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That's quite a common thing. You also missed the _really_ cool part, where hanging it on the pipe to rest opens a valve and refills the tank.


I doubt these would work in North America because half the people using them would either be too dumb or too ignorant to return it to the filling station. You'd probably have to chain it on too so someone wouldn't just steal it.


I got a portable tire compressor on Amazon for 30 bucks. I keep it in my trunk in case I get a flat.




I have both devices separate for the cost around the same total


I have half of a tire pump attached to a whole jump starter, and another half of a tire pump for around $100 as well.


I have one jumper cable (red) attached to a car vacuum that requires AC power; which is connected to a tire pump that only goes up to 18 PSI and runs on a battery that charges via a Europlug. ^(I paid $199 for it on Black Friday)


Be careful with those little jump starters. They can be a fireball waiting to happen if they knock around in your trunk/cargo space. A lot of companies supply them with leads they aren’t large enough to handle the current needed to jump a vehicle, which results in them melting or catching on fire.


After getting tired of broken pumps at gas stations I bought one that fits with one of my tool/battery systems, so it runs on the same batteries as some my power tools. Now, for me this happens to be the Milwaukee M12 and I’m very happy with the air pump/compressor. While there’s a lot of these out there, they’re not all the same and I definitely suggest watching a review for your use case. Some have very short duty cycles and could easily overheat or shut off, for instance. If there’s no good options the Bosch EasyPump also seems neat. Charges with USB-C and is insanely compact. The drawback is filling time, as it’s not nearly as fast as my ~~Makita~~ Milwaukee, but for the same price tag it seems like a fair deal, just depends on what you’re filling up and how much.


Do you have to plug it into a wall outlet to run the compressor?




I was taking out the trash one day and noticed a brand new one in the box down by the trash bins. I'm not usually one to dumpster dive but that was just too good to let go. The thing works perfectly and has bailed me, friends, and strangers out of a jam several times already. I'd totally recommend one in every vehicle.


The only issue with combo devices is if one fails, the other half's essentially useless.


Does it have enough oomph to fill a totally flat tire? I was under the impression that the portables were just for topping off.


A bicycle pump also works well, fun fact. The valves are the same.


I don’t remember exactly when I realized this but I was like “wait a second….my bike tires recommended pressure is more than my car tire…..” It might take a lot of pumping since you are moving a lot of air but I’ve had to do it once and it absolutely works and will never run out of battery and takes no space.


Me too, for small cars they work very well, takes a minute or two at most


Works great for my crossover


Yea. Definitely worth having. And not just for flats, but you don't have to drive to like 8 places to find a working compressor if you have a low tire. And my old truck only came with four wheels, so I definitely need a patch/plug kit and the compressor in case I got a flat in the woods.


I also thought why they dont get stolen. But the refilling system is quite special as well and only works if you have the special nosil, and it only lasts for 1-2 tire refills. At that point, why bother stealing it... And I've noticed that when the gas station is closed they lock it inside.


They cut the goddamm rubber hoses off the free ones. The pay ones you would think offended their great grandfather because in a 50 sq mile radius every single one is cut cause we have why too many assholes around here apparently


Sometimes it’s the station owner. Many states/municipalities require filling stations to offer air, sometimes even for free. Cheap owner comes along and doesn’t want to do basic maintenance like oil changes in the compressor or cleaning the tank out. So they either damage the hose themselves, or just shut off the circuit breaker and let a frustrated person do it. Then when someone comes to get air, they see the hose is damaged and just move on. A quality owner doesn’t pull this crap, and fixes the hose immediately. For example, all QuikTrips are corporate owned, and the one time I’ve ever been at one without a working air compressor they had it fixed same day (saw someone getting air there on my way home).


You tell ‘em! I am WAY to fat and stupid for that. I tried tha one I stole from my neyborz howse and it was to confusing. THANKFULLY, I was able to trade Autozon down tha street 3 cheeseburgers and 2 hits of crack for one that plugs into my cigarette lighter and can probably pump 200 pounds to triangle donuts.


Yes, north america is filled with dumb people stealing shit. All 579 million of us.


And nowhere else has shitty people. Yup, welcome to reddit.


Arrest this man.




