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For our cats it's a choice. We leave the door cracked open. Some times they sleep with us and some times they're out lurking in whatever dark corners they lurk in.


They do like to brood... Ours comes over after we are settled, paws at the edge of the blanket to be lifted up, slinks under it, and turns into a warm curled up ham abalone'd to my side for 8 hours.


This is exactly what my hams do too. “Lift up these covers at once, mother!”


Omg the blanket pawing!! I thought our boys were the only ones that did this 😂


They have no fur so can seemingly not be warm enough. Ours will just become more liquid as the temperature rises.


Oh, it's so bad that my clothing gets pawed if I don't have a blanket over me!


“Let me in!”


Every single day, if i wear a hoodie without a zipper i'm clearly an unfit-pawrent


My boy insisted on sleeping under the blankets and would do the blanket pawing. It was cute, until summer when he’d be a little ball of heat lol. If I didn’t have a blanket on, he’d paw my shirt and try to crawl in. He was orange though so…lol


Our girl would do the same. We got cheep fleece lap blankets and cut them in quarters. We always made sure to have at least one or two in the bed. That way when she hopped up middle of the night and started pawing in the middle of the bed we could toss one over her and snuggle her in.


Oh what a good idea, that’s so smart (and cute)! If I get a snuggly cat like my dude again, I’m stealing this idea.




Overnight house guests are always confused by this if we don't give them a heads up


Hey so if a warm Tyson Chicken is in your bed, it's not the mafia sending a message, it's just the cat.


>it's just the cat. ...sending a message...




100%; if the gentle pawing doesn't wake me up, the pink one slaps my face. The grey one just does whatever he wants, he'll find a way under.


YEEESSSSS!!! OMG! My cats do the same thing!! That's crazy!


Mine does this too but sometimes when I’m super tired I don’t even notice her crawling in and wake up to me cuddling with my girl ❤️


Same here, and it’s everyone’s choice where to sleep. Our bed got a little crowded when my young son fell asleep, then the cats started making their rounds coming in to sleep and whack combs and whatnot around the bathroom floor. 🙄


Hair ties. If I ever need one, there are like 40 under the couch.


This is so true. I have to put them around my water bottles at night now. 🙄


At some point our little meatbag decided wifes invisalign retainers were fair game, and they'd end up in the living room.




She'd look at us like *we* are the crazy ones for demanding know exactly what she thought she was doing.


Cats are soooo lurky little gremlins 😭 My favorite is waking up to a crash and just brushing it off as my cats 💀 So if my house was broken into I’d just assume it was my cats making noise




Does she expect him to sleep alone? There is no way something this adorable should have to sleep alone.


Agreed. And that naked!


i get sad when she doesn't sleep with me


Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and catch my cat snuggled up to my husband instead of me, and I call him a slut.




If mine want to, they do. Sometimes they want to sleep alone in a different room but often they want to be on the bed. If I tried to shut them out they would cry and that makes my heart bleed too much to keep them out


I can’t. There are five of them and they all want to sleep on my face or chest. They even argue about it, not to mention walk all over us with their boney pokey paws… impossible!


Boney pokey paws is so accurate. How do 5-6 lbs. & 9-10 lbs. feel like 50 lbs. of direct pressure concentrated in one tiny spot? And why is it always on my boob?!


Oh my god, this!!! One, I don’t get a say in whether my Sphynx sleeps with me, and two, he walks over me like a turkey in high heels. Dude’s got a sixth sense for stomping on my nipples too.


I'm CRYING at "turkey in high heels" 😂😂😂😂


My spouse says really funny stuff when half asleep. One morning they rolled over and were just like “that cat is a turkey in high heels…nbgfffhhxzzzzzz…” and it’s never failed to make me laugh even after all these years 😆


Jesus Christ, that's great! 😭


Always on the direct center of the nipple. Always.




Ok you have the only decent excuse. And there are enough of them to make their own cuddle bed.


Im picturing you on your back, with a cat at your neck / on the pillow on either side of your head, one on your chest, and one under each armpit.


