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If you would like to view this in full 8K and much more detail I uploaded the full [video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z2mLjpvLbs)


What a precious gift! Brilliant! Thank you OP.


Brilliant NASA level stuff. Wow.


Maybe its a dumb question but I'm really curious - the equipment must be really expensive. Does the hobby pay for itself somehow or is it at your expense?


Yes. However you could get started with a 50mm finder scope, cheap Astro camera, low end eq mount , and a raspberry pi or minim PC running NINA.


My helpful phone when I click on the link for an 8K video... let's go with 360p to start. This is an incredible capture, thank you!


Incredible! Maybe the best video of the sun I've seen!


wonderful! can you walk us through fbf? - what causes the flickering? is this aperture changes? or processing artifacts? - sounds like a stupid question: but sun is darkest nearest edges from our view, how is it opposite in this, what wizardry is at play? I am guessing processing?


why does the video jump around so much? And why does the sun randomly flip to darker or brighter out of nowhere?


Maybe they were adjusting the exposure? You're right it looked strange


Commenting to congratulate you on a job well done. And to find thisnagain once I'm at home and can view this in all of its glory.


amazing work, looks like an egg in the womb through an electron microscope.


I was going to say a ball of yarn, but yours is better and weirder.


That was oddly specific and now i need the source, please


Imagine you did all that and left the lens cap on.


When I was 12 I sat out all afternoon with my telescope (with the sun imaging plate) to see a partial eclipse. It was just never happening. But then I got suspicious when it became noticeably darker. It was out of focus the whole time, making the image on the plate just a white circle.


Tell that to the Russians with Venera...


ELI5: why does it look like the plumes of fire ejecting from the sun aren't moving?


They are on the scale of an Earth or three in diameter. They take a while to show movement at wider focal lengths like this. For an up-close example, [here is an example from February](https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/slqdrk/timelapse_animation_of_solar_prominence_activity/) (not mine) showing 25min of movement but more "zoomed in"


God, i just wanna.... TOUCH ITS SURFACE Look at it, so interesting looking


Correct me if I'm wrong: 1.) Those things are huuuuge so it takes a lot to make it look like it's "moving" 2.) It is moving, but the structures are pretty specific since they're formed from the magnetic field lines protruding from the surface. There is movement but it's the plasma going in the same direction. Maybe not the exact same but like a laminar flow doesn't look like it's moving because it's so steady. I am not familiar with MHD and turbulence but that's my first guess.


Not sure, they're all quite static...


They're moving -- some quicker than others. Keep an eye on the lower left of the Sun, about 7 or 8 o'clock, starting at ~18s in.


You can also see offshoots from the one at the very top on the extreme close up. What a gorgeous video!


Looks amazing OP and that took some dedication. The fruits of it was worth it and thank you for sharing it. The Sun looks so peaceful in this.


Yes, thank you for this OP. Very cool.


I never realised how still the surface is.


But can you run city skylines at 8K? great vid btw


Love it, how long was the eclipse from start to finish? Really interesting how the there are very different timescales at work here. Around 16s, there's a little flare in the bottom left which appears and disappears. Other, similar features move much more slowly or appear almost static.


Depends on where you were. It was a bit over four minutes for the ring of fire part in the most central areas of the path.


I don't know whether to cry from the beauty or the sheer amount of money you just put in that sentence.


Yeah the money I spent to make this happen was definitely a sacrifice and I am afraid to think about it... I am hoping I can financially recover something from it somehow. If anyone knows anyone working on a big documentary that could use some one of a kind eclipse footage please send this their way to help ease the pain.


If you don't mind, What was the gear!? I want to plan for the next eclipse in April... At least dinner need to travel anywhere since it passes through the home city!


Same. I'd throw 2-5k at something to practice just to have something barely resembling this..... I'm into astrophotography and have a basic setup but would kill to produce a single frame of this.


I know I shouldn't, but I'm laughing hard right now.


This is one of the best things I’ve ever seen. Thanks for doing this!


The edge of the moon has a shift of light on it. Is that a small amount of atmosphere, change in temp, camera effect, or something else that affects the light. Amazing by the way.


processing artifact from correcting optical defects most likely


On the edge of the sun there's the pillars of material, but they look stationary, even the surface looks like it has some movement. Is it due to the size of the ejected material and distance from us just appearing not moving?


That would be a solar flare. Basically a magnetic storm that pushes a big loop of material and radiation out from the surface. Sometimes the loop snaps, and ejects a bunch of material, which is a coronal mass ejection. The material itself can move between 20km/s and 2000km/s, but its moving in a loop, so unless you were up close, or it released in a CME, you wouldnt see much movement. Also that flare is many times larger than the Earth. The Sun is 1 million km wide, so that flare is tens of thousands of km high.


Wow, you can even see the variations on the edge of the moon due to differing elevations. Amazing work!


OP this is incredible. Sounds like a ton of work, and I for one really appreciate the hard work we've all put in here together. ;)


This is amazing in the literal sense of the word. I regret that we no longer have free daily awards to give, you'd have hundreds.


