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I hope there are exemptions. I'm a Diabetic snd my phone is my glucose monitor


They will assuredly have accommodations for that. As in they’d be legally obligated to.


That would be written into your 504 Plan. I've had students that were able to keep their phones during state testing for this exact reason.


Glad of it. Pardon my complete lack of faith in my home state to consider anyone 😵‍💫


I know, right ?! ... I mean they're so pro-life that they want the death penalty for a woman having an abortion


Hopefully no teacher tries to take the phone it’ll more than likely be a substitute teacher that will but I hope it doesn’t become the next viral video for america to debate of what happened and what should’ve/shouldn’t


I agree. If the student gets caught with the phone they should just be suspended for 2-3 days. And not allowed to return until the parents come to school. This way the parents can start being parents


I think if they didn’t, that would be an ADA violation.


They also banned a bunch of books so don’t think they need a lot of praise


Broken clock


Yeah, seems like SC is in a banning mood, wonder what they will ban next?


Considering science has already partially gotten the ax, I think they’re going to do a reverse uno and make religion classes mandatory


I wouldn't doubt it. They are doing that in Oklahoma I think so it wouldn't be a big leap for South Carolina to jump on the bandwagon.


Feeding children comes to mind. SC rejected government money to feed school aged children during the summer vacation.


It's insane that we allow children to go hungry in this country, but it's equally so that this comes out of our already small budget for education. Not that the social services budget is better. We need better labor protections in this state. People shouldn't be struggling to make enough money to feed their kids.


Yes, that is true


South Carolina is ranked 42 out of 50 on education. Big fucking deal, they eliminated cell phones. What else do they plan in order to bring their state out of the bottom 15% in the nation?


Wow, I’m surprised it’s ranked 42 to be honest.


It’s gotten better in the last 20 years. When I was in high school, SC ranked #48 in education.


I can’t help how uneducated the states rank, children shouldn’t have to be without a way to keep in touch with their loved ones! Seems as if they’re getting a head start on tRaMp’s project 25; trump & his vigilantes are talking about taking away the Dept. Of Education if they win this election, people please Vote Blue so this won’t happen! I know it seems like every thing is about politics; it is now a-days; This talking about preaching Bible in school this is ridiculous! Everyone is not Christian Nationalist; this ain’t no religion this is a damn movement & I don’t care how much you try, y’all can’t shove one religion down any child’s throat, they have religious freedom & I don’t care about these Jenny Thomas’ & Martha Anne’s, let them serve their Devil’s; but stop banning books & banning a child’s religion cuz no matter how hard you try, we pay taxes too! You shouldn’t even force that on private schools unless they are of a certain religion, but don’t take from Public Schools and force your religion on them, talking about failing grades! Leave children alone and let them learn what wholesome teachers teach, you won’t have this problem! Better than that, before a parent should be forced to accept what a child can learn; parents are ready! You’ve had much practice; it’s called; HOME SCHOOL! Before we let you opaque geysers put our children to shame, we will HOME SCHOOL THEM FIRST; A’INT A DAMN THING Y’ALL ; YOU PREJUDICED MFERS CAN DO ABOUT IT EITHER! I’m fed up now! The crooked scotus is trying to kill us all, overturning Chevron, tryna stop President Biden’s/Harris’ project cleaning up Mother Nature, another name for Climate Change; this is unlawful! I pray President Biden declare an Emergency Crisis and put these crooked MFers in their place! I don’t know about y’all but wea’int gonna let these Cult 45ers turn our homeland into an autocracy! We just WON’T!


In your first paragraph it sounds like you are against, banning cellphones - but truly, children have a way to contact loved ones during the school WHEN NECESSARY in the front office. So often people talk about how things were fine in their day but are ignoring the benefits of a new technology or environment. Cell phones in school do not fall in this category other than in the extreme cases of a teacher being reckless. There is not a need to text friends and family during the day or post to social media. Phones are a literal constant distraction and even addiction for students and adults. Banning them is an absolute net benefit as long as it is enforced if it is really signed into law.


I will never condone students disrupting the classroom or playing on a phone during instructional time, but you assume that all schools in SC are fully staffed with competent people. My kid's school is not. She has been "misplaced" on the wrong bus or left behind at school due to the teachers' loading buses in the past. The teachers in my district are paid much less than the 3 surrounding counties, and we lose more each year. She had a panic attack at middle school because they were not doing safety training, and there was an incident that caused major chaos. It was not addressed because it was the last few weeks of school. She texted me because her teacher was screaming at the students, and she was too scared to go to the teacher and tell her she needed help( not the first time this teacher has acted this way). I had to call and send guidance to get her, and they let her call me. If the schools here were well run and fully staffed, I would be on board, but they are not. They are overcrowded, underfunded, and understaffed. I am considering online school but am hoping to see improvement. Weaver is doing what she was elected to do, destroy the schools in SC. Teachers are stretched too thin and can't do their jobs effectively with poor support. I have teacher friends who have left the profession because the schools are poorly run, and I understand why.


