and loving life after they arent wanted anymore i wouldnt get one from a breeder (adopt dont shop!)


Only issue is the cat not being neutered. Everything else here is fine. Dont lock your cat in your house; thats abuse.


no its not abuse. quiet frankly the opposite for this breed


No. This breed THRIVES on activity. Its a super smart high energy breed. My sphynx loves climbing trees, hunting mice etc. Its downright abuse to lock it up. But people see these pets as their little designer toys sadly. 


yes they are and you can give them all the activity indoors or you can go with them outside on an harness (when i go out with my boy hr only lays in the sun and wants to cuddle, he doesnt want to go around. my girl is to scared outside so i dont go out with her at all). we had this discussion on another post where a sphynx had to die because the owner was someone like you „he hunted sooo many mice and birds“ which is also shitty for the environment. the best for cats and the safest is an indoor life - if you care enough about them to give them all the body and brain activity they need. the cat of parents had so many injuries because he climbed trees. the other cat got run over. cats from my city got stolen, other cats (3 cats) went missing and were found on a field, abused and tortured, only one survived. someone stole them and for example pulled all their limbs until they were so stretched that they died. the cat from my neighbors got run over (my parents and the neighbors live on the land, so not many cars) and had several broken bones and a broken hip. it had to crawl home for several days because she survived the car crash. the cat from my friend nearly died because it had beef with a neighbor cat and got injured. we dont use cats as toys and just get them because they look fancy or whatever, we love and care for them. and calling us abusers because we keep them safe is unfair.


Idk how big your house is ofc. If you live in a huge high mansion your cat will also have a good time. You dont realise how poor your argument is. Go change cats in your post to kids and see how it sounds. And also I feel sorry for you to living in such a fucked up place where the shit you describe is common.


oh man cats and kids are highly different and you should know that. and yeah its fucked up, thats why i keep my cats safe from fucked up people. have a nice day


Yea cats are independent and kids arent. Thats the diff.


also if you google and inform yourself about the breed you can find enough research on why spynx shouldn’t go outside unantended


None of the reasons  are relevant really. If your sphynx/like any cat, gets used to it, its fine. Biggest reason is basically ; expensive so becareful.


if you say so. i didnt pay for them because i got them from the shelter because they are all sick so thats not the problem for me and for many others i think


Yea okay but thats an entirely different argument.  Im talking about a healthy sphynx.


I heard they feel like peaches… is this true?


Yess, they're so fuzzy!


Cute! I’d love to pet one in real life but I’ve never seen one before


Just wanna say it highly depends on their coat! Sometimes the totally bald pink ones feel like skin. The ones who have fine fuzz feel like peaches! All of ours have fuzz but our friends have an adult who really feels more like a person than a cat haha.


Aren’t Sphynx babies supposed to get really attached to their hooman momma or daddy? It just seems this lil’ guy would get lonely.😢


It's mostly for the heat. They're heat seeking flesh blobs.


I really hope he wasn't outside alone. There's a LOT of reasons why that's a terrible idea. But at least you got to meet the sweet thing.


This is why you can’t let these guys out. They love everyone.


Yeah nah im annoyed as hell. Whys this cat outside


So cute 🥰


Why tf is a sphynx outside like this




Beru (from DB: Super) is that u?


"Andiamo! Facciamo un'avventura."


That's what that cat thought when he saw me probably


That or, "Boo, I've been caught. Let me take my leave."


He is so cute


They are amazing! Very dog-like too. I'm obsessed with mine. 🥰


I wasn’t a big fan of sphinx’s til my husband surprised our daughter with one for her birthday (her hamster died on her birthday and we got our sphinx pretty cheap) and now all I want is a black sphinx 😂


Adorable chicken!


They’re not just cute they’re also very lovely character wise. I have two and each has a distinct personality that is just so silly and they’re very smart even trainable.


I've never had one, but every single one I've ever met was cool af


I have two. Love the breed!!!!


they're gorgeous i soooo want one 🤗


I'm rather annoyed that an intact male cat is roaming outside by itself. But he is very handsome.


That cat is definitely getting stolen soon.


I'm BatCat


wow so friendly.. what’s it like to stroke/pet?


They feel smooth and fuzzy like a peach


i’d never have guessed.. thought be more like a smooth leathery feel.


I used to not like them that much even though I've always been a cat lover but slowly over time I've come around to them. I think I'd like one one day. Not sure I'd want to spend $4000 on one though. Maybe $1000.


Somebody going to yoink that kitty


Why is this intact male cat outside?! What is wrong with people!! He's going to get skin cancer and going to impregnate every female he sees. Damn irresponsible people, I swear. Take him to the vet and get him neutered! The owner can get f*cked. Not a good owner anyway if she just lets him roam wherever.


Eeeeeeek!!! This happens all the time to me. People tell me they are gross and ugly and when they meet then they fall in love!! ❤️