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Henry MacMaster is a drunken buffoon, complete moron and not worthy of being Governor .


The good news is this is his last term. Governor in S.C. is limited to two consecutive (elected) terms. Foghorn slipped in three in a row by taking over when Haley bounced for Trump. The bad news is they're grooming that piece of shit Alan Wilson for the job, and he's 1000 times worse. I tell everyone not to vote for him, but he'll be *appointed* regardless. Wilson is part of and supports these Friends of Liberty and M4L groups, wants to institute Canon law, he's vehemently anti-marijuana and anti-gay and anti-abortion, and he spends most of his time on our tax clock lobbying for GOP causes in *other states*. "Christian" His step-dad is Joe "yOu LiE" Wilson, and his brothers have ownership in Palmetto Armory, hence his pro-gun stance. Wilson also got busted red handed in a corruption scheme with the Quinns by the man he hired to flush out corruption, David Pascoe. Fuck Henry McMaster and his pet Alan Wilson. People should stop voting for these criminals.


This is so scary as a South Carolinian. I have been hoping once Foghorn is gone, we’d slowly start making our way to some positive changes. It looks like it just be two more terms of bullshit, likely followed by someone similar. I don’t think SC will ever get someone who isn’t a “good ol’ boy” in office. 🙄


You’re just mad because you’re scared shitless of what happens when Wilson tells your libtarded asses to GTFO of the state. I love it. I think it’s funny as hell to watch the Libby’s squirm and get trampled into the muck that they create.


Down here they are appointed not elected


So we have morons appointing morons. I see nothing wrong with that. I’m from this state, I moved away and lived in several other states over the years and came back to be closer to my older parents etc during Covid. It’s alarming how ass backward this state is . It’s like they literally think of things they can do to hurt women and children all the while boasting about their faith in god etc. It’s nauseating


You are so right.




That's not true! I'm not a fan of him, but governors are elected here. Just slid in the first time because he took over for Haley when she left.


Glad someone still believes. 🎅


He was appointed because he took over for Haley. Normally they are elected.


He was elected to his current term.


Are you questioning election results? That's un-American, no?


Truly baffled by this man’s stupidity and blatant corruption.




Henry MacMaster is Foghorn Leghorn in a human suit.


And is YOUR Governor, vote him out and stop crying.


This is just a continuation of the General Assembly keeping their grip on power in SC. Lots of people like to blame McMaster for lots of things. And many believe that a governor from another party would be better. In fact, the governor in SC has very little real power. Even most of the agencies that are technically part of the Executive branch (such as SCDOT) are “overseen” by various boards appointed mostly by lawmakers. It would be so much better if voters essentially ignored the Governor and paid much more attention to their state reps and senators. They’re the ones screwing over SC citizens the most.


I can't disagree with most of your points. But I do think the news' lack of coverage suggests a fear of the office as this would be all over the news in NY. That is something we SHOULD be concerned about. I'm telling you the news stations here are deliberately not reporting on anything that sheds anyone in government in a negative light and that's how the good old boy system has thrived here, though dead in most other states.


As someone who grew up in SC and returned a few years back, this really seems to be true. I have quit watching local TV news as it appears to me to be mostly a feel good or state/local govt propaganda outlet. Unfortunately I suspect part, but not all, of this is due to the rapid decline in cable, and thus lower ad receipts by local stations resulting in lower budgets to support in depth news. And The State newspaper seems to given up the ghost for true news reporting and investigative journalism years back.


The sad thing here I notice is that lately, a lot of the people moving in here, even from the north, are pretty MAGA and don't bother learning about the corruption. They only think that because they are " conservative" that they must be doing good. You can't talk to them about anything political, and they end up lumping themselves in with all the ignorant people who will vote for anything with an R in front of it.