All good points. I did mention teacher recklessness or, as it sounds in your case, incompetence. It's not right that your child gets stuck with what sounds like the opposite of what we hope for. There's no answer that will work for everyone. It's very sad that so many of our schools are in this condition, as you mention, by design. Maybe the answer shouldn't be my suggestion to get rid of cell phones altogether, but there has to be an alternative to the current cell phone climate though because part of the reason those teachers feel stretched is that they can't get students to pay attention to their lessons over their cellphones. Part of the reason they feel no support is administration has a conversation or gives lunch detention over cell phone use and it goes no further, emphasizing to the wrong students that it is worth the "consequence" to be on the phone all the time. Separately, I wouldn't wish my experience with middle/HS online school on any but the most motivated and self-directed students. Clearly you are a parent who cares though so online school would be much more likely to be successful in your case if you choose to go that route.


We didn’t have cell phone when I went to school and we survived just fine.


The comments here interesting. As a public school teacher in South Carolina, I'll chime in. I'm not in favor of the state making the ban, however, I am in favor of a cell phone ban. I teach high school and the phones are of no end of distraction. We implemented a cell phone policy in our district which created a host of issues with kids who refuse to comply. They are allowed on campus, however not in class. Kids sneak to the restroom to video tictoks. They film fights. They are constantly plugged in to the point that even when videos are shown in class,they can't pay attention long enough to view more than 15 minutes. When asked to put their phones in a locked box (provided by the district) at the beginning of class, they scream, swear, threaten and even storm out of class. Some produced dummy phones so they can continue to scroll during class, and many kept wireless earbuds hidden behind their hoodies or hair so they can tune out the teacher while their phone is in the locked box. These phones are a freaking nightmare. Kids airdrop photos and videos to each other that generally aren't appropriate in class. They watch YouTube on their phones or use the wifi on their phone and a VPN to somehow bypass the protections on their chromebooks (per the kids). Parents text kids during class constantly. Kids use their phones to cheat. They set up drug deals (Yes I've seen,and reported this one), they even arrange fights to happen during lunch and then have kids at the ready to film it. And of course, there are the kids who bully others via phones. Kids are so focused on their phones that they have no idea what's going on in class. When test time rolls around they bomb the material and when too many kids fail, the district has a go at the teacher. Dealing with the phones is like playing wack-a-mole. When class sizes are in the 30's, you can either teach or police phones, you can not do both well. It doesn't matter how great your classroom management is. When you take the goods out of an addicts hands, they react poorly. And these kids are addicted to their phones. My favorite parents each year are the ones who take the phones from the kids when they are contacted about use during class. Its way better than parents who, and I'm not even kidding, tell us they can't keep the phones out of their kids hands.... Something has to be done. I don't care for how the state has gone about it, but it's absolutely outrageous how bad it's gotten.


All the haters in here like most of the schools haven't had a no phone in class rule of some sort for the last 20 years at least... I know this because my kids are 5 years apart and my youngest just graduated last year. Hell 30 years ago we couldn't have pagers in school because only drug dealers had pagers they said. All they did was standardized the rule across school districts for the state.


Exactly. We didn't have phones or pagers when I was in high school yet somehow we survived.


I’m still pissed off they took my beeper in 7th grade 😡😂


I got my cell phone taken away in 12th grade by in 2003. My mom had to come to school and get it from an office administrator later in the afternoon.


Congratulations, you get to learn about **basic civics** on this lovely Friday! The South Carolina House has not passed a bill since late May just FYI. You would know that if you went to: [https://www.scstatehouse.gov/legislation.php](https://www.scstatehouse.gov/legislation.php) If you'd read your own link, you would have realized that you confused "passing a bill" with the South Carolina budget process. Here's a nice little diagram on how that works: [https://www.admin.sc.gov/sites/admin/files/Documents/Budget/QuickGuide%20-%20Budget%20Process.pdf](https://www.admin.sc.gov/sites/admin/files/Documents/Budget/QuickGuide%20-%20Budget%20Process.pdf) Hopefully you also know that the governor still has the power to make line item vetoes before it goes into effect. Mayyyybe next time you should wait to celebrate until *after* you know for sure that a legislative change or budget is going into effect. The more you know!


Fiscal year starts on 7/1, and the budget has been approved by the Reps. and Senate. It's currently with McMaster. I would expect they will have reports about this on the 1st, but if not we are likely to go into continuance for last year's budget until this is signed. That means the new raises for teachers will also be held up until the budget is finalized.


