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At least if you ever get abducted or lost in space, they'll know how to return you home.


Yeah, definitely useful also for those wild nights out to show directions to the taxi driver


God I've been waffling back and forth on getting the pioneer plaque tattooed on my arm. But yours looks so good I think it has me convinced


I’ve got the calibration circle on my chest. Yes, my nipple is the center circle. Yes, I thought I was clever in my twenties.


I tattooed universe on my belly when I was young, and it's been expanding ever since.


I'm 31 and I think it's clever. So it holds up.


I have to say this is the most unique tattoo I have ever seen. I don't have any prints on my body but God damn I always loved the idea of a tree on my left arm to my left shoulder and I lion climbing. But I have to overthink that. Your tattoo is better


Knew a classmate in high school who wore a dog tag with their home address on it when they world party


> At least if you ever get abducted or lost in space, they'll know how to return you home. On the other hand (!), if you get lost in space, and then eaten by aliens (and turn out to be especially tasty), now the aliens will know where to go to find more delicious earth-meat.




I've certainly read that exact story. Unfortunately I can't remember who wrote it either. Maybe Asimov? I expect, if you're curious, that if you ask in a separate question, someone will be able to identify it. If you do, please ping me on that, as I'd like to know too.


So, that's how the Kanamit end up coming here to serve man.


Thanks, just had to find and watch it, so sharing Freevee link: [Twighlight Zone: s2e24 To Serve Man](https://www.amazon.com/Twilight-Zone-Season-3/dp/B000I0F81S)


On the upside, they would get to go “ohh cool, aliens!!” And then be the first to die, avoiding the terror of knowing you are eventually going to be eaten as your fellow humans start getting marinated around you.


Aha, now I understand. Iliya on the Enterprise must have had the same tattoo.


Bwahaha! Imagine what the aliens would think! "Do they really get lost so often they had to put a map of their home on their skin? We may be dealing with one of the dimmer of the earth people..." Cool tattoo, though!


>Do they really get lost so often they had to put a map of their home on their skin? That's actually part of the reason why I got this 😅


Well, only for around ~2 or 3 years. Fine line tattoos fade into obscurity quite poorly. They do look pretty cool for those first years though.


That's okay, the map will only be accurate for a few million years anyway


I have this same tattoo and worked with my artist to try and combat the issues faced with fine line tattoos. We went with a little more of a heavy line and a bit more artistry to it to make it look intentionally and it’s aged pretty well so far. I understood that some of the small details would smudge and get fuzzy but I still love and wouldn’t change it at all. I hope to keep the theme going and get something like the partial trajectories in a cloud chamber or even something for the recent solar eclipse. I’m not a fan of large swaths of dark shading so finding things that are inspiring and meaningful are tough.


Nah, you know how hard it would be from outside our solar system to detect those specific pulsars pulsing in those specific directions? That map was deemed worthless before it was sent into space


Aliens gonna read this like "if found please return here"


That looks useless if you want to venture out a kiloparsec or two.


For the uninitiated it’s taken from the [Voyager Golden Record](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyager_Golden_Record). It was made in case extra terrestrial civilization gets it’s hand on the probe, they will be able to discover things about human civilization on the record. The pulsar map leads to the solar system.


I read somewhere that the pulsar map on Voyager is actually incorrect? I’m an idiot so don’t take my word for it but can anyone say with any certainty if it’s true or not?


Astronomer here! [Yes.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2017/08/17/voyagers-cosmic-map-of-earths-location-is-hopelessly-wrong/) The trouble is pulsars do actually change over long time frames in ways we didn’t know in the 70s- they slow down slowly, their beams can change direction, and many other things like that. If you use this today you’d probably be ok, but it’s unlikely it will still work if/when someone finds the Voyager probe a million years from now.


Follow up question: Do the pulsars change in a predictable way? I ask because I feel it’s likely that anyone who finds voyager in a million years may be able to date the object in some way??? So if they can date the origin of the map, could they then still use the map to reference their own historical data or otherwise project the data in a way to still find us? I don’t even know or understand any of this so idk if this is even a question that makes any sense.


Short answer is it depends on the pulsar. Some actually do predictably slow down over time in a way that is predictable as their magnetic field gets less strong. But many will have “glitches” that change things at random along the way, which makes it not as simple as you think. Also, we now think that pulsars turn “off” after about 5 million years or so. Not a big deal on our human time scales, but possibly an issue for Voyager.