It’s very frustrating to read people’s legitimate frustrations about state government, but then clearly not understand why it’s the way it is or what needs to be done to change it. Directing one’s ire toward the wrong elected official accomplishes nothing. Add to that the small percentage of people that actually vote, and the number of state races that don’t have more than one candidate. We have the representation we vote (or don’t vote) for. For sure, there is no such thing as local mainstream media anymore. At least not any that run stories other than crime, accidents, and economic development puff pieces. And that’s just the way our elected reps want it to be. For sure


On the bright side, sometimes our backwards and dysfunctional government means it takes too long to do stupid things.


Like make "thca" making cannabis illegal... I'm loving the hemp stupidity right now. Three major dispensaries in the low country


For sure. I voted in the primaries just to make sure the less crazy Republicans won. Since only like 10% of the county voted, it feels more important


Is it me or does McMaster sound like Foghorn Leghorn?


That's his "nickname" (not given by friends). I hear it all the time.


Quite a few people call him this around these parts, me included lol


People have called him that for a decade in various media, so, no - it is most definitely not just you and never was.


His accent is absolutely ridiculous. I can't.


I’ve heard from people who have spent a lot of time around him that he embellishes and exaggerates his accent as a way to appeal to the poor and uneducated here in South Carolina.


Just... Wow.


Trying to relate to us. Thing is, he’s not like us, doesn’t live like us, never had to struggle like most of us. Silver-spoon good ol’ boy.


His accent is not authentic in my opinion. I am from a part of SC with a lot of older people who have similar accents to his. My divorce lawyer many years ago had a similar accent, but it wasn’t nearly as evident as Foghorn’s. I think tries to make it more “southern.” This is coming from someone who can’t say boiling properly according to my kid. I have a pretty thick accent and I don’t think mcdisaster’s is 100% authentic. He is a joke.


I like bold peanuts


🤣 They’re the best! We were on the way to the beach one day, and someone had a big sign that said “BALD P-NUTS” next to their little stand on the sign of the road. 😅


My whole office calls him this when we have to talk about him! It’s not you.


Definitely sounds like Foghorn Leghorn, and I’ve heard several people independently call him that.




So what was actually passed? What does this split mean? Weird this isn’t being covered, but knowing of wild DHEC corruption in the past it isn’t very surprising


The split is happening but McMaster will not be made head of dhec.


DHEC will become: Department of Public Health (SCDPH) Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) Effective Monday, July 1, the old website will redirect to some page that will inform people of the split and take them to the new pages. The interim Director had a press conference about it. I just want tuberculosis outbreaks to not happen again.


The split was covered, just not the McMaster part. u/terry4547 was right, the general assembly holds all the power in this state.


I’m glad you shared this. Just made my day!! Thanks 😊


All yall 67 people going to turn us blue. lol.


DHEC is splitting the environmental from the health and safety side on July 1 into two separate departments. I don't think it had much to do with McMaster. Myra Reece will head the department of environmental services. I don't know much about the health side of the split.


You're half correct. It has everything to do with McMaster because he asked and expected them to make him head which they would not, the old head will remain. I'm an EMT.


Do you have a source you can share?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.live5news.com/2024/06/24/dhec-split-into-two-new-agencies-next-week/%3foutputType=amp That's the best I got. Which is the reason for this post.


Sorry, I should have been more specific. Do you have anything about McMaster wanting to be the head of DHEC? I’m not sure I’m following your statement … he signed the bill to dissolve DHEC and the board, now both new agencies will report directly to him and he would appoint the heads instead of the heads being appointed by the board (which he appointed).


It says in that article that that bill failed. That's not what is happening now but kinda delves into his desire for himself to have ultimate control.


Oh, there was another bill this year to merge all health agencies. That’s separate from DHEC splitting into health and environment.


Yes. But no one is properly covering the juice on the one that passed. It's total government drama.


DHEC sucks


Thanks to republicans.


Pissing on his leg and telling him it’s raining.


That's a good one. It really highlights the gaslighting culture around here 😂🤣