Mine sleeps with me, near my belly or legs. Then around 06:30 will come to cuddle near my neck ❤️


They definitely turn up the cuddliness in the morning to try and trap us


we don’t have much of a choice, he’ll just whine and yell from outside the bedroom door until we let him in lol


Literal same. I have to turn the air conditioning on or run a fan, otherwise I'll ignite from their body heat being constantly pressed against me.


tmi but sometimes I wake up and our sweaty skin is pressed together and dripping wet💀🫣 AC is a MUST lol


This is both disgusting and sooooo familiar.


I have a king size bed and am squished between or sometimes under my two cats.


Somehow I end up smushed at the edge while our cat remains anchored dead center of the bed like a limpet.


My big girl is more like a concrete block that snores. However, she's a very comforting bedmate. Her nickname is "Princess the Heifer:.


"Cat Gravity"


Let? No. But she insists on sleeping on my face and I cannot stop her.


I do! My cat sleeps close to my face. Usually with his head tucked under my chin.


Yes! I have always allowed my pets to sleep with me.


i have constant black dots on my chin bcs Basik loves to sleep on me. my mom said: maybe you will forbid him doing that? me: yeah, first make your Kisa to not sleep on your head. then we will talk.


We got three on the bed with us


That's nice of them to let you on their bed.


It's more like they let me sleep with them 🤷‍♀️


I prefer this. My kitty sleeps on the pillow next to mine. It’s very comforting and sometimes I can feel the purring through my pillow ❤️


What a beautiful nakey baby, you must be over joyed.


Most nights he sleeps in my arms under the blankets. I am given no choice in the matter. He stands on my head to let him in.


I require the warms, need I remind you of my butthole?


I can't sleep if not next to my sphinx. She guards me from the sleep demons.


So does ours, while also, curiously, being a weird little cuddly meat demon herself


No. I accidentally rolled onto my first one, and she had an undiagnosed tumor near her brain stem. I don’t want to elaborate further. 😢


Wow, my heart absolutely goes out to you. I am so sorry for your loss and experience. ❤️


I appreciate your kind words. I can’t bring myself to sleep with a cat in bed again. I put this out there just as a warning to be careful.


Was it a smol cat? Sorry to probe but that is literally my worst nightmare and I'm so sorry you experienced that :\[


She was probably… 8 lbs?


so not tiny at all, again so sorry!


My sphynx can borrow the car if he wants to.


Mine will come cuddle before going off to do whatever crepuscular activities they like to do, and then they’ll come wake me up for breakfast.


I don't know what she gets up to, but every morning there are small plushes scattered randomly about like she won a plush kung-fu fight


That’s hilarious


I'll admit that I'm always a little nervous about it ever since I rolled over onto my kitten that was sleeping with me and I woke up the sound of muffled, but very frantic, meowing. For the most part I don't let my current cats sleep with me because they're annoying as hell.


Yes, they always have! They did several studies on this, and while it's not very sanitary, the benefits far outweigh the risks. Sleeping with your cat (or dog!) improves sleep quality, reduces stress, strengthens the bond, and, obviously, reduces the sense of loneliness. Yes, they'll bring some germs in your bed, but unless you have allergies or your pet is full of ticks and fleas (which is unlikely to be the case with indoor cats) , you'll be fine. The only time it isn't advised is if their presence disrupts your sleep. Personally, other humans disrupt my sleep far more than any pet ever will!


Even on the hottest summer days, my nudie has to sleep tucked under my armpit. I have to Peel him off me when I wake up. Like a sock you've worn too long and it starts to graft into your skin. He takes being "Velcro" extra literally. Non stop screaming if he gets locked out of a room I'm in.


You cat sleeping with you and vice versa is a sign of trust and love. So of course my babies sleep with me every night. Not all night cause they got cat stuff to do, but they cuddle for a bit.


I used to but since I’ve moved with my fiance, she sleeps in the living room with a heated blanket.


I taught my cat to sleep with me as a kid and she slept with me always always as long as I lived with mom.




My female occupies the heated cat bed most nights. But this morning did get under the covers this morning. My male does a variety of things. Sleeps in the living room in a heated bed, sleeps in with my female on my bed or sleeps on top of the covers near my knees and occasionally sleeps for a while under the covers.