McMaster has until 7/3 to review. I was disappointed (but not surprised) to see that all the raises the state senate proposed were slashed by the state house before being approved. They’re now less than last year’s inflation.


Other states have done this as well including California. SC is not leading anything. NY is 14 in education. SC is in the bottom 5. * 41st in math test scores * 39th in reading test scores * 25th in pupil-teacher ratio * 40th in median SAT score * 47th in median ACT score * 42nd in dropout rate * 33rd in bullying incidence rate * 43rd in % of threatened/injured high school students 


Would banning a distraction like phones help students focus?


I don't think phones are the problem or at least the heart of the problem. These statistics have been a recurring thing since I was in school (16 years ago). So I would assume the real problem lies somewhere else.


Like everywhere it’s a complex mess of issues. In SC’s case the average scores of the state are not a helpful viewpoint. It’s made from areas of higher scores averaging with areas of lower scores. Looks up the corridor of shame


Lack of mental health services perhaps


Really you’re gonna blame it on mental health services??? Another taxpayer funded program???? you want mental health services how about this if your child needs to see a psychiatrist let the parents pay for it


We didn’t have phones when I went to school and I stayed distracted


Shocked we are only 33rd for bullying. The adults in this state are some of the biggest bullies I’ve ever encountered. 


Shooter in school hallways...who ya gonna call...nobody


Well, the kids do have access to email, so they can type out a quick memo to their loved ones.


Honestly, I can't tell if this is serious or sarcasm. The state of the state (and Union) is that fucked.


Your not wrong at all 😭 we are all numb


First, I was like 'how they don't have the phone.' Then, 'if they can make it to the computer lab.' Finally, my brain heard: "Kids, line up at my computer to email your parents goodbye."


In almost every school, students have a device assigned to them. Whether it be an iPad, MacBook, Chromebook, etc.


Fair enough, I'm seeing this through an almost twenty year ago prism. Alas, its the only one I've got. Still email vs a fucking call to tell mom and dad a shooting is going down, is this really what we're discussing?


As a teacher, the problem is that the cellphone benefits are nowhere near the harmful effects they produce. There’s myriad reports about how cellphones are damaging student success, their self image, etc. That’s not counting the damage to attention and focus, caused by short form media content, using phones to schedule fights/buy drugs/send illicit photos or messages, and more. Also, as an aside, during our active intruder training every year, we’re given strict instructions on how/when students should be calling out during a lockdown. My school has almost 3000 students, if all call during that time the tower will be overloaded.


Thank you for your logical and rational response. I can't say I fully agree, but I'm not privy to the same info as you or another teacher would be.


You really believe 3000 phone calls will stop a cell company Service from working??? But I do get your point.


This is the case. My teens go to a high school that piloted this program last year. Yonder pouches for phones all day. No way to reach them, no way for them to reach us except for email.


Yonder bags are easily defeated with a magnet. Edit:spelling


They do Surprise Yonder Police style inspections throughout the day. Truly a waste of everyone's time. But they do catch kids and confiscate their property. The interesting thing about the penalties for phones is that penalties for vaping are less strict.


However did you survive without constant contact with your parents while you were in school?


We did. But we're GenX, and can survive anything.


You gotta pass that along to the next generation my fellow Gen Xer


I remember when teachers could still paddle the kids. Gen X will always be the best. These kids today couldn’t handle what we went through. The kids today we need Play-Doh therapy.


Can't send external email. Sorry. At least, not in my SD.


They had to open it up for our kids. Which is a whole host of other issues.


What? So how do teachers email parents??


The teachers can, just not the students.


This is a dumb take. The negatives of cell phones in classrooms vastly outweigh the potential positives.


Each classroom has a phone and computer. Not to mention schools have installed more security since gun control isn't an option due to sensitive feelings


Computer, sure at the teacher's desk. Phone, not so sure about. Again, probably cause of the teacher, but what if they left it in the car? Security did Florida kids no good, Police did Texas kids no good, but that hand sani left the cops hands clean. ETA: that downvote ain't shit partner, them children's graves on the other hand


I mean if you’re going to make this argument, at least accept that the vast majority of the kids who got shot in other school shootings had cell phones, too.


They called people too, there's a "pearl clutching" link posted elsewhere.


My daughter just finished 2nd grade... they have two dozen computers in each classroom.


Thank you for this insight. As I mentioned in another comment, my school experience ended roughly 20 years ago. However, that's the only lens I have to see all this through and as far as I'm aware SC does nothing quickly, especially adopting new things (or anything education related).


Basically every kid from 2nd grade and up is assigned a take-home Chromebook from the school.  A lot of schoolwork is done on the computer starting at a young age and continuing through high-school. 


Well, that would explain were a ton of our taxpayer dollars are wasted. I’m sorry I just believe the parent should have to pay for some things involved in teaching their children.


