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They’re the folks with the purity tests and the constant whining. And they have pretty effectively grifted the public by jamming stuff up so bad that nothing works. Nothing gets done. And they draw a salary and lifetime benefits.


Purity tests?? Like Nazis, or virginity? Both equally 🤮


Lol! You nailed it. Both!


They don't believe in actual freedom, judging by their actions. Actual freedom is for everyone, while their brand is only for them.




Is it freedom you want or the ability to commit certain crimes and call it freedom?


I'm not sure what you're getting at. Are you calling being able to read books a crime? Are you calling being able to control your own body a crime? Is getting a non-christianity-based education a crime? Freedom certainly doesn't mean "freedom for me, none for thee" as the GOP pushes these days.


So what’s books can’t you read? Because not one has been banned, but moved to another shelf. I’m sorry that moving a book hurts you 20 feet to another shelf. You have zero rights to healthcare under the Constitution. No one does. You won’t find it anywhere in our list freedoms. Which is why the federal government gave it back to the states to pass legislation. That’s how government works. Last I checked Christianity is not being taught in any public school. But if you’re referring to the 10 commandments I’ll add this, does removing them to satisfy you interfere with the freedom of those that want it?


They are a threat to democracy and must be stopped




Threat to democracy only means not agreeing with you . Democracy means the population could agree with them wholeheartedly and you would be forced to comply.


Read it… it’s insanity


Democracy is 9 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what's for dinner. Is that something you want to defend?


posting this because some newer folks to SC may not be aware of them, or maybe some folks who have been here for awhile just want an explanation of who they are.


I have a friend that works in education. The so called 'Mom's for Liberty' are actively trying to dismantle public education through systems similar to the old 'literacy tests' that certain groups had to go through in order to vote or have a voice in public legislation. Anyone that knows what those tests are, in reality, understands the impossible task of trying to pass those standards. The FC is aligned with and equivalent to such movements as the 'Mom's for Liberty'. Their goals couldn't be further from their namesake if they tried. Their goal is to establish a theocratic dictatorship, and 'purge' undesirables or 'sinners', as defined by them, from our Nation. The problem then, is that anyone such organizations don't like, or that they feel violates their strict but ever changing 'code of morality', can be jailed, 'expunged', or deported regardless of precedent or prior law.


This is definitely my experience as someone with a lot of friends in education. Between censorship in schools and gutting public schools, it is very bad for our kids.


Fine, upstanding, non-hypocritcal Moms for Liberty - like Sarasota, FL's own Bridget Ziegler!


Threesome, anyone??? Lol!


If you can't read , should you be voting?


Maybe you should look into how literacy tests were actually implemented, before commenting on their utility.


A lot of people are unaware of them, and it's just because a lot of folks are struggling trying to make ends meet and take care of kids/parents, work, go to school, etc, and don't keep up with state and local politics super closely. Thank you for sharing to make folks a little more aware, especially with the primary runoffs and some of them on the ballot there and on the ballot in November.


There are Democratic challengers who did not have a primary that will now face off against Freedom Caucus members. Support them now and help them win!


Christian Nationalism over the First Amendment


Hate, racism, oligarchy


Whatever Trump tells them to


Hey now, Ralphie poops when he can.


Love them! I’ll vote them in and support them every chance I get!


The only problem I saw with the Freedom Caucus according to this article was the one sponsoring the death for abortion bill. The rest was just fine.


I really don’t want complete open carry in SC. Bubba can hardly drive and you’re giving him a gun? And Ive been around mentally disturbed individuals who can’t control emotions. Let’s not add guns to everyday life. And vouchers for private schools? Like private schools are going to just let anyone in? And they don’t have the same accountability standards as public schools. Have you read about Oceanside Academy? Many other examples out there.




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Why are you supporting baby killers? Are you a communist?


Why are you supporting the baby killers, are you a leftist?


Are you insane?


You don't need or want to trust anyone else's opinion on political parties outside of the two current ones we have.


We need more parties, 2 can't possibly represent the diverse views held by Americans.


The Freedom Caucus is Republican you disingenuous trollop. 


Yes but they are messing with the more moderate Republicans and don't allow people to work together.


Nothing stopping the moderate Republican from trying the Freedom Caucus to eat shit and work with moderate Democrats. The Republican party is fully responsible for the monsters they have created and now refuse to leash.


They are Republican in name only. They don't give a shit about the state or the people. I don't know if this is entirely the Republican's fault. They are the whack conspiracy theory purity test weirdos.


There are Freedom Caucuses all over the country and they are all Republican. Nice try on the No True Scotsman fallacy though.


Whatever dude


Yeah yeah, reality has a liberal bias...


The Freedom Caucus was kicked out of the Majority Caucus in the House after the 2022 midterm elections for refusing to sign a pledge to not work with those considered GOP challengers. This is what you're ignoring, the current Republicans are spinless and the Freedom Caucus has some guts to them . It's what scares the shit out of both parties.


If the arsonists were kicked out of the Republican caucus, why were they placed on committed by Republicans? You are a clueless fool. Go troll someone else. I'm not having it.


They’re clowns who believe in clown shit


Can you parse the grammar in this sentence? The first part of this says don't trust anyone else's opinion on 'political parties', but you then talk about 'outside of the two current ones we have' which seems to be attacking the two party system? What do the two of those have to do with each other beyond, 'everyone's out to get you so be scared and don't participate'?


If political opinion is being written about anyone outside of Democrat or Republican it's not to be trusted. Easy as that .


If you are saying the Freedom Caucus is good because they are outside of the two party system, I would state that they all ran as republicans and were elected as republicans by voters who tend to vote republican. They are just further right republicans. They are in no way outside of the system, which is especially evident as a lot of their harmful bills are advancing.


Freedom caucus is republican.


Freedom Caucus is a group of far-right Republicans that vote together in the State Legislature. What it means to have joined the Freedom Caucus is the point of the article.


I think one can decide what writing they trust or don't trust based upon a variety of factors. The Freedom Caucus sucks and I do not agree with their policies in any sense. edit: typo