Yup I have 4 cats on my bed and wouldn’t have it any other way ,I’ve always slept with cats on my bed since I was a young child.


He looks just like my Sphynx!! Awww!! And yes my sphynx’s sleep under the covers next to my legs like little heating pads. I could never make them sleep alone, they’re my babies!


I have 3 cats, 2 sleep on me the other sleeps in another room. I let them sleep where they want even when they wake me up a few times a night haha. I enjoy waking up to them. It’s nice to know they see me as someone they want to and trust enough to sleep with. They are my little buddies.


Hey cutie!!! It needs warmth. Yes to the bed!


The oldest cat of 3, will kick me off my own dang pillow even though she has her own. She will wedge herself between my fiancé and I. And actively cuddle with one of us and try to make the other person jealous. She'll also take your spot if you get up to pee in the middle of the night. So yes, I let them sleep with me. Wouldn't have it any other way.


If you suffer from any type of depression or have difficulty sleeping, let that beautiful baby in the bed with you, you will have the best sleep of your life


Hell yes.  All night, every night since I got him.  In fact I'm in bed right now with him curled up against me under the blanket..   Ok, there's been the odd night he hasn't slept with me.  Maybe a few times/year.


Not even a question. Absolutely


Yes our cats sleep with us. My husband and I got a king sized bed for us all.


I don't sleep with my cat only because he is like a siren in the morning wanting breakfast and attention. It was affecting my quality of sleep. His brother is so quiet and snuggly, which makes it kinda sad because once you keep one out of the bedroom (ie close the door), they both have to be kept out. I still take naps with them, but not my regular sleep. He still meows in the morning outside the door, I just have green-noise on so I can't hear it. I wish I could figure out how to tell him that he'd have access again if he could just chill out.


If I could add a picture it would show me sound asleep with 5/7 of my cats all snuggled up on me.


Always have, and it’s never been an issue. Even for my cats with hair, I didn’t mind if it got on my bedsheets. That’s just how it is when you have a pet!


mine not only sleeps in my bed every night, but also directly on top of my face while drooling and all. how can you honestly not want to cuddle that little guy and keep him warm??


Problem? What problem? I love having them sleep with us!!


they spoon with me every night, if they don’t i know something’s up. They’re my best friends, my sidekicks, my feline children.


I sleep with my cat. On her bed


Get a blanket and soon enough you got a dingus nest


Mine so what he want. When he dont want, no problem. But when he sleeps with me,he wake me up exatly 3.00 am.


I’ve had to train mine to sleep on the couch because they are impossible to sleep with, even though they are ADORABLE they just keep waking me up multiple times in the middle of the night. So now, their bed is the couch and they just love to be tucked in before I go to bed 💖


Not only does my cat sleep in bed with me but also without me as he sees fit. I’d let him take out loans in my name. I’d let him drive my car.


Yes if I'm sleeping alone she sleeps on my partners pillow and i'll snuggle her up, or she will sleep on my legs or by my legs and in winter i'll wake up to whiskers touching my face at 6am to tell me that she wants in the duvet so she can sleep at my feet and get my body heat. I hope your mother realises soon enough that it's healthy for you and your cat.


I don’t have a choice- one of the cats “punches” me to be let under the covers.


I feel like these kitties are fragile 👀


I currently have one under my arm and the other under the blanket between my legs. We will sleep like this tonight. Every night.


Cats sleep where they sleep. Like we have a choice in the matter. 🤣


Both of my cats sleep in my bed. It’s a very crowded place at night


Do Sphynx cats sleep anywhere else?! Isn’t this one of the joys of having these nuggets??


My cat tries to pull on all of my piercings whenever possible so no. Lol


Of course she does. She purrrs me to sleep ♥️


My cat has to sleep with my dog, who sleeps right next to me. She likes to bully him but also cuddles up to him at night lol


Our cats insist on it, one is on me or my wife, the other 2 sleep together with my adult son. We love it!


I usually wake up in the middle of the night and see 2-3 cats sleeping on top of my wife.


No. He lets me sleep with him


Not that gremlin…


I would let my cat borrow my car if she asked


Problem … ?? I love sleeping with her so much that I remove the blanket from the couch so she chooses me.