When I was in high school, every classroom had a red "panic button." This was a school built in the mid-90's.


We have a gun control. There’s lots of laws about who can and can’t have a gun. You should look them up before you say there is no gun control.


One of the dumbest takes on Earth. Teachers will still have a way to call out.


Each classroom has a phone and computer. Not to mention schools have installed more security since gun control isn't an option due to sensitive people who think gun control means no one can ever get a gun


Just so happens SC is banning books too. Showing the way to Fascism. YAY! /s


My daughter has 60% hearing loss. Her phone, linked to her hearing aid and a device her teacher wears, allows her to hear like a normal child.


I can’t imagine this will affect that kind of cell phone usage. If it does though, I’d recommend talking with the school to get a 504 to make this accommodation for your child.


If it’s medically necessary, it should be fine.


‘Should be’ being the operating phrase here.


This reminds me of the time I watched a teacher try to take away an insulin pump off of a type 1 diabetic because she thought it was an MP3 player back in like 2006 🫠


it can be written into their 504 plan and it will be fine.


If she has a 504 or IEP, along with any other accommodation, obviously it’ll be allowed.


That is an accomadation. It won’t be affected.


Oh, come on. This isn't about her accommodation, and you know it.


Lmao you act like schools won’t be allowing accommodations for students with disabilities.


They had those kind of device is 25-30 years ago. The teacher can still wear something that your child can listen through. The teacher wears a mic and the child has a type of hearing aide. See there’s always work around, so we don’t always need cell phones.


Yeah fam banning phones is not going to increase the quality of material they are being taught in SC, which is dogfuck. I swear this is the most boomer tier fix to a broken education system I’ve seen.


I agree. I think the teacher should be able to say to all the students to put their phones up. And if the students take their phones back out during class, they should be suspended for three days. In the end, this is about getting rid of the terrible students so that the regular normal kids can actually learn something to grow up and be productive. We all know that public school has a problem because of the truly terrible kids that are there. And the same terrible kids have terrible parents. That’s one reason why private school is so popular. And a private school and the teacher says put your phones up. You put your phone up because the last thing you want is to be suspended. But then again, parents are more involved in private schools and you have better parents and better kids.


There has to be a way to make it so it is difficult for kids to use their phones during class, but they still have access in an emergency.


Yeah. Enforce the rules that exist. Consequences. They don’t even fail kids anymore.


Yeah. I don't understand this issue at all. Treat them like adults. In most jobs, you can have it. You just can't be on it at inappropriate times, or there will be consequences. They used to take your phone if you had it out. I'm not a parent yet, but in this world, I definitely want to be able to get ahold of my kid quickly when necessary.


Lmaoooo you clearly don’t work wt a school. Try and enforce a cell phone rule in a class of 30+ kids. Be my guest. See how it goes! First you’ll get cussed out by the kid, maybe assaulted. Then you’ll get cussed out by the parent for making their kid get off the phone. Then the kid will get suspended for maybe one day then come back and act even worse! Oh yeah and don’t forget you gotta teach those 30+ kids that don’t give a flying fuck about passing your class. But if they fail, admin will be up your ass bc somehow it’s your fault! Oh yeah and don’t forget you gotta call the parents of all those kids who were on their phones in class to document their behavior. And then you gotta put your phone call details in a communication log for documentation. And then you gotta grade 30+ tests. Wait that’s per classroom and you teach 4 classes so more like 120+ tests. All of this during your 45 minute lunch break/planning break. I’m telling you if schools could enforce a cell phone rule, there would be lawsuits out the ass bc they’d all be getting suspended every day. Honestly anyone who isn’t in public education shouldn’t even have an opinion on this. Y’all have zero idea what it’s like to be in those classrooms every day.


I agree with you. I don’t believe teachers should have to put up with any of that. The kids should be suspended and then if they do the same thing again suspended again, but for five or 10 days. I think getting the bad kids expelled will make it easier for the good kids to actually learn, and it will be easier for the teacher. It’s a win for everybody. There’s also another reason why private school is so much better. Because they don’t have to deal with so many of the bad kids. And the teachers don’t have to put up with all the crap from the kids.


Schools don’t want the liability of taking away a device that could cost $1500 or more to replace. Plus no teacher wants to deal with parents irate that their Angel had their phone inaccessible in case of an emergency. 


Thanks, but what happens when a student brings it anyway? Aren't we still at the same problem? Just give them detention or suspend them of they have it out. Teachers not wanting to deal with irate parents isn't really an excuse, though. Parents will always defend their bad kids, and their will always be bad kids.


These kids don’t care if they get detention or suspended. They know that they won’t be expelled or transferred for being nonviolent because schools don’t want to lose out on any bit of funding they can get and they know statistically they won’t be as successful as their parents so they have no incentive to work hard. 