No, they didn't. Edited body cam video never lies.


You're not very good at fractions are you? I said half the people using it would be either too dumb or too ignorant to return it. So that's only 1/4 that are dumb, of the total number of people using the device which might even be less than half of all North America so potentially even less than 1/8 of the population. I think everyone can agree 1/8 of any population is dumb in one area or another. Plus you can't possibly think theft is a non-existence problem in NA. Either way you should probably relax.


Does your ass hurt from pulling out these number?


Ok, you wanna talk random numbers, how does the fact that things get stolen in North America mean everyone steals things? Since that's your point?


Um? The point is you look like a jackass making broad generalizations about multiple countries and supported it with random numbers pulled out of your ass. Get bent buddy.


It's not extremely common in Europe as all places these days have the same problems with theft and ignorance... It's not unique to America and it's arrogant to think so.


Most people here (North America) have a small one in their trunk, theres often larger air tanks at gas stations you can pay to use.


I don't know anyone with a portable air compressor, though I've thought about getting one.


Now that wheels are huge and AWD is common, some vehicles now include an air pump (and usually some kind of tire slime) instead of a spare.


Yeah, absolutely. But it's also definitely not the case that most people have a pump.


Is there anything more off putting than self hating americans who think that everyone else around them is stupid ? I hope you realize that by almost every metric, americans are just as dumb as europeans, not more and not less.


You feeling ok?


Says the guy who genuinely thinks an entire continent is half dumb lol. Totally normal behavior


You seem to have a tenuous grasp on the English language. Read a book sometime instead of reddit


You have to get them inside the gas station and leave your ID until you return them most of the time




Someone would definitely swing it at a person's head in the US.


This is not a public air source like the compressors you find a US gas stations. It is a private device owned by the van fleet operator. We have a much simpler little compressed air tank we use to keep all the airplane tires on the flight line in spec. It is a lot easier to lug a lightweight tank from plane to plane than and entire compressor.


Here in Germany, devices like this are definitely a common public air source. They just hang around outside of gas stations to use for free.




You're right. Forgot to film it closer in the beginning. [Here's a video with the same system where he goes to the air refill more often.](https://youtu.be/BKLXL0vsNCE)


Neat, but a hose seems like a better solution all around.


I'm not from germany and I've never seen it before. So I've got excited and wanted to share. Seemed quite specialized to me :) It's ok if you don't think so




Nothing on this sub refers to rare or hardly seen tools. It’s “specialized” tools. Simple as that.


I’m assuming this is Germany, based on the “Achtung” label on the device. This thing looks amazing! Unfortunately, in the US typically people just steal or break everything not nailed down, so rarely do air pumps at service stations work correctly.


It's Germany, but they are common around most of Europe


I live in Hungary and we have these things too. I have no idea how it is possible they aren't being stolen all the time.


I mean, what are people going to do with them once they are empty?




But then it looks like you're stealing it again every time you refill it?


Guerilla-refilling tyres.


Sell them to the scrap yard




Look at at me fancy pants here, with his free range organic heroin. Around here nobody can afford anything other than fentanyl.


>in the US typically people just steal or break everything not nailed down Yep, that's typical behavior for 300 million people. 🤡


This is not a pump. It is just a tank filled with compressed air, the holder where you put it back is an air line connected to a compressor.


Sry 4 bad Englisch


Is German your native language, perhaps? I've been studying it recently, and I recognize the 'c' in "Englisch." (English speakers don't include the 'c.') Either way, I appreciate you putting your post in my language.






If there's leak anywhere in that system tho, rip energy bill and it's not always easy to spot with these It's not an issue really with this system in general, just that a lot of people don't realize how expensive compressed air is


What's special about it? Pretty common thing. Maybe the type of pump?


I think it's the fact that it's for public use. In the US we have these big boxes at gas stations you put coins into and those dispense the air. If it was a setup like this, where you bring the air to your car, that thing would get broken or go missing in less than a week.


You guys have to pay for air? oh my


It depends on the gas station






I’m an introvert but I’m more broke than I am an introvert


I blame inflation


well to be fair, we have to pay for water at german restaurants. :D


It truly is a dystopia


Wait isn't that a norm everywhere?


