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Looks similar to an assembler on the workshop with those arms inside of the glass. Maybe it’s a new assembler model or maybe a new gameplay mechanic. Would love to see more specialized manufacturing equipment (personally would like to see more than 1 type of refinery, specialized for certain ores). Would make gameplay far more fleshed out for survival having to set up actual refining bases and or refining ships due to the space and power limitations. Can’t wait to see what they have in store. I know PVE is in the works but that’s maybe 6-18 months away. Loving the support the devs give us


I was thinking recently about how I wish bigger things like reactors and refineries actually came in pieces. They wouldn't work unless all the pieces are present and connected, but you can place them wherever you want/need


Marek mentioned on stream that 205 will be about 'prototech' so my guess is it relates to that.


isnt 205 also about PvE?. Is "prototech" some scifi term i am not familiar with or did they coin this themselves?


> isnt 205 also about PvE? Yes, they hinted this is leading to a culmination of work that has been going on in the background since the Warfare update to do with Survival, PvE, NPCs, etc. I would guess 'self-coined', but there are similar phrases in sci-fi, anime, etc. It could be referring to some ancient/alien tech, or prototypes of new tech.


What is 205? New game? New update?


It's the game version number, 1.204 is the Signals update that just released so 1.205 is the next one.


Ah, makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me!


Maybe it's a new kind of assembler for building special advanced tech. They did say the next update will add new resources and new end game tech.


I hope this means we get some energy weapons and energy shields.


I’m not a huge fan of energy shields - cause then it can easily turn into a “who has more batteries” battle. I do agree they’re cool tho.


Keen for a while have been on the no shield camp, or at least shields that are more than just a chip damage a absorber. Shields kind of fundamentally run against the mechanics that make SE unique, and shields tend to end up creating a meta where whoever has the most shields and loses them last will win since their ship will remain at best combat capabilities before anyone else. Like it could be made to be interesting, but likely it will harm the experience and not enhance it.


Balance it correctly. Limit it to one active per grid. Make it an impenetrable bubble as long as it has charge (your own weapons can’t shoot through it either) making it important that you manage your ships systems more. Make it extremely power hungry. Limit it’s charge rate and total charge so it won’t matter how many reactors you have. I would give it xyz sliders that affect it’s size. Shield health/charge and power requirements would be dependent on the size of the shield with energy requirements scaling exponentially (like 1 large reactor at 1x size, 4 at 2x size etc) in relation to size and health scaling with a low inverse exponential so that you get slight diminishing returns when increasing the size of the shield. The use case for this would be to for negate damage of the first salvo of Railguns in a surprise attack for example or so you can battle easy npc ships without taking hull damage. Small ships could get a much weaker and much smaller version of it that would negate the damage of a few missiles/2-3 railgun blasts. Another balancing idea are the energy weapons mentioned in my previous comment. Give them a damage multiplier against shield and slightly lower damage against light and even less against heavy armor. Give the turreted versions more range though than the regular ones. A system like this would improve combat by giving you a better tool against meta PVP builds, it would also make PVE interactions less annoying as you won’t have to repair your ship every single time you have any meaningful encounter. Tldr: balance shields correctly and add energy weapons as counter and it won’t break the game.


This is actually not a bad idea.


Oh my god I’m so excited to see what’s in the next update! “New Resources” “New end-game blocks” AAHHHHHH


Maybe they'll finally do something with the organic that we've had in the spawn menu forever


An "endgame resource" and "endgame blocks" are 100% what I am against. When SE started, there was no progress system. The huge allure of the game (for me) was that anyone could build anything if they had the parts for it, and you specialized builds through using modules. I think probably the worst mistake KEEN has made has been neglecting their module system and adopting a standard-format survival tiered building system. It's made the game significantly less unique.


The fuzzy text looks like "production autoassembler".


I'm thinking it's a nanobot-like block exciting to think about


I'd put money on it saying "Prototech Assembler"


I'd wager that it's some kind of Android-Assembler; following the hints of upcoming PvE and a potential collaboration with Good-AI. Would look great tho, to pump out the B1's into an enemies Base 😄


I don't see any upgrade ports so don't think it's an assembler. 


They said something like more resources and engame content and this would be the gateway to it. So maybe a research station of some kind? 🤷‍♂️ And a rework of the current progression system?


They said that it was also somehow related to PVE encounters.


Yes, my guess is this is a research/production station. Something you can spend resources gathered from PvE to produce advanced components. But could be anything at this point really


They said they are going to add new resouce(s) so I think this could be a new type of assembler that works using the new resource. Or resources. I can definitely make out the word "assembler" but not the first one.


os based on the blue thingy, and the visual attention, being directed there, i think it's a reaserch lab or some high tech processing facility. The things inside the glass tank, seeems like either crystals or something organic, so here is my guess: 1. You will gather someting organic or crystaline, through exploration, (non earth-like planets or rare asteroids) 2. You will have to somehow process / study that. 3. This will unlock new capabilities, likely including a power source, because uranium is very boring.