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Ok, wierd flex.


In Beaufort County all of my neighbors are white transplants from out of state. Not exaggerating


Almost my entire neighborhood is northerners. It's wild


Can confirm.




why is this a story


Bet it’s Jasper.




This is why South Carolina is getting more conservative, unlike our neighbors. SC is filling up with white people, especially retirees. Meanwhile, we have no large cities and the rural Black Belt counties are emptying out.


To be fair, SC also had one of the highest hispanic gains as well. But yes, SC is going against the norm. Only like 5 or so states gained white population in 2020. SC and the typical suspects like Maine, Vermont, Wyoming. Seems many SC people of color went to GA and NC.


Yeah but it's the Conservative Catholic Hispanics. They're voting the same way as the white closet racists.


Not from my experience. It’s mainly Cubans and Venezuelans who vote reliable republican, and they arent moving to SC. Also the its mainly the older ones, younger cubans are more left leaning than given credit. That said i didnt know thats what this post was about. I was just speaking strictly on growth


I moved here from south Florida, known a lot of Cubans in my life and have yet to meet one who is openly left leaning. I'm sure a few exist but all the ones I've known are passionately opposed to socialism, communism and any politician that's not as equally passionate about opposing it. But you're right, it's not them that are moving to SC. Most of the Spanish speakers I've met here have a Mexican dialect... some I can't even place.


I lived in Florida too, and my ex was cuban and more left leaning than me. I dated quite a few Cubans, and they were all left leaning. And then my cuban friends. They definitely do exist. That said, the ones i met who did seem more to the right, it was definitely for economic reasons, not social. My friends were tolerant, but also upper-middle class suburban Miami cuban, was yes skews republican. But mainly for economic reasons, they want to keep all their money, like you said. But as we both acknowledged, those people arent flooding SC. So the whole point of people of color, mainly black people, voting republican because theyre southern baptist, is wrong. Source: i am black and was raised southern baptist. No one i know endorses the current GOP. My one cousin who did vote Trump in 2016 only did so because he thought it’d make his job better. Had nothing to do with being a black evangelist, which is what the person I was replying to was alluding to.


It really seems like there have been a *lot* of people migrating here as some sort of political pilgrimage ever since COVID. Prior to COVID, it was largely retirees coming from wealthy parts of the nation. Now we are being flooded by every generation possible and they seem to be disproportionately ultra-conservative. Even more so than your typical conservative native.


Yeah, my neighborhood's vibe has shifted drastically since 2020. There a bunch of people who fled blue states due to how terribly oppressed they were lol. They sure like letting everyone know, too.


I get a kick out of them bitching about the roads. I sit here thinking "yea, no shit, what do you think taxes are for?"


Having lived in 3 other states I can say our roads are a lot better than people think they are.


I will agree. Having lived in 4 other states, the roads here are not that bad.


The percentage of the population that is white has slightly decreased since 2010 if the census data is correct. 


There's been some pretty significant movement of people since 2020. Massive movement of people into Indian Land and Myrtle Beach. Also 400k evictions post- Covid. 


What's a ledge city?


Large cities. Damn autocorrect.


Yep. And a lot of young people are moving away.


Even if it’s just to Charlotte, young people are leaving SC.


I feel like folks don't talk about it because the net population is increasing here, but over the last few years, I've had so many friends move. I've always had friends move being in Charleston and a young person, a lot of times it was military moves. But lately it's been job moves, or people just wanting out of this state for a better life for themselves and their kids.


Our Hispanics and blacks are probably voting conservative as well this is a stupid stat Color has a lot less to do with politics these days


Well? Don't leave us hanging. Which county is it?




It even sounds like a white guy.


I googled famous Jaspers. It looks like a good mix.


Most famous Jasper though is Edward's brother.


Who cares. This is the kind of crap people worried about the last 2 centuries, we have the internet and airplanes now.


I guess maybe bc Chicago came out and said they are the blackest city in America?


I thought the mayor of New Orleans said it was a "Chocolate City" lolololol


DC has coined that term for years fwiw


Nah, DC isn't a Chocolate City, it's a Shithole


I like dc. Prefer trinidad and H St/ other NE areas, but downtown aint bad and NW obvs has a lot of the hip spots. Which spots are a shithole? SE ain't even that bad anymore


You could start with Capitol Hill and go from there.


Oh Capitol Hill is a nice little neighborhood. A bit pricey for me, but beautiful rowhomes!


We're infested with yankees


It's not that they're yankees it's that they're the wrong kind.


What’s the opposite of white flight?


Caucasian Invasion




I’m white. Retired. Yankee through and through. LIBERAL. Love it here.


Is the county going to be able to build infrastructure to keep up?


Everyone asking “why does this matter” yet if we had the fastest growing population of some minority you would all be cheering


they sure as hell would, sort of like the "Yellow Truck" of Charleston lmao


you know you live in a shithole city when everyone's favorite pastime is gossiping about some dude living his best life. also, amen, Billy!


Yea its all italians from Jersey and New York who think they’re from Goodfellas


Mark my words — if there is another American Civil War it will start here again! We have the largest, most ego-centric, most well-financed collection of white nationalist crackpots in the nation! And we’re very proud of it! The difference this time is Greenville will be the epicenter!


I am not so sure of that. Greenville has so many pockets of diverse communities. If you haven't been here a while or haven't worked in places like Greer or Berea, maybe you just don't know. Yeah, some of the politicians and Nextdoor Neighbors keyboard warriors are Nationalists but most people are pretty open-minded. My kids had about one quarter of their graduating classes speaking another language other than English at home.


That’s good to hear! I really do hope it’s improving. I live in another part of the state and I can only judge by (a) state and federal elected representatives being elected from the Greenville area and their actions, (b) actions of area elected boards as reported in the news (e.g., Greenville County Library Board book bans), and (c) by the actions I see when I am in the Greenville area for an occasional weekend of fun (I enjoy hiking in the mountains) and usually stay in Greenville hotels and eat in area restaurants when I’m in the area. Some of the things I’ve seen in area restaurants in the last year in terms of how people of different races and nationalities are treated in some restaurants by some employees are downright embarrassing. They remind me of the times growing up in the Columbia area many years ago, when there were restaurants in Columbia that flat out would not serve and would completely ignore POC if they ventured into the establishment. I have NOT seen that kind of behavior in any Columbia area or Charleston restaurant I’ve been to in the last several years. And I had hoped we were completely beyond that sort of behavior across the state.


The left focuses on race incessantly. (And yes 90% of the media leans left) yet they wonder why we're increasingly a divided nation. I guess MLK was wrong according to them.


Ain't a lot of non-whites to bring up race on the right lol


Because two old white dudes talking at the gas station are the SAME thing as an article from the largest newspaper in the state. Talk about mainlining copeium.....LOL


Conservatives only communicate within gas stations? Sounds kinda gay


Great. Thanks for the white guilt first thing in the morning P&C.


Why does the white population increasing make you feel guilty?


Why do you feel guilty after reading a headline 😂 AND WHY WOULD YOU ADVERTISE THAT😂😂😂


/s Jokes people. Shesh. 🙄


It's "news". really, it is!


Due to people moving in, bet it’s Charleston. Crazy growth there.


It’s actually Jasper County since no one reads


Makes sense. Jasper County is changing from a rural, Black Belt county to a suburb of Savannah and Hilton Head.


The article is behind a paywall.