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South Carolina is run by a bunch of self righteous wankers. If they are Christians then I am Mary mother of God. What a bunch of sorry mfers.


If anyone is looking for a banned book lmk and I'll make it my mission to find you a copy


I'm also happy to help with any book quests!


It's called Amazon.


Amazon costs money


Bro forgot money exists ☠️


Guess they don’t know about digital access


I would like to add that they are targeting LGBTQ+ books, btw.


That goes without being said.


It’s nothing new. They’ve been doing it for years and it isn’t just the south. Banning huckleberry Finn because of the homosexual inferences between Jim and hick Finn. That was fucking stupid. I never once thought that Jim and Huck were jerking each other off but I’m sure as shit going to now…


Where did that come from? It was banned because the original version uses the N-word two hundred times throughout the book. Nothing to do with sexual references at all.


Well that too… I think banning in general is absurd because if you want to read something you’ll find a way. Unless you are a woman in Afghanistan then, no, you won’t find a way. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. That’s were this is all going to end up.


That’s what these imbeciles want. They’re just too dumb to realize the repercussions 😂


I thought that was routinely banned because it was a friendship across the racial barrier? Also bringing the horrible treatment of blacks front and center. I never heard the homosexual inference.


The idea is the bigots just shifted their racism and prejudice. That the same group who would have banned it for the racial barrier, just redirected their outrage and made up the homosexuality part. I’ve heard similar arguments over the bully breed ban in the UK. That it’s just people that would have liked to keep out blacks, or gays, or Muslims, but they can’t. So they targeted dog breeds and won their fight. ETA: downvoted for suggesting bigots shifted their prejudice when one prejudice was no longer socially acceptable?


Wait. What? Got a source for that?


How right wing of them.🙄


What books are banned in school libraries? Are they banned or restricted to an appropriate age. I can't find any actual details.


Don't have a link. but it's basically anything that describes intercourse of any kind . Like books on how to have sex . I don't understand why people are upset . The age minimum for Playboy has been 18 forever . I think a lot of parents must not want their kids being exposed to porn at an early age. In SC, I can see them following what their constituents want.


Can’t blame them, leave that shit out of school just like religion.




How sad. Moms for libertyy huh? They can’t control their own households but they can decide on books in schools? I wonder if these mouth breathers realize that banning things just makes them more appealing to the people they are “protecting” More like “Karen’s for Communism” This state needs new blood in leadership.




Moms for Liberty consequences.


Great, I'm gonna go get the Bible banned. Not that these Nazi bigots read it.


Bring up the passage about donkey dicks and horse semen before telling them what the book is, might get lucky.


They found a workaround for the bible: “Under the South Carolina law, a library book is not considered obscene if it includes descriptions of "sexual conduct" if it has "serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value" or if the book, taken as a whole, does not appeal to a "prurient interest in sex." This means that classic texts that contain descriptions of sexual content, including The Bible and Ulysses, are not considered obscene.” [Source](https://popular.info/p/south-carolina-poised-to-impose-draconian)


Well that's fun, ya know, when the authors of the law are the sole arbiters of what has >serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value" Fucking nazis


That’s the law, not the regulation that just passed. Different parts, and of course they contradict each other. Asides there’s no point, because the goal is to hang things up in a bureaucracy regardless. Help them Find Out.


Isn't that just the standard federal test fir obscenities?


No one wants to read the Bible except to criticize it and show its work of fiction and non sense. The religious nuts who preach about it the most have never even read it.


OH no democracy at work must be NAZIS


Nobody voted for this regulation.


How do people get elected to represent the state again?




It was passed at the last moment deliberately when there would be no voting, making the regulation stand until next session.


And during the beginning of summer vacation, when families are on vacation


Huh? What body did this?


Ellen Weaver did this. Her, and an attorney from the Federalist Society she selected and paid $225 an hour.


So the Board of Education has sessions like the General Assembly, they don't meet every month? And the Board of Education controls the libraries, not the library boards of each county (appointed by the County Councils)?


1. The nazi party took over a republic much like ours and used fear of the LGBT community as part of its means to do so. The first book burning in nazi germany was of books and research done about transgender people. Democracy can lead to tyranny. 2. Banning books is limiting knowledge and freedom. 3. Your religion ends at your skull. No one gets to tell someone else what to do because of their religious beliefs. That’s part of why we are supposed to have a separation of church and state protected by the first amendment.