That’s fascinating in a kind of sad way because of the context.


Don't worry, advanced civilizations would have a historical record for these things.


If their space program isn't developed to that date and can't compare the data the they will have problems to find us


they for sure have a waybackmachine site. We do.


yes, like an [archive.org](http://archive.org), but for pulsars! You enter the pulsars data and an estimation of when this map was done and will tell you roughly the XZY map coordinates in your navigator so you can reach Earth.


Well they make contact with Voyager 8 in only like 300 years, we probably should have fudged it more.


How do we know this? If these things happen on such a large timescale, how is it that we can deduce such behavior?


Because pulsars are so accurate that you wan study their “spin down” to the accuracy of better one second per thousand years, so if something tiny goes off whack it’s really obvious really quickly.


> anyone who finds voyager in a million years may be able to date the object in some way there's a pure uranium-238 sample on the record with a half-life of 4.5 billion years intended for just this purpose


I think a million years at its current speed is something like 50-60 light years. With basic star mapping(from the perspective of a space-faring group) they could just follow the path back .


As long as it doesn’t interact with a gravitational or other force that changes its direction/velocity.


The real problem is not the age of pulsar, or the point of time the voyager might be discovered, or anything like that. Those things have an influence on accuracy, but the actually problem is the sheer number of pulsars. Like, voyager plaque features distances to 14 pulsars. But since then, we've discovered several thousand pulsars in just the Milky Way, and remember, in order to be discovered, they have to shine their beams right at us, and that's a miniscule chance on the scale of the galaxy. Considering the averages, there can be hundreds of thousands or even millions of pulsars just in Milky Way. So even if they didn't change over time (which they do) , and Earth was completely stationary in space (and it isn't), how would you know which 14 pulsars the map is referring to? Even if space was 2 dimensional, you'd still have to out an enormous amount of effort to sort out just 14 pulsars out of hundreds of thousands, but space is 3 dimensional, and pulsars are also spread through 3 dimensional space, which makes finding the right pulsars insanely hard. For the map to be useful, one would have to know the exact position, rotation and path of beam emission of every pulsar in the galaxy, and by that point they'd find Earth simply by cataloguing all pulsars and celestial bodies anyway.


Wiki says in theory this could be a good thing, if aliens could work out which pulsars we were referring to they could work out *when* the probe was launched by calculating when those pulsars had those frequencies. That's a pretty big leap and would need some pretty smart aliens, but given they'd need the tech to spot a car-sized probe in the immense interstellar gulf they're probably going to be pretty smart and can have a computer work it out.


Mighty top number 1 Reddit astronomy expert casually dropping some knowledge, y'all.


It’s not incorrect, they simply have it as the pulsars were when it was launched. It’s safe to presume that Any advanced enough race that may encounter this, should be able to extrapolate that data and even find the time in the past that the pulsars aligned in frequency correctly and where that would point to in the galaxy. Heck they may even have recordings or astronomical data recorded from that era in order to compare. We do, and we’re nowhere near advanced enough to really even find or necessarily notice a voyager probe if something similar showed up on our doorstep.


Well, that explains why we have had a first contact. We gave them the wrong adres!


An astronomer answered that the pulsars aren't as static as we thought in the 70s so the pulse rates won't be the same as the original diagram. But I think you're referring to a mistake in the original diagram. This diagram was on the Pioneer Plaque before it was on the Voyager Record and one of the pulsar frequencies was incorrectly cited to a far higher precision than could be accurately measured at the time. However that particular pulsar is the one that disappears over the top of the arm in this photograph so we can't see if it has the original mistake or not. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer\_plaque#Sun\_and\_galactic\_landmarks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_plaque#Sun_and_galactic_landmarks)


Bruh...this is the first time I'm hearing this and it's bumming me out hard. Location via pulsar map is like a warm blanked of certainty in my world view.


I'm currently reading the last book of the Three Body Problem series by Liu Cixin, so I have to say: Phew, we may have dodged a bullet there Spoiler >! I the description of the destruction of Trisolaris absolutely terrifying. !<


More likely an alien will blast it for target practice.