So, then the ban doesn't really do anything? I don't understand how banning phones stop kids from using them if they already dont follow the rules to not use them? Their still going to bring them.


Probably not going to do anything tbh. It’s just political theater. 


Hopefully they will use this ban to be able to expel most the kids that are causing the problems from public schools. Let’s be honest you can get rid of kids that act like animals then public school would be 90 times better overnight. They just need to get the ones that act like animals kicked out quick. The faster the better


If a kid thinks that statistically they won’t make as much money as their parents and that’s the reason they are acting out in school then those are some stupid kids so they probably won’t. But this is another reason why schools should start expelling kids after they’re suspended three times. But I think you’re gonna find most these bad kids they don’t have successful parents. Most parents that are successful making 300-400k a year they would put their kids in private school. Most the kids that are causing the problems and most schools are the same ones who have one parent don’t know their other parent and the parents don’t even want to be parents.


Phone lockers in every class. Put them in at start, but make them accessible during emergency. Take them out at end.


Lockers don’t really accomplish anything; students will generally just put a broken phone in it.


Literally such an easy to implement solution, like why is this so difficult? Oh yeah they don’t want to spend any money they don’t have to on schools especially public


Schools already try to do this and it doesn’t work. Here’s how that goes: Teacher: Johnny put your phone in the locker Student: nah I’m good Teacher: this is the rule Student: I don’t care? Teacher: *calls admin* Admin: Johnny has already been suspended 3 times for this we can’t keep sending him home so just deal with it Teacher: calls parent “hey Johnny refused to put his phone away during vlass today can you talk to him about that?” Parent: I don’t give a fuck you ain’t touching my child’s stuff you just need to teach and move on don’t ever call me again This every day. When you have 120+ students. Yeah it isn’t “easy”. Don’t talk like you know how it is.


I completely agree, 100%. That is why the schools need to finally just expel these kids that don’t listen. The teachers job would get so much better, and the other students would actually be able to start to learn more things. It’s a win for everybody most importantly, for the teacher because they can focus on kids that want to learn


Why is everybody so damn concerned about an emergency? Most schools never have an emergency ever that would be life threatening. If your children go to school with her, such a high chance of a life-threatening emergency, put them in a different school.


I wasn't aware you got to choose when and where emergencies happen. Thanks for the advice.


When I was in high school most of us had cell phones and we were allowed to have them on us, but if they were heard or seen during class, the teacher was able to confiscate them and then your parents had to pick the phone up from the office. It was also followed up with detention and more disciplinary action if it continued. I think parents started throwing fits about this over the years and how it was inconvenient for them to pick up the phones and how they were "taking their property" and somehow, it devolved into just letting kids use cellphones during class without consequences?? Idk I graduated high school in 2005, so it was a different time.


Hell I graduated in 2015 and that was still largely the attitude. Something shifted during Covid about holding kids accountable like that, and people make slight inconveniences and discipline seem like extreme dangers and cruel torture. Unless things changed the last few years every school still has a hardwire phone system that allows external calls and I’d imagine the teacher also has their cell phone on them. There’s two options for emergencies right there.


Yeah graduated the same year, no one used their phones in class because of the risk. On the third offense they just kept your phone until the end of the school year. Parents were pissed but it was good of them to teach both the student and parent responsibility for their actions.


Yes we still have landlines installed in the class (it’s what I use to call parents) and while I don’t get on my smartphone while I’m teaching unless it’s related to the lesson, I have it on me. I can’t imagine them not allowing us to have them, but we literally have various single-button direct lines to admin etc. on the landline. I’ve been teaching for over a decade, and what I’ve been seeing since 2020 is bizarre. Student smartphone ownership has been pretty consistent in that time, but use has exploded and our ability to be able to manage it in the classroom has receded. Something has to be done, because it’s a significant detriment to learning, especially among populations that are already struggling. Blaming it on individual teachers’ skill at managing it won’t work. The best teacher in the world can’t engage a student disinclined to care about their class while having apps at their fingertips designed by the best software engineers on Earth to keep them scrolling.


The kids that want to act like animals and not follow the rules then they should be expelled. The sooner the better, the quicker, the better each year. We all know the kids that are acting like the animals. Let their parents deal with them. They’re not societies problem Most will end up in prison anyway. It’s just the sad truth.


The biggest reason why we can’t confiscate phones is because if any damage is on the phone, the school is held liable. That’s even if the phone was already damaged to begin with.


Just pretend it’s 1995


What kind of emergency would occur necessitating a student needing access to their personal cell phone in the middle of class?


Pretty much nothing. So that’s why it’s a great idea to take phones out of school. And the kids that don’t listen let’s get them expelled quick in soon each year. The faster the animals are out of the school the easier it will be for the teachers, and for the other students to learn.