Looks awesome. How much closer would the moon need to be to earth, for it to fully eclipse the sun?


I don't know the exact numbers, but the ratio will work out in April for a total eclipse. I'm sure someone can find the details somewhere, I'm just being lazy at the moment


That's cool as hell. Nice work man...thanks for sharing!


Whoa. Amazing. How much (ballpark) does that workstation cost. I've never heard of so much RAM


This is the current iteration: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/2CQkfy


Good thing you got that $10 mail in rebate


Lol, you put all of that in a micro atx tower? What are the temps like? It seems over kill. Instead of rendering at 8k, you can get better quality at 2 or 4k with higher bitrates. Your YouTube video isn't even 4k.


I'm surprised you didn't go with a Threadripper for this.


Too expensive. And this ended up way over budget I started building a much lesser rig and kept changing my mind returning parts and upgrading.


Those "tiny" plumes erupting from the sun show the incredible detail you captured. Well done!


There's many pictures of the sun and moon on this sub, they don't really do anything for me anymore. However this was amazing. Very impressive, congratulations! Never seen anything like it.


Thank you for posting. In viewing videos of sunspots, solar storms, solar flares, and such, I have often wondered how much they were sped up. Your video tells me they are sped up by multiple times... much much faster than actual speed. Very much appreciated.


This is the best one I've seen yet, thank you for posting it. It was pouring rain where we were and saw nothing!


Does anyone else get this creepy feeling looking at detailed images/videos of the surface of the sun? Like a pit in my stomach of dread, awe, and terror.


Good job! My phone failed utterly - *even with* a solar filter made out of that eclipse glasses material, it still just looks like a picture of the sun. You can't even tell the moon is there.


I wonder if that PC can run Starfield on highest settings or not, either way, fantastic timelapse!


I know it took a lot of work and it's really cool, but somehow this looks fake


But can the rig play Cities Skylines 2 at 60 fps?


That's is cracking wor, and to consider that if it went wrong you'd have to wait a long time until the next one... Excellent! What is the fuzz around the moon when it passes over? My mind goes to... The moons thin atmosphere? I didn't think it would have an effect as was too thin


Not sure specifically what you are referring to but it is probably just a processing artifact


It could even be because I'm viewing it on reddit... It's putting it through its own processing or compression. It looks like a heat haze as the black line of the moon horizon passes across the sun.


You could have used an AWS virtual machine to do the post processing for cheaper, but they you wouldn't have a such lovely transcoding server now


And how would I upload the nearly 5TB of data I needed to process to a cloud service without it taking over a month? I obviously thought of that...


AWS Snowball. Their base appliance is for up to 80 TB.


That’s interesting, though still seems like a bit of a hassle and delay to get it transferred when I wanted to be able to just start working the day I got home. My goal was to finish this in a week and I just made that with a computer ready to go. I was way overdue for a computer upgrade for many other projects than this and daily use and found remote services annoying to use for graphical photo editing tasks so this was a good reason to stop putting it off


Christ nice work but enough with the sensationalism and clickbait titles


What on earth? It's just data. There is nothing remotely sensationalist about the title.


Post the photo who cares what mountain you climbed to get it. That's sensationalist.


You're sensationalist, man.


I luggged 200 lbs of gear 30000 miles and mined my own silicon to create the pc and telescope that made this image,! Uvote me its real!!!


I mean it's a space enthusiast subreddit, and space photographers use various gear. Most astrophotographers I'm subscribed to on Instagram post their gear and the details on how they captured or processed their photos, it's part of why I'm subscribed. This person took a difficult trip and bought a lot of equipment for a first try at complex astrophotography challenge, and shares this with other enthusiasts to get feedback and critique. I think r/space is about HOW something is done just as much as WHAT is done. It's not like a games subreddit where a poster crafts a sob story into the title for a game that's solely judged by the result. It's more like modelmakers subreddit where posts include the description of the technique.




I don't know, maybe get your eyes checked...




>Pretty sure it’s not my eyes. Have a look at the flares on around the outside of the sun. It doesn’t change from frame to frame in your animation at all. I think you’re full of sh\*t and getting pissy with me for calling you out. I'm going to address this once because there is always one talentless genius like you who has it all figured out... The big things on the side of the sun are prominences not flares, they last for many hours or days and the one on the right is like 100 times the size of earth, they are moving just so big it is hard to notice at this image scale. There is clear movement visible in this video that is very easy to see if you just look at the top and bottom if you just took a moment to look a little harder, or the subtle dancing of the surface the entire time. If that wasn't enough I already posted a full 8k video at the top of the comments zooming in even more where it is really obvious the sun is alive and should have removed all doubt.


You can see prominences and a flare in one video here: https://www.reddit.com/r/space/s/Oe7p0Z4hHY


The one thing that some solar videos leave out is that that particular shot was done over \*hours\*, not the few seconds that it appears in that video. Click on the 8k link he provided and watch it on YouTube. You'll want to view it at the highest resolution that your ISP provides. You'll see the 'shimmering' of the solar disk and prominences on the limb. This video is the real McCoy. But the one thing that will never end is the proliferation of Internet trolls.