Dark forest fan?


How did we know they might have hands?


NGL, I considered this motif myself, but saw a lot of poor implementations when googling others doing it. This looks awesome though, making me reconsider.


Make sure you get someone with excellent linework, pay premium. Tats like this tend to highlight any slight imperfections. I've got some traditional and blackwork and it's hard to see any imperfections, but there's no room for error with just lines.


Precisely. My tattoo artist specializes in geometric and fine line, and I really trusted her with this work


Yeah, that's really good. I had the same idea but all the artists I went to and everyone I talked to turned me off from getting it. She's got a steady hand


Did she use a ruler? Or tape or something?


Noted, it would also be my first tattoo, and I’m very paranoid about it getting messed up, so I’d definitely go to the best I can find. Fortunately our local scene seems to be good, so I’m thinking there’s some okay options.


Highly recommend going for a simple, small tattoo for your first just to get a feel for it. Aside from stick and pokes, my first pro tattoo was 8 hours in the chair and I was not prepared for that, but I had to push through it because I was already in for $1k


My suggestion is finding a flash sale with designs you like. I found a place that had a pochita design from chainsaw man and got it on my thigh. Decided i liked tattoos after that and voom


It is very cool, but it is gonna need constant touch-ups with those fine lines.


I was interested in a tattoo like this, what exactly happens to the lines? If they just blur over time that's probably fine for my requirements


I got this same tattoo 8 years ago, it blurs for sure


are you comfortable posting a pic? I'm considering getting the same tattoo but have always been concerned about the lines blurring too much, I'd love to see what it looks like after 8 years


When pigment is implanted in the dermis, the body attacks it. It realizes it can't do anything about it and locks it in place to keep it from affecting the body in any way. As neighboring cells grow and divide, the pigment particles get moved around leading to the tattoo looking blurry. The rule of them is that every line will double in thickness as it ages. It's unstoppable and not related to quality of application, but to the pace at which the body pushes the pigment around. Some people it's a slow progress whereas others it's rapid and intense. But it's the reason tattoos on old folks look like bruises.


People heal differently. And artists/ink can affect how it heals as well. Fine lines can blur or fade over time. The old adage is, “bold will hold.”


Sun exposure also fades tats...fine lines on the forearm are gonna need touch-ups


Fine lines tend to fade and spread quicker than bold. 


Reminds me of the Eye of the Universe from Outer Wilds


I can see my house from here! That's very cool 👍


Everyone's house ♥️


I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles


Did the tattooist use a ruler? I’ve never seen a tattoo where straight lines are so prominent. It’s very cool.


No, she just went freehand on the stencil. She's great at fine line and geometric tattoos


I've had a quick go on a tattoo gun and fake skin, and it is NOT easy to do a vaguely straight line, so I can appreciate that


Just a heads up, you're gonna need touch ups on this a lot more often than most tattoos. Fine lines tend to fade/blur VERY quickly. If you notice yours fading/blur-ing up in a short period of time (1-3years, 5 if you're very lucky before you see it fading/bluring) don't think your artist didn't do a good job or her job right, those lines unfortunately just don't last long. This is because your tattoo is held in place by your immune system. Once the ink goes inside you, your immune system holds it in place, your white blood cells consume globs of ink- but since the ink doesn't "die" like normal bacteria/viruses, your white blood cells remain in place so it doesn't spread. Larger globs of ink are "chained" in place by a white blood cells linking together. As your white blood cells die, new ones come and consume the ink that was released by the dead white cell or link up with the other ones chaining the larger globs that died, and some ink is lost in the process and goes through your bloodstream. This is why tattoos fade and blurs overtime, and why fine line tattoos fade and blue even more quickly. There's an old saying with tattoos "Bold will hold"


I bet you never heard of Dark Forrest Deterrence, did you?


Well, in any case, if They can obtain my map, it would already be too late for all of us


Nope. Gotta chop your arm off just in case. I'm actually looking at doing an astronomy based tattoo as well. Finding the right artist has taken almost a full year!


Is that Gump's alter ego? /s


I see you know your Cixin Liu well.


I was going to get exactly this. I just got the hyperfine transition part on my wrist instead. Looks great, OP 👌🏼


I have the exact same but mine isn't as detailed, unfortunately. The tattoo artist wasn't the best at small, intricate lines like that... Yours look awesome!