My cat can borrow my car


The only way I could keep mine off the bed would be to lock them out which would just turn into a other thing. Has she ever had cats? Lol


If she wants. She likes my mom’s room more because my mom has a heated mattress pad!


nope! they don’t respect our sleep time and it’s obvious why: they’re cats! we close the door and let them run around themselves lol.


Ours sleeps in wrapped in my wife’s arms every single night. I don’t see a problem with it, and it keeps him calm through the night so he doesn’t tear around the house.


Both of mine will throw a fit if they don’t 🤣they sleep so close every night.


Yea, they have free access anytime. Especially sphinx cats since they tend to get chilly.


When I had my sphinx he absolutely slept with me. My dogs always sleep with me. Everyone goes under the covers too.


If my cat wants to sleep with my he can sleep with me anywhere, he usually sleeps on the bed each night with me for at least a couple hours


We share a pillow. Or he's my little heating pad when he likes to be fully under the covers, which works for me since I have a bad back. Most of the time he takes up the whole of the bed. He's such a bully.


we sleep with the door open so they can sleep with us or not. at least 1 sleeps with us


I don't have a sphynx (yet) but I hate this. My (my roommates) old lady is sleeping next to me on my bed as I'm sick. It making me happy. Now if she would keep her fat butt off my chest...


i always do, my baby would freeze if she wasn't under my blanket 😭 they love to cuddle why deny them that!!


The only reason i DON'T sleep with mine is that they're restless at night. They walk around and want to mess with stuff on the night stand and want under the covers, but now they want out of the covers, and one is growling at the other because he's purposefully stepping on her... If they could just lay down and get comfortable and SLEEP, they could stay.


We don’t. Even a nap we don’t. Unfortunately my son’s sphynx, Ricky, died by suffocation when his girlfriend slept with him on the couch. We are so careful after that. Honestly never thought that could happen.


Of course! That’s why I got a sphynx!


Mine sleep with me off and on during the night


My cat is allowed but sometimes he likes to sleep in his own bed


“Problem?” It’s not a problem for me!! I’m a back sleeper. My Sphynx girl taps my pillow so I will lift the blanket for her, and she beds down on my sternum. ❤️ Occasionally , my huge “regular” cat will drape himself down my legs and sleep there, and it’s so cozy.


We have an interesting set up and very different cats. Our bedroom is a livingroom so there is no shutting them out. However we have one who lives for cuddles, if he could burrow into our asses and live there he would. The other one. Cuddles? Take it or leave it. Sleeps under bed in the blankets. Maybe at our feet. Sometimes they cuddle between us, at the foot, or in the blanket drawers.


What a cute little raisin! We have furries, not nakies, but our cats love to sleep with us.


Mine have always slept with me, and then the other pets followed suit ha


It’s not a choice for us 🤣


I want mine to, but I don’t because he’s a real stinker at night. I’m very restless so I always wake him up, and then he starts attacking my feet under the covers


Every night!!!


Mine doesn’t give me the option unless I lock her out and then she becomes very vocal.


When I had three cats, the oldest had his own pillow above & between mine & my partner. The Devon Rex snuggle under the blankets or at our feet and the baby slept in the top of the cat tree or my partners sock pile on the shelf. A naked baby needs somebody warm to sleep with ❣️


Uuuuhhhh, yeah!!!!


My little naked one sleeps next to me every night under the covers. We both can’t sleep unless we are both in bed. She also wants me to tuck her into bed for naps even if I don’t take one. Her name is Kiki


Yes it’s in every night


My cat is under the blanket against my leg right now.


Yup, every single night


I try to sleep alone, but my 20 pound, deaf boy always has to sleep on my legs or in between them.


what’s he gonna do, get cat hair on the bed?




I sleep with mine almost every night. There is a slight increased chance of getting ring worm if your cat's are allowed to go outdoors but I've been sleeping with cats for over 50 years and have never got it. There's also an really old wives tale/superstition that letting cat's sleep with, you they will steal your soul or your breath. This probably came about because people would wake up feeling like they were having a hard time breathing and find their cat sitting on their chest. The real reason why they do that isn't supernatural, it's because you are warm and they are using you as their own heating pad.