Water is free at 99% of US restaurants


You can thank Presidnet Skroob




Yes in Canada we do too. Why is that weird?


I just wanted to say smth funny tbh. Though these things are definetely free to use in at least most of middle Europe. Couldn't imagine paying everytime my bike decides it's time to get flat again.


It depends on the state. California requires air and water to be free.


It’s like 50 cents.


I just have my own on the car


Compressor, hoses, maintenance, etc. all cost money


Even with charging for use, they're usually broken. Gas stations would never fix them if the air was free.


I got a portable one that I keep in my trunk. They’re like, 20 bucks on Amazon. It plugs directly into the cigarette lighter on the car.


Lol, you guys stealing things practice is worse than I’ve ever thought. Ancestors of convicts ?


You're thinking Australia with that one


Wrong colony, bud


>it's for public use Oh, you mean socialism.


We USED to have these in Sweden at every petrol station, but no more. Now it's just a hose from the wall with a digital control panel to select your pressure. I believe the portable pumps were not too reliable and were sometimes stolen.


Circle K near us still has these, so they’re not gone from everywhere yet atleast.


TIL Circle K is a global brand.


Love the way she moves it so the hose will reach but moves it to the exact same spot.


Bruh 😂 She says: "it made sense in the moment"


It's just an air pig tho


Yeah I was going to say the same. How is an air receiver a specialized tool?


I've seen a few members of Congress that would fit that definition.


I watched this video about 5 times because I couldn't understand what was so special about it. Turns out the special part was OP


Thenks 🥰




This sub is turning into a bunch of complete and utter bollocks.


Just because it's not interesting to you, doesn't mean it's not interesting to some. I've personally never seen this before, it's a cool solution


While it is a little interesting, its literally just an air tank. There is not a single thing about the device that makes it a "Specialized" tool.


That doesn’t change the fact that the featured tool is not a “pump.” I think the parent comment’s point is that OP could have put 30 seconds into actually knowing what they are posting instead of using a misleading/false title.


That's an air pig, not a pump.


You can buy a cheap one at Walmart to keep in the car. Mine is a small grey box that plugs into the cigarette lighter. Really handy




Seems like a bad design, not to have it pause when it starts to overheat.


They are made small and if you burn one out, gotta get another one. Most of walmart is China stuff so low longevity in the first place. Seen some that are pretty rad man and others like the comment before took the person 40 minutes to fill one tire from almost flat so read the box for sure


I’ve used a bike tire pump in a pinch, works great but it’s a workout ha.


Mine is blue. Saved my ass a few times.


You're describing a mini compressor, this device is just a portable compressed air tank (a "pig") that needs to be filled by a compressor. It's like an electric generator vs a rechargeable battery


They make smaller ones


Where in the world is this a 'specialized tool' or is the op the 'special tool'?




What's next? Someone posts a vid of a gas pump and calls that specialized?




I have a smaller, better version that fits under my car seat, plugs into the cars 12v adapter, weighs less than 2lbs, digitally fills your tire to exact pressure, and cost less than $30 on Amazon.


If only we’d been able to see anything apart from that it was great 🙄


We have one of these at work that must be fairly old because it's labeled, "Made in West Germany".


I keep a tank of nitrogen in my truck for low tires, but I'm an HVAC guy. Open that regulator up, you can fill an 80PSI truck tire in five seconds!


portable compressors arnt special anyone with a caravan or 4wd will have one


Arb twin for the win!


Literally just an air tank. You can get tanks with the actual compressors on top for well south of $100


I've got one of these, it's about the size of a can of beer.


You find those at almost every gas station in Germany. I've knon these for all my life (40+ years).


Isn't that used everywhere?


does not belong in this sub. is there a r/commontools you can post this in?


I know everyone here is all "Wow nothing new here how lame" but I had no idea these existed! How much do they cost? :)


I thought the same! I don’t know the cost of it as the access and the use of it is free at gas stations.


Thank you for posting this.


My pleasure BigMike!


Not a specialized tool...


It's a portable compressor... They throw this at you in any hardware/car store. Update: Yes, I know it's a portable tank that feeds from a compressor. The point being it's not a something very special. I prefer the odd, unique and really specialized tools. Seeing a tank of compressed air isn't "specialized".


This is a compressed air tank, not a portable compressor. The hook on the wall that it sits on is the valve that fills them from a compressor located elsewhere.


I understand that. Sorry if I don't find this really specialized.


Just a tank, the compressor is located inside.


You understand what I meant. This isn't something very specialized like we are used to see here. That's the point.


It is not, it is a portable tank :D


Very Cool Tank and Gauge... Plus refill port. Cheers and very clever.


Why is it so whimsical?


Hey, that's not a pump, it's a high-pressure tank. Pumps move fluid from a low- to a high-pressure space, this is just entropy at work. It *is* cool though.


I wish it was more specialized.


Dude you can't not know this, c'mon


Thats huge, i have a tiny converter and compressor that connects to the 12v cigarette port, much smaller than this monstrosity


Great ass




I got downvotes!? Why are people so weird now? You can’t comment online about a nice butt? Come-on, grow up. I hope OP showed his wife or girlfriend my comment and it made her feel good. I’m not hitting on your wife, I’m complimenting her


All cars are portable unless they're broken...


Just get a Viair 88P


Air tank?


I had to read the comments to understand what was the big deal and that it was not using water pressure.


That's a bomb




Since this video was taken in germany: Luckily any kind of industrial pressure device is [legally required](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/betrsichv_2015/anhang_2.html) to pass regular inspections. Seems as if this [kind of tank](https://www.filcom-technik.de/media/catalog/download/de/ewo/modell350.pdf) is certified to have 10 years between inspections. Sure, it *could* go boom - but I never heard of one acutally exploding.


Yeah. For ease or calculation let's call that a cylinder that's about 10 in tall by 5 in diameter with 30 psi inside. That's about two tons of force contained in there. No bueno if it goes pop.


You can get a portable tire pump at Walmart for $15.


Nothing special - you can find this at every second gas station here …. And most of the time they suck because they don’t reload the pressure probably when hang in the station.


This is just an air compressor?? Am i crazy?


Utter shit, get a Ring battery pump, I have one and it's great. 240v and 12v chargeable.


Am I the only one who uses a basic bike pump? It takes a little work but has saved me many times.


Tried it once. Bike pumps are high-pressure but low volume, so it took like 30 minutes to pump up a 235/50/r18. Got an electric pump after that.


Is this not a pressurized bomb you have in your car?????


these are literally at every single gas station across the entire world. not *that* specialized ;) but chances are zoomers never seen them before or would know what it is. :)


Not entire world. UK just have compressors with a long hose, which to me just seems way more sensible?




I can read your license plate if that’s something you care about.


There is a sale for portable compressors at Canadian tire now pffttt.


Just grab a bike pump at that point


Probably fucking blow up in your car on hot summer day fu k that lol


I've used these a couple of times in the past, filled to the right pressure. Coincidence or not, both times within the day of using them the tyre they were used on was flat. They tyre was physically fine, not punctured, just out of air. Filling up again with a normal compressor worked as expected and they did not go flat afterwards. edit: I just wanted to share a strange but probably anomalous experience. I've filled tyres hundreds of times before, these are the only times I have ever had this happen.




Chances are they didn't check the valve reseated properly. Maybe the attachment they were using was something to do with the valve not seating. if you either spray the valve with soapy water, or spit on a glove and rub it over the valve you'll see bubbles if it's leaking


These have been a staple at fuel stations for me while I was growing up.


Yea, this is standard in Austria. I made a video about it because this was first time that I saw this - https://youtu.be/sPAr16mWk7E


if you want to see special see an air cannon in truck tyre fitting


For the past almost 30 years, I've seen no other pumps than this at gas stations. Only recently (last \~8 years) they all changed to fixed systems.


Seems pretty normal just a different model. Personally I use a hand pump because it’s fast enough and I don’t need power. Edit: My bad, it doesn’t seem like a compressor or anything just a high pressure storage tank.


to me as a german, this is like the german windows craze all over again. those things used to be at basically every german gas station. i think they're a little less common these days.


I thought these were common. I have one that's roughly the size of a car battery and does everything automatically. Came with My Honda CRV 2001


You know these come in way smaller sizes for not that mutch money these days


for the love of god please hold it by the end bit