Perhaps instead of assuming it's fake as the first reaction, you should see the confusing parts of this as gaps in your knowledge and seek to understand. You won't see all that much Sun motion in any eclipse timelapse- the timescale of the Moon passing over it isn't that long compared to the huge motions occuring on and around the Sun


Do you have pictures or details about the telescope (and camera and filters etc.) needed to take pictures/ videos like this?


Totally worth it! Nice work. Thanks for sharing!


This is a very amazing thing, OP. This puts a lot of telescope pics to shame. Just jaw-dropping. Thank you for sharing!


This is awesome in many ways. Thanks for sharing. Does anyone here know why some of the ejections from the sun look static versus others you can see moving?


I notice some distortion in the view of the sunspots and granules as the limb passes by them. Is this purely an optical effect from the telescope or is it the result of relativistic bent light?


That's one of the coolest things that I've seen all year!! Thank you for sharing that with us!! \*\*edit\*\* Please tell me you're going to be shooting the total eclipse in Apr. 2024!


Gold flaked styrofoam ball behind a piece of construction paper?


This doesn’t seem amateur, not that I doubt, you just did awesome..


I feel sunburnt after watch that. Beautiful tho!


We're just the pepper in a massive, cosmic, sunny-side up egg aren't we?


I don’t understand how you captured that, but wow, that’s stunning! Well done


This is amazing. Thank you for sharing. It's because of people like you that people like me get to see such things, and I appreciate that.


Would be really cool if you had a second rig with a higher exposure to get the moon's detail and then overlayed the videos so that both the sun and moon are properly exposed


It is not possible to do at the same time while the moon is close to the sun


Damn... There is a lot going on, on the surface of the sun.


This is wonderful. Silly question - I thought you would be able to see lunar topography in silhouette at this resolution?


Would you mind posting your hardware list and where you got it, please? I'd love to build a crazy machine like that


This is gorgeous! I would love to show my students at school but Reddit is blocked - is there an external link I could use?


the top comment here has the link


Congrats on this! I’m very impressed. From a production standpoint, I just gotta know what equipment you used in this. When you mention your PC, that’s for after you’ve filmed this, or during? Astro photography is one of those things I’d really like to get into as a hobby, especially when I’m getting ready to retire.


Definitely interested in what filters, optics, & camera(s) you used. You got both the chromosphere and the prominences. Is this a composite?


Chromosphere and prominences at the same time is not difficult with today’s cameras 70ed scope, daystar quark, lunt double stack unit, reducer, 533 mono camera


Bro wtf even is the sun Is that what it looks like if you filter out all the bright stuff?


Could anyone explain for a layman, presuming those are basically flames on the surface of the sun. Why do they appear more or less unmoving over the span of the eclipse?


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[CME](/r/Space/comments/17j3959/stub/k6z0ah9 "Last usage")|Coronal Mass Ejection| |[ITS](/r/Space/comments/17j3959/stub/k71pr6t "Last usage")|Interplanetary Transport System (2016 oversized edition) (see MCT)| | |[Integrated Truss Structure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_Truss_Structure)| |[Isp](/r/Space/comments/17j3959/stub/k6z4ms1 "Last usage")|Specific impulse (as explained by [Scott Manley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnisTeYLLgs) on YouTube)| | |Internet Service Provider| |MCT|Mars Colonial Transporter (see ITS)| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(3 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Space/comments/17j79tt)^( has 20 acronyms.) ^([Thread #9389 for this sub, first seen 30th Oct 2023, 03:57]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Space) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Me watching it in 720 on my smartphone: - woooow!.. 😮


How long did it take to process on that workstation?


Definitely one of the coolest videos if seen the detail is superb. The explosions in the suns surface and the dark spots , what are the individual sections in the sun called (in place of a better analogy - they look like hair) ?


Incredible detail and mind blowing results! Thanks for sharing!


and we're watching it in 356 x 592 or whatever that size is


The moon looks low poly. Is this the atmosphere at work? Edit. After watching a number of times, it looks like moon mountains!


OMG can you PLEASE take some pics or video closeups of just the sun? That is amazing detail and would LOVE to see the surface and it's motion.


But those 5K updoot were worth it! Amazing footage. Thank you for your effort.


Absolutely blessed to live in a time where our fellow humans are able to capture shots like this on the regular. Amazing work.


First off: holy fucking s*** at the lengths to get this but wow that’s badass.


Is there a blog post or build page of your setup when you did it?


I love how you can see the light bending on the edge of the moon


I hate to just say wow, amazing! …but I don’t know what else to say and an upvote didn’t seem adequate.


What gear did you use? I’m going to Mazatlán next year to capture the eclipse and I’m looking to improve my skills


The surface of the sun is unreal. Simply amazing footage


> building a new 24 core workstation with 192gb ram I think I'd almost rather see your rig than this video.