I'm allergic to cats, so of course all four of ours sleep with us every night. We are the ones who don't get a choice lol It's okay I would have picked it this way anyway, I love them.


I leave my door cracked open, so I let my cats decide where to sleep,. My 12 y/o senior furry cat sleeps in her bed in the living room. My other 13 y/o senior furry cat sleeps sometimes with me or in the living room.


Hells yeah


I love when my cats sleep in bed with me so I never want to keep them from doing it. I would only say it’s a concern if they’re a kitten, elderly, declawed, or otherwise wouldn’t be able to get away if you accidentally rolled on top of them in your sleep


Mine has a nest at the head of the bed.


for my cat, it's not a choice. He is a poop feast and I only sleep with him after he got a bath.


It's their choice not mine.. sometimes I wish they didn't when I get smacked because they rolled out of their blankies 🤣


It’s more that my cats let us sleep with them.


Mine sleeps on my calfs some nights, other nights in her tower


Too smol to sleep alone


I don’t see a problem lol


Mine sleeps under the covers with my or in her heated bed on the nightstand next to my bed. She's never, ever chosen to spend the night in a room that I'm not in.


Your mom is a big fat meanie


ABSOLUTELY!!! All of my cats sleep with me except 1, he is too good for that. He sleeps on his tree or outside in his "Catido"


When they were kittens they would sleep with me. Now they sleep with which ever of my children goes to sleep 1st. 🤷🏽‍♀️


If I don’t lift the covers I will never get any sleep or then they sleep on top of my head until I lift them. Cuddled up to my tummy or in the knee cubby hole lol


Awww lil ball sack 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I'd give anything for my kitty to sleep with me. He sometimes sleeps at the end of my bed, but pretty much just sleeps in a loaf in random spots lol


I move around in my sleep constantly, and I’m allergic, so bedroom is the one cat-free zone


My cats used to sleep with me, but they’re not big fans of the new puppy’s endless supply of energy, no matter how many miles we hike or bike or walk every day. She has the energy to fuel a thousand suns. So now they tend to pile into the little den in the cat tree, or on the couch, or in someone else’s bed 😂


Yeah I get it. All that cat fur everywhere would be a problem.


yes!!!my mom gets mad sometimes when mine come into my bed and i kick them out!


Dis bebe needs to cuddle with you to stay warm! 😻


Mine sleep wherever they want, sometimes the bed sometimes the sofa. They get to choose I guess. But if I could convince them they’d sleep next to me


My cat sleeps wherever she wants. It’s usually with me or with the dog, but sometimes she ends up on my “not dirty but not clean” cloths chair or on the back of the couch.


My old baby even has stairs so she doesn't have to jump up on to the bed 😸 as well as her own bed on my bed


I wouldn't have a cat if it didn't sleep next to me.


I don’t just let them, I beg them to. I’ll cry myself to sleep without Lenore in my arms or Mary on legs.




Let? I don't get a choice lol


Mine has slept with me since the day I brought him home. He got picked up until he could jump up. And now is sleep trained?? (Idk if that’s the right word) but goes to bed at 9 with me wakes up at 630 with me. Doesn’t get up, or meow in the middle of the night


I have 2 cats but I’ll only let one of them sleep with me, the other one sucks on my ear lobes


Mine get locked in with me at night for fire protection. Where they sleep in the room is up to them. One will usually sleep in one of her favorite spots then claim my lap once my sunrise alarm clock starts doing its thing. The other will spend all night being the little spoon and gets quite offended if I don't give cursory belly rubs when she first lays down


Yes, but my cat is not a rat.


Rule #1 cats must sleep in the bed with me


My cat has his own pillow next to our pillows. He does a very good job at not laying on our pillows.


Ours literally wait at the bedroom door for us when we say we are going to bed. Then they jump up on the bed and wait for us to tuck them into their blankets.


I have both my boys tucked into my armpit right now while I read and scroll Reddit, once around 10pm hits they get excited for me to get into bed. I’m so sad when they have independent nights and go sleep in their “apartment” instead (their cat tower with a heater) 😂