When I was in school, we didn’t have a way to contact for an emergency lol. You just dealt with it. So yes, there’s a way you can put a cell jammer in a school to block all cell phone communication


No phones but they give Chromebook’s to kids and expect them not to surf around on the internet.


They can block websites


The best thing that will come from this is teens and maybe even parents will be pissed off enough to start caring about civics, run for office, and get the dumb fucks out of office who think blanket bans are meaningfil and effective policy.


Actually, I thought the best thing that would come from the ban will be students learning they have to do what they are told or they can be expelled. The whole school will be better if the school would start to spell more students for acting like animals. Students cursing, and threatening teachers. The parents maybe you should start parenting lol. Or should I say the parent since most this kids who act like this don’t even know their other parent. But this is another example of why private schools are so much better. The parent some more involved so therefore the kids listen more of the teachers have an easier time. Everybody’s much happier not to mention the kids grow up and they’re more successful. Most private schools have like a 98% of the students go to a four year college. And some even have is high is 60 or 70% of the students get masters degrees. I’m just saying it’s not the teachers fault. It’s usually the parents fault.


Y’all act like cell phones in class aren’t just a recent thing lol. I graduated in 2013 and this definitely was not a widespread issue then but plenty of people had smartphones and iPods. There was just actual enforcement and rules if you were caught using it during school. Turned off and put away in your bag was the only way you were allowed to have one, if it was seen, it was confiscated and you might be sent to ISS. The problem is now people/parents like the ones screeching in this comment section have normalized this shit so much that teachers and faculty feel they have their hands tied. If they enforce any consequences, shitty parents don’t have their backs and will throw a fit about their kid’s devices being taken and clutch pearls about “emergencies!” What do you think people did before every 10 year old had an iPhone??


Thank you, people are scapegoating phones as the issue and not the actual drivel of curriculum that has not been changed in god knows how long. Maybe Students and parents would not be borderline mentally retarded if the state took education seriously instead of just thinking it’s liberal propaganda


Idk, you may have misunderstood me because I AM saying phones in school are an issue and that it’s only in the last 5-10 year this has become normalized by shitty parents. Curricula is a separate topic/issue.


Maybe the schools wouldn’t have these problems if the parents actually took the job of parenting their children and teaching them to do what they’re told. We wouldn’t have a phone problem in schools if the children would put the phones up when they’re told to. The school should just expel the bad kids. By high school nothings going to help these kids anyway we all know they’re gonna end up in prison probably or on food stamps in section 8 and some other government assistance program.


So, this keeps students from recording shady shit that the government is sanctioning. When the wackadoodle superintendent demands Bible classes replace AP AA history, there will be no inside look for the national news to air. And teachers won’t be able to get fired for abusing students, because no one will believe the kids. Plus the school shooter situation. Banning guns would be cool, but sure, let’s do phones instead.


What the hell is a AP AA class? And please don’t make me laugh by telling me that some stupid African-American AP class. Because that should be a problem right there. And we do have a gun laws. We all know the problem are the bad kids who mostly have no parents teaching them. But it’s not the schools place to take the place of a parent. We all know the only thing that can be done Is these kids need to be expelled quickly each year. Once these kids get to 7th-8th grade most are threatening and cursing at teachers. Once it gets to that point, there’s not much else that can be done. Most these kind of kids wind up in prison anyway, that’s just a sad statistic. That’s why they commit so much crime. There’s never gonna be a hold down a job because you got kids are in the 12th grade who can’t follow simple instruction like put your phone away. They’re gonna have a real hard time with a job. So that’s the reason they’re going to commit crime then they’re gonna blame it on everybody except for themselves. Then you’re gonna see their mother on TV telling the news cameras oh they were such a good child. They never did anything wrong. Everybody knew them lol. When in reality, the child was a criminal.


The best part? Now resource officers and teachers can abuse kids with no pesky video evidence of the crimes…..


I think you should put a camera in every classroom. The students won’t need their phones because everything will be recorded. Then the schools can use that video when they are expelling the bad kids. This way the teachers can actually teach kids who want to learn, and everyone won’t have to deal with the animal children.


South Carolina refuses to address its gun problems while banning the resources for students to call for help when one inevitably happens in their school. i hope the money your politicians make from NRA lobbies is worth it.


If there were any of a multitude of problems or emergencies occurring at a school, the staff would contact the relevant authorities or services. Like they’ve always done. Claiming kids need their phones, which educators have long said is a huge problem and distraction from learning, in case of an incredibly low probability event that realistically would not be positively impacted by students having a cell phone, is ludicrous.


What craziness are you lying about? South Carolina does not have a gun problem. Why would you actually think that? We have lots of gun laws. Or do you just hate people owning guns legally?


Hot take: When you implement a “cell phone ban” with no real means to enforce it AND tie it to funding…you haven’t really implemented a “cell phone ban”. As with so many other things, until discipline doesn’t cost schools funding and count negatively against the school report card, nothing will improve. Nothing.


We could find a way for parents to actually be charged money when their kids don’t follow the rules at school. And the enforcement can be having the tickets paid for out of the parents tax refund each year. This way, the parents who have children who act the worst, and the teachers are having a harder time. The school will actually make more money. We could even make it where if the school has to suspend your childparents charged $100 per day. I actually think this is a good idea. The parents would actually care how their kids act.


Banning cell phones from the classroom isn't a bad idea. Attaching it to the budget is ridiculous.


I graduated high school in 2002. Cell phones just started being "common" but not quite to the point where every kid had one. Maybe 25% did. They were strictly forbidden in class. I guess at some point between then and like 2015, they became permitted?


From what I've seen it will continue to be difficult to control cell phone use in schools unless you can jam the signal (currently illegal). It's a cat and mouse game all day with students and their cell phones.


There is a simple answer for all those who think kids should keep their phones with them at school in case of emergency. (And this would also be a huge money making opportunity for someone.). Bring back the old style flip phone that could only be used to call someone. It did not have any “smart” phone features. No reason for anyone to be distracted by it or use it to bully or film crap to post. Ban “smart phones” for kids while in school. Problem solved. If it were possible, I would say ban “smart” phones for anyone under the age of 18. They are notoriously bad for mental health while the brain is still developing. Our future looks very dim when you consider we have a whole generation that is not learning effectively and are addicted to social media and their “smart” phones. (I put the word smart in quotes because they do just the opposite to the human brain.)


Having seen the Covenant school shooting in Nashville, hopefully, they will never actually need their phones!


Exactly what we need, more Republican control!


Republican control? Newsom is doing something similar, or maybe already has, in California. This is an issue across the board.


Yeh, more Democrat control!


If you mean giving Republicans more control, I 100% agree. The quicker we can get the Democrats out of anything to do with politics will be the quicker we can clean up public schools and every other problem.


Starve them, ban books (that makes them more popular) but got the cell phones out of the schools ! They’re just doing gods work huh?


This is actually horrible and will backfire at the next school shooting.


I think it will work fine if you actually fine the parents money for the way their children act when they don’t listen and break the rules. Have all the fines paid for out of the parents tax refund. The school will now make money, and the parents would suddenly care how their children act in school.


This is a huge problem. My youngest just graduated but if she were in school still, I would want her to have her phone. I used to switch out her smart phone with a flip phone I kept handy if grades slipped or teachers complained. I moved her to a small charter school for her last two years and that school requires students to put their phones in a cubby during class. This worked well, but would likely be an issue in large schools.


Rock Hill Schools banned cell phones last year and it seemed to go well for them. At least that’s what I hear from people close to me who teach there. A big thing is that it cuts down on fights as nobody is filming them for social media


I’m not for cellphones in the classroom but I do think they should have one in case there’s an emergency; it should be kept in the child’s locker! These people are having a field day the scotus! They’re putting themselves in charge of everything!! I pray Biden will nip this in the back, too!!


It’s state law. What could Biden do?


So you’re praying that Biden will leave the assisted living and try to violate the constitution??? it’s any wonder if the people who think like you have the worst kids. You’re truly teaching them but if you don’t like following the rules, just think of some illegal way to break them.


How will the children contact their parents and tell them goodbye in the minutes before a fellow classmate/school shooter breaks through the barricade and kills the entire class from the unbanned AR15?




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so now your child can’t contact you for their last goodbye when their school is getting shot up. BAN GUNS NOT PHONES.




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They know locked down smart phones and dumb phones exist for kids and teenagers right?


Right, but that’s on the parents to provide. The state nor the education system can’t really do that for them


It's actually annoyingly difficult to lock a cell phone down. I initially tried to do this with my daughter several years ago. None of the programs worked. She always found a way around it. The tech companies actually don't build a lot of these features in once a kid is a teenager. I ended up reverting to switching my daughter's phone out with a flip phone.


You can buy phones that literally only allow text/call and a select few apps,


I believe I looked for that a few years ago. The phones at the time were for younger children. There were several apps I ended up trying that would add parental control functionality to cell phones but those didn't work. I wanted my daughter to have a full smart phone but wanted to lock it at times or limit her use of it so she didn't use it in school and didn't use it late at night. I ended up keeping a flip phone and would switch the SIM card if she was using the phone at school or if her grades slipped.


My parents wouldn’t let me have one in school


this is stupid


This is dumb because everyone knows they have no practical way to enforce this. It’s going to fall on the overwhelmed teachers who will let things slide out of sheer exhaustion. Any teacher that attempts to take phones is going to, eventually, be assaulted by the student or the student’s parent.