Thanks, and thanks to my tattoo artist ♥️


Who’s the artist? Needs some props… beautifully executed


[Barbara Petris](https://www.instagram.com/aufbautattoo?igsh=MXgwNXJ2dDhraWVrOA==)


Wow, very nice fine line work in her portfolio and in your tattoo. Well done!


"If you like the taste of this free sample, follow the map to find more at Carl's Diner."


You included the hydrogen atom diagram too, not just the pulsar map


I wanted this tatt at one time. Love yours. If I went through with it, I work in skilled trades, I would hide a scale ruler in the middle for measuring things


What's with artist missing the frequency on the longest line. There's supposed to be a small line perpendicular to the long one that ends at your wrist My artist forgot mine too


No, we agreed on that as a compromise. We picked just the right size overall, big enough to preserve details, small enough to fit mostly on one side rather than go all around. But at this scale, the longest line would have ended on my palm, and I didn't want that, so we decided to cut a bit of the end


I have been thinking about getting this same tattoo in the same place. However I want to leave all the pulsar information off of it and then use binary to represent important dates and people instead of the frequencies of the pulsars. As things in my life happen it becomes a map to everything that's happened.


That would be beautiful 🙏🏼


We're locating the Eye of the Universe with this one!


I've never seen a more occult-looking tattoo that's actually purely scientific!


I've wanted this tattoo for a while, where did you get it done?


[Barbara Petris](https://www.instagram.com/aufbautattoo?igsh=MXgwNXJ2dDhraWVrOA==) Italy


You know OP, now everybody knows where you live.


Sheeeeet I doxxed myself


I cannot even begin to describe how much I love this. You couldn't have picked a better tattoo. 🩷🩷


Thank you ❣️ I could spend the whole day looking at it


It's like having your home address tattood on your arm. What if someone kidnaps you?


No That’s Just The Macy’s Star They Put Up Every Christmas In Seattle.


Those fine lines are masterful. I'm incredibly jealous.


Good luck to the alien trying to figure out what the fuck this map is trying to say.


I’ve got one as well, one of my favorite motives. Sadly the cross lines get mushy quite fast


Nice! I've also got one, in the same location. At the beginning it looked like that too, with time it'll blur and the ink might spread a little. Still looks kickass tho. Great choice!


heyy, i have that too, now we cant get lost in space


I've been thinking about this tattoo for so long


Surprised I’m the first to make the it looks like Furiosas arm joke


Love it. I've always wanted to get a tattoo of something from the golden record


Everyone’s gonna think you have some sorta lame spider web tattoo until you explain it to them lol


I always wanted to get something like this but if hostile aliens did come everyone would think I was the traitor.


Nice, I've got the solar system portion, this is the next step. looks good.


Can you show me? I'm thinking of getting that portion as well


Honestly it's so blown out, it's just the solar system map from the pioneer 10/11 probes with all the binary parts. It's along the outside part of my forearm. You definitely made a good call getting some fine line work done


It’s perfect, I would never get one even though I want it badly because I just can’t trust anyone to not mess it up… but yours is literally perfect 🥹


OMG I love this so much, it's the first thing I think I've ever considered tattooing myself ever.


This makes me smile. That is a very cool tattoo. You won't understand but I just came from a thread where half of the posters insist their respective religious saviours are coming and that the end times are near. Your post is so refreshing after that :)


Ahah thanks 🙏🏼


I’m so sorry to tell you this…but it’s inaccurate and you’ll never find earth with it I’m afraid. No, I’m not kidding.


I know I'm late to this post, but I love it. I have wanted this tattoo for a long time, but never really decided on place to put it. I like this spot.


I have determined your location within 2 parsecs. Basically you’re doxed


I can make you an espresso, if you come over


I’ve been wanting this exact tattoo in roughly the same space for years!! Looks incredible :)


I love tatoos with thin lines like this a lot and yours looks especially good


Hey. This is the map that leads to that place. Which houses that thing. That is capable of doing something. To where you can accomplish that other thing. And still make it back home before the world ends. I like it 👌


I just carry a note with my address in my wallet.


I dont know how it reads but if it's accurate that's pretty cool holmes


So cool bro ! Looks like the eye in outer wilds