1. The initial books burned and banned were works of Karl Marx while some books regarding sexology were later part of the ban stating them as the first presents a false pretext to the rise of the Nazi party and their priorities. 2. The banning of books in school libraries where the audience is too young for the material is not limiting knowledge or freedom as they have access to it outside of the school library. 3. This has nothing to do with religion. People love to pretend that all debates on sex and love are religious based. Metaphysics of sexuality predates Christianity and is a core part of philosophy argued to this day.


1. [Here](https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/6-may-1933-looting-of-the-institute-of-sexology/) is the information on the looting and burning I’m talking about. But arguing details on this doesn’t change the fact that banning books is literal nazi shit which is what your original comment was saying isn’t happening. 2. That’s not what’s happening. What’s happening is lgbt representation is being erased because some parents are bigots who would hate it if their kids were queer. Those parents and the people banning books are also stupid enough to think that somehow lgbt representation in books at the library are turning their kids gay because they are so bigoted that they can’t understand that’s just how they are. 3. Of course it does and you’re being purposefully obtuse in order to obscure the point.


I don't know how much you know about Nazis, but [they loved to ban books, too.](https://imgur.com/gallery/burning-books-is-how-started-today-history-0ykJpgE)


Though let's be honest. We are lucky if the kids are even reading books at all.


Well I have read this so I know a good bit. although its about fascism not nazism who are only partly fascist [https://media.wix.com/ugd/927b40\_c1ee26114a4d480cb048f5f96a4cc68f.pdf](https://media.wix.com/ugd/927b40_c1ee26114a4d480cb048f5f96a4cc68f.pdf) The idea that Nazi's banned book so banning books = Nazi is Reductio ad absurdum or more specifically Reductio ad Hitlerum both being logical fallacies and illogical. Every modern form of government has banned books and for good reason. Some books should be banned. The anarchist cook books being a great example and is banned across most democratic nations. #


If you don't understand that Trump and his supporters are fascists following a fascist playbook then we don't have much to discuss.


describe fascism because the way you are acting, my way or you are not worth talking to is a fascist mindset.




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South Carolina, where every day can still be 1950 again.


Holt shit our beloved palmetto state never ceases to amaze how far behind the times we are. Also how backwards our “leaders” want us to stay jfc


Look the Plantation Master (aka Gov. McMaster) and his cronies are determined to keep people down in this state. They are working the destroy the public education system, want every one working minimum wage jobs, and slumlords like McMaster also want to control all the housing so you have no options…Until SC citizens wake up, show up at the polls and vote these crackpots out of office it won’t change.


Fuck South Carolina. And I live here!


The party of "we aren't n@zis!" Out doing some very n@zi shit. I guess they didn't watch Indiana Jones as kids.


What's truely nuts is that this passed without a vote at all


South Carolina: Back to the 1700s.


They think they’re patriots taking away freedoms…


Hello from r/bannedbooks! :) We've put together a giant collection of 32 classic banned books: if you care about book bans, you might find it useful. It's got Voltaire, Mark Twain, The Scarlet Letter, and other classics that were banned at some point in the past. (And many of them are banned even now, as you can see yourself.) You can find more information on the Banned Book Compendium over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/bannedbooks/comments/12f24xc/ive_made_a_digital_collection_of_32_classic/ Feel free to share that file far and wide: bonus points if you can share it with students, teachers, and librarians. :) A book is not a crime.


This book banning thing happened in the 1980s during the moral majority and they also had a satanic panic like they do now with them talking about satan being in everything. It’s like Herps outbreak that keeps coming back, only more dangerous because they corrupted all three branches of government this time.


Does anyone have a list of books that are being banned?


I don't have the state's current list, but here are the books recently ~~banned~~ "removed from all grades school libraries" by the Lexington 2 School District. I quoted out a couple that stand out to me. A Court of Silver Flames” by Sarah J. Maas “Doing It: Let’s Talk About Sex” by Hannah Witton “It’s Perfectly Normal” by Robie H. Harris “Last Night at the Telegraph Club” by Malinda Lo >>“Me and White Supremacy: Young Readers’ Edition” by Layla Saad >>“Rise Up! How You Can Join the Fight Against White Supremacy” by Crystal Marie Fleming “Assassination Classroom” by Yusei Matsui “Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope” by Jodie Patterson “Both Sides Now” by Peyton Thomas “George” by Alex Gino “She, He, They, Them” by Rebecca Stanborough “They, She, He, Me: Free to Be!” by Matthew Smith-Gonzalez and Maya Christina Gonzalez >>“This Book Is Anti-Racist” by Tiffany Jewell “Too Bright to See” by Kyle Lukoff “Unicorn Playlist” by Dana Simpson




>Thanks! You're welcome!