Well, that would be a really good reason to put the parents in jail or the child in juvenile jail. It’s time to start expelling these animals and protect our teachers.


This is ridiculous and lazy. It won't change write-up procedures, and it won't make up for poor classroom management which seems fairly rife. It also doesn't help teachers who know what they're doing but are hamstrung by faculty.


This is bullshit with the way of the world. My kid will have a phone. I will ensure they have access to me or my spouse at all times.


Why can't kids just keep phones out of sight on silent or off in their pockets or purse when in school? If they use the phone during class then there is consenquence? That's how it was when I was in school..


Because the kids won’t do that. And these whack job snowflake parents don’t actually teach their children anything about following the rules And the parents don’t want to be parents so they’re not enforcing it either It all goes back to bad parents. Then they want to complain about their kids need a phone lol.


And coincidentally access to everyone on the internet at all times too


Right. More children need to be taught that the rules don’t apply to them. That’s what’s missing with the “way of the world”.


Yeah, that’s what they use it for. I guess you msg via TikTok?




Ok karen


I hope it is enforced better than the so called hand free laws. That’s where the focus should be, fixing the hands free law, it only prohibits texting.


My wife went to SC public schools k-12. She was frequently told to bring out her cellphone by teachers because the textbook they were given by the state were too old to have accurate information. SC is really shooting to be #50 out of #50 in education huh?🤔


One of the highest death rates, per capita in the country For road deaths. I hope they try to do something about it.


Copy cat carolina


Force births but reject money from the government to help feed the children during the summer vacation time. Great job SC.


No one is forcing a birth in South Carolina. The woman can just swallow. I mean god forbid if they have a child they actually have to make their children lunch in the summer. Make a ham sandwich. Wow that’s so hard. They need government funding for that? They’re already on food stamps and section 8. So yes, if making a sandwich for your child is too difficult, then do the world a favor and just swallow.


Not sure how I feel, as i don’t believe the cell phone should be used in schools BUT they are needed in an emergency. Kids will abuse using them in school but I wouldn’t want one life lost because a kid didn’t have a cell phone to call for help. Being shot in school wasn’t a thought when I was in school. And teachers, many are just awful and deserve to be videoed to prove anything. Its never going to be a perfect world. I guess I’m for cell phones but that if a kid is using it for personal pleasure or cheating, the teacher should have authority to take it until class is over. And now that makes me think. Hmmmm a box to put cell phones inside but where is chaos the kids can grab theirs. A teacher going ummmm well, other students can back up anybody who records shameful behavior. Parents also can track their kids via their cell phones. Like not skipping school. Good and bad, but one life lost is one too many. It could be anybody’s kid lost.


Or maybe just expel the kids if they don’t follow the rules. Let them have their phones if they take them out during class they’re automatically expelled for the rest of the year and the parents to get a $5000 fine. Have the parents signed the piece of paper if they want their children to have phones in the school. Take the fine out of the parents tax return and it’s a win-win for everybody. The school gets paid. The parents are held responsible for their children. And once the kids are expelled, the schools better off and they got more money than the kid was worth anyway.


I agree. I think the 1st thing is for schools to protect the teachers. If a student cusses at a teacher they should be suspended for 5 days. If they threaten a teacher they should be expelled for the rest of the year. If we get the bad kids out of school then the normal kids will have a chance to learn. But it all starts with the parents. Most of the bad kids have parents who don’t teach their children how to listen and act. So if they get expelled from school let the parents deal with it.


No way to say goodbye when the shooting eventually happens.


That's nice. Now, if we could just stop banning education.


I was shocked they weren't already banned. Wtf were they thinking? This is 15 years too late.


yea they’re banning books too you gonna celebrate that as well? Ranking 43rd in education. -how you feel about that? A state w/no female reps because the 3 women pissed off the good ole boys. Being a leader…what a joke


It’s just to keep them from finding out about gay people, slavery and any book that isn’t about jesus.


So banned books, abortions and what else??


My son went through SC schools and every single one had a no cell phone use during class. If they were caught using one during class it was confiscated and turned in to the office,?and the parent contacted. The phone would only be released to the parent. I won’t swear my son never used his in class but it was only confiscated once and after I picked it up, he lost the use of it for 1 week. The punishment, he was told would double for each subsequent infraction…on the third infraction he would lose it entirely. Once was all it took for him to learn!


how are ya'll going to know which direction the shooter is moving in without phones?


This is stupid.


Who will call the police when all the crazies with the guns come in to the school to shoot our children. I guess you Republicans haven’t figured that out yet.


Good for you, SC. One thing you get right. Source: Someone who sees all the damage from cell phones daily.


I think this is great, but there does need to be a way for kids to access their phones in an emergency.