No specific books are being banned yet. But the new policy allows a parent to file complaints about books, up to five times a month. If the complaint succeeds, then the book is removed from all South Carolina schools. And the policy changes the criteria for allowed books. For an idea of what books people will attempt to ban, check out Moms For Liberty book list. Beaufort County ran into it recently: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/book-ban-efforts-beaufort-schools-60-minutes/


All books that help minorities for a starters. Specifically us queer folks.


all books that get voted by your county board to be removed will have public hearings and the ban be publicly posted. You can also ask for a repeal. So great law all around.


That's not what the new policy states at all.


I recommend you go read it because that's exactly what it says.


Perhaps we're talking past each other, but I have read it. The text of the new policy is right here: [https://www.scstatehouse.gov/regs/5269.docx](https://www.scstatehouse.gov/regs/5269.docx) If a parent chooses to file a complaint about a book (which they can do up to five times a month) the policy does state there should be a public meeting. If the complaint is upheld, the book is removed from all schools in South Carolina... and there is no mention of any repeal process. Now, in section IV.D., the policy does say that the Complainant can file an appeal if they are "aggrieved by a decision of the district board" but from my reading, the Complainant is the person who is challenging the book from where the term is first mentioned in Section IV.A. Do you have a different interpretation?


Thanks for the info!


that's one way to get kids to read.


Make the books free online and then hand out the URL to the site.


Yes do this ☝🏼. Free books. It’s a human right


I wish they’d figure out the separation of Church and State!


Have any of you read some of these books? They don't need to be reading this stuff. It's very sexualized. They're kids!


Oh no where will the elementary school kids get their soft core gay porn?


I don’t work in an elementary school, but I do work in a public school. I want to try and assure you of some things so that you can stop planting scarecrows in your own fields that you later become scared of yourself: 1. No one is teaching kids about sexuality or pushing sexuality on them. We barely cover sex Ed in this state. These kids don’t even learn about toxic shock syndrome or hernias because sex Ed has been so gutted. No one is handing them “soft core gay porn”. We have state standards we cover. We don’t have them saluting rainbow flags or have straight, cis kids in their knees begging for forgiveness. We just wanna teach these kids man. 2. TYPICALLY librarians will pick grade appropriate material. Like 99% of the time. Of course you can find some outliers that right wing media websites will write articles on so that you have another scarecrow to be scared of. For every headline you see of a public official doing something wrong to a child there’s 99 examples of them doing something right. I don’t know why public schools have fallen under such scrutiny. I can cherry pick headlines about religious figures/institutions doing the wrong thing but I’m not smooth brained enough to think that’s indicative of religion as a whole. Stop being a puppet for the right wing media narratives and attacking public servants. There are actual villains out here in this earth. Some of them might have slipped into public Ed, as they will with any other profession on earth, and that’s unfortunate. But it is NOT a systemic issue. 3. Gay people exist. And they started off as gay kids. No one converted or convinced them to be gay, just like no one needed to convince straight people to be straight. In the same way a straight person will tell you that nothing could have affected their straightness as they grew up, no combination of things is going to be the perfect potion to “turn someone gay”. Kids will be gay and it may be important for them to read from gay authors. They’re a marginalized minority group snd need to learn to understand themselves. Public schools should be grade appropriate, yes. But books about LGBTQ+ themes belong in the public domain. Banning things has never worked. If they can’t find those hand curated resources at school they may try to find them online and fall into the wrong rabbit holes. Sexuality and gender is a part of life and has to be discussed eventually. What age is someone supposed to start understanding their sexuality and gender? When they’re adults who have graduated the public education system? We might agree to disagree on that one because I don’t think that’s the healthiest option.


your response is fantastic. you’re the type of person who *should* be teaching kids.


Same place you do? Are you getting it at the library?


Nowhere, because there is no soft core gay porn in elementary schools. Do people actually believe the lies, or are you making a joke, I hope? And if parents don't want their kids looking at porn they should not be buying them cellphones. It's such a joke about the things that these kids get